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��, ����r� f . . - " <br /> -� ,. . , <br /> -�— ----_ � N��_:�,:� + 94- sa�� <br /> TOOE1'HBR W1TH dt the impmverr�aM�naw or ha�e�lter ecw.�ted on d�s property.�nd�!1 eaemenu��PPu�w��ntd <br /> tixwres now or herafter a put of the proQaty. All repl�ewnans md ddlttonR .hdl �la M oownd by tbl� Mauitr <br /> Inurument.All of the foregoing is retertnd to in thi�Security Irotrument�r the "Prnperty« <br /> �OIt�30WBR QOVENANTS that Borrowet is IRwf�lly�i�ed uf the aute hereby c�onveyad and h�Ihe�i�ht w�roeM rnd <br /> convey the Fropeny�nd tlwt tho Property is unet�mberai, axapt tw encun�brancei of ra�rd. �amriwr w�naiMs M1d will <br /> defend generally th�titic to the Propecty a��inst di�Idnn md denund�,wbJxt w�ny e�xumbnutaea uf naxd. <br /> TFIiS SECURITY INSTRUMENT aombinez unifnrm coveiwnt�for n�tion�l u�e K�xl twn•unifunn uorwuirMs witd liaillyd <br /> v�riattarw by juriuliction to constilute t unifomt cecurity irolruma�t oove�iry real prnperly. <br /> _- - --•�.� UNIFORiv�COVENANTS,Hornwrcr nnd Lender awenan�end�gnr r�fiilti►wx; ___ <br /> 1.Paymeat ot Princlpd �ad Iata�e�t; Pre�Yment snd Chu�M, [bmower �II prumpt�Y MY whan dw th� <br /> _. _ principal of and intercst on thc debt evideixxd by the Notc ind any prepoyment�nd I�te charQer due unJot the Nde. <br /> 2.�nd� tor T�ces ar�d Inwraace. Subjxt ta applic,able law or tn R wrlltcn wxivcr by LenJer, B�xn�wrr�F�all �y to <br /> I.ender on thc day monthly payments are due ander the Nnte,until the Nate is paicl in full,a wm("Fumin")fiir:(�)yowrly t�xa <br /> and avsessments which may xtuun priodty ovcr this Socurity Inurumcnt ac�lien on the Pruperty;(b)yrarly lea�ehuld prymw�u <br /> _ -j, or ground rents on the Property. if any;(c)ywrly ha�rard ar prapeKy insu�r prcmiums;(d)yearly Ou�xi fnxuama pramiunu, <br /> - lf eny;(e)yearly mortgage lncurance prcmiums, if any;and(fl any sums plynblc by Hnm�wer tu Lendcr,in�c�nl�wx with <br /> – thc praviaions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mcntgage insur+mre prcmiums.Tl�c�c ittnu arc udlexl 'E'.ic�mw I�emr.' <br /> l.ender may, at �ny time, callect and hold Funds in An a�nount not to exceod the m�ximum �nxwnt a lender Cor w fwforylly <br /> -_ — related mortguge laan may requiro for Borrower's escrow account under the toderal Rcal F�twte Sctdenxnt I'ra�odurcx Ikti nf <br /> 1974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et sry. ("RESPA'), unlesc ancKher Inw that�pplies tu the Fundi <br /> �, seta a lesser amounr. If so, Lender rnay. ut any time, rnllect+u�d huld Funds in an�mnunt nut to ezreu! tix les�er�nxwnt. <br /> Lender msy estin�ate the amount of Funds due on the bosis of current daw and re�wn�lstc r.cti�rwtcs af capc�xfiturci uf futuro <br /> � ' Eccrow Itcros oi othcrwisc in accardancc with applicablc law. <br /> +. , ;., The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits ure insurcd by a federul �grnry, in+trumentetity, ��r cntity <br /> (including I.ender,if I.ender!s such an institution)or in Any Foderal Honu:l.oun Bunk. Le�xler shall apply the pay the <br /> � Bscrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Runds,�►nnu�lly�t the�Krow wcc�wnt, or <br /> ' ' 'J•''�"=����'` verifying the Escrow Items,unless I.ender pays Bareowcr intercst on the Fundx wxi applicuhlc law pcnnit�l.��ulcr to nwkr xu�h <br /> . � a charge. However, Lender may requirc�n•ower to pay a onc-timc churge fiir an incicpe�xlent nu�ctitata t+�x r��xirting servire <br /> r'�!