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-r,- . . <br /> . - - -- <br /> � ---- — --- _. <br /> _---- -- - �. 94- �.os,3s1 <br /> � . <br /> � � <br /> ; appiicabic law may�pocify for rcinstatemenU befor�e��le of thc Property pur�u�nt to+�ny power of ule contdnod ia tlilr <br /> � Secuciry Inueument:or(b)entry of R jucS�meat eefa+cinQ thi�3ecurlty Instzumen� 1'hose condidon:u�e that Bcxrower: (a) <br /> i � py� La�der�ll wms which then wwld be due undar thi� Sacurlty Inatrurnent u�d the Note u If no�cceleradon h�d <br /> _I oceure+ed:(b)cuna any deFault of any other covEnants a a�roement�;(c)pay�all expauea i�xiured la enforcing this Sxurity <br /> � Iruaument, includin��but not limited to. reason�ble�ttat�eys'fea;and (d) takes auch action�s Lender may neaaaru�bly <br /> roquic�e to aasure that the lien of thir Security Inatrument,L�enderh�ighta in the PropeRy and Batrowar's obligadon to pay the <br /> swns recurod bq thi: Security Instrument shaA cont�nue unchanQod. Upon ain�tement by Bomower, this Socurity <br /> Inurument and the obli�uiona�cuned he�+eby shall�main fully effxdve as if no�ecelenulon had occurnd. Hownver.thii <br /> - ---- - dIIht to rainstate shall not npply in the cuse of nccelerution uader parasraph 17. -- <br /> 19. S�le o[Note;Cb�o;e ot Lo�n Servker. 'I'fie Note or s pactial inttrest in the Note(together with thic Security <br /> Insuument)may be sold one or mare dmes wtthout prlor noticc to Bomower. A ealc may rcsult in a change in the entity <br /> � (known ae the"Loan Servlcer")that collects monthly payments dtu under the Ncue and this Security Insuument. There also <br /> mxy bo one or mane changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a chengc of the Loan Servlcer, <br /> Borrower will be given wcitten notice of the change in accoMance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice <br /> I will state the aame and adclness of tt�c ncw Loan Servicor and thc addt+ess to which paymcnts should be madc. The noticc will <br /> alco contain any other inYormidon required by applicable law. <br /> ?A. Hpzardow SulwtAnca9. Borrowcr shall not cause or pertnit the presence, use,disposal,srorage,or rclease of any <br /> � Hazacdous Substanccs on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do.nor allow anyone clse to do,anything affecting the <br /> Property that is in vtolation of any Envlronmental Luw. The proceding two sentences shall not apply to tha presence,use,or <br /> staage on the Property of small quAntidcs of Hazardous Substances that ac+e generally ncognized to be appropriate ta noanal <br /> nsidenual uses end to maintenance of the Propecty. <br /> ' Borrower shall pmmptly g[ve Lender written notice of any investtgation,claim.demand,lawsuit ur ather action by any <br /> -���� i governmentel or regulawry agency or pdvate party involvii�g the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Envimnmentaj <br /> . Law of which Bomawer has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any govemmentat or regulatory ! <br /> ,: authorlty.that any removal or other remediadon of any H�.ardous Substance affectin�the Property is necessary. Borrower <br /> shall pmmptly take all neccssary mmediel actions In accordance wIth Environmentnl Law. <br /> ' •'�'-' " As ased in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"sue those substancex defined as taxic or hazardous by <br /> ` Environmental Law and the following substances: �asoline,kerosene,other tlammable or toxic peaoleum products, toxic <br /> pesticides and herbicides, volutile solvenGs, muterials containins asbestos or formutdehyde,and rndiouctive materials. As <br /> . � � �� used in this paragn►ph 20,"Environmental Law"means federnl laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property js located <br /> r.-..- �'.'��,�'��-� that relate to health,safety or envlronmental protection. <br /> � NON-LJN[FORM COVENANTS. Bonower and[.ender further covenant and agme as follows: <br /> f �j;�� �-,;'�'~ 21. Acceleration; Remedies. I.ender shall give noUce to Borrower prlor to occeleraUon fullowing Borrower's <br /> . `;;;� ''.. •'��? ; bm.�ch ot nn rnvensmt or p — <br /> y g��eement in this Security Instrument(but not prlor to accelerAtion under pars�grAph 17 <br /> �'�°`'°'�i- I unle�s Applicable law provldes otherwLve). The notice shall specify: (p)the detAUlt;(b)the Actton requtred to cure the <br /> .. .,.. �. , defnul�(c)A date,nrtt les.c than 311 days�NM�tI�P fI}��P�l14 IN1rICP�R�VP/I t0�01'!'OWPI'i by whisl�t�e dete�t mvst tss� <br /> cured;and(d)thpt tAilure to cure the defs�ult on or before the dAte specitied in the notice may result in acceleration of <br /> ...y^°'s�-�� .-.. --___ <br />' .°.� .' „ - Lhe sume secured by this Security Instrument And sAle of the Property. The notice shall turther intorm Borrower o[ <br /> „ . : . . the right to reinstate aner Accelerntion and the rlght to bring a court action to assert the non-extstence of A defAUlt or --- <br /> - � , any other de[ense of Borrower to acceleratton And sAle. If the default is not cured on or before the date apecttted in <br />._ � . the notke�L.ender at Its option may mquire immediAte payment in full oi nll sums secured by this Secudty Instrument <br />_ . without[urther demAnd and mAy invoke the power of sale end any other remedies permitted by npplica�ble law __�_ <br /> ` , i.ender sfwll be entitled to collect all expenses incurred ln pursuin� the remedtes provided in this paragraph 21, <br /> - " lncluding,but not limited to,reasonable attnrneys'fees and costs of tttle ev(dence. <br /> � �, It the power ot sale is invoked.'14�ustee shall record a notice of defuult in each county t� which any part of the <br />-`}� � •• Propecty is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner presecibed by applicabM law to Borrower pnd to <br /> - ' ' ' ' the other per�ns prescriM�l by Applkeble!sw ARer the t[me requlred by appllcable law,7rustce shAU gi�c publtc �" <br /> ,�� notice of sAle to the pemons Ancl!n the manner prescrlbed by applfcable Inw 'll�ustce,without dem�nd on Borrower. 6� <br /> , . shall sell the Property at public ouction to the highest bldder At the t(me and place and under tlte terms designwted in �`�""- <br /> y the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order 1Yustee determines. 'Irustee mAy postpone sAle of all or any ��_ <br /> • • parcel of the Property by publtc announcement at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its �_ <br /> ' designee may purchase the Property At nny sale. �.:�- <br /> . Upon receipt of payment oP the prlce bid.'[Yustee shalt detiver to the purrha5er 1Yustee's deed convey(nR the �.� <br /> Properfy. The recitals in the 7Yustee's deed shall be prima fi�cic evidence of the truth of the statements made theretn. �� . <br /> •- ' T}ustee shWl a p pl y the proceeds o f t h e s A l e i n t h e f o l l o w i n�o r d e r: (a)t o a l l c o s t s a n d expenses o f exerc i s ing t he power �. _ <br /> ',. <br /> �.�r•- <br /> -. . � ... . <<-- <br /> . �---�' <br /> :%•. .�!•. �._. <br /> � �;9_' _ -• <br /> '� ;. � <br /> f <br /> `1 <br /> . � , . <br /> t <br /> � <br /> � . > <br /> � <br /> . � <br /> . . yp'�L{u...��x . . .. . .. .. . . . .. 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