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<br /> 7'OCl�'I'NPR WM'H�tl tha impravemont�nuw c�r t�rcaftu crectal on thr pcopeny.wid�II euem�nts,�ppurun�nca,
<br /> ' and fixtu�d�ww cx haeafter a p�rt of the pro�xrty. All repluccments�nd�ddltlons thall alan be coverod by ihls Sacurity
<br /> Itu�ruaMnt. All of tbe fooe�oic�i�rchnad W in thls Security laru�ut�eet u the"PropatY•"
<br /> BpftRUW�R COVENANTS Ihat Borruwm ir l�wtully feiwxi u[Ihe e►tate hereby ca�veyed wW hu the ci�ht to�rant
<br /> u�d caevey the P�rapo�ty and th�e the PropenY{R unencumberod,excep�fa encumb�nce:of record. Bartower wa�ranu and
<br /> will deta�d�enually tho Qlk W the i':t�perty�ajnu dl cidma and dem�nd�,�ubjat to�ny encambnnces of rocord.
<br /> THIS S�CURITY INSTItUM�NT oombine� unifa�m cov.-n�nts far n�t�anal use snd naa•unifam cove�anu with
<br /> - _--�--�-- _ --� Ifmited variulau by Jurisdiction to constitute n uniform xcurity insln�mrnt covering real pnoperty. �
<br /> UNIf�O1tM COVBNAM'S. Bcxrower and Lender cavetuuu and�ra�u falbwa:
<br /> 1. IhyMent o�Prin�9pd aad latere�ti�WY���k Clut�ts. Bomnwer ehall ptomptfY paY when due the
<br /> _ princi of uid intaest on the dcbt evidcncod by thc Nu�e�+nd any yxepryment and lxue chuges duc under Ux Noue.
<br /> � Rqod�for'I�Ya�ad Ina►raneG Subjact to applicable IAw ar to a writun w�lver by Lender.Borrawer shall psy W
<br /> ---- l.ender on ihe d�y manthly paymenu urc due under thc Note.until the Note is Qaid in full.a sum("Fwnds")for.(s�)ywriy
<br /> taxes and aisessments which may Wtain priority over this Secudty Instrument as a lien an the Propetty;ibl Y��Y���D�d
<br /> _ --`L-.rza payments a groued rcnts on thc Propeny. if nny: (c)ycady hazar�d or pn�peAy insura�xe premjums; (d) ye.arly tlood
<br /> insurance premiums, if any: (c1 ycarly mo�tgagc inxu�ance prcmiums, if any: uid l� any sums payAble by Iiorrowcr to
<br /> Lender,in accardancc with the ptovisions of purograph S.i�lieu uf thcp�yment of mortgage insuranca prcmiums. 77xse
<br /> items we called"Escmw Item�" L.ende�may,at nny time.collect And hold Fundc in an ernount not to excecd the maximum —
<br /> � amount a lender for a federally �elated mo�tgagc loun may roquire for Borrower'c eurow account under the fodecal Rcal
<br /> --- Estate Settlement Pmcedures Act of 1974 as�mcnded from t�mc to timc. 12 U.S.C.$2601 rt s�q. ("RESPA"),usiless another
<br /> -- IAw that applies to the t�ads sets a lesser Amount. if sc�,I.ender mAy.ot�ny dme,collect and hold F1�nds in an amount not to
<br /> - exceed tt�Ieaser amwnt. L.ender muy esdmate the ynwunt of f'vnds due on the basis of current data and neasotwble i
<br /> �'�� estimates oi eapenditurcs of future Escrow Itemr.or othenviye ln accordv�xe wlth�pplicable law.
<br /> The Punds shall be hcld in an institution whosc depasits are insured by a fcderal agency, inswment�lity,or entity
<br /> -" • . .,, (including I.ender.if I.endcr is such an intitituti�n)or in any Fedcral Homc La�n Bank. Lender shal!apply the Funds to pay
<br /> Y ' - „• .- the Eccrow Items. L.ender nwy not churge Bocrower fr►r hafding and applying the E�nds,annually analyzing the escrow
<br /> . ,';.:�'u,:;:;."".','F�
<br /> ,�. . .. . ;,4• accaunt. or ve�ifying the Escrow ltems,unless Lender pays Bortower interest on the Funds and applicable luw permits
<br /> � ��' Lender to make such a chsuge. However, Lender may rcquire Borrower to puy a ooc-timc charge for an independent c�eal
<br /> ��'�" � ostato tax«porting service used by Gender in cannectinn with this loan,unless applicable luw provlden otherwisc. Unless an
<br /> .�.�v�:,�....:..; .. ,�! agreement is madc or applicable law requires intcrcst to be paid,Lender sball not he required to pay Borrower nny interest or _�
<br /> t,'z; �. eamings on thc Funds. Borrowcr ancl L.ender muy aEruc in writins,however,that intcrcst sh�ll bc paid on the Funds. I.cndcr
<br /> • _, , , , , shall give to Bomower,without charge,an smnual accounting of ilte Funds.showing credits and debits to the Funds and ttie
<br /> • �.,:,.;r. _ , purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The fimds are pledged as ndditional securiry for all sums securcd by
<br /> this Securiry lnsuvrr�nt.
