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�� - - <br /> --- ----� • -- -- - -- -� T- - •._-_ :-�-- <br /> 94- loi4�� <br /> �ppUcable I�w m�y specily for roinw�aneat)befa�a We of tbe PmQeKY Punu�ot a aay powa of�le aiaWned in thl� , <br /> . 5acwity Ia�tcunnat:or(b)e�ry of a judpneat aafo��Urii Security Imtiumoa� 'ihuu condidau�ne th�t Ban+ower. (;) <br /> paY�Lender�1l wrtu which then would be due utidet this Secucity Imttument�nd the Note nt lf no�coekradan h�d <br /> occucred:(b)cuoea any defswit af any dha cnvcas�nts or ag+eer�au:(c)paY�a!I expenses incumed in aiforcin�this Securiry <br /> Inununenb Includin�.but nat limited to.�+a�on�bk�ttomeyi'fea:u�d(d)ulce�such�ctlon u L.ender may reawnably <br /> ' roquiro to uwi+e ttuit the lien of this Socucity uuu�unent.L.enderl�dQhu in the Propaty aad Bo�mwerl�obli�ation ta pay the <br /> �um� ucurod by this Socwity Tnstnunau �hall condnue unch�n�ed. Upon reinuwautent by Barowa. thh Secwity <br /> InsWment and the obtitaticm�aocuned 1ie+�eby shell n+mdn fully efYective ac if no icaleration hd occumed• However.t4is <br /> d�ht tn e�einsute ahrll not appiy in the cne af�ccelccadon under paragraph 1?. <br /> = 1!. S�le d Note;(.'IuoRe of Lo�u�erviar. 'llie Note or a putial interest in the Note (to�ether wfth this Security <br /> Insuument)may be wld one or morc dmea wlthout prior notice to Boirower. A salc may rccult in a chwnge in the cntity <br /> (known as the"l.oan Servkor")tlµt wUxts monthlY WYments dne under the Note and thic Socurlty Instrument. T'hac alao <br /> may be one or ma+e changas of ttie L.oAn Servicer unrelated tu a sAle of the Nota If there is a clwnge of the Loon Savlar. <br /> Bornower will be given wrltYen notice of the change Ui siccordance with p:uagraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice <br /> will smtc thc aame and uddress of the new L,oen Servlcer and the�ddrcs�to which puymenu stwnld bc made. The ndke wUl <br /> dso conwin any other infarnwtion requind by applicable Iaw. <br /> ?A. tl�ardou�Subst�aceo. Docmwer chall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal,stonge.or nlease of ury <br /> Hazard�us Substances on oc in the PropeRy. Barower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do. anyth±ng effecdng the <br /> _— Prnpecty that is in vlolpdon of any Environmrntal Law• 'The Preceding two sentences shall not apply to the pnesence,use,or <br /> storege on the Property of small quandaes of Hazandous Sabstances thqt arc generaUy rocogniud to be appropdate to nomial <br /> � residential uses and to mwintenance of the Pioperry. <br /> ":'` Borrower shall promptly give L.ender written notjce of any invesdgation,cl�im.demand,lnwsuit or other acHon by Any <br /> ;°�"`„'�; governmental or regulatory agency or private party invulving Q�Pru�erly wxi w�y Hazardaus Substance or Environmental <br /> .w'. <br /> ' Law of which Botrower has actual knowlcdge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory <br /> �'�;r;' ,�, authodty,that uny removel or other amediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necesssuy,Aarower <br /> .�'�,�: .+•��_x�:z_. � ahall rom take ull neces remedial acGons in accordance w • - <br /> -.,�tiC�a. As used in this petagiaph 20, ous Substances"ure those substances definecl as toxic or hazardous substances by <br /> '.f.; ��•'•�=; " ''� Envlronmental Law and the following substences: gasoline, kerosene,other flammabfe or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br /> �`��.�:�}y?:,�t� pest�cides and herhicides, volatilc solvents. materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde. end redioactive matcrials. As <br /> ^���- • .