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�'���:::� ��� ��` � �.�.' __� <br /> �.,, . . <br /> —�___.-.,.:�:. _ �e. Cownants W Tnwta wtth Rsspoct to L�s.wr�or,:r�,,.a►ro►w�sn co�.nr a es►►. ,r�.ror�►�w►�or.��y�.�►. — <br /> � f�c�ry ro <br /> wrGh nry�ot to�ny Nw o/ap+c�M tM Trwt PrW�rh,or my pattar►tlNraol�whNMr wc6l�at�!a now a h�nafP�rin�xNtww�: <br /> (�1 �c�Pt a ANm►t+u►Y�P�Y►►►�n►,a,00u�x a��r.«K a�m�n.rwM,d.►�,•xca.a on.monm, <br /> �a� o�r d��i►w�d r r�o tm�k�a�dN aimr���w►w►Mm�ilr►woe bi n�a��+Yr►Nrx oi�n�nt����wnt p ocwr w�hloN w�a�id <br /> � — (o) Am�nd a modlfy tM a��o ai 10 nduc�HN t�►m aNnd�[�rw�l p�y�bN MNnrxidr►�a ro chanp�anY rw�wa►provlalan� <br /> -_ - ---- - tfNr�ln cc,s�ia��d, <br /> ' (d} Waiw�ny da/iWt tlNnundM or bnach d►Mwt, <br /> (�) l�tw any cons�nt,watvsr w�pproval thawxuNr w t�ir��ny oIM►ac��caruNCOkx►th�nwlfh��Na��� <br /> w sn <br /> , , woWd haw ths d/rct ol imp�ldn�dr�w!w oI dw l�uw a twrs l�►oPNN <br /> ' � po�rltlon alntMwt ol Ba��dary th�nlr►.a -°-- <br /> xrs•: �� (� S�U.+isa/yn,pledps,mort�ap�a ofMrwla�diapo�d�w mcumba Ib Muwstt M anY s�id Nu�a any nr�b,istwt,ProAt+1t�Wny <br /> _.,.�.,::.a--�,� a�ny d��ndn. <br /> 17. Wdvsr o/Statut�d Umlhfioutit.Tkrw/a o/the oAS�nc�!n a!!ot Truat�crs obilpadona and duti�a iwreund�r,and b th��xt�nf p�►mh7�d <br /> -_- �:�� 6y law,Tiustor we�ives eJl presont a/uturo st�tutes of Nm/tadars wlth reaprct M Any d�bt,darrand a obApaUor►a�Cwrd Mnby�nd <br /> . �''�`•_,:.:.n� � any actlon a proce�dinp lw t1�puipoa�o/enf�c+clnp thta Owd o!Tnut a any dDhb w wmed/sa contalned INroln. <br /> _ ,::'� :�'_.'�'"•��,;• 18. Ilsslgnment o►Dapostts.In tM evsnt cor►strucNor►ol Improvement�/a conNmpi�ted by d�a tou►svldanc�d by ths Note secwed <br /> a "``-`-"=°" I►ereby,as addltlonat security fhere/or�,Trustot hereby hansl�rs o►d�ssiprkt to BeneHciary.�I!dpAt,tlda and lnterest ro any and dl <br /> �����_ ; .-•.v'.,; • �_ � monles deposlted 6y w on behall ot Tiustor with any ciry,cau►ty�pu6Nc body a a�ency.saNtary dlstrkt�udlity Compi►►y.�nd <br /> -'�:�"� ' � � any otNer body or agancy,lor the lnsta►ledon a b aecure thel�ut�iladon d+eny udllty by Tiusta,pwtalnlnQ ro the Tivat Propeny. <br /> �` ' 1�. Corporallon or PaRnershlp Exlstence.8 Tiusta!s a caporadon.ponere!partnsrshlp,orNn�lted pa�fne► w!!I do W!GhlnDs <br /> ..>,,.,.+��.:;.,. <br /> S�-••-� � � � � '� 1 �ecessary to preserve ifs corporata a puinaslMp exlst�nce,aa dw c�s�may ba,�nd ul rlphts and prlvllpss und�r fha l�ws d tha <br /> .r ..�. e j" at�te ol its incaporaUon a ory�rnlzatlon. <br /> . , ``�r�, <br /> .,:o- Q� 20. Fabearance 6y Beneficiary Not a Walver.My fabsarence by BeneNclary ln exercisiey any dDht a remody hereunde►,a otMrwiq <br /> ' a/ladect by appllcable law,shal!not tse a waJver ol ar preclude the exerclie ol any such r�Qht a romedy,1 he procuren►ent ol _ <br /> , Insurance or the payment ol toxes a the d/scharpe of Nens a ciwpes by Beneflclary shall not be a walvar olBoneNcl�ry's dyht tv <br /> � . " . •�. accolerate the matudty ot the indebtednesa. <br />._.. .��__ —__. . if• �..�.�JI� /� <br /> �r—nemonrvo v.�...YIaNVi lUI Ioroodlos-p/01rldBd ln ih19�d e/Tit��t aia dlaNnr_►nnd cum�laNve te anv ethar daht nr ronudv undsi <br /> Dead ut Trust a afladed by lew or equlfy,and may be exerclsed concunently,lndependendy or successlvely. = <br /> � 22. Successas and Asslgns Bound;Jdnt and Several UeWlity;Cepdons.The covenants er►d agreements hereln contained shall Wnd,m�d ---� <br /> � the rlghts hereunder shall lnure to,the respective auccessors and asslgns of 8eneflcfary, Trusiee,end Trosta.A!1 covenants and <br /> agreements o/Trusta shall be jdnt and