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-- `:�'� _.. . . .. .:;. � <br /> — __ �:..�,..� g� � ia�r4 - - - <br /> Upon recsipt ot p�ymeat of the prics bid, TruRtee thsll ddivbr ta t6e purcha�er Tru�tee's deed <br /> oonv�yiat t6a Property. T6e rucital�in the Trwtae`�deed�6a11 be prIm�fscie evidence o�t6e trut6 of the <br /> rtatementa mads theroia.TrustM sh�ll apply t6e proaead�ot t6e wle in tbe�ollnwiaf order:(�) to all cats <br /> �nd eYpen�ea ot �xeroLia� the paxer ot w1e� snd t�e ale, ioaluaiat t6e p�ymeat ot the Tru�teo'� feea <br /> sctwlly incurred�not to e:oeed 'l�i P�I�P '� ot the principd aniount o!t6e note at t6e time ot <br /> tbe decl�ratioa ot det�ult,and reaaonsble�ttorney�'tees aa peRmitted by taw;lb)to all�ums recured by tbl� <br /> Sa;urlty Iostrument;and(c)say e:ceu to t6e perwn or persons loplly ex�tttled to it. <br /> 12.Recoovoyance. Upon payment of all auma socured by this Security It�suument,Lender shall requast Ttustee <br /> to reconvey the Property and shall aurrender this Secuc�ty Itie�trument�nd all notas evidencin�debt sxurod by this <br /> Security Ineuument to Ttustee.Truatee shill reconvey the Froperty without w�rnnty and wid�ouc char�a to the peraon <br /> or persona Ie�aUy entItled to it.Such pec�on or pe�ons shall pay any recordadon coets. <br /> 23. 5ubstitute Trustee. ita option,may trom time to time romove Truatee ind wppoint a suca�eeor <br /> — uusue to�ny Trusue appointed hereunder by�n insttument recordecl in tha county in which thie Security Instrument is <br /> rocorded. Without conveyance of the 1'roperty. the succeeeor vuetee slull aucceed to sU the title.poNer�nd dutiea — <br /> �"— wnferced upon Trustee herein snd by applicable law. <br /> _--_=- — Z4. Reque�t ior Aiotices. Borrower roqueats thst copies ot the noticxs ot default Aad sale be sent to Borrower'a <br /> address whioh ie the Property Addrese. <br /> � 2S. Ridera to this Security lnstrument. If one or more riders ase executed by Borrower and recotded to�ether <br /> -__"-_�-- with this Sacurity Inatrument,the coven�nte snd a�roements oi eaeh such rider ahall be incorporated inu�and shill <br />