.;t'd`�". . ,t:�:
<br /> tr�.,.., •�_
<br /> � .. ,; ? +t��w.-rhrw�wi�q^�: +•. . ._ -..
<br /> •r�.;. .r ..n.�,. .
<br /> ,�. �._�__ ___ ...
<br /> - ,'` .. . . —_
<br /> �"n . . 9�� loi3oo
<br /> r.a.r�y�spl�o�oMt R�w A�n.m.n►�t«�trd ia aoaa�ctiaa wUh th.loa.wla�eo.a 6y 1�.Nol.�(3)tr.
<br /> wb�Pio1�q�irwMS.Produet��ed i�oor of tY lM�p�ty no�twd or oolMc,�Md by ot aa I�if ot Sonowrr(�e
<br /> '� � .,«�, '�W...d Profia�y a t6..zaat w�d�no�ipts�n.a�oMwry.Ar�t.10 psy��W��( iwroa.bM.o�pwu ot apnti�►
<br /> . . . ,'��'J.. �� � � � � �� �L bYt �01 {�f�d b /Ml MqM tt�M� �
<br /> ' �d�i�wra prdwe�.wpdn►npl�am�et rd�roasd raMr�if�y(ti�•Op�rdi��8�p�')d�
<br /> � dw rd p�y�bM�of tM Wa�ot no�ipt at wrc�R�rd Profit�.�od tMn.b pay d�a pci�cip�l yd iN�re�t dw
<br /> ,'' ' � � � � r.aa 1�.Na.,..d�r aMr�s.aw rea.r t6.tart�um�t ar.oy aber tor►noouawt t+acludW bu�.a
<br /> . . Jtmttd a d�po�iv or merva duo�mde:.ay RaQl�c,em�ece Ro.ecva A=reemene)►exoeps co tbe eoteeoe Iwe Aoen�owe�r `�.____ -
<br /> _ �.: �. did aot Yiw�M bpl ri�Lt.b�c�u..of•b�oluu�ptay.,raiv�r�hip«�idLr judici�l prawdio j,�o dina Ws '
<br /> - • , di�bu���wt o�w�ci�mr.
<br /> -_ °"• BxMpt,.pa,l�d ia pu,�np6 Z7 t..oda�,r.u.a.«Q c.)wr Judsmeot fa.deficfaicy.s.i�.t BaYaw�r� _---
<br /> _ -_:!�'� �r t�tv O�tto�r of Hwrower(if BonowK i�a p�ctaar�P)or Bw�o+aePs or any w�jeoerd prwr's�eira� �-��.. _
<br /> � ws.aooeMOn ot wi is�n �ctlon b aofoioe�o ti�ht or t�medy aoder tbs Irtrureot,or - h:-_=: --�
<br /> ��� �, r r �:�,:._.-
<br /> ..y;wa�oia o.t1e xa.a�apt..s.y b�..c�.Mry ia�o�«�ion brou�Lt uoder w ro�t�umeot b.�far.m.
<br /> Wa y�irt IIN Prop�ty a w��rcLe�ny erm�di���sdet anY R�i�l�oemeo�Raecw 11�^°°m°°�• ---.
<br /> 2T. LXCEr'['IONS TO NONatECOU�tSE LIABO.ITY. If�without obtaiaioj Lra�der's pia wrletm ooeiant� �
<br /> (i)a TrnrtK�!1 ao¢w whic6�purwyet b parynph 19,jive.Isecler We ri�bt��t its optiaa,w decWe a11 ruma __
<br /> • �und by Iw 1oM�um�at imm�di�Wy dw�od pay�bi�.(ii)Borrowec i�ll�acumber Wa Pt�ope�ty with tLa lim �g.W��=-.
<br /> ot�r�ubordirM Lw+um�ot ia 000w�tion wii6 aay fw�acia�by Bb�tow�r.�ny of wch ev�ots�al1 coaMiwte �""�.