�;.., <br /> n„ .. , � � ,r.,, u5ed in this para�ph 20,"Environmental Law"mcans federal Iaws and laws of the jurisdiction whc�+e the Property is located <br /> 't'•:t;' •�.•,r 4:"�•�.�. that r+elute to hcalth.sufery or enduonmental protection. <br /> "��;���- - .. :� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Horrower and Lender fuRher covenunt and agree as fol►ows: <br /> , � .��,r 21. Acceler�don; Remedies. I.ender slwll give nodce to Borrnwer prlor to Accelers�don fallowing Bo�ower's <br /> � • • -� breACh of nny rnvensmt or agreement in tbts Security Instrument(but not pdor to aorekrntbn under puagnph 17 <br /> _._ _.1_s_�T�._.t_,.,_^`� unless applkable law prnvWes otherwlse). The noHce slwll speci[y tA)the defwult;(b)the aMion required to cure the <br /> '. ' ' "' ' '' detnult; (c)A date,riot less than 30 dAys irom the dete the noHce is gtven b Borrower, by whkh the dctautt must be <br /> • ' cured;s►nd(d)that fi�ilure to cure the default an or 1►efom the drrte spe�illed in the noNce may result tn acceleratton ot <br /> the sums secured by this Securlty Inctrument and sale ot the Propecty. The notice shall further in[orm Borrower ot <br /> the right to retnstate aQer wccelerallon nnd the right to bring a court s�etbn to�.ssert the non-existence of a defAalt or <br /> any other dePense ot Borrower to Acceteration nnd sale. If the default t�not cured on or before the date specl[1ed in <br /> the notice,I.ender at its option may require immediate payment in full of All sums secured by this Secudty Instrument <br /> ' � without further demand s+nd may Invoke the power uf sule �nd Any other remedies permttted by uppltuiblc law - <br /> > L.ender shall be enUtled to cullect All expenses incurred in pursuing the rnmedies providcd in thi�pArA�rAph 21. <br /> -� � including,but not Iimited to,reasonable s�ltorneys'fecs And costs of title evidence. <br /> - � If the power of sale is invoked,llrustee shall record K notice of defAUlt in es►ch county in whkh any part of the <br /> �= r Property is loca►ted and shall mail eapies of such notice in the mAnner prescribed by�pplicAble law to Borrower and to <br /> u� the other persons prescribed by appflcxble law After the time required by ppplicable law,'i�ustee shall give public <br /> './ notice of sole to the persons wnd in the manner prescribed by appUcablc law 'lYustee,without demand on Socrower. <br /> sball sell the Property ot public auctiun to lhe highest hidder at the time and place �nd under tl�e terms desi�nated in <br /> the notice o[sale in one or more parccls and in any order'IYustec determines. 7rustee may postpone sale of all or any <br /> pArcel of the Property by public announcement at the time and place of pny previoasly scheduled s�+le. Lender or its <br /> ' designce mAy purchasc the Property at any salc. <br /> Upon receipt of puyment of the prlce bid.'ll�ast��e shall deliver to the purchaser 7Yustee's deed conveyin�the <br /> Property. The recitals in thc'IYustee's deed shali be prima facic evidence of thc truth of the statemen4c mAdr Iherein. <br /> _ 'Ilrustee shAll apply the proceeds of the sale In the following order: (a)to alt cosGti und expensrs of exerctsing the power - <br /> ; <br /> � �. ' <br />,•� � <br /> : , <br /> 4 �.... ._ _ �.._�'«„_..._._ ,,!►�►�•to-►c::,��+rM'.�►»wac+�a nn O. ..Ji7,�yC�� <br /> � � <br /> �' �"'"-_"_'_-..."_-'"_.._ . . <br /> , _ . ._ ._..._ . -. _ . .. __._... <br /> '" ��-. . . . . . , <br /> � <br /> � •� <br /> , <br /> f� <br /> .i � <br /> � <br />._ ` � � �� • <br /> � <br /> { � <br /> . . ._____ '___.__--__ -- - -_ _ _._______._.__.___.__ .....�1 . __..-____ .. . <br />