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�. '.,_,� _ _- - _ <br /> .. �__�_.��.�.1 � 4�i3'�'8 .. <br /> 9 <br /> 'PO(}B7NLR W1TH�ll the ImproventaN�row or ba+eaNer erected on the property.end�ll atar�eau.�pp�utenanoe�.�od <br /> Rxturos aow or Merea�ler a put of the propett,y. All repi�oemaUa u�d �ddidons �hall d�o be oova,ed by tW� Secwity <br /> Inwraait.All of 1he fore�oin�is roferred w in d�ii Security Gutrwrant�u the"PropeKy." <br /> BOAROWBlt COV6NANT5 th�t Horrowe�is lawfupy aired of the eat�le tureby oomeyed u�d haa tho d�he to�nt and <br /> eonvey the Propetfiy tnd th�tt the PropeKy i� unu�cumbe►ed,excxpt for encumbranca of rocord:Borrower wut�►ta�od �rill <br /> defeM�enenlly the tide to the Proporty��inst dl el�irru and derrunds,wbjat to�ny encumbrenoec of r000cd. <br /> THiS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenantt for national use�►d non-uniform coverunu with limited <br /> varlatlonr by,�ud�diction to conuitute�unifonn security instrument covedng rcal propetty. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender coverwnt and agree as foltaws: • <br /> ��..,�— ----� 1. Pnymeat t�f Printlpd aM Iateresti p►'ePpYment and I.ote Cfwt�cs. Borrowcr shalt pmmptly pay when due the <br /> principal of And interest on the debt evjdenood by the Note and any prepayment ar�d late charges due undu the Note. <br /> 2. PY�nrb for Twces�nd Ia+uu�t�ee.Subjoct to appllcable law or to a written wdver by Lender,Borrower shal! pay W <br /> Lender an the cky monthly pnyments aro due under the Note.until the Note is paid in full. a sum("Fundc')for.(a)yeuly wues <br /> ar�d essessment�which may att�in priodty over this Securiry Instrument as a lien on the Property;(b)ycsrly leaschold payments <br /> or ground renu on the Pmpeity,if uny;(c)yeariy ha�erd or properry insurance premiums; (d)yeady flood insurance prtmiums. <br /> if any: (e)yearly mortgage insuranee premiums, if any;and(� any sums pay�ble by Bonower to l.ender. in accordance with <br /> the provisions of paragr�ph 8. in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance prcmiums.The items are called"Escrow Items." <br /> Lender may, at any timc. collect and hold Funds in an umount not to exceed thc maximum emount a lendcr for a federally <br /> r+elated moctgage loan may rcquirc far Borrower's eacrow acrnunt undcr thc federal Real Estate Setdement Procodures Act of <br /> 1974 as amcnded from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("YtESPA"),unless another luw that applies to the Funds <br /> ��:r� sets a lesser amount. If so, l..ender may, at any timc, callect and hold Funds in an amount not to excxod the lesser amount. <br /> - Lender may estirrutte the amount of Funds due an the basis of current data and reasonable csilmates of expenditurcs of fiiturc <br /> �� Escrow Itema or otherwlse in accordance with upplicuble law. <br /> The Funds shull be held in an instin+tion whose deposlts are �nsured by a federal agency, instrumantality. or entity <br /> �� (iacluding L.eruler, if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federul Home L.oan Bank.L.ender shall apply the Funds to puy the <br /> • Escrow Ite�ns. Lender may not charge Bc�rrower for holdtng unci applying the Funds, annually analyzins the escrow uccount,or <br /> ::;, , -;; verifyfng the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and upplicablc law permits i.ender to make such <br /> �'� a charge. HoK•ever,Lender may require Bonower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate tax reporting service <br /> � :?�° used by I.ender in connection with this loan, unle�s applicable law provides atherwise. Unless an asrecment is made or <br /> �' • � `' S:r• � applicablc law requires interest to be paid,I.endcr shaU not be requirui to pay Borrower any Intcrest or eurnings on the Funds. <br /> ra -�' Borrower and I.ender may agree in writing,however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. I.ender shall give to Burrower, <br /> 'y '��;,'��;��' without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds ancl the purpose for which each <br /> ___ _ debit to the Funds wus made.The Funds are pledRed us udditional security fornil sums secured by this Securlty Instrument. <br /> ` If the Funds held by 1.ender exceed the umounts permitted to bc held by applicable law, Lender shall account to Bonower <br /> • � � for the excess Funds in accordance with the requircments of upplicable law. If the umount af the Funds hcld by L.ender ut any <br /> , " ' time is not sufficient to pay thc Exrow items when due.Lendcr may so notify Borrawcr in writing. und,in such case Borrower <br /> • , ' � shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deftciency. Ba�rower shall make up the da�ciency in no more than <br /> ` " . . twelve monthly payments,at Lendcr's sole discretion. <br /> ' ' •' •• Upon payment in full of oll sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> ' Funds held by L.enJer.If,under p•rragraph 21, Lendcr shull ucquire or sell thc Property,L.cnder,prior to the ucquisition or sale <br /> _ � • of the Propeny,shnll apply any Funds held by Lcnder ut the time of acquitiitiun or sale as a credit against the sums secured by <br /> -":: .' :;..,,,,,.. ' this Sccurity Instrument. <br /> ;,F� �� • - 3.AppllcAtion of Payments.Uniexs applicable law providc.otherwise,all payments rcceived by Lender under purasraphs _ <br />, � 1 and 2 shall be applied: first, to any prepaymcnt rharge�due undcr thr Notc: �ccond,t��amounts payable under puragraph 2; <br /> !',:T�•^°'_ • �hf�d,to interest due:faurth,to principal duc::�ix1 last, to any latc ch.��gcti duc undcr thc Notc. _ <br /> � 4 ` 4.ChprRes; I.ienti. &�rrowcr tihnll pay all taxe+, •r,setisments,chargcti,fincti and imp���ition+ attributablc to the Property <br /> s which may attAin priority ovcr this Security Inrtrumrnt, and Ieasehold paynknt�ur ground rents, if sny. Bnrrower shall pay <br /> � these obligation�in the manner pmvided in pur,igraph 2,or if not paid in that manner, Borruwcr.hall pay them on time directly - <br /> to thc perum owcci payment. &�rrowcr�hall promptly furni�h to I.cndcr all nntirc+uf hc paid under this paragraph. <br /> x. , If Bonower makes thetie payments dircctly.Burrower shall prumpdy furnish tn L�txkr rereipt�evidencin�the payments. <br /> . ,:-..�„ Borrowcr�hall prompdy licn whirh hu�priurity uvcr thi,Sccurity In,trumem unlc,s&�rrowcr:(a)agrces in <br /> ' '• writing to the payment of the ohligution+�cured by thr lien in a manner arceprrhlc u� l.cnder; (h►r��ntc�t+in good faith the lien <br /> :� . •• -r. by, or defends ugainst enforcemcnt uf thc lirn in, Irgal pr��rccJingti w�hirh in thr LcnJcr'ti ��pinion operatc to prcvcnt the <br /> ,,���� enfiircement of the lierr�u tr),ecurcti frum the h��lder uf thc lirn an ugr�cnunt tiatisTartury to Lendcr tiubcrrdinating the licn to _. <br /> this Sccurity Instrumrnt. If Lcndrr Jct�rmin�.th:u any purt uf thr Pruperty i�tiuhjrct tu a lirn u�ltich u�ay auuin priority over <br /> M this Security Instrument. Lcndrr nkiy give Aurruwrr a n��tirr idrntifyin�thr lirn. B�►rrmvcr.hall rati�fy dic lien or take one or <br /> x';,; ' � morc of the actions sct f'orth abovc within 10 J:ry,��f'thr giving c�f notirc. _ <br /> k <br /> Fwm 3028 9190 <br /> _ y .. P�zo'a • <br /> . . � � _ <br /> � . _' <br /> . � ' �Y`�... .'+". - . : �- ..-. . . . .. _ . -. . , .. .. � . .;•.y.'�'7_ . . �r!ti++�w�.qo.....w��.e,.w....a.. .. . ..., . L <br /> + � <br /> � _ .� . . _ . .___c. . <br /> ___. , _._—_r'__."_.__ "'_._._ . . <br /> t � <br /> � �'� � <br /> R„ � <br /> M <br /> � • . <br /> ,tRl:.+. . . <br /> � , <br /> �. <br /> - � . � � _ . .. ...�t. .. . . <br /> . <br /> . � <br /> i .._ . _. _ ... _ . _ _ __. . _.. <br />