�� ��y� •:`.,
<br /> _ __���..� 94- io�.�
<br /> 17.TnroRr ot tbe Pt+nperty ur a&t�ef{cl�i Interoed I�Bocrower.If All nr any Mtt nf the Ntoperty or uty lnterat in!t
<br /> is sold or trarufernJ(ur if�bencfici�l intrrat ln Hormwcr ir w1d or trnnxferrad rr�i Burrower I�rKN�nuunl penon)witbout
<br /> IxtK{cr'Y prior wriuen wnsen�, l.ender may, +t Itx optiun, roy uirc inunodiutc p+�ymcnt in tull of�li aume ucural by thit
<br /> Sccurity inatrumcnt.Hawcver,thi�optian ahall not bc exe�cl�ed by Leider if excrcire i�pmhibited by fedenl law�uf the dMe
<br /> of thix Sccurity Inc�niment.
<br /> IP Lcixier exercines this optinn, Lender�lull Yfve Barrower nnticc uf rcceler�d�m."ft�e txxice xtudl pIY►Vlfk�(1C�IOd Of IIO�
<br /> le+.�thxn 30 dxy,from d�e dKte the nudce i�delivenxi o�r m�ilal wlthin which &frn�wer muct pay atl rum�aecuraf by ►hi�
<br /> Sa;urity Instrumcnt.K Bonawet iril�ta p•ry thetie rum.prlc�r to the cxpiratfon of thiy perial.Laxk�rrwy iovake�ny reirtiedia
<br /> pertnittcxi by thia 5aurity Instniment wltlxwt furthcr nrnir.c c►r demYrxl on&�rrnwcr.
<br /> = I8. Hornawer'� RI� fo Reln�tate. If li��nowcr mee[x ccrtuin eundidons, Borniwer �hall havo the �i�hi to tuve
<br /> --- rnforcement of this S�tiurity In+t�u���ut di,cuotiuuuJ ut uny tinx:priur tu tlk uulicr of: fa!3 days (ar such othcr petiod tn
<br /> applicuble law muy specify for rcfnst�tementl beti►re wle��f tfx Property purstwnt ta�rny powe�of sule containod in this
<br /> Sccurity Instrumenr,nr(bl entry uf u judgnx�nt enfi�rcing thiti Securlty Instrument.Those conditiun�►wrc that Bamuwer:(�) payc
<br /> L.e��der all sums wMch then wnulJ be due u�xler tl�i,Securfty Instrunxnt aixi the Ncxe ac it no�eceleration hacf occurrod;(b)
<br /> curct any defi�uU of uny c�ther cave»antr or agrc�ments; (c)puys ali expen►es incurrai in enfc�rcing this Socurity Inctrument,
<br /> ineluding, but nat limitcd to,scuSOnablc uUi�rticy+' fceti:and td 1 tuk:s such:Ktion as L.cndcr ou►y ncusonably rcquirc to as+wrc
<br /> thut thc licn of this Serurity Instrument,l.crxicr's rights in tlk Pruperty a�xi Borruwcr'�obliqution to puy the wms securod 6y
<br /> ��_� thix Sccurity Insirument stiaU wntinue u�xhunged. Upan reinctatemcnt by Barrowcr, this Security Instrument and the
<br /> obligatioas secured hereby shal! remain fully effective u� if no ucceieration h�d occurraf. However,this riYht to rcinst�►te slull
<br /> nat apply in thc c:�sc iif ucccicrAtion undcr parngraph 17.
<br /> 19.Sale of Note;Cfwnge of I.nwn Sctwiccr. 7'hc Notc ��r u {+artial intcrest in the Notc (tugethcr with this Sece►tlty
<br /> __. Instrument)muy be wld one or more tinxs without prior notice to&�rmwer. A wle rnay result in u change in the entity lknown
<br /> ��. ---- ax the"L.�tn Servicer")that collects nx�mhly paynxnts due under the Note uncl thiti Securiry instrutnent. There also muy bc one
<br /> � or rnore changes uf ihe I.oan 5e�rvicer unreluteci t��•r.ale af the Note. If there is a chunge of the I.oun Servicer.Borrower will be
<br /> given written notice of the rhangc in ucrordancc with parngcaph 14 abovc und Applirablc Inw.The noticc will state the name and
<br /> addrc�� af the new[.oan Scrvirer inid the:uicire�s to which p;►ytnents should bc mudc. Tiic nwicr will utw��untain any other
<br /> i: " }• � inf��rn�ution rcquired by upplicublc law.
<br /> � ��;:::,,:�, 20.H�rdouti SubstAnces.Borrower shall nat cauu��r permit the prexence, use, dispasut, storage, or release of ar►y
<br /> ' "`';._'. :"'. ":«'`� Har;►rdous Subtitanceti im ur in the Prc� rty. f�irz�iwer shull nqt Jo, t�ur�lluti+e any�ne ���' t�d_�. un thint�affectin� the
<br /> �-�,,,',o.:..,ti,.,- w a ion o uny nvuoomcn[al Law. Thc pr�ticdiag two sentcnces shuU not upply to t�presence, usc,or
<br /> `• �'•`�'-' , '" storugc an thc Propcny of.mall yu:�ntitic+u1'Huiardous 5uhxt�rxrti th•rt arc generully ruognized to be eppropriate to nomwl
<br /> „--�'•�� :.-:••;�„_:. residentiul u�cs arxl to n�►intcnuncc uf the Pmperty. —
<br /> g•.:..
<br /> ;,��.,.��•` . B��rzuwer sha11 promptly givc Lcndcr writtrn notirc ul'ro�y invc�tigati�m,cl�im, dcnuind,luwsuit or othcr uction by any
<br /> goven�mental or regulatory o�ency or private party inv�ilv ing thc Pmperty arul:►ny Hvurdou�Substance or Environmentll law
<br /> �:��: . � of whirh Borrower hsr.actu�l knawlcdge, If&�rruwer Icarn.,ur i.r nutificd hy uny govemnxntal ar r�gulutory authority, that
<br /> ' � any renioval or other remediation of any H:rrard�u.Substunce at't'ccting the Property ix necrssury, Bonower shall promptly take
<br /> . .. .F. � all necetis;�ry remedi•rl •rctions in acrnrclance with �nvir��mnentul Luw.
<br /> Yr•:.•..,;:.,:.F,•�:.v As used in this parugraph 20. "Hazurdou� Suh�tunces"are thu,c,ubst:►nces Jefin��i us toxic or h:►�rdous substunces by
<br /> — Enviranmentul Law and the ti�tlawing �ubstanrc�: gauiiine, iccrosene, o[her fi;�mmablc ar «�xic pctroicu►n pnxI��ci�, tuxic
<br /> - pe:stirid��s and h�rhiridc�,volatilc�olvents, material.cuntaining ushe�to.c�r ti,rmaldehyJe,and r•rdioactrve muterials. As uscx!in
<br /> Ihis paragraph 20, "Envirc�nmental L:►w' mcanti I'edcral law.anJ Irw� ��f thc jurisdiction wherc the Property is locatcd that
<br />•° � relotc to healtli. ,afery or environmental protection. �->
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. &�rrowrr anu l.cndcr furthcr covenant und ugrcc a�fiillows:
<br />