seve►al.The capdons and headings ol the parapraphs ol thls Deed ol Tiupt a�/a -_.., <br /> • convenlence onty and are not to be used to lnterpret a define the provis/ons hereot. <br /> 23. Notice.Except lor any notice requlred ender appllcable/aw to be gtven in another manne►,(a)any noUce to Trusta provided lor In thl� <br /> . Deed o/Tiast shall be givan by msipng such notice by ceR(Bed ma1l,refum recelpf requested addressed to Trustor at Its mellinp <br /> address set lath above a at such other address as Trusta may deslynate by notice fo Beneflclary as provlded hereln,and(b)�ny — <br /> nodce to BeneNclary.or Tivatee shel!be glven by cerdRed mall,retum recelpt requested, to Beneficlary's and Tiustee'8 mdliny -- <br /> - - � - -- address stated herein or to such other addrass aa 8enaiicle�y�x Trustae msy deslgnat�by rra8cs ta Trwtar a.:provlded heraln.Arnr . <br /> nodce provlded tor in this Deed ol Trust ahall be deemed to ha ve bsen plven to Tiustoi Benof/clary or 7rustse when plven!n fhe <br /> manner desl8nated he�eln. <br /> 24. Qoverning Law;Severablllry.7hls Deed of 7rust ahall be yoverned by the laws of the State of Nebraska.fn the event any provlsbr►a � <br /> clause ot thls Deed o►Tiast confUcts with appllcable law,such conlllct shalf not a//ect other provlslons of thls Deed ol Trust whfch can -rt�-. <br /> be glven eHect wlthout the conilJcting provialons and to thls end the provlslons of thls Deed oi Tiust are decfared to bo severaWe. �_ <br /> 2b. Events ot DefeWt.Each o!the followJng ocamrences shal!constRute en event of default hereunder,(herelrraRer cailed an"Event �'r' <br /> • ot Detault"): ` <br /> �� (a) Tiustor shall lai!to pay when due any princlpal,interest,or pilxlpal end!»te►est on the lndebtedness, E�l <br /> )•;• (b) My wa�ranty o!tiUe made by Trustor he�eln shafl be untrue, �=� <br /> � (c) Tiusta shal/fap to observe or peAorm any o�the covenants, agreements,or condlBons!n thls Deed ot Tiusb <br /> ' (d) My representeGon or warranty made by 7►ustor on any 1lnanclaf statemenfs or reports submltted to Benel/clary by a on behaH of �•=: <br /> Tiustor sha!/prove�alse ormsterla/ly misleading, <br /> (e) Trustoi sha/!ta11 to pe�form or observe any of the covenams, conditlons or agreements contatned!n,o�binding upon Tiusto►unde► ���-� <br /> any bulfding loan agreement,security agreemenG loen agreement,llnancing stetement,or any othe�egreement instrument a <br /> document executed by Trustor(n conneclio��with the loan evldenced by the Note, �,' <br /> ,:, <br /> (!) A irustee,�eceive►oi liquldatoi of the T�ust Prope►ty or o�lrusror shaN be appo/nted, or any ol the credltors o/Trustor shall Ille a <br /> petltlon!n bankruptcy againsi Trustor,or lor the reorganizaHon ol Trustor pursuant to the Federat Bankruptcy Code,or any slmitar <br /> law,whether federaf o�state,and if such order or pefltion sha11 not be dlscharyed or dlsm(ssed wlth/n thlrty(30)days elter the date <br /> on which such order orpotitlon was liled, [�';� <br /> (p) Tiustor shall/pe a peUUon pursuant to the Federel Bank�uptcy Gode or eity slmitar law,federaf or state,or tJ Tiustor shall ba • <br /> ad/udged a bankrupt,or be declared lnsolvent,or shal/make an asslgnment fo�the benefit ot creditors,or shall admlt In writlng!ts °� <br /> lneWlity to pay ds debts as they become due,or shall consent to the�+ppoln►ment of a�ecelver o/a!!or eny part o/the Trust Prope►ty, �A.. <br /> (h) Flnal judgment for the payment o!money shall be rendered egainst Tiustor and Trustor sha/J not discharge the same,o►cause it to <br /> be dlschaiged,withln thfity(30)deys alte�the entry ti�e�eof, or shall not appeal therelrom or lrom