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��� ,y � �� _ _.-. • - ,__ <br /> <� H�L <br /> NA• <br /> � _ . . ,_l:1.1YlY�t"�;' <br /> �� -� " _..� <br /> _____���_- 94- ia� <br /> tM P►op�rry I�so tak�n a damp�d,L�ndw sh�ll havs tl�opYon,In Ib wl��nd ab�otu�M dt�orNbn,b appy a1f woh ProoMelr, <br /> afMr d�ductlnp th�nlrom ali eab and�xp�n��Incurnd!yy It In conn�ption with wah ProcNd�,upon any Ind�bMdn�Maund <br /> h�►�by u�d in wch ord�r��L�nd�r may dM�rtnln�.a to upplyNl wch Proo�,�fMr�uoh d�duolbn�,b tlM��kxatlon of tlt� <br /> Pro{�ty upon weh conditlons�f L�nder m�y det�rmins.Any�pp1lc�Gon of ProcMd�to Ind�bNldnN��II not�xNnd a pos� <br /> th�dw daM of any paym�nts und�r th�Nol�,a aun�ny dMait th�nund�r a h�rwnd�►.Any unapplNd tunds ahall b�p�ld b <br /> 7rustor. <br /> •. Prrloen�anw br L�nd�.Upon th�occurr�nCS of�n Ewnt ot O�I�ultlt�rwnd�r,or If�ny�ct i�hk�n a Ipal p►ocNdinp <br /> commenc�d which m�t�rially afl�ab I.end�r'�Inure�t In th�Propsrry,L�nda mry In iq own dircndon,but without obiiptllon to do <br /> �^ so,and wlthout nodcs to or d�mtnd upon Trustor�nd without nisaWnp Tru�tor 1rom�ny oblf�pUon,do�ny act wh�h TruRta ho� - <br /> aprNd but laits 10 do and may�ISO do any oth�r act It dams Mc�uary to prat�at th�s�curity h�r�o1.Tru�tor�II,Imm�dl�Wy <br /> — upon d�mand the�lor by L�nder,pty to Land�r all co�ts and exps��es Inaurnd and sums�zp�nd�d by L�nd�►in conn�aUon with <br /> th�sx�rals�by Unda ot th�farpoln�rl�hq,topsthsr wfth intH�stth�rwn�t th�d�fautt rat�provid�d in th�Nots,whlch shall b� <br /> add�d to th� Ind�bUdn�q a�our�d h�nby. L�nd�r thall not InCUr any Ilabiiiry b�c�uN of a�ythin� It may do or ort�it W do <br /> hM�under. <br /> �. Huardau Mat�riab.Trustor sh�it koep the Propartyr in compliance with�il applicable Inws,ordfnRnces and rspuNGOns <br /> ----- ra�atinp to industriai hy�ian�or environmental protecQon(collxtively referred to heroln ae"Environment�i Laws'�.Truaror ahall <br /> k�ep the?ropsrty tree irom alt aub�tancea deamed to be hazardous or tazic under any Environm�ntel Laws(col�ecdvely reterred to <br /> herefn as"Ha:ardous Materials'�.Trustor hereby warrents and repreaents to Lender that there are no Hazardoua Materiets on or <br /> under the Property.Truetor hereby epreesto Indemnityand hotdharmleae Lender,its directors,ofticers,emp�oyeea+�nd apants,and <br /> any successora to Lender'a Interest}rom and apelnst any and ell alalms,damape�,losaes and Ilebliitles arisinp in connecUon with <br /> the presence,uae,dlsposai or transport ot nny Hazardoua 11Mteriols on, under,(�om or about the Prope►ry.THE FORECiOINO <br /> __.� WARRANTIE3 AND REPRESENTA710NS,AND TRUSTOR'S OBUOATIONS PURSUANT 70 THE FGHEOOINf31ND�MNITY,SHALL <br /> SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEEO OF TRUST. <br /> ' 10. Asa{pnm�nt ot R�nts.Trustor hereby assigns to Lendcr the renb,i�euee and prolftd of�he Property;provfded that 1'rustor __ <br /> -' sheli,untll the occurrence ot an Event ot Delauit hereunder,have the right to coitect and retaln such rents,isaues and prulite aa they <br /> -- become due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default,Lender may,elther In person or by ayent,w(th or without <br /> __ bringinp any action or proceedinp,or by a recelver appolnted by a court and without regard to tiie adequacy oi Ita aecuriry,enter <br /> upon and teke poasesefon of the Property,or a�y part thereof,fn its own name or in the name of the Tn�stse,and do any acta which it <br /> �, ; deems necosaary or desirable to preserve the vaiue,marketabfllry or rentabliity ot the Property,or any part thereot or Interest therein, <br /> - ;��'+'�' .'