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_ _ Y. 'wlY�ir • _ '.'_.�_-_- ii� .-_ <br /> -� -•-� . <br /> . ,94- io�.�90 <br /> ��IM►Pd��O��all cwq�i�nd� �x�p�nw�i In�r �It��nn�don w�w�oh P oa�.upon�iny i y�nd�bl��i�ea+nd <br /> M►�by�nd In wah ordK�s l.�nd�r n�y d�f�rmin�,or W�ppiy�II woh PrxNd�,Mfar wch d�ductlorn.b fh�n�br�tlon of tf� <br /> ProP+'M�i��cor�dlltotu a�t.�ndK may d�rmin�.My�Pp��tlon of ProcNds b Ind�bNdn�shrlt not�ucMed or poMpon� � <br /> eh�dw daM ot anY PaYm�nb u^d�'thr No�,°�aur�sny d�t�ult 1ha�ur�r a h�rM+nda.My umpp0�d fund��hW b�pad io <br /> Tru�or. <br /> 0, ��wia�by LMda.Upon tha ocournnw of�n Ev�r►t of DN�ult h�rwnd�r,or il any�at is tak�n a Iptl proc«dinp <br /> cornmanc�d which maartally aff�ct�I.�nd�r's IntKNt In th�Prop�rly.L�nd�r nwy in Ib own di�ontlon,but wi�hout abllOallon b do <br /> ---- w,and wtthout notico w or dwnind upon Trustor and wlthout releaeinp Truttor from eny oblip�tlon,do any act whlch Trwtor hu _..__ <br /> � aprNd but I�IIa W do and tn�y s�w do�ny ofh�r�ct It dMms n�c�ry to protact th�t�surity h�rwf.Truftor�haA,Imm�diatNy <br /> upon damsnd th�ntor by L.�nd�r,p�y to tand�r�II co�ts�nd�xp�nN�Incurnd and sums sxp�nd�d by I.�nd�r In aonn�aUOn wfl� <br /> th�oxKaip by L.�nder of th�forspoinq riphts,topsth�r wlth inbre�t th�non atths dsfault raU provid�d In tl��Noh.which thail b� <br /> ��d to tM��d�bl�dnps wcur�d h�r��r sh�A not fnour�ny Ilabitity bsauN of�nythin�it msy do a omit to do <br /> --- h�►�und�r. <br /> 9. F�aaardou�M�MdaM.Truator ehali k�ep the Property in oompifance with�II appllcabie lewi,ordinonc�end r�pulaUons <br /> - -------� - ° °- raladn�to Industrlal hyQlene or environmenteii protaoUon(co�Iaotivety relerred to herNn as"Environmenfal Lawa'q.Trutbr�h�ll <br /> -- keep the Propsrty iree irom�U sub�tances deemed to be hszerdoue or toxic under any Environm�ntai Lawa(coitecUwly r�Nn�d to <br /> hereln as"HuzArdous Matarl�ta'7.Truetor hareby warranu and repreaenb to Lendsr that thers are no Hnz�rdoua M�tari�ls on or <br /> under the Property.Tru�tor hereby a�raes to indemnity and hoid harmisas Lender,Its dlreatara,o�lcer�,empioyees and a�nts,and <br /> """"'-"-- ' = any suoCe�sori to Lender's tntereet,irom�nd apsinst any and a�t claime,damapes,losass and IIabIllUss arisin�in connecGon with <br /> the pre�encs, use,diaposai or transpnn of any Hazardous Materlaie on,under,lrom or about the Property.THH FOREC301N(3 <br /> --°J --- WARRANTIESANDREPRE3ENTATIONS,ANDTRUSTOR'808LI(3ATIONSPURBUANTTOTHEFORECiOtNtiINDEMN�TY,8HALL <br /> �,_� . <br /> 3URVIVE RECONVEYANC:E OF THiS DEED OF TRUST. <br /> 10.As91p�nNnt ol R�nM.Trustor hereby aatpn�to Lmder the ronb,issues tnd proilb of ths Prop�rly;providb ttNt Tru�Wr i <br /> �N�' shall,undl th�occurrsncs of�n Event of Odauit h�r�undsr,hava the ripht to coli�ct and r�tain wch nnU,ta�u�s and proflu o�thoyr <br /> ' b�coms dw and payabl�.Upon th�ocaurr�nct of�n Event of Ool�utt,Und�r m�y.�ith�r in p�rwn or by ap�nt,with or without <br /> ' `�* '�� �'r= brinpiny any�adon or procwdinp,or by�r�cNv�r�ppolntsd by a aourt�nd without npard to th�ad�qway ot Its t�c urily.�nbr <br /> �,..�':�.'.�•,.... .... <br /> - ��''" upon and takt po�sa�on ol th�Prop�rty,or�ny part th�rwf,In Its own rtams or In the n�ms of th�Tru�tN,md do�ny�cq whioh It <br /> �.�.` d��n�c�ary or d�tlr�bt�to pnurve th�wiu�.marhNabillty or r�ntabllity of tfu Prop�rty,a�ny part thn�of or InMr�t th�rNn, <br /> ��`�'��-. InorNN th�inoom�th�nlrom or prot�ct th�uaurlty hor�ol and,with or wllhout t�klnp po��lon ol th�Prop�rly. w�lor a <br /> � � �, oth�rwiw coil�ct th� nnts,ItsuN�nd ptoHtl tha�of,ino�udlnp thow put du��nd unpaid,�nd�ppty th�srm�,NI�costa and <br /> +� �r�µ��, :� �xp�nws ol op�r�tion�nd coll�ctlon Inoludi np�ttorn�y�'IN�,upon�ny Ind�btsdn�s�Ncund h�nby,�II In wch ad����LrndN <br /> '�`��`.�-`� "� may d�t�rmin�.Th��nl��inp upon�nd takinp posa��ton o/Ih�Proprrty,th�coll�ctlon of wch r�nb,lqws�nd protiq�nd th� _ <br /> :;: �° �pplic�Gon th�nof��don�ald,th�ll not cun or w�lv�any ddau�t or notla ot ddau�t h�nund�r or Inv�ildaN any�of don�in <br /> � �:+'�• �•�'• raponN to�uch dNauit or pur�uant to such nodc�of d�(�uit�nd,notwlthqandinp th�conGnu�nc�In poua�lon of tM Prop�rty w <br /> �+�°'• � th�coll�aUon,►eulpt�nd�ppllcetlon of nnu,i�su��or protlU,�nd T►wte�and Lend�r sh�ll b�entitl�d to�x�rclw �v�ry rbht <br /> �=�"4�::•;:�;z_�'.. _:= provid�d tor In any of th�Lo�n imtrum�nts or by I�w upon occurrenc�otany Evsnt ot Dslault,includlnp without Ilmlutionth�ripht <br /> +w��-���- to�xercist th�pow�r ot�io.�urther,L�nd�r'�riyiiti it�id fon8d18C uttCet 2!t!:p�r�Qtsph shel!t?i Curtl�letlw�wlth,wed io no way a <br /> � Ilmitation on,Lender's ripht�and nm�di��under any asflpnment of Ieasos and renu racorded�psinst th�Property.Under,T►uetes R <br /> and the recelver ahali be Ifabie to account only tor those renb actualiy recelved. <br /> 11. Ewnb o1 DMwR.The followin��hail constitute an Event of Defautt under this Oeed of Trusx <br /> • (a) Failure to pey any inatallment of principal or interest ot any other sum secured hereby when due; <br /> • (b)A braach ot or default under any provfsfon contained in the Note,this Deed of T�ust,any of tha Loan Instrumonu,or�ny — <br /> other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property; �- <br /> (c) A writ of executlon or attachment or any simllar proceas ahall be entered apelnst Trustor which shali become o Hsn on <br /> ' '� the Property or any poAion thereot or intereat therein; <br /> , (d) There shel�be flled by ar agalnst Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or future federal,etate o�other <br /> ��!� statute,law or reguiatlon relatin9 to benkruptcy,insolvency or other relief for debtors;or there shall be appolnted any trustee, ►" � <br /> '�'"' � receiver or Ilquidator of Trustor or Barrowor or of uN or any part of the Property,or the rents,isauea or proilts theraf,or Trustor �-: <br /> �,h; or Borrower shall make any generai assiynment for the beneflt ot creditors; <br /> (e) The sale,transter,lease,esalgnment,conveyance or further encumbrance of ail or any part ot or any Interest in the i_-: <br /> / � Property, elther voluntarily or tnvoluntarlly, without the express written consent of Lender; provlded that Trustor ahati be ! <br /> � permltted to execute a iease oi the Property that does not contafn an option to purchsse and the term of which doe� not exceed — <br /> • one year; <br /> „ (�Abandanment ot the Property;or <br /> (y) If Truator is not an indtvfdual,the fssuance,sale,trensfer,essiqnment,conveyance or encumbronce of mae than a totai �p �L <br /> .,. Qt percent of(if a corporatfon)Its Issued and outstanding stock or(if a partnerahip)a total of percent of �_ <br /> � � partnershfp Interesta during the period this Oeed of Trust remains a Iien on the PropeRy. F'� <br /> ' �2, p�m�dNs;AccN�r�tlon Upon D�fauit.In the event oi any Event of Detault Lender may,wfthout notice exceptas required by � _ <br /> �' ,r. Iaw,declare all Indebtednesa aecured