the order,dec�ee or prxess upon <br /> whlch or pursuant to whlch said judgment wes g�anted,based,or eniered,and secure a stay o/execution pend/ng such appea►, <br /> ' (i) Trustor sha/i self or convey the riust Property,or any part thareof,or any Interest there�n,or shall ba divested o/its title,or any�nterest � <br /> , thereln,in any manner or way,whether volunfarily or involuntanly, wlthout the wriKen consent ol Benellciary being 11rst had and � <br /> obteined,or <br /> . . (/) If Trustor is e corporation or pertnershlp and rnore than filty percent(50%o)of the shares or benelicla!lnterests!n such corporaffon or <br /> partnershlp,as the case may be,shall bo hansferred or conveyed,whether voluntarlty or tnvoluntaiily,without the written consent of � <br /> ' Beneticiary being lirst had and obtained. <br /> 26. Acceleration ot Debt;Foreclosure.Upon the occurrence of any Event ot Default,or any Ume therealter,BeneJiciary may,at!ts optlon, � <br /> ' ' declare all the lndebtedness secured hereby immediately due and peyable and the same sha71 bear interest at the delault rate.r/any, <br /> . set forth/n the Note,or othenvise at the highest rete permined 6y law,and, rrrespechve ol whether Beneficiary exerclses said option,it � <br /> may,at Its option and in its sole discretion,without sny lurther notice or demand to or upon Trustor,do one or more o�the/opowing; <br /> j (a) BeneUcrary may enter upon,take possession of,menage and operate the Trust Property or any paK thereol;►nake�epalrs end ; <br /> a/terations and do any acts which Bene%ciary deems proper to protect the secur�ry thereof,and either with or without taktng 1 <br /> �. nneeneeinn fn ile nwn nmm� c�in/nr ni nfhwnv/cw r�11/FN`f AI'fiI/H(`QIVA/AfIIS.ISSURS Blld DIDI/jS.HiCIUfI1flQ�I10SB DBS�dU@ 8!1(I UflA81(I, ; <br /> - r.._____._........_...-..._..-" '_" '__ ' _' " " " " . . <br /> and appfy the same,less costs and expenses o!operahon and collection,includmg reasonable attorney/ees and Beneficiary's � <br /> � costs,upon the lndebtedness secu�ed he�eby and m such order as Benobaary may determine.Upon request o/BeneGclary,Trustor , <br /> shalf assemble and shal!make av�,lable to Beneliaary any of fhe Trust PropeKy wh�ch has been removed. The entering upon and <br /> � taking possession of the Trust Property,the codechon ol an y rents,issues and prolits. end the application thereo/as aforeseid,shall <br /> � " not cure or waive any default thereto%re or thereafter occurnng, or aHect any notice o/detault or notice o/sale hereunder or • <br /> � ` Invalidete any act done pursusnt to any such nohce.Notwithstandmg Bene6aery's confinuance in possession or�ecelpt and <br /> � spplicahon o/rents,issues or profits,Bene/iaery shal/be enhNed to exe�c�se every nght provided lor in this Deed of Trust or by law � <br /> ; upon or after the occunence of an Event o/Defaull,mcluding the nght to exercise[he power o/sale Any o/the acfions re%rred to m <br /> iihis paragraph may be taken by Benelrciary at such trme es Benefic�ary may dete�rnine wrthout royerd to the edequacy of any <br /> ' secunry!or the indebtedness secured hereby. <br /> � i (b) Bene%ciary shall,wetiiout rega�d to the adequacy o�any secur�ry/or lhe lndebtedness secured entitled to the <br /> ' � appofntment ol a receiver by any court havrng�urisdiction,withou�nodce. to take possession o%protect,and manage the Trust <br /> , Property end operete the same and collect the rents, rssues and profds therelrom. <br /> (C) 8enefrCiary may bnng ariy achon rn any coun ol competent�unsd�Gron fo�o�ec�ose Ih�s Deed ol Trusf or enlorce any ol the • <br /> covenanis hereof ; <br /> , , <br />