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<br /> TO(3�'I'HFJt WITH dl the improvements now an c�c�eatter erected on the property.�nd ail earements.+�PPucteniu�cee,
<br /> �ad fixwra now a 6aaatier s prrt of the propaty. A11 rcpt�cemenu and addiQon��ull alw bc covaed by thi�Sacurity
<br /> Inatiument. All of tha fore�oinQ is nefa�r.d w in thi�Secu�ity In�t�uiaent u the"PcoQaty' .
<br /> aORRCJWPR COVENAIV'fS tlut Bom�wRr is lawfuily:elsad of Ute esute hcneby conveyod�nd hs�the ciQht to�rant
<br /> md c�nvey the Prc�aty and th�t the Property is w�encumbc�d.extept fa r.nrumbr�nccs of necord. 8cxrower wacranu and
<br /> wW defend�enedly tbe t�tle to the PropectY aQairut all cl�irtu u�d dem�nds,sub�xt to any encumbruxes of rocord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY 1N5TRUMENT combines uniform covenants fa nationrl use Wnd non-uniform covea�nt� wfth
<br /> --�� limitod variations by Jurirdiction w cautiwte x unifixm cecurity[nsuumcnt covcring rral pmpeny. _
<br /> UNlFORM COVPNANTS. Botrowcr and Lsnder cove�wnt and aQroc as follows:
<br /> 1. Pryaeat otPriaclpd and Interati PreP�yment wd LNe Cluir�es. Borrowcr sholt promptlY PeY when due the
<br /> principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prcpayment�+nd latc charges duc under the Notc.
<br /> 2 �nds tor'llu�es�od Insurmce. Subjxt eo applicable luw or to a written waiver by l.e�der,Barower slwtl pay to
<br /> Lender on thc day monthly payments�due undcr the Nate,undl the Note is p�id in full.a sum("Punds")for.(a)yearly
<br /> _ n ._ _ taxex And usessmenu which nwy atWin prioriry over this Secu[ity insuument as a lien on the Propeny:(b)ywrly leasehold _
<br /> payments or ground rents on thc Property, if any: (c) yeady hazard or property insurance premiums; (d) yearly flood
<br /> insurwice prcmtums,if any; (c)yeudy mortgage insurancc premiums,if any;and(�any sums payable by BoRnwer w
<br /> --__- --- I.ender.in accoidance with the provisions of parog�pph 8, in licu of the payment of mongage insurance pc�em�ums. These
<br /> items are called"6scrow Items." Lender may.at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum
<br /> ---=�� umount a lender for a federally related mortgage loan may requirc for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Reat
<br /> Estate Setdemcnt Proceduces Act of 1974 as amended from t�mc to time,l2 U.S.C.�1601 rt seq.("RESPA"),unless another
<br /> ' law that applies to the Cvnds sets a lesser amount. U so.l.cnder may.at any time,callcet and hold Hmds in an amount not to
<br /> ��:-;�; ;�ti exceed thc icsscr amaiat. L.ender may esdmate the amount of Punds due on thc basis of currcnt d�ta and reasonable
<br />-,.n _�sic,._-r
<br /> M• estimates of expenditures oE future Escrow[tems or otherwise in necordance with applicable law.
<br /> - •• The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal Agency. insuumentality,or ent ty
<br /> � `"' � + � (including I.endcr,if Lcnder is such an instituuon)or in any Fedcral Home Loun Bank. Lendcr shall apply the Funds to pay
<br /> :,���;xti;� :• ..,�;,: the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding a�d applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow
<br /> . account, ar verifying the Escrow Itcros, unless I..ender pays Borrowcr intcrest on the Funds and applicable law permits
<br /> ;..,:. ,
<br /> l.ender ta make such a charge. However,I.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real _
<br /> eswte tax reporting service used by I.ender in connectlon with this loan,unless applicable law provides otherwisc. Un ess an
<br /> agrcement is made or applicrble law roquires interest to be paid,Lcnder shull not be mquired to pay eorrower uny interest or i.
<br /> eurnings on the Fvnds. Borcowcr and L.endcr may agree in writing,however,that intercst shall be paid on the Funds. Lender _ _
<br /> • � � shall give to Botrower,without churge.an annual accounting of the Funds,showing credtts and debits ro the Funds s►nd the �" '
<br /> purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds ore pledged as additionul security for all sums secared by �
<br /> this Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> - -�--- -- if ciie Funds heid by Lxndc� cAte� the amaut�s� pcnnitted tQ be hel�! hy Applic�ble Inw. Lender shall account to
<br /> Borrower for the excess Funds in uccordance with the requirements of applicahle law. lf ihe amount of the Funds held by
<br /> Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,und,in
<br /> such case Borcower shall pay to Lender the amount necexsary to make up the deGciency. Borrower shull make up the _
<br /> deficiency in t►o more ihan twelve monthly paynxnts,at Lender ti sole discretion. _-
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security lnstrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any 6.
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,undcr paragraph 21.Lendcr shall acyuire or scll thc Property, Lender,prior to the acquisition or
<br /> = sale of thc Property,shall apply any Fundti held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums _ _
<br /> secured by thix Security Instrument.
<br /> uc.. 3. AppllcAtion of Payments. Unless applicabie luw provides otherwise, all payments �eceived by L.ender under �-<.-
<br /> �� paragraphc ! and 2 shalt F+r a�plied�fir.t,t�any prcpaymem chargex duc�nde:r the Note: u�cond.tn amounts payable under �.J
<br /> ',,�" parugraph 2;third,to intemst due;fourth,to pnnc�pal duc:and t•rtit,m any late charges due under the Notc.
<br /> 4. ChprRes; Liens. Borrower shali puy all taxes, assc+smrnts, charges, fincs and impositions attributablc to the �}`_
<br /> Property which may attai��priority over this Security Instrument,and leasehold paymentx or ground rents, if any. Borrower ��..
<br /> shall pay thesc obligations in thc man�cr provided in paragrrph 2,or if not paid in that m:snner.Borrowcr shall pay them on ���_
<br /> � time direcUy to the person owed payment. Borrowcr shall prompdy furnish to Lendcr all notice+of amounts to be paid under p__:,.
<br /> this paragraph. If Borrower makes thexe payments direcdy.Bormwer shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing o:-�
<br /> E=�
<br /> the paymen�,. �-`�=-
<br /> Bortower shall promptly discharge any lien whirh has priority over thi�Security Imt�imcnt unle�s B�irtower:(a)rgreeti �.--
<br /> " in writing to the payment of the obligation serured hy thc lirn m a manner arccptabir tu Lrndcr,tb)rontc�tti in good faith thc -•
<br /> � licn by,or defends again�t enforcemcnt of thc licn in.Icgal prcxecding.which in thc Lendtr;apinion operate to prevcnt thc
<br /> � � • • enforcemcnt of the lien;or(c3 secures fmm the holdcr of the licn an agrecmcnt suti+factury to Lrnder,ulx�rdinating the licn
<br /> ., ,„, to this S.curiry Instrumcnt. If Lender determinc�that nny part nf the Pmperty i.whjert t�i a licn which may attain prioriry ;
<br /> . �,.'�� : over this Securiry Inswment,Lendcr may give Borruwcr a notire identifying the lien. Borrower shall�atisfy the lien or tuke � . __,
<br /> onc or more of ihc:ictions set fonh alx+vc within 10 day.r of thc giving of noticr. �
<br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrowcr tihall krep thc improvrment.ni�w�xi.ting ar hrreatier rrcctcd on[he
<br /> - , , Property insured against los�by�re,h:u.ard�includeJ within thc terni"rxtenJcd cu�•eragr"and any ather hazards,including
<br /> . � � tloods or flooding, for which Lender rcyuircx inxurunce. This in.rurunce shull be maintaincJ in thc amounts and for the �
<br /> ,,b �, � Form 3U2lI 9J90 r�xrxe:uJ6�x�xrc I �
<br /> - i � � .
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