<br /> •�twlt by aonavr uodK Wa Note� � Io�trumeat aad tbe otber Lao Documeou aod if wcL evaot�ball ��;
<br /> � oo�tlws for]0 dyn, ?b�1I aot apply fiom�1 attet We d�ta which is 30 d�y��Rer�evaot and .,.� .�
<br /> •otro�wt.�wl wy��P�of Borrower(if Horrower L s Putaer�LiP)(ac,�iadivtdu�lly ac s joiat aad m.
<br /> rwwd bMis it�eas�s as)�11 b�pMroo�Uy Wbls aa a,ioiot aod�evaraJ b�L far tull r�cou�se liability ti�Lr �� -
<br /> Ir NoM rd 16�at6�t Lom Doouatiots. �`'�'-
<br /> . . ;>:
<br /> 1�otwil�hodi�i Pus�rnp6 Z6�Sarrnw�t aod anY�aoasl P�rtoet of Bano�wer(if Bornower is s pWuoecnLiP) - ,�,..�,-'"-
<br /> . (�i�dividwlly aa a joiot�od�ev�ral6�is if wore Ww ooe)��aU be PerwoapY liabls on a joint aod�evaal ..•. -
<br /> brir�i�1�aewust ot any lor.d�m�e a oat(iocl�Wln�but not limited W attoraeya'faes)re�ultjn�from(A) '° �!!t",.,
<br /> ttwd ar Wrotlorl dirnprarohtica bY Honow�or 8o�tiewx's �eot�a waployees ot=emrd prtoer of '1�' '' c � —
<br /> Earsax�ia�oa�3l�c�-�aiat!�l�ea�w��,�i,y d�a N�,�s,or in complying wit6 any of Bonow�er'� k' �
<br /> oblf�tiar usd�r W�Lo�n Documents. (B) ioaaoc�Pno�'eed�� caodecoo�tion awud�. �ecuritY�P��� �,� , ,:' `-
<br /> W
<br /> I�nts rd odwr�umr or pay�neots noeivad by or on beh�lf of Bormv�er ia it�caWcity�s owner of the�y .��-
<br /> rd�ot�pplid ia�000rdwee vv�tb tbe providoon of the Imwmeot(esoept eo tbe exteot thst Bon�wer did not 6ave ' i
<br /> tM{�sl ri�6t�br�wre ota b�olcniptcy.rxeiven6ip or similar judici�l proc�eedin��to diroct di�biuremeot of�uch t, � ..� _
<br /> w�ot P�ym�nh).(C� �ll Rmts aod Profib(exoept to We exteat t6�t Borrower did not 6ava the k�al dQbt� • �
<br /> ba�w ot s baoluuptcy.»�xivanhip or�Imllar judicial prooeedin�.W direct tbe disbiuremeot of ach w�ms)�aod ' .
<br /> �, � . I' �_,.
<br /> ��PP��•lirrt�W tha pym�ot of the ro�soosble OperaNnQ Expeores�aueh Opaatin�B�peo�es bxome due r -
<br /> , �od P�y�bM��od tL�o�to ti�e paymeat of principal�od iaterect then due�ad paysble uoder We Note aod aU otber
<br /> �dw��m�la�ttumeot aad aii ot6�r Luru Docw;katc tiactudin�but not limited to dq�oslta or reecrve+� ' , :.