<br /> -. �=�' '-`� !f the f'vads hef� by Lender tsceed !he nmounts permitt?d to!+� h�id hy n�+s►licable law.Lender shall account to
<br /> Borrower for ihe excess Ft�nds in accord;►nce with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount af the Funds held by
<br /> Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Itemx when duc.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in
<br /> such case BoROwer shall pay to L.ender the umount necessary to m•rke up the deficiency. Bortower shall m�ice up the _
<br /> . deficiency in no morc thun twelve monthly paymentti,at I.ender ti sole discretion. __
<br /> - Upon payment in full of all sums securcd by this Securiry Instrument.Lender shall promptly refund to BoROwer any
<br /> " ' , Funds held by l.ender. If,under p:►ragraph 21, Lender shall•rcquire or sell the P�operty,C.en�r.prioc to the acquisition or __
<br /> sale of the Piroperty, shall apply any Funds held by l.cndcr at the time of acquisition ur sale as a credit against the sums
<br /> securcd by this Security Inswment. _._
<br /> � 3. Applieation of Aayments. Unlecs applicablc law provides otherwiac, all paymenis received by I.ender under �..
<br /> �•. . • paragraphs 1 and 2 shall 6e applied:first,to any prcpayment charges due under the Nate:second,to amounts payable under i-
<br /> ;�';:' parrgrrph 2;third.to inte�est duc;fourth,to principal due:and last.to any late ch:uges due under the Note.
<br /> �� 4. ChArges; Liens. Borrowcr shall pay all taxes, asxessments, chargcs,fines and impositions attributable to the
<br /> Propeny which may attain priority over this Security Jostrument,:uid Iea,ehold paytncnts or ground rents, if any. Boaawer
<br /> �' � shull pay thcsc obligations in�hc manner provided in par.igraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Bcxrowcr shall pay them an _.
<br /> . time directly to the person awed puyment. Bormwcr shall prompdy furni�h to Lendcr all notices of amounts to be paid under � .
<br /> 9 this paragroph. If Borrower makes thesc payment�directly,Borrowcr shall promptly fumish to Lendcr receipts evidcncing -
<br /> the paymentti.
<br /> Borrower shall pmmptly disch:►rgc any licn which h•rti prio.ity i�vcr thi�Srrurity In.trumcnt unicss Barrower:(a)agrecs �
<br /> in writin to the a ment of the obli ation ticcured b thc lien in a manner acce tablr to Lender.(b)contests in goad faith the �'"
<br /> �, � P Y 6' Y P �,_
<br /> .. � - . lien by,or defendti ugain.t enforccment of thc lien in,legal procecding�which inihc Lcndcr:opinion o�ratc to prcvcnt the ,�•
<br /> - enforcement of the lien;or(c)sccurcti from thc holdcr of thc lien an agrecmcnt wtisfucWry to Lendcr subordinatins thc licn �
<br /> '� to this Socuriry lnswment. If Lender determines th•rt any purt of thr Property is tiubject to a lien which may attain priority
<br /> • y :.;� over this Securny instrument,i.ender muy give 8orrower a nutiec iJrulifying tti�U�n. aorrower s8ail tiatisty the tien ar ia1:e i_�;
<br /> .'�``'�' onc or mom of thc•rctions set forth ahovc within 10 days ot thc g'sving of noticc. i+.'
<br /> ' `�' � 5. Hs�zard or Property Insurance. Borrowcr shall kcep thc improvement, now exititing or hemaftcr crected on the
<br /> �.,�
<br /> _ Propeny irnured again,t las�by tire,h:�urds included within the tcrm"cxtrndrd covcrugc"and any othcr h:u.ards,including } .
<br /> .�� floods or floading,for which Lender requims insurance. Thiti insurance ,hall tx: maintuineJ in the •rmounts and for the �
<br /> . � �
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