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<br /> �4, �� - ..
<br /> � ,�. f .ww7•f -� �.. ��� _
<br /> . _ - __ __�_._....��...� � 1
<br /> _; _____ ��3 Doed of Trusr
<br /> -- � 94-
<br /> ;'•-, TNfS OEED OF TAl/ST la mad�ft�1a 1 bFh �y p/ A`nl+ruar�,�,�p„Q(�..by�bpAyrQp .Tehn P. y�]L,�,�_I,!��_. --
<br /> � �,c�.,�-•••.,�.• • �fl}1�1`, Huwhnnrl A�fe� �'�fo W�r�l»�//�/����/�11��1C.�/d���T/{����
<br /> ri '�,,"a".i+��.,:.::� i�u v nare r nd Iplgnd NF 6HRAi ----.
<br /> °�- whose rn�fAfnp addrerals_ x. ..
<br /> ' . �� •� NOAWESTBANK�"'..�..°.�.�. �TIANAL 18SACT�TTAA7 � hifNRIIfMCWr(INN"Tiu�t»'),whatsnwMrryaddnstlt
<br /> B��c 176R G��•T NF. 6R 9 NB8 N�TTO�TIT. SSSMT�
<br /> . .•� `-�: . ,,. E4 � . $0____-_,artd NORWEST BANK � TIO�L�(h�nlr�alN�r �-_
<br /> ' ,�� �.:�..t���� _-��{ caH�dth�"Ba►�flclary'),whw�maUllnqaddroasla po B�Y 176A�C.ra�.i T�ii.� xa �s�s�n� ,
<br /> �•.
<br /> � ' �" '' WITNESSETH:
<br />__ =__:_�_;,.�.���.�M1...` DESCAIBED HEREfNBELOW.
<br /> --�-- � WHEREAS Tiustorls lndebted to BeneBclery ln the pdncipN sum al �FiTT�► 'runrTSAUn xn xn/t nn__..---..------»-----
<br /> _�'°t '� p,a��s�s 2b,900.�� ),which lnde6tedness Is evldenced by Tiusror's proml8sory nof9 d8idd�'�+�++'___��s._�nr�_1b, tD 9k—.(h�n/na1tM
<br /> /`w.: D ry 3�----,.--1.9.4�
<br /> d:: . called the"Nofe'),payabJe to the ader ot BeneNclery and havin a matud of-r�*+.�o Y � ._.
<br /> -y',°�� ' • � V- NO W,THEREFORE,for the purpose of secuNnp:
<br /> .r1�;t .�..
<br /> - • (a) payment ot the Note,together wlth lrtterest thereon,lato cherqes,prepayment penaltles.eny lutwo adv�ca9,and dl�xt�nrions,
<br /> �. modiBcadons,subs�tations and renewals thereot,
<br /> (b) peyment of alf other sums,lees or charges,together with lnterest thereon,advanced to profect tha sacuriry of thl�Dood of Trust and
<br /> � the pedormance o/the covanants and agreements ol Trustor,whether or r+ot set torth herein, �_ -
<br /> (o) perbrmance�dlscharge ot end compllence with every terrn,covenent,obllgatlon and agreement ot Tiu�tor contWnvd hara/n a
<br /> , � Incorporated by►eference or any other seca�ity instn�ment at anyBme ylven to secure the Note,and
<br /> (d) the re a ment of a�!other sums a luture advances w h i hereane►be advancad
<br /> , y neflclary to Trostor or Tiustor's successa In interes[a Ude,
<br /> _ a11 ot whlch!s hereinafter copectivety called the'Yndebtednes3".Trusta irrevocably grents and hanslers to Tiustee,!n Gust,Wf�N POWER _
<br /> OF 5ALE,the ldbwing descdbad property:
<br /> The North One-Half (N}) of the North One-Half (N}) of the North One-Half (N}) of the �._
<br /> Southeast Quarter (SE}) of Section Twenty Nine (29), Township Nine (9) North, Range Nine —
<br /> � (9), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> �•
<br /> together wlth(i)aU bulidings,shuctures,additlons,enlargements,modiBcatlons,repal�s.�eplacements,and Improvements now or harealter
<br /> � lxated thereon,(!!)all equlpment,machlnery and fixtures(lncluding, wlthout Hmitatlon,allllghBng,heating,ventJlaBng,cooling,e/�
<br /> conditiontng,sprinkling and plumbJng!lxtures,water and power systems,englnes,bollers,ranges,ovens,dJahwashers,mlrrors and mantels, �-
<br /> carpeting,lurnaces,ol!burne�s,elevators and motors,re/dgeratlon plants or units,communlcatton systems,dynemos,banslormera,electr�ca!
<br /> equipment,sto�m and sc�een wlndows,doors,awnings and shades)now or hereafter attached ro,or bullt ln,any bul/ding or lmprovement �_:
<br /> , now or herea/terlocated thereon, (!A)ell easements and rlghts o!wey appunenant thereto,(!v),all leaseho/d estete,right,tlNe end fnterest of ��'
<br /> . Tiustorin and to all leases,whether now or hereaRer exlsting or entered lnto(Jnc►uding, wlthaut Ilmitallon,a!1 cash and secur!!y deposJts, �.._
<br /> • advance renta/s and deposlts or payments o/a sfmilar nature),peKalning thereto,(v)all rents,lssues,prolfts and Income therelrom(sub/ect -
<br /> , to the dght of Tiustor to collect and epply such rents,lssues,prolits snd lncome as they become due snd payab/e so long as no event o/ --,_
<br /> default exlsts hereunder),(vi)all royaltles,mineraf,oil and gas rlghts and prolits,water, water dghts,and water stxk,(vl!)a!I tenements,
<br /> f .� hereditements,pdvlleges end appurtenances belonging,used or enJoyed!n connecdon therewith,and(vlll)ail proceeds of converslon, �r
<br /> • vofuntary or Invduntary,of any ol the foregoing into cesh ur Ilqufdated clafms(!ncluding,wlthoat Jlmltatlon,proceeds otlnsurance and
<br /> ' condemnatJon awards),all o/whlch ls he►elnalter collective/y called the"Tiost Property".
<br /> 1. Tlt/e.Trustor covenants,wanants and ag�ees with Beneliciary,its successors and assfgns, that Tiustor owns the Trust Properry lree
<br /> Irom any prlor llen or encumbrance,that this Deed ol T�ust!s and will�emain e valid and enforceable/irst Ilen on the Trust Prope►ty,
<br /> that Trustor, atlts expense,wil!prese►ve such title and will malntaln this Deed o/Trust es a/lrst and paramount lien upon the Trust '
<br /> Property and wlll lorever wanant and defend the validiry and prlority of the IJen hereot agalnst the clalms of ai!persons end parties
<br /> whomsoever.Tiustor,at lls expense,wIl!cause this Oeed of Trust,and each amendment or supplement hereto,to be liled and .
<br /> racorded as a modgage ol the Trust Property in such manner and in such plece and wl11 take such action as!n the opinlon o/Tiustee
<br /> may be iequl�ed by any present or luture!aw in order to pedect,maintain and protect the lien of this Deed ol Tiust,as the same may ��
<br /> be amended or supplem9nted/rom time to time. Trustor will make such lurther assurance or assu�ances to pedect!ts tide to the 7rust
<br /> Pioperty as may be requfred by 8eneliciary. Trustor hereby rellnquishes a!f right of dawer and homestead In and to the Trust Prope�ty. �.
<br /> 2. Payment of/ndebtedness. Trustor shall punctually pay the principel o/and rnterest on the rndebtedness secured he�eby.
<br /> ' 3. Conshucfion of Jmprovements.Tiustor shall complete in good and workmanlike manner eny buildings,improvements or repalrs relating '
<br /> therefo whlch may be begun on the Trust Property or contempfa►ed by the loen evidencod by the Nofe secured hereby,to pay when f
<br /> due alf costs and liabillties incuned therefore,and not to permit any construction lien sgainst such Trust Property.In the event �
<br /> �• construction of bulldings,improvements or�epairs are contemplated,Trustor also agrees,anything in this Deed of Trust to the conUary .