<br /> P�Y�wd�r�sy Coll�tanl A�roemeot)� N)Borrewer'� fWun w py traoafer fas aod char�as due uoder
<br /> p�rop► t9(c)of t1a Idtrumeot,(B)Bor:ower's fiilura followia��default under any of the Lan Documents •
<br /> b ddlwt to L�adK oo d�m�od al!Raots�nd Profit�.aod�eeurity daQodts(except to tha exteot th�t Borrower did
<br /> wt hw 1M M�al ri�bt b�cwr of a b�olcruptcy,receive�ship or dmilar judici�l ptoceedin�to dirod di�bunement
<br /> ot w�Y w�).boolu�od ncards rolatin�to tbe Propetty,(f�Borrower's wiUful waste of tLe Property�(a)tbe
<br /> fiilun o/�on+ow�r w msintaia tba ioar�oce required by t6e In:trument�includinQ tbe c�t to roqir tbd Ptopecty
<br /> ��nwdt of�e�wwlty aot trimbuned by iawtaaee to the extant su�b io�urance is reqnlred by tho terms of We
<br /> 1rt�wM��ed(H)a bwc�of Soaower's npr�aeotatioa�aod wa:raatia raY�rdinY environmanta!haz��t or a
<br /> irfi��lt�r Bat�'s ooveawts njardtn�eoviroaoieatal httaul��t�et foRL in tha Insttumeo� ' ,
<br /> a
<br /> I
<br /> � No p�vWoo of p�ra=n�pbt 7b a 2?�h�ll(i)affect anY�uarmtY or�imik*s�roeumt e�cacuted ia 000aectioa
<br /> w1tM tw d�6t avidre�d by tbe Note�(ii)rolaue or nduca ehe debt evidenced by tbe Note�(iii)imP+'u tba ri�6t
<br /> ' of L�d�r b�ofora tbr provLioa�of qra�r�ph 6�(iv)impir We Gen of tbe Inatrnment a(v)impsir t6e ri�ht
<br /> at lid�r a�alatn�tir provi�ioo�of aor ReQl�oanmt Raerve A�eeaoene.
<br /> L. WAIVLf!OF'JURY TRIAL. Sorrow�r(i)oovao�ots�od a�rees oot to olect a t�l bY jury with�espect w
<br /> . My(w��i�iqj u�dK�r of t6e Lo�n Documents triable by a jury and<ii)waiva�ny ri�ht w tria!bY J�Y�
<br /> ��tNN dNt My wrcb�i�bt�bap oow a hM+�Aer exiK. Thi�waiver of ri�6t w trial bY lury'u+epar�elY�i�a►.
<br /> It�rwM=iy rd vdwt+wily witb t6�bMO�6t of oompeteat le�d coua�el by Borrowe�. aod thi�waiver i�iataoded
<br /> b wa�prM i�dlvWually Mc6 iortaoos iad acb i�a�e a�to whir6 d�e riYht to a jury tri�l would otLerwi�e accrue.
<br /> ' 1'w1Mt�Yarowr Mrby owtifw tlw oo�epro�eoative a a�wt of Geoder(iacludinQ�but not limited w.Leode�'Q
<br /> � paw�1)W npn���bd.anp+es�ly a nth�wire.W 8om�w�c tl�at lmder wii{not�eelc to aoforce tlie provisioos
<br /> , � af IW pw�rtph�I.
<br /> �
<br /> . w....�l.ir..�C..w�rta. Don+ow�r�ed laod�r fuAber oowo�at�od aaree a foUowc:
<br /> 2!. ACCW.fCRATIONs REMED{FS. Upon Bon+ower's bro�cb of aoy aovedot or aanaement of Hortow�er in
<br /> ' ih{�Mww�t.i�clYdiaj�but aot limi4d b.ths oova�ats to p�y w6en duo�ny w�mr�scurod by tl�ic Instrument,
<br /> ` i L�wMr M Iw�br'�opliae ary drebn dl of tbe wims Ncurod by thi� Inttrumeoc to be immedistety due and
<br /> � Ny�M{�witlaM(4�t1K d�o��d.�ed way isvola tb�power of We�od aoy otber remedies petmiued by applicable
<br /> Mw w r+ovldd Mnl�. Wxniwrt�l�aow{�d�W�t tbe power of�le beneia�caotad may be wcercited by I.aod�r
<br /> � ' wilraw Priu�lwlicid MWia�. Ocxraw�t 6�tb�ri�ht w bria�ao�tloa w weR tbe aoo�exi�teoce of s Ma�cb
<br /> .
<br /> t �
<br /> ,
<br /> � i (Ily�!)�/f�
<br /> [
<br /> _ :i
<br />