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_ .��� �,`�; __ <br /> "-_----� -- --...� I�4'' ��:' g _ <br /> 17.Tntu�fec o[the Properly or a Bet�ef{cW Iatecait ta eorrowec.If all c,r pny Mrt of the Property or any intercat in 1t <br /> is rotd or t�fercod(or it r 6eneficial intereat in 8anrower is sold or ttansferrnd�nd Borrower is�x►t a natural personl without <br /> Lender's prior written consent. Letxkr nuy. w ita option, uir� immodiate pwyment in full af all sums �ecu�ecl by thi� <br /> Sa�urity inetrument.Huwevcr.this option�hall not be exe�+cicod�y Lender if ezerrise�c prohibitod by fakral Isw�of the dste <br /> of tbir Socurity Insuutncnt. <br /> If Lentkr exerclses thir option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of uceleration. The notia shall Provuk a peNad of ncx <br /> less than 30 dYys fram the�Iwte the notice ic deliverwl or mailod within which 13orrower must ps�y all suma saurod by this <br /> _ Security Instrumcnt. If Borrower fails ta pay thcsc sums prior to thc cxpirntion of this period.Lender mry invo�e�ny i+nnodia <br /> pern�tted by this Security lnstrumcnt without furtlxr notice or demand on Borrowcr. <br /> 18. Barrower's W�MI to Reinstatr. !f Borrower mats ��cnuin conditio�s, Horrowcr shall have thc right ro have <br /> --� — -- enforeement uP tl�is Sex;�irity Inatrun�eul diauwuinued Yt w►y time prior to the eurlier uG- l�+) 5 duys (or such otlxr pc:riat :►, <br /> applicable Iuw may specify for reinstatement) before srile of the Property pursuant to any power af�ale cantnined in this <br /> — Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Securiry Instrument. Those cunditions erc that Bonawer.(a)pays <br /> Lender atl sums which then wauld be due wxkr this Securlty Instrument anci the Notc As if no�cceleratian had orcurr:d;(b) <br /> currs any default of any other coveoants or agreements; (c)pays all oxpenscs incurced in enfarcing this Sa:udty Ir►strutnent, <br /> including. but not limited to,reasonable attorneys' fees:and(d)takes such action us L.ender may r�easonably n:quire to assu�+e <br /> that the lien of this Sec:urity Inurument. I.endcr's right�in the Property and Bonowcr's obligation to pay the hums secured by <br /> --�---- this S�xurity I��strumeut sh�ll continue wictunged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Sccurity Instrutncnt and thc <br /> obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acreleration had occurred. However. this right to reinstate slwll <br /> not apply in thc cusc of Acccicration under paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loa� Servicer. The Nate or a partial interest in the Note (togcther with this Security <br /> Instrument)may bc sold onc or more timcs without prior notice to Borrower. A wle may result in a change in the entity(known <br /> - - as the"Laan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this 5ecurity Instrument. There alsa mAy be one <br /> ;��: or mare changes of the l.c�an Servicer unmlated ta a sale of the Note.If there is a chunge of the L.oan Servicer. Borcower will be <br /> - given written natice of the change in accordarrce with paragruph 14 utave and applicuble law.The notice will state the name and <br /> address of the new Lo:ui Scrvicer arxi the address ro which puyments should be made. The notice will also contain any other <br /> = inforniation required by applicable law. <br /> ' 20. Hazacdaus Subst�nces. Borrowcr shall not rausc or permit thc presence, use, disposal, storage, or releasc af Yny <br /> ,� Harnrdous Subuanccti on or in the Pmpeny. Borrnwer shall nnt do, e�or ullow nnyanc else to do, unything affecting thc <br /> �{=�� Pmpeny that is in violatian of any Environmental Law. Thc pr�coding two sentencc�shull not apply to the presence, use, or <br /> `, • ' storuge cm the Property of small quantities of H:uardous Subrtances that are generally recogniud to be apprapriate to nom�al <br /> ' � '� '� residentiul uses and to maintenunce of the Property. <br /> 1 ., ���•,;,,q.,.:�:1�r;.: Borrower shall prumptly give Lender wriiten notice of uny irnestigation,cl:iim. denumd. lawsuit or ather uctian by any <br /> 'r • governmentat or reguiatory�gency or private pany involving the Froperty and uny Hauirdous Substance or Environmental Law <br /> _ , � � ,. , ,�..w..T, of which Borrowcr has actual knowledge. If Borr�wcr learnti, or is notifiod by uny gnvcrnmentul or regulatory authority,thut <br /> �� a �� -M �`r•" uny removul or other remediation of any H;�:►rdous Substance affecting the Propeny is necesutry.Barrower shull promptly take <br /> ;�..