<br /> notwlthstending;(a)to promptly commence any such woik and to complete the proposed improvements promptly,(b)to compfete the
<br /> ! same ln accordance with the p/ans and specilications as appioved by Beneficlary,(c)to comply wdh al!the te�ms o/a bulfdmg losn
<br /> agreement,i!any,between Trustor end Benelicrary,the terms o�wh�ch a►e incorporated he�ein by relerence and made a part hereof, �
<br /> ' (d)to al/ow Beneticiary to inspect the 7rust Property at a/I fimes during construction,and(e)to�eplace eny wo�k or materfals '
<br /> unsatislactory to Benelic(ary within 1ilteen(15)days after written nohce lrom Bene�iciary of such lact. '
<br /> �. Funds lor Payment o(Charges. Sub�ect to applicablo law or to a wntten waiver by Benel�crary, Trustor shall pay to 8eneli�iery on the
<br /> . first day ol each month,or such othor date each month as may be speci!!ed by Benef�aery, until the lndebfedness is paid in lull,a sum
<br /> (hereinafter called the"Funds")equal to 1-12th ol the yearly taxes and assessments wh�ch may atfain prionry over this Deed of Tiust
<br /> � and ground ients on the 7rust Property,if any,plus t-12th ol the yearly premium installments/or hazard insurance,plus 1�12ih o/the
<br /> . , yesrly premlum instal/ments tor mortgage Jnsurance,il any,all as reasonabiy esbmated m�tially and Jrom time to Gme by 8enelic�ery on
<br /> the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereol.The Funds shal!bo held i»an institufion, the deposits or
<br /> � accounts of whkh a�e lnsured or gusranteed by a federal or state agency including Beneficiary.Bene�iciary shalf apply the Funds to
<br /> � - pay said taxes,essessments,rnsurance premiums and g�ound rents.8enel�crary shall not be�equired to pay Trustor any interest o►
<br /> , earnings on the Funds.Beneliciery shall give to Trustor,wtlhout charge.an annual accounbng o�the Funds show�ng credits and
<br /> ! debits to the Funds and tho purpose for which each debit fo the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as addihonal secunty lor
<br /> • the lndehtedness secured by fhis Deed ol Trust.(I the amount ol the Funds held by BeneHc�ary,together wdh the tuture monthly
<br /> ' :, fnstellments ot Funds payable prior to the due detes o/taxes, assessments,rnsurance premwms and ground rents,shafl pxceed the
<br /> amount required to pay sald taxes,assessments,insurence prem�ums and ground rents as they lal!due. such excess sha11 be, at
<br /> • Trustor's optlon,erther promptly repaid to lrustor or credited to Trcrstor against tuture monthly�nstallments of Funds. !f the amount o/
<br /> � the Funds held by 8ene%ciary shall not be suH�cient to pay taxes.essessments.�nsurance premwms and ground rents as they fall due.
<br /> y Trustor sha!!pay to Benelicisry any amount necessary to make up the de%crency w�thrn thrrty days lrom the date not�ce�s maded by
<br /> ' Beneilcfary l0 7rustor requesfing payment thereo/.Upon payment in ful!o/e!J lndebtedness.Beneficrary shall promptly re/und to
<br /> � Tiustor any Funds held 6y 8enellcisry.ll the Trust Properfy is sold under the power o/sa�e or the 1 rust Property is otherw�se acquned
<br /> : by BeneliCiery,BeneliClery sh8/!apply,immediately pnor fo the sale o/the Tiust Prcpe�ly or rts aCqu�sihon by Benelraery, eny Funds
<br /> � ' held by Beneliciary at the trme ol application as a credd against the Indebtedness.il Benelrc�ary executes e wntten wa�ve�ol Trustcr�s
<br /> obligations under this pa►agraph 4, Trustor covenants end agrees to pay,be%re the same beCOme del+nque�tl.HII tHxes.dssHSSments.
<br /> : NC�7�61 Ylti i B5,NrD�e5�10�h� J
<br /> I 1
<br /> 1 . __ —_ " _" _ ____ _
<br />