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:-.t� . i`'� -- -..:-°-- — <br /> ; � ------ --- ------- -------. . <br /> 94-1�i3'�'i <br /> ! 17.Trawder ot tie�a'�Ee�IcW Inten�t 1�Doccowei'.If dl or any put of the P�+nperty or uiy inter�est in it <br /> i�aold or tr�nsfesred(or if a bene �ci�l i�wercu in 8orrower i�soid a u�uufemed and Borrower li not�rwural penon)witlwut <br /> Lender's prior wrltten aon�ent, L,endcr may. �t itt optbn, �equirc immedWe p�yment in full of all wmr iacurod by thit <br /> Secudty TnNtumetu.However,this option stWl aot be exenciad by Lender if exencl�e i�prohibited by foderat I�w a�of tho drto <br /> of thi�Secudry Inqruma►t. <br /> ' If La�der ex�cisa thii uqion,Lerder�11 give Borrower notice of�oceler�tion.The notice sludl provide a prrind uf twt <br /> leas tlwn 30 days trom the d�te the nutix ia delivued or mailed wlthin which Borrower muu pay �11 wrru e�ecurod by thir <br /> Socurity tnsttument. If Bomower tails to p�y thrse wms prior to the expiratinn of this pe�od, Lerdrr m+�y invdcc any rcanedie� <br /> : � permitted by tlds Secur�ry Inatrua�etK witl�ont furtlrcr notice or demand on Borrawer. <br /> _�.°•_.__,,,� 18. IT�urrowa�'A Rlght to Rdtitat�• If Hocsnwer moet� certain rnnditions. Borrower shxll huve the riQht to have <br /> enforcement of thic Secudty In�trument discontinuod at any time pdor to the exrlier of: (u) 5 dttys (or such other periad as <br /> ' �pplicable law may spxify for t+eimt�tement) before sxle oY the Propecty punwant ta any power of aAle containod in this <br /> j Secudty Inst�ument;or(b)entry af r judgment enforcing this Sccudry Instntment.Those rnnditions arc that Horrower:(�)pays <br /> L.ender�11 sums wh(ch then would be due under this Secudty Instrument wfd the Note as!f nu acceleration hrd occurrod; (b) <br /> cu�+es any default of any othc�rnvenants or agrocmcnts; (c)pays aU cxpersses incurrcd in enforcing thls Security Instrument. <br /> includiug. but not limited to. reASOnable Yttorneys' fees;and(d)takes such xtion as l.ender may reasonably rcquire to assure <br /> that the I[cn of thie Securiry Instrument. Lender's righw in the Property and Borrower's�bligation ta pay thc sumc secured by <br /> this Socurity Insln�ment sh�ll continue unchangai. Upon reinstatement by 8orrower, this Security Instrument and the <br /> obligations securod hereby shall rcrru�in fully efFective as if no Acceleration hacl accuRed. However.this ri�ht to reinswte shall <br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under paragrAph 17. <br /> 19. S�le oi Note; CfwnYe of I.oAn Serv(cer. The Note or a partial intcrest in the Note (together with this Socurity <br /> Insttument)rtwy be sold one or more times without prior notice tu Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(know� <br /> ac the`Loan Servicar")thnt collxts monthly payments duc under the Note and this Securiry Instrucnent. Thero also may be one <br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrclated to a sale af the Note.If there is a change of thc Laan Servicer. Borrower will be <br /> i j given wdtten notice of the change in xcordance with paragcaph t4 abovc and applicable law.'I1�e natice will stat�the name nnd __ <br /> oddress of the new Loan Servicer :uid thc address to which payments should be madc. The notice will atr� contain any othcr <br /> ( inforniation requirod by applicable law. <br /> 20. Hnxardous Substances. Borrower xhall not causc or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage. or release of any <br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Pruperty. Bonowcr shall not do, nor allow anyonc clse to do, unything affecting the <br /> �' � Property that is in vialation of uny Emironm•,ntal Law. The procoding two sentenees shall not apply to the pre.sence, use, or <br /> ;���� � storage on the Prop�rty of small quuntities of Ha�ardous Substances that are generally recagniud to be appropriate to nornial <br /> _ � rcsidenHal uses and to maintenance af the Property. <br /> Borrower shall pramptly give Lender written notice of any investigatian, cluim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any <br /> gavernmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property:u�d any