�n��.., •.• .',, _ <br /> Y�;';.,,;.;:� • •: all nece�sary remecli•rl actionx in accurdance with Enviromnental Law. <br /> .5•r�y�� ••- <br /> ;�,�,,;,ti;,�; As used in this pa'ragraph 20, "Ha•r;�rdour Su6stanceti" am those.ubstunceti definai u►toxic or haxardous substunces b�• <br /> -- � . .�- �nv�r�nmental l.aa� :u�d the t��ifowing �ubstances: gusoiine, keriiune, other tiumm•rbie or �nxic pe[roieum QrcxlucKS, cuxic ° <br /> �, � � . •�'• pcsticidcs and hcrbicidcti, vulatile xolvcnt�,materiul,a�ntaini���ashc+tos or f�rnialdehyde,ai�d radioactive mutenak. As uscd in <br /> '�,, � this paragr.�ph 2U, "Environmentul" mran. fcJcral laws und laws of thc.jurisdiction wherc thc Property is located that - <br /> - ,`;?�,:,F� . , , rclate t��hcalth,wfcty orenvironmental protrctiou. <br /> •`�� • NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr aad[.cudcr funhrr c�rvrnant unJ ugrcc us folluws: <br /> .�� . , ' '�� ., . <br /> �.�yy L....•, :,: •;,, , 2L Acceleration;Remedies. I.ender shall�i�•c notire to Borrow•er prior to acceleraUo�follnwin�I;armN•er's br�+ich <br /> �" .,. of any covenant or a�reement in thi� tiecu�ity Instrument tbut not prior to acceleration under p�ra�r�ph 17 unlexs <br /> appllcuble Is�w provides ather�vise).The notice shs�ll specify: (a)the default; (b)the actlon required tu cure thP defauth <br /> � ' (c)a dAte,not less than itl da�:+from the date the notice iti�Iven to &�rrua• w•hich the default must be cuced;ynd <br /> • �:. „ , ,. ,... �,�, (d) that fallure to curc thc dcfi�ult un or fxfi�re the date s�xritied in the noticc ma�• recult in ucccleration of the sums <br /> '-��i. secuced by this Se�urRy inurumcut und.uir ut li�r Pru�ri�. Tlie uoticr sha!!further iniorm t3arratiscr of the r�ght !o <br />:. r, reinst�te aftcr�ccclerAtion and thc right to brin� u court actian to ussert the a�►n-existencc of a default or any other <br /> • � defcme of Barrnwer to acrcleration and .r•ule. If thc det'ault is not curcd on ��r befi►m thc datc s{xrificd in the noticc, <br />'� Lender. at its option. m��•rcyuirc immcdiutc puyment in full of ap sums u�curcd M this S�rurity Instrument w�lthout <br />:' . ,,:� � further dcmand and may im•ukc the poa•cr nf s:►Ic and um� othcr rcm��di��permitted b� applicuble law, i.euder sh�ll bc - <br /> entiticd to colle�K all ex{xnxw incurred in pur+uin�;thc remedi��provided in this paru�r�ph 21.includin�.but not limited <br />�ason�ble attorne�:+'fecs and cutits of titic r�idence. <br /> If tt�e poH�er of sule ix im•oked. Trustec shs�ll nrord s� �wtice��f defuult in each rount�� in w�hlch uny pnrt of the <br /> •- Prnpertv is located and shall mail copie+of tiuch notice in the munner pr��xritx�d b�• applicuhle Is�K tu Barrow�er�nd tu <br /> , the othcr persons pr�wcrilxd b�applicablc law•. Aftcr thc timc rcyuircd b� :►pplic�hle 1•rµ.Trutit�r shs�ll�ivc publtc noticc <br /> � � nf tiulc to thc per.wus und in the manncr pr��xrilxYl b� upplicublc laa.Trust�r.��ithout demund nn BnrroKrr. shall scll = <br /> .�a <br /> � • • . the Pruperty�t publir uuctlon tn the ht�h�wt bidder at the tinx and Nluce und undcr thc ternn d�wi�;nated in the notice ot <br /> =�.`,J�.; salc in onc or mum parce�x and in am�order Trustcr dMermim�. Tru�t�Y mur �nt{Hme+uic uf ell ar anc{wrcel of tBe <br /> s x�,:; . Propert�• br• public announeement ut the ttme und place of um preciou,l� srheduled+ule. Lendc� or its desiun�r mAy <br /> S=� ''� purcha�the Propert}�at s�n,r�wlc. <br /> _� <br /> �;•� <br />. " .� Form 3028 9/90 <br /> .- .. . M�4.�'i uf G <br /> ,�i 1 <br /> ;'� • <br />� . � _ <br /> �2t� <br /> .. ., r � a.:.{'.�+K:iY'. .. . _ . . ;f., rn.:)..:.i�.:w.�ai.:�A.,n . - <br /> '.i <br /> i �„ <br /> ;�r , <br /> . ' _r � +� . <br /> . �, <br /> . - <br />