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� ` : ill� _ p . <br /> ""� �FCn � ' . "'..�_ <br /> '-' � �� •� - ._ry,., <br /> - il� -- -- <br /> -,� �,. __ :..�7 - <br /> Q 10i372 <br /> applicable law may�pecify foc Kinsutement)beCore sale of the Propeety purcu�nt t�Ln�power of aale containod In this <br /> Socurity Inauumenr.or(b)entry of Q jud�ment enforciny thja Security lnsuunknt. Tho�e condidon�ru�e that Bacrowor. (a) <br /> p�ys Lender all iurtu whfch then would be due under thie Secudty Inatrument and the Note w if no accelendon h�d <br /> occwt+ed;(b)cures rnY dafauit of any ather cnvenents or wgreements;(c)pay��II eapensea iix;urred tn enforcin�thi�Secudty <br /> Insttument� includin�,but not limiud to,rcasomtble unaney�'fix�r; w�d (d) tA{cea such nction as Lender nwy reasonably <br /> cequire to�ss�u+o that the lien of this Security Inswmcnt,Lender's rights in the Property and Barrowcr's obligeaon to pay the <br /> EURIf aeewed by this Security instcumrnt atull eontinue unehanyed. Upon refnctatement by Bwrnwer, this Secunty <br /> ' lnstrument rnd the oblig�uions�ocund hereby shr�ll c+ertuin fully effective as if no aecderYtion had occurced. However,this c <br /> �,— ri�ht to minstate shall not apply ln the case af accaleration under puagruph 17. <br /> .� 19. S�ie ot Note; Chan�e ot I.os�a Servlcer. The Note or n pactial interest!n the Note(together with this Secutity <br /> �� Insuument) may be sold one or more times without prior naice to Borrower. A salc may result in a chunge In the rntity <br /> (knovvn as the"Loan Scrviccr")that wilats monthly papments due under thc Note and this Securlry Inswment. Therc also - <br /> mAy be onc or more changes of the Lo►u►Servicer unrclatcd to a sale of thc Notc. If thcre is a change of thc Loan Servicer, <br /> -- --- Borrower wlll be given written notice of the change in accordance with psuagruph 14 above and upplicable law. The notice <br /> -- .�-_— - - wlll state the name and addc�ess of the new Loan Servicer end the addt+ess to which payments should be mode. The notice wlll ` <br /> ---� also contain eny other informadon required by applicable law. <br /> ?A. Hwatrdoua Sub�tancea Horrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use,dlsposal,stornge.or rclease of any <br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone clse to do, anything affocdns the <br /> Property that is in vtoladon of any Envimnmental Luw. The precedins two sentences shnll not apply to the presence,use.or <br /> __ __�___�,�y,':� storage on the Property of small quandties of Hazardous Substances that are generaily recognized to be appropriate to normol <br /> _- �_ - rcsidential uscs and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> �y n ' ' Borrower shall promptly give l.ender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other acdon by Any <br /> *� , ����°�`" :°�.,�, government�d ur regulatory agency or privatc party involving thc Property und Any Hazardous Substance or Environmental _ <br /> ��" ��� Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Bnrrowcr leurns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory <br /> �.,;.....,,,.;„-;• <br /> . JV.�L.,•2:.�'r.�•,' �:�� <br /> . • i: ;: , authority,that any removal or other trmediation of wey Hazardous Snbstancc affectIng the Property is necessary,Borcower � <br /> ` shall promptly take all necessnry remedial uctions In uccordance with Environmental Law. _ _ <br /> ',",�,,.�� :'' ::.ti:'� As used in this paragraph 20."Hazutdous Subswnces" are those substunces defined as toxic or haznrdous substances by <br /> Envlronmental Law and the foUowing substunces: gasolinc,kerosenc,other flammubic or toxic petroleum products,toxic <br /> "`c"�'""'"�J"' �'"�''�� pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvent�. materials containing Asbestos or formaldehyde, and cadiaactive materiuls. As <br /> . �-'��j` '�w"'''� �```" used in this paragraph 20."Environmentul Law"means federol laws stnd laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located � <br /> � " �. �::r; that rclate to health,snfety or environmental protection. <br /> •;, , . �; NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8orrowcr and Lender further covensu►t und agrec as follows: —_ <br />- � � � � � 21. Acceleration;Remedies. ixnder shxll give notice to Borrower prior to accelerxtion fnllowing Borrower's _ <br />_ ��.�:���.••=•: breach oP s�ny covenant or agreement tn this Secur[ty Instrument(but not prior to AccelerAtion under paragraph 17 <br /> -�i;:��.if;;��;`:'• .. �`��••r unless appliatble IAw provldes otherwice). The notice shall spec(fy: (x)the defxult;(b)the action required to cure the �''` <br /> _ ,•�•. -- <br /> -� - - default;(e)a dAte,not less than 3U days from t6e dAte tbe notice is�iven fo Borrower,by whici�ii�r defaaft ri.`�usi ite = <br /> � cured;and(d)that fqilure to cure the default on or 6efore the date speciBed in the notice may result in Acceleration oP - <br /> . the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale ot the Property. The not(ce shall further inform Borrower of <br /> the risht k►reinstate atter Acceleratton and the ri�ht to brin�a court s�ction to assert the non-exlstence oP a defAUlt or K�, <br /> . any other detense of Borruwer to acccleration and sale. lf the dePault is not cured on or betore the date�pecitted 1n <br /> the notice,Lender at its option may require immediute payment in full of all sums secumd by this Security Instrument ��- <br /> withaut further demand and may inroke thc power of w�lc and any other remedies permitted by applicabte law — <br /> _ Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in punuing the remedles provided in this paragraph 21. <br />