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<br /> IY.1}�rl'e�ot the p�+o�ertr or��1[aterat i��orrow�r.If�ll or�ny rrt of the Praperty nr any intenat in it
<br /> ia ald or tnrtsferrod(or if a beneflclal iatereu in Borcower is�old or tr�rwfemed md Barrawar 1:rot�mtunl per�on)wlthout
<br /> Lader's pdor wrlqa� oonsait. l.a�der ro�,y. �t ib oplbn. �equ;ro imnedi�te p�yroent in ful! of�II wtm �ea�red by this
<br /> 5ornrity Initrwna►t.However.this optian�lwll not be exerci�od 6y Lender if exerci�e Is pr�hibited by fidera!law a�of tha�w
<br /> ot thi�Secu�ity YnKrumaM.
<br /> If I.mder exercl�thi�option,Lcnder r�hall ive Bwrrower notice af�cceleatkm.'!'he nutfce�U provide a petiod of nut
<br /> lai thui 30 d�ys from the d�te the notia ie del�verod or mailod within whicF. Horrower muu p�y all wmf �ecurod by thb
<br /> 5ecurity Imtrument.If Eorrowrr faila to.pay the:e sucm pdor to the caplrYtion of this periad. Lcnder my invoke�ny remedia
<br /> — penNttod by thio Secur�t [nurument wfthoet tuttha notioe or dtnwd on&xrower.
<br /> 1�. 8orrower'� l�t to Rdurhte. if Bort�awer rtwxts crRain oonditions, Borrower sfull have the right to have
<br /> - enfurament of this 5a.�urity Instcument diccontinued at any time pdar to �he earlier of: (�) S�lxys (��r xucl� utl�er periai�w
<br /> epplirable I�w tn�y ipecify for reinu�temeny beforc snle of the Pn�pecty pursuAnt to my power af s�le cor►tained ln this
<br /> Secur�ty Inucumu►t•or(b}entry of A judg.�r�ent cnforcing this Socuriry Instrument.Thoce oondiUona wre that Eorrower.(a)pay�
<br /> I.ender ull sums which then wcwld be due under this Security Instrurtxnt And the Nae as if�o�coeterntion hwd occurrod; ib)
<br /> cu�any default of any other cavenants or agreements; (c) paya all eapenses incurud in anforcing this Securlry Iiutrument,
<br /> including,but not limited ta,rwsanable attorncys' fas; and(d)tekcs such Action as Lender may rcaso�wbly rcquirt to�rssure
<br /> thu thc lien of this Security Instn�ment. [xnder's righta ln the Property and Borrower's abligation to pay the sums sxurod by
<br /> this Securiry Instrun►ent shatl oontinue �nchangod. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Socurity inxtrument �u�d the �
<br /> obligations securod hereby shall remain fully effective os if no acceleretion h�d occurnd. However,this r�ght w neinstate shall
<br /> not apply ln the casc af acceleration undcr pxragraph 17. '
<br /> 19. Srle ot Note;Cfange of I�onn Servicer. The Note or a parti:il jnterest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale mAy rosult ln a change in the entity(krtown
<br /> as the'Lo:►n Servicer")that collects monthly payments due uader the Nate and this Secarity Instrument.Therc also may be o►x
<br /> or more chungec of the Loun Servicer unrcluted to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrawer wlll be
<br /> -- given written noticc of the change in accordance wlth paragraph 14 above and applicablc law. The notice wfll state the name end _
<br />- uddress of the new Laan Servicer und the addre�s ta which payments should 6e m�+de. The notice will also canuun any other
<br /> information required by applicable law.
<br /> - • 20. Hazardous Subetance�. Borcower shaU not cause ar permit thc presence. usc,dispasal, storage. or rdease of any
<br /> ' Hawrdous Substunces on or in the Property. Borrowe� shal! not do, nor ullow anyane else to do. anything affecting the
<br /> : Property thut i� in violation of uny Envlronmentai Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence. use, or
<br /> storage on the Pmperty of smull quuntities of Hnzardous Substences thut are generally recogniud to be appropriate to nornwl
<br /> _ ' residential uscs and to maintenuncc of thc Property.
<br /> Burrowcr shull pramptly give L.ender writtcn notice of uny �nvestigation.claim,dcm:utid,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> ' governmental or resulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any H:uurdous Substance or Envjronn►ental Law
<br /> nf which Barrowcr h;ts uctual knowlcdse. If Barrower leums, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority, that
<br /> - .. uny rcmoval or cxher remediatlon of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> � � � all netessary renuxiiul actionc in accardance w•ith�nvironmentul Law.
<br /> . � As usod in this pat�t�r.y�h 20. "Ha7ardous Substance►" are thoK: substrnces defindd as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> `+��'"�''`'''•`"'"�'-�"" Environnkntal Law and the f'ollowing substunces: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable�r toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> ,.�..,.,.;>..,:.`.
<br /> ;�.;.,;.:;1:. ,., `" pexticides And h�rbicides,volutilc solvents, matcrials containing�..bcstos or formaldehydc,and radioactive materials.As used in
<br />: . - � this parugraph 20, "Environnuntul Law" means Cederal laws and luws of the jurisdiction where che Property is located thAt
<br /> ' � '� relatc to hcalth, safety or environmental protcrtion.
<br /> •.�:'� . • .� �. NON-U W FORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.endcr further rnvenunt und asrcc as follows:
<br /> '" 21. Acceleration;Remedi��s. IAnder shall�ive notice to Borrower prior to accelerAtion follow(n�Borrowrr's breach
<br /> ' � . � • of'�ny covenAnt or apreement in this Secucity Instrument (but not pdur to acceleration under pamgraph 17 unless
<br /> � � , , wpplicable I�w pmvides otlKrwix).The natice shwll specify: (a)the defAUlt;(b)the s�ction required to cure thr de[AUIt;
<br /> (c)a date,not les.s than 30 days f'ram the date the natice is Rivei�t��&►rmw•er, by whtch the default must be cured;and
<br /> '� ,�,.,,.,.;; ;,,,... (d) tlu+t fa8ure W cure the defaull on or before the d�te sp�rifled in the notice mAy result in accelerutfon of the sums
<br /> -�-? - • cecaret) by thi�,ticcurity Instrnment Hnd wle of the Prnpertv. The notice shal( further intorm Borrow•er of the riEht tn � _
<br /> -�,'' � reinstate ufter vccelerat(on and the ri�ht to brin� a court uction to a�.�ert the non-ezistence of � default or any other �
<br /> ,. defense of&►r�ow•er to acceleralion and sale. lf the default is nut cured on or before the date specitfed in the notice,
<br /> � i.ender, at itc aption, may require immediate payment in full oP all sumti sccured by�this Security Instrument w(thout
<br /> further demand and moy invc►ke the power af salc and any othcr rcmedies permittrd by applkable law. Lender slwU be
<br /> entiNed t�►c�dlect all rxpenxw incurred in pursuin�the remedi�prwvided in tht�ps�rukraph Z1,includin�.but not limited ���
<br /> . to,rea.u►uabk attorneys'fees and c�nts of titic evide�ue. —
<br /> If thepn wcr of sale is in��oked. Trastec.hall record u noNcc nf default in each county in w•hich any part of the —
<br /> Pmperty ix locs�ted and sBall muil copics af such nutice in the munmr prtwcrilx�l by�uppl(cable law•to Borrnwer und to --
<br /> 4hc other per:a�ns preticrfbcd b�•upplicublc la�c.Af'ter the timc rc�yuircd b�•stpplics�blc luw.Trustcr shall�ive public noticc
<br /> � of.r•sde to the pcnonti�nd in the a�anncr pn�xrilxd b�•upplic:�blc IaN•. TrustcY. xithout demand on Burrower,shal!sell �:-
<br /> the PropeMy ut puhlir�urttun to the hi�hiwt biddcr at the timc und placc and undcr the terms du�i�nated in the notice of �:
<br /> wle in onc or mn�Y parcels and in uu�•urder Tru+tcr deterroin�w. Trustm mu� puytp�me ssde nf all or any purcel of the =
<br /> ; . Pmperty b�• public unnnuncement :�t the time und pluce of an} pre��iousl� +chcdul�vl sule. I.ender or its desi�n��e mu��
<br /> . - punhax the Praperty ut an�•sulc. �
<br /> �;
<br /> ' � Form 3028 8180 L_�
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