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:"� . . r.��' �_ __ . <br /> �_ <br /> �� ��;...; r :''• _ � <br /> -u� - _ _ _ <br /> � � <br /> - � _ ,_�-�.,.�...�1 „ � ��1�� � <br /> � S. H�z�xd or Propbrty Insuaaoe. Barroxec�lull lceep the imprc�vementa naw e�3stin(�or hereatter erected un <br /> the Property ineurod�Qainet loee by firo,h�a�s included Miehin tlb tarm"erta�ded coveea�e �nd eny uther h�z�naa, <br /> includint ttoad�or tlaodins�for Mhich Iwnder roquires inwnnoe.Thi�inuranoe�11 be munsainAd in the�mount� <br /> and tor the periods that l.ender require�.'I'i�e i�uunnoe carrier proviAtn the inru�anco ihsll bo chc�on by Hon�ower <br /> aubject to I.ender's approv�l Nhich�hall not be unraion�bly withheld.It�rrower tiils w m�intain covenQe dacr�bed <br /> above�Lender m�y.�t L.a�'�option.obtain oovera�s,to protect L,ender'�ri�l►t�in the Propotty in avoordrna�lth <br /> �� pr�enph 7. <br /> _- Ali Inauratwe policies snd ronew+als shall be axeptable to Lendor and ehaQ includo a etand�rd mort��e cl�u�e. _ <br /> - I.endor ehall have the r��ht to hold the policia and roneMds. It I.endarraquira, Bocmwer�hall promptly �ixa to <br /> ;_� I,ender aQ raoeipu utp��J promiume md cenewal rx►ticee.In the eveni o!1�,Borrower ahali aiva prompt notice to tho - <br /> !' inuunnoe carrier u�d l.a�der.I.endor m�y malce proot of las it not made promptly by Aocrower. <br /> � Uniaeo Londer and Bocro�ec otherNiee aQree in proceeds shall be�pplied to restoration or repir <br /> ----�- ot the Proporty dtmaQed,if the taetoration ar rop�ir 34 aconomtcally tewble and Lender'a exu�ity ia not Iaewened.11 the <br /> --- --'— rostoration ar rep�ir ie not economically feaeiblo or Lander's eecu�ity would be tyesened,the insuance prc�ceeds eha11 be <br /> ���?'(R�j�"n�,,,� applied to the sums eecured by thia Secudty Inatrument,whether or not then due,atth my e:cees p�td to Borrower.If <br /> ��W�=�`��.,:��_� Borrower abandona the Property.or does not�nawer wtthin 30 daya a notice from Lender that the insucanca carrior h�a __ <br /> ��A=_,��,;.�x�,•-�,a; ot[�red to settle t cliim, then Lender may collxt the insucmce proceeda.Lender may use the procxds to repair ar <br /> -���,,�� av,�.v.?;.�rr,_ nstore the Proparty or to p�y aums secured by this Security Itiatrument,whether or not then due.1'he 30-day period will — <br /> ` " �� be�in when the notice ie�iven. _ <br /> _ �;.,�,g�-�,s•'��: ,:�� Unlese I,ender and Bortower otherwise a�cee in wdtin�.my application of procxds to principsl slu�l l not oztend or — <br /> " `��?„�...:•,:.�;�:,;o. po�tpone the due dste of the monthly payments nierred to inparaQcaphs 1 tnd 2 or chan�o the amount oi the nayments. <br /> �';��•-t��.�•�,J�� If under para�r�ph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender. Bortower's ri�ht to�ny inaunnce poticies md proceeds <br /> .,,.... <br /> _ „ �� " �� ;;,: resultin�trom dam�Qe to the Property prior to the aoquisition shall pssa to I.ender to the exunt of the eums sa:urod by <br /> ' , ' thisSAaurlty lnstrument immodiately priot to the acquisition ` <br /> "�'' � - ' 6.Occupancy.Preservation,Mainteamce aad Protection of the Property; Borrower's Lwa Applicatioa; r. <br /> � �� Lease6olds.Borrower ahall occupy,eaublish,and use the Property as Aocrower's principel residence within sizty days -- <br /> a ,,, � atter the execution of this Security [natrument snd ahall continue to cecupy the Property as Borrower's principal -_ <br /> ° � •• residence for at least one yar aiter the date of occupancy.unless Lender otherwise agrces in writin�,which wnsent sball �—ti <br /> � not be unreason�bly withheld,or unless exunuitinE circumstances exist which an beyond Borrower's control.Borrower �, <br /> ehall not destroy,damage or imptir the Property,allow the Property to deurionte,or commit waste on the Property. <br /> Bocrower shall be in default it any forfeiture action or proceedinQ,whether civil or criminal,is beeun that in L.ender s <br /> . good faith judgment could reault in torteiture of the Property or otherwise maurially impair the lien created by this - <br /> Security Instrument or Lender's security inucest. Borrower may cure such a default and ninstate,as pravided in <br /> paragraph 18, by causing th� action or proceedin� to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Le�der's �ood feith <br /> � determination.precludes torleiture of the Borrower's inurost in the Property or other matarial impairment of the lien �, <br /> - ----- - ---- - created by this Sxurity Instrument or I.ender's sxuricy interest.Bc�rcvwer at�aii eiso i�in defautt it Bartaacs,during � <br /> , the loan application process, gave materially false or inaccurate information or statementa to L.ender (or tailed to <br /> . provide I.ender with any material iniormation)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note,including.but not <br /> �. limited to, representations concecning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Security <br /> Inetrumant is on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply with all the proviaions of the lease.It Borrower acquires fee title tu � <br /> the Property,the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge I.ender agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> ' 7. Protection of I.ender's Ri�hts in the Property. If Borrower fails to pertorm the covenants and agreements _ <br /> contained in this Security Instrument,or there is a legal proceedin�that may sigmficantly affect I.ender's rights in the � <br /> d Property (such es a proceeding in bankruptcy, prabate, for candemnation or forfeiture or to eniorce l�ws or <br /> �: regulations),then I.ender may dn end Juiy for what�ver iR nec�ssery to protect the valuc oi the Property and lxnder's ' <br /> :� rights in the Property. Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this <br /> l ' Security Instrument,appearing in couct,paying reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. <br /> Although Lender may take action under this paragraph 7,I,ender dces not have to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by I.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> Security Instrument.Unless Borrower and I.ender agree to other terms of payment, th�e amounts shall bear interest <br /> trom the date ot disbursement at the Notc rate and shall be payable,with inter�st,upon notice fmm Lxnder to Borrower <br /> requesting payment. � <br /> 8.MortgaYe Insurance. If I.ender required mortgage insurance as a c�mdition of making the loan securrd hy this <br /> Security Instrument,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect.If,for any� � <br /> reason,the mortgage insurance coverage reyuired by I.ender la{�ses or ceasrs to F+e in effect, }iorrouer shall pay thc <br /> premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgagr insiirance previously in a cost . <br /> substantially equivalent to the cost to Aorrower of the mortgage insurancr prc�iu►�sly� in effect, from an alternate <br /> , mortgage insurer approved by L.ender. If substancially equivale�t mortgagr inSUrance co��erage is not a��ailable, <br /> , Borcower shall pay to I.ender each month a sum equal to one-ttivelftli of thr�•rarly mortgagr insorance Prrmium being <br /> I paid by Borroa•er when the insurance coverage la�rd or ceasrci to hr in effcrt.I.rndrr a•ill acrept,usr and retain thrsr <br /> payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. I.oss re,en�e paymrnts may no lungrr t�e required, <br /> � F <br /> F�r�302{ !/90 <br /> r � <br /> �-6R(NEl��wtio� v.r.a•�e te�tW <br /> � <br /> _ L. <br /> 4 <br /> . i�1 , <br /> . � <br /> � <br /> � . <br /> � _ <br /> �l <br />