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<br /> �_ - _-- 1;. Lo�n CYa�. if the lan cecurod by thii Secu�ity Instrument i�subJoct to�law whkh�eu maximum lan
<br /> � u�'�';•:,t�<:�-��'� chup,ei,Rnd that liw ic finally interprcted so that the inurest or utt�Cr laan chu�a collectcd or to be cnllccted in connection
<br /> .+�'�''-'* -'��' with the loan exceed the permitted limita,then:(a)ury such Iwn char�e dull be roduced by thc unount nocessuy to reduce
<br /> ' �'"�, . ��,,,� ^ the chu�e to the pennitted limit;�nd(b)iu►y wrt�alre�dy collected fmm Hormwer which exceeded permitted limits wlll
<br /> . , .^<.�-�:`. � be ref��ded to BoROwer.l.ender may chooae to m�ke thic rePond by roducinQ the pNncipal owod under the Nae or by malcin�
<br /> � "°`'"� � a diroct payment to Borrower. If�refund reducea principaf,the roduction will be trcated w A ptutid prep�yment without r_ _ ._
<br /> �,., . • . any pre�yment chu�e under the Note. _
<br /> �, ,"•,:. ;��a 14. Noticea. Any nalce to Borrower providod for in this Securlty Instrunxnt ahall be given by deliverinQ !t or _ _
<br /> = � � •� by mailing it by firat dwss mail unleas�pplicable I�w requircs use of another nxthad. The notice shall be directed to the
<br /> --'�''�'" " � • Property Addnss or any other address Borrowcr deci�nates by notice to i.ender. Any notice to Lender sFwll bc given by --�
<br /> —�r-�'-'*� •�A-�•�. ��• �3 ffrat elaw mail to Lender's address swted hercin or any cxher addrcss L.ender deaignates by notice ta Borrower.Any natia ��=-•-
<br /> — • provided for in this Security Inatrument shall bc deemed to have been Qiven to Borrawcr or Lendcr when given as provlded ___� �—
<br /> ---- �s*.:.:-�;;d�m„=-°
<br /> �---- � ..� ,� •.:.:� in this para�raph. —- - - _ __
<br /> �����' 13. Governin�I.aw;Severalsllity. This Secudty Instrument shall bc gaverned by federal law and the law of the
<br /> ���• � . ,.
<br /> • jurisdictian in which the Property is Iceatui.In the event that any provlsion or clause of thls Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> ��� � conflicu with applicable law. such conflict shall not affect aher provisians of this Security Instrument or the Note which _
<br /> can be given etfect without the conllicti�g provislon.To thic end the provisions of this Secudry Instrument and the Note =-
<br /> . � are deciQrcd to be severable. K---�
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shnll be given ane conformed copy of the Nate and of this Socurity U+strume�it. �:.�"
<br />- 17. Transler of the Property or e BeneftciAl Interest in Borrower. If al! or any part of the Properry or any .�.,��
<br /> inurest in it ls sold or transfcrred(or if a bcneficial intercst in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural �'�`'��� -
<br /> � ��
<br /> peison)without Lender's Rrior written consent, Lendcr may, at its option, require immediate payment in full of all sums ' ����:.:.�
<br /> secured by this Sccutity Instrumcnt.However,this optlon shall not be exerciscd by Lendcr if excrcise fs prohibited by federal °�"�-�
<br /> ,�►—ije.- _
<br /> � law as of the date of this Secur�ry Instrument. �'� �'' ;=:
<br /> � !f L.ender eacrcises this option.Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period �,�'y.._
<br /> of noe less than 30 duys from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured �zr,1�i�
<br /> by this Secur�ty Instrument.If Borrower fails to pay thesc sums prior to the expiradon of this period, I.ender may invokc �;,,�_
<br /> any r�medies permitted by this Security Instrument without futther notice or demand on Bormwer. '$=_
<br /> �<'_�—
<br /> 18. Borrower's Rl�ht to Relnstote. If Borrower meets certain conditions.Borrower shall have the right to have �;�.;�w,;,-
<br /> enforcement af thls Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior ta the earlier of: (a)S days(or such other perlod -
<br /> .�.
<br /> , � �' �-
<br /> as applicable law may specify for reinstatement)before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this �. '�'-
<br /> ,.... ... Gr���ty inxtrument; or(bl entry of a judgment enforclnft this Securiry Instrument. T'hose conditions are that Bonawer: `'"'"'
<br /> - - - - . . v�+�-_
<br /> (a)paya Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security I�strument and the Note as if no acceleratiun had �„�„_,�,
<br /> occuned;(b)cures any default of any other covenants or agreements;(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcins this Security '';��,'_
<br /> Instrument,including,but not limited to, reasonable nttorneys'fces; and(d) takes such action as Lender may reasonably —
<br /> require to assure that thc lien of this Security Instrument,Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay ��i.
<br /> the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon retnstatement by Bonower,this Security In-
<br /> , strument and the obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had accurred. However,this � ..;,,;,�;�
<br /> � right to reinstate shull not npply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> ` -F`._,
<br /> 19. Sale ot Nate;Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note(together with this Securlty ! ^
<br /> �:. Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Bor�ower. A sale may result in a chan�e in the entity '•
<br /> ;, 1 (known as the "Laan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note und this Security Instcument. There � "`'
<br /> •, , also rnay be one or more changes of the Loan Service�unrelated to a sale of the Note. If Qi�re is a ci�ange uf the I.oan ,
<br /> ' Servicer, Borrower will be given written notice of the rhange in accordnnce with paragraph 14 above and applicabte law.
<br /> The notice will state thc name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. '
<br /> The naice will also contain any other information required by applicablc luw. � • _ �
<br /> 20. H�uwrdous Substpnces. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal, starage, or release
<br /> of any Hazardous Substances on nr in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone cise to do,anythins affecting .
<br /> the Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law.Thc preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.
<br /> use,or storagc on thc Property of sm•rll quantitics of Nazardous Substances that arc generally recagnized to be appropriate �;
<br /> to normal residential uses and to maintenancc of thc Property. ��
<br /> Borrower shail prompily give Lender written notice of:�ny investigation,claim.demand, lawsuit or other action by �
<br /> ' any governmental or regulatory agency o� private party involving the Pruperry and any Hazardous Substance or � ?'�'
<br /> Environmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is notified by any govcrnmental or •
<br /> ' regulatory authority,thet any removal ur other remediation of any Hazardous Sub�tancc affecting the Property is necessary,
<br /> Borrower shall promptly takc all ncce�sary remedial actions in�ecordance with Environmentat Law.
<br /> , As used in this paragraph 20."Hazardous Sub,tance�'•rre thuse substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances
<br /> ' by Environmental Law and the following substances:gasoline,kemsene,other Hammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> � pesticides and herbicides, volatile,olvents, muterials containing a,bearos i�r fi�rmaldehyde, and radioactive materials. As
<br /> '• • used in this paragraph 20."Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdictinn where the Property is lacated
<br /> �.� that relate to health, safety or enviranmcntal prntection.
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and I.cndcr furthcr covcnant and agrcc as folluws:
<br /> ' tl. Acceleration;Remediec.Ixnder shpll give notice to Borrower prtor to�ecelet�+tion following Borrower's
<br /> � breach of any covenant or agrevement in this Security lnstrument (but not prior to acceler�tion under pacagraph 17
<br /> �. unless npplicpble taw provIdrs utherwl�e).The notice shall specify: (�)the default;(b)the uction required to cure the
<br /> 1� detAUlt; (c)a dpte, not less than 30 ds►ys from the date the notice is given to Borrower�by whkh the default must
<br /> � � be cured;and(d)thAt fi�ilure to cure the defAUlt on or before the date specitied in the notice may result!n acceleration
<br /> J__�_ •�L_fL___�_" TL.....��f..�..Lwtl l..rw....::�:.'7: ..Q"..:M:72:
<br /> � £ - Ot Ine sums secureu ov ini��tturiiy insiruiiiriii�nu�r�e o�suc a av�rcia�. ■uc�w•..a.�......v.•u..
<br /> � of the r[ght to relnstwte aRer acceler�tion end the rlght to brinR a court Wction to assert the nan-existence of a defAUlt
<br /> 1 or any other defense o[Borrower to�ccelerstlon and ss�le.It the drf�ult is not cured on or before the date specitied
<br /> ;, in the potice,I.ender at its option may requlre immediate{wyment in full of�II sums secured by this Security I�utrument
<br /> , S• without further demand And mny invokc the power of sale s�nd uny other remedles permitted by appltcable law.Lender
<br /> ' shal!be entitled to collect all ezpences incurred in pu�uinQ the remedies provided in this paraRraph 21, including,
<br /> , � but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' tees and costs of titte evldence.
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