� '�^�' �' increase the income theretrom or protect the security horeof end,with or�vithout taking possesslon of the Property,sue for or __ <br /> ��"'• �= otherwise coilect the rents,issues and prolits thereof,�nciudinp those past due and unpaid,and appiy the eame,leas coat�and <br /> � �,���'� �'����* expenses of operation and collectfon inciuding attomeys'fees,upon sny indebtedness secured hereby,atl In such order as Lender -- <br /> ;��x�:������'�.�:� �a . mey determine.The entering upon and:aking possesalon oi the Property,the collection oi such rents,Issues and proilts and!he <br /> ; lS" ' applicatlon thereof as aforesald,shail not cure or waive any default or notice of detault hereunder or invaUdate any act done in <br /> .L"``� ��.� ; response to such de(ault or purauant to s�ch natice of dofauit and.notwdhstandinp the contlnuance In possession of the Property or <br /> '�''�'�'�';;��� s � '' the collection,recelpt and applicatbn oi rents,Issues or proflte,and l'rustee and Lander shall be entitled to exerctse evary rlpht <br /> __ ''��:_'�.�� = provided for fn any ot lh�Loan Instrurrents or by law upon occurrence of any£vent of Detautt,Inctudin�without Ilmitation the rlpht <br /> . ��'�.+i^'+"��'^�+° •�� to exarciae the poKer of sele.Further,Lender's rfyhts and remedies under this paragraph ahali be cumutatrve w�tn,and in no way a <br /> • - •�•'` Iimitation on,Lender's rights and remedies under any assignment of Ieases t►nd rents recorded agalnst ihe Property.Lender,Trustee <br /> . • � , , end the recelver shali be Ifabie to eccount only for those rentsactually received. <br /> . - 11. Hv�nts of DNault.The following shal! constitute an Event of Oe(ault under this Oeed of Trusl <br />-- (a) FaiNre to pay any instellment ot princ�pal or�nterest of any other sum secured hereby when due; ---- <br /> (b) A breach ot or detauit under any provision contalned i n the Note,this Deed of�frost,any of the Loan Instruments,or any ___ <br /> other Ilen or encumbranco upon tho Proporty; =.t <br /> � , , (o) A wrlt of execution or attachment or ar�y sfmilar process shali be entered eyainst Trustor wh�ch shali becomo a Hen on �' <br /> - the Property or any portion thereot ar interest therein; -- <br /> -:t;,� (d; There shali be flled by or against Trustor or Borrower an act�on under any present or tuture tedera�,state o�other _ ___ <br /> ..; ' �'' ' statute,law or repulation reieting to bankruptcy.insolvency or other relfef for debtors:or there shall be appolnted any trustee, � <br /> = ' rqcoivor or II uldator of Trustor or Borrewer or of All or an a rt nf the Pro e o•the rents,issues or rotits thereot,or Trustor �`'-y <br /> q YP P hY• P c-- <br /> '�� •� � or Borrower shall make any general assignment for the benetit of creditors; .�, <br /> � (e) The saie,transter,lease. assignment,corveyance o� (urther encumbrance of all or any part of or any interest in the � <br /> �,� Property, eliher vo�untarily o� mvoluntarily,without the express •Hritten consent of Lender, provided that Trustor shall be <br /> � � ' permitte�l to exec�te a lense of the Property that doe�not contain an option to purchase and the term of which doea not exceed �_„`_ <br /> • one year: � <br /> . '� (� Abandonment ot the Property;or �;� <br /> (g) Ii Trustor is not an intlividua�,the issua�ce,sale,transfer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance ot more than a total <br /> �;�. <br /> z � oi perCent ot(if a corporation) its issued and oWstanding stock or(d a partnership)e totai of— percent of E_.