hereby to bo due and payable and the seme shall thereupon become due e�nd payable __- <br /> �:: wtthout any presentment,demand,protest or notfce of any kind.Thereafter Lender mey: � } <br /> (a) Oemand ihst Trustee exerclse ihe POWER OF SALE grsnted hereln, and Trustee shali thereafter Ceuse Trustor's � <br /> _ intereat tn the Property to be soid and the proceeds to be dfstributed,ali In the manner provided fn the Nebrasiw Trwt Oeads <br /> AcT, <br /> �:, (b) Exerci�e any and ali riflhts provided for In any of the Loan Instruments or by taw upon occurrence of a�y Event of � <br /> �i Defaulx and <br /> : �; � (c) Commence an action to foreclose thls Deed ot Truat as a mortyaye.appolnt a receiver,or speclflcaliy enbrceany o}the <br /> Covenants hereoi. <br /> No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is fntended to be excluaive of any other remedy hereln,in the <br /> Loan Inatrumenta or by law provided or permitted,but each shali be cumulative,ahall be in additfon to every otherremedy fliven . <br /> ' , ; hereunder,tn the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter existinp at lew or In equfty or by statute,and may be exerclsed cvncurrently, : <br /> ` . � � Independentiy or euccesslveiy. � <br /> 13. Truat�e.The Trustee may resiyn at any time without cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause appolnt a � <br /> f succeaaor or subatitute Trustae.Truatee ahall not be Ifabie to any party,including wlthout Ilmltatlon Lender,Borrower,Tr u�tor or any <br /> � � purchaser of the Property,for any loea ordamaye unless due to reckless or wi;itui misconduct,and ahati not be requked totake any � <br /> action In connectlon with the entorcement of thle Deed of Truat uniess indemnified, In writing,tor all costs,campensatlon or . <br /> '-= � oxpentos which may be assoctated therewith.In addition,Truatee may become a purchaser at any eale oi the Proqrty IJudiclai or <br /> ��±_.____- .._a....��.,....,...,�..�o�.nntad heraine oostoone tho aa�e ot ali or any portion of the Property,es provlded by lew;ar seli the y <br /> 1. -.__:-_- ._.__ .. -=-__ ....v� ....r-•'-• " '--- �- - , <br /> Property aa a whote,or fn separate parcela or�lots et Trustee's dtsaretlon. <br /> � 14. FNS and Exp�nsN.In the event Trustee selis the Property by exercise af power ot sate,Trustee ahali be enlftled to appty <br /> �: �� � any saie proceeds firat to payment of aIi costs and expenses of exercisinp power of sale,including ait Truatee's teee,Q nd Lender'a <br /> ' " 8nd Truatee's ariorney's tees,actualiy fncurred to extent permltted by applicable the event Borrower or Trustorexercises any <br /> � '� ripht provided by Iaw to cure an Event of Detault,Lender shali be entttled to recover from Truetor ali costs and expen aes actualiy <br /> ' incurred as a reauit of Truetor's default,Includiny without Ilmitatlon all Trustee's and attorney's tees,to the extent permftted by <br /> appHcab�e law. <br /> " tb. Futur�Adv�nc�s.Upon requett of Borrower,Lender may,at Its option, make additfonal and future advancea and re- <br /> ' advancea to Borrower.Such advances and readvance�,with Interest thereon,shall be aecured by thla Deed of Truat.At notime ahall <br /> � the princlpa�amount of the Indebtedneea secured by thls Deed of Trust,�t��ln���ln�uma advanced to protect thewcurlty af thls <br /> �=r� � Daed of Truat,exceed the oriylnal principal amount stated hereln,or$ ' whichever Ia preaier. <br /> � . <br /> _ � .� <br /> � . . � <br /> . ,�a - - <br />