°:;:;; <br /> _ �,� ; `��,�;t,;�;`,�,yj�• used by l,ender in connection wich this loan, unless applicable law provides c>therwi.ce. Unless �n agreement is maJe or <br /> ��5{�;•;•:`-�,;',''�:' appllcable law requtres interect to be paid. Lender shall not bc rcquircd to pay Borruwc�uny imerc�t or earningx on ibr Futxls. <br /> _� ;wli�Y�+�fi��i,L�=»:•;'�,�". <br /> . . Borrower and L.ender may agree in writing,hawevcr, that tntcrezt sh�ll be{wid nn thc Fmxix. I.endcr.hall givc t�►&�rrowcr, <br /> " ' �'��•".. '� ± �� : withaut charge. an annual accountin�of the Fundx, showing credits and debits to the �unc1�und the purpa�e fi�r whinc�uch <br /> — debit to the Funds r,vas made.The Funds sre pledg�d as:uldltions!sei:urit, for s!!susns zsxercd by ihfs Ssxarfs;lssstsusmni. <br /> ���'' ' 1f the Funda held by L.ender exceed the amounts permitted t�i be helJ by appliruble luw. I.rixicr shull ucccwnt to&�rrowcr <br /> for the excess Funds in accordance with thc requirements of upplicubic luw. If thc anxwnt of thc Punds hcld My L.cndcr ut uny <br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow hems when due,l.cnder nwy w notify Bnrrower in writing, ra�c &rrmwer <br /> shaU pay to Lender the amount necessary tn nwkc up the deficiency. Borrower chull nwke up the definicncy in no morc thiu► <br /> twelve monthly puyments,at l.ender's u�lc discrction. -- <br /> Upon payment in full of all swns ,ecured Ny this Seeurity Instrument, 1.enJrr �hull prcnnptly rcl'mxi t�� &�rr�iwer any =_ <br /> _. Funds held by Lender.if,under paragraph 21. Lcndcr,hull acyuire��r kU the Pn��xny,l.r�xlcr,pri�ir tii the airyui�ition or�:tle <br /> ;., of the Praperty,shall apply any Funds held by L.cnder ut the time of ucquisition or wlc ux u cralit uguinst the r�um�sccured by �,,-z. <br /> _, ••�...,.,,: dua Sa:�.uiily I�1tit�utilCnt. �— <br /> ;_�'' ' ' 3.Applicatton of Payments.Unlcti�applicablc law providcti othcrwix,ull payment.rccciv�til ny l.cnJrr wxlcr p•rr•rgraphs <br /> �,h 1 and 2 shall bc applicd: first, to any prepuynunt rharges Jue undcr th�Notc: xcorxi, t�►unx�unh payuble unJrr paruEruph 2; �=r <br /> � . third,to intcrest duc:faurth,to principal duc; anci lutit, to uny lutc churgcti duc undcr thr N��tr. <br /> 4.Chatx;cg; I.iens. 13orrowcr sh•rll pay all taxc., n�.c�.mentti,char�;eti, tinc�aeu! im�xnitionti attrihuwblr ta Qic Pro�xrty ■-.�_ <br /> � which muy atwin priority over this Security Instrument, and Icai�rh��ld p:iymrnt, ��r�ruunJ rcnt+. if any. &�rn�wer .hull pay _ _ <br /> ; � , these ohligations in the manner provided in purugraph 2,ur if not paid in that manncr.Horc��wer�hall pay thrm on timr dirertly — <br /> to the person owecl payment. Borrowcr tihull promptly furnitih ti�Lcndrr ul l nc,tirc.ol'amuunt.t��tx paid undcr thi�p•rr•rgrrph. e�� <br /> If Borrower ms�kes the�e pxymentsdirectl��.B��rrowcr�h,tll prontpdy furni�h t�� Ixndrr rrrcipt,rvidr�k•ing thr p:►ynknt.. �" . <br /> • Bnrcowcr shull promptly dischurgc t�ny licn which hu�priority ovcr thi.S�curity In.trum�nt unl��.I3urc��wrr. �a1 agrrc� in <br /> • writing to the puyment of the obligution secured by thr licn in a mannrr arccptuhlr a�L���xler;Ih1 g�xKl faith thc licn <br /> , by. or defcnJs agulnst enforccnxnt af thr licn in. Irgal prcxreding� e•hich in thr [.rndrr'. ��piniuu u�xratr a+ pre�cnt thc <br /> � t enforcement of the lien: or tc>secures I'rc�m thc hoW�r af thc lien an u�►��ment.ati.fartur� tu l.rnJrr wi�rrdinating thc licn tn F- <br /> . thix Security Instrument. fl'Lcnder detcrmineti that any part uf thr Pru�krty i, suhjrrt tu u lirn Hhi�l�mu� :qtain pri��rit�•uvcr <br /> -, this Sccurity Instrument, Lcnder muy givc B�irn�wcr a nutirr identilqin�thc licn. li„rr��Nrr.h:dl �hr I��n,�r�ahr une or r.;" <br /> � more of the uctions set farth abc�vc within l0 Jays uf ttir giving ut'nutire. <br /> . Fam 3028 9I�0 �'.. <br /> ..i' � <br /> P�ya•?ul fi <br /> . , i <br /> �t ' ' . .. ......�y7VF117Si7tN1'W1RMiYf'T,+�h.r...y�.�y��.w�..w..�yr�w....�....,y <br /> J. <br /> �— —...._ _ ..—. . ' . '_ " ' <br /> �`.__ �.. _.._—_...-- . . . . <br /> Y� <br /> � � <br /> �' 3 .. <br /> .. •� •. � - . . .n:_. <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> �1 _ __. <br />