��- <br /> �� partnershlp interests during the period this Deed ct Trust remams a Iien on the Property. <br /> � 12. R�m�dNs;Acc�t�ration Upon D�fouit.In the event of any Event of Default Lender may.w�thout not�ce except as required by <br /> ' " � Iaw,declare all indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payablo and the same shatt thereupon becomo due and payabte �_�-� <br /> • • • � wlthout any presentment,demand,protest or notice of any kind. Therearier Lender msy� <br /> � � (a) Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE g�anted here�n, and Trustee shail thereafter cause Trustor's <br /> � interest in the Property tc be sold and the proceeds to be dlstributed,ali In the manner provided in tho t�ebraska Trust Deeds <br /> -� ACt; ' <br /> �; � (b) Exercise any and atl nphts provided for in any ol lhe Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of <br /> Deteu�t;and � <br /> • �" . (c) Commence an action to toreclose this Oeed of Truslas a mortgaye.appotnt a receiver,or speafically eniorce any of the <br /> -° � covenants hereof. <br /> , i �� No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender�s�ntended to be exclus�ve of any other remedy herein.�n the <br /> Loan Instruments or by taw prov�ded or permitted,but each shall be cumulative.shall bo in addition tc every other remedy gwen <br /> � hereunder,in the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter exist�ngat law or in equ�ty or by statute,and may be exercised concurrentiy, � <br /> • ", Independently ar successlveiy. ' <br /> + } 13. TrustN.The Trustee may resign at any time withoutcause,and LPnder may at any tu��e and without cauae appoint a <br /> successor or substitute Trustee.Trustee sheli�ot be Ifabte to any parry,inciuding w�thout Iimitation Lender,Oorrowar,�rustor or any , <br /> j� . purchaser of the Property.for any loss or damage unless due toreckless or wdlful m�sconduct,end shail not be required to take any � <br /> � _ .�` actfon In Connection with the entorcement of this Oeed of Trust unless mdemnified, in writing,for ali costs,compensetion or . <br /> " expenses whfch may be essaCi3ted therewith.In addit�on,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property Qudicla�or F <br /> ,.—_ ._ . .. . . . . . . . . .. _. .._..'_ "' "'.'_ _�.�._ n"___.a." ��........w...�M..le..u�...�nll�/�s � <br /> - -- ---- _ unaer tne power or se�e grarneo nvrem�.puyipvna�nv an�n v��au v� anr ►rvnrvn v����o�wMa�.�,oo�..............� �.-...... --.....- <br /> '� Property as a whoie,o►in separate parcels or Iots at Tr�stee's discret�on. i <br /> 14. FNS and�xp�ntoY.In the event Trustee selis the Property by exercise ot power oi saie,Trustee shali be entitled to apply <br /> •� any saie proceeds itrst to payment ot ail costs and expenses of exercising power of sale.�nciuding a�l Trustea's fees,and Lender's <br /> . and Trustee's ariorney's fees,actually incurred to extent permiqed by appiicable the event Borrower or Trustor exarcises any <br /> � • ripht provided by�aw to cure un Ever�t of Defauit,Lender shall be ent�tlod to recover from 1'rustor all Costs and oxpon3es bclualiy <br /> incurred aa a result of Trustor'8 detault,inctudinp without Ifm�latlon ali Trustee's and ettorney's tees,to the extont permitted by <br /> appltceble law. <br /> � � 15 Fulur�Advanc�t, Upon request of Borrower, Lender may, at its option, make add�tional and tuture advances and re- <br /> ����� advances to 8orrower.Such advances and readvances,wlth inlerest thereon,shail be aecured by this Deed o1 Trust.At no time shalt <br /> � the princfpal amount of the indebtednesa secured by ihfs Deed ot Trust,not including sums advanced to protect the secunty of thfs <br /> DYed Of Trus�exCeed the orlylnal princfpel amount etate�i hErein,or S--__ whfChever is yr�tQr.� <br /> , I'• � <br /> .� <br /> I <br />