Hautrdous Sub�tance or Environmentul Law <br /> of which Borrawer has uctusl knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authority, that <br /> � any removal or othe�remediation ot uny Hc�rdous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.Bonawer shull promptly take <br /> � all neccssary remedial actions in uccordance with Environmcntal I,aw. � <br /> • - As uscd in this �+aragra(+h��1, "Hniardouc SuMstance�" are substunces defined as toxic or hazardous substunce.r• by <br /> '� '�r.. ' EnvlronmentAl Luw and the following substnnee�: gasoline, kerci,ene, other flammuble or toxic petmleum produets, toxic � <br /> �2`(F�.•�)_:.r�k ' <br /> . �c��;;�,�;.c;,.,,; a pesticide�and herbicides,volatile solvents, mnteriafs containing�.titx+tos or formaldehyde,and raJionctive materialti. As utied in <br /> �.:�::...:.�::.; ', this paragraph 20, "Hnviranmental Luw" mcans federal luws and laws of the jurixdiction wljere the Propetty is locuted thAt <br /> �'��`��` ''�' � relate to health,safety or cnvironmentul protection. -- <br /> '}'-�''�`� �'" ' NON-UN[FORM COVENANTS. &�rrower and Lencler further cuvenant and agree as follnws: <br /> "• ~'+r� �� 2l. Acceleration;Remedi�s. Ixnder shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following BorroK•er's breuch <br /> • .t:..{,,,.�:'�::�.;r �, <br /> of any covenant or a�reement in tl�is Security Instrament (but not prior to acreleration under paraRraph 17 unless <br /> . •• -• � ��� applicable law prnvides otherwise). The notice shall spectfy: (a)the default: (b)the ucNon required to cure the defuult; <br /> : (c) o date. not less than 3Q days tmm the dute the nntice iti�ivcn tn 13orrow•cr. by which the default muu be cured;and _ <br /> - • ,���' � • - (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the drate tipecificd in thc�oticc may n..wult in acceleratton of the sums — <br /> ,�. '�:� �� • sccured by this Secarity Instrument and �ale of the Pro�My. The notice chall fnrthrr infi�rm {tnrrnw��r oF tFN�riRht to ��-•_ <br /> ��t:�>•��''-�` reinstate after acceleration and thc ri�ht to brin� a court action to usxert the non-existence of a default or any other - - <br /> „ �� � defense of Borrawer tu ucceleruNon und sale. If the default is not cured on ur before the date specified in the notice� �°� <br /> • i,endrr, at its aptfon.may require immediate puyment in full of uU sums xrured bv this Sc�curfty Instrument without - <br /> • further demand and may in�•okc the pnH•er of sale and am othcr remedics permittcd h�• s►pplicuble law.IAndcr shall bc <br /> entitled to collect all expenscs incurrec!in pursuin�thc remeditw provided in this para�raph 2l,includin�.but not limited �_lT <br /> � to.reasonablc attornevs'fe�w And co�tx of tiNc evidcnce. a <br /> lf the p�»a•er of sule is in�oked. Trushr shull rErord a not(ce of def'uult in cuch a►unt�• in which uny patt of the <br /> ' Property iti located omd shalt u�ail copicti of such notice in the manner preXribed h��applicAblc IK��•to Borrow•er and t�� �, , <br /> � �-� , the other persom pn�criixd b�•appliruble luw�.Aftcr the timc rcyuired b�•applir�ble laa.Trustcr tihall fii�e public notice ��= <br /> • of sale to thc per+nnc und in thc manmr prescrilxd b�• upplicubic la«. Trustcc. �+•ithout demand on Borrnw•er,shall rcll <br /> � the Property at public uuction to the hiQhest hidder s�t the time und pluce und under the tc�ms drsi}�nated in the notire of ��± <br /> - ssle in one or more purccls und in unv ordcr Trust�ti detcrmin��+. Trustc�e mac p►xtp�ne sul� nf uU or am• purccl of thr � <br /> " '''-`'•'�� ,, Pruperty by puhlic •rnnounrement ut the time und �lacc of am prc�•iousl�� uhcduled sule. I.ender or itx dcwi�n�ti mu�� <br /> f , �..� <br /> purchasc thc Property ut any salc. �..r <br /> , .. �_ <br /> Form 3028 8190 <br /> _ � vago 4 u�ti <br /> . � <br /> y <br /> . � �� �. <br /> • +�j. ,�,_ .. ..,�,. .,s,t,;,�:�';�."'.-.. . ., ._ .... . . <br /> .. - .. . .' ..ti�. . .e.�... ..�.._.... .. . <br /> �'� •�tlr�� '� . . . . _ � " . , <br />, ,..-�--; ._ -- -..-- --.- -�-- �--'- . . ._..--. _.-- —.-'_.=-------- <br />! ° .. . - .dk�:�r y�� .�4l� ' <br /> . ' � ' . 4�'-S � "..�. " <br /> � <br /> . .. • <br /> _ �.- . __ .__ . _ _ _ . <br />