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T ' <br /> 1 '�'��� 1 , .r• _-- <br /> � �. . . ..... . ... ... . . . <br /> 1 -,.�,.� _.,� -- __--- - — ----— -- - <br /> ._.=?'.'---•-- -� .__ . .._. _.__. f�+.�_-�^ - � ,. . <br /> � � <br /> '1'�$'�{�Wm{�1h0� �OM a[�IpM�f OIOCI�QII 1�10 pf0�lSy�if��OYOQMOIi� <br /> �ad tixlutw�owr or iw�e�Ax a p�rt a((4e ptop�ty. All npl�eeimeat:�ad dditbaa�b�U dw be oovaed by t t�5acunty' � <br /> Inw�unent. All of the foc�do�is r�ferrod�o{n thi�SK�urity Imbwr�ent�u tbe"Prape�ty." <br /> BORitOWBR COV+WAM'�tfwt Bo�rower 1�t�wtWiy,e1�ed of�he eaale heneby oonveyod and hu tl�c rl�ht a�nnc <br /> and cauvey th.Propetty uid thM the Praperty in tma�cum6e�d.exapt ta encutnb�nca o[t+aord. Bamwer w�rrmt��ad <br /> wW defaad�Oetdiy die dtle to tbe PropectY�aiiut all cldnu wd denwbs.wbject to�ey encumtxarices of recocd. <br /> TfiIS SEG'UR1TY' WSTRUMBIV'f corabinea aniform coveiwus for n�tiaW u�e and non•w�Ifam covaw� with <br /> - — li,aited variuiau by jwisdictioa to cautiwte t uniform.ecucity in,wment coverin�rc�)propecty. <br /> UNIPORM COVENANTS. Harower and Lender coven�nt wd a�roe iu foibws: <br /> 1. Pryment allrMdp�l�ad Iate�ti�"�P�Y��pd I.�k C6�tYew Burrower slwll promP�Y PaY whea dne the <br /> princip�l of�nd inta+est on the debt evldenced by the IVote�nd�nY pnp�yrnent atd I�ttt ch�due under tht Note. <br /> 2, Fu�ds foe'llu�a wd Iwuranot. Subjat w appllcable law or to a wrltton waiver by Let�dec.Bortowu�hall pay to <br /> Lencfer on the day ma�thly payments sue due under the Note.until the Note ia pdd in full,r sum("Funds")for:(�)yeuly <br /> wces u�d auessment�whkt►m�y�tuin prtaity over this Security Inatiument�s�lie�on the Prope�ty:(b)Yeady lessehold <br /> PaYments a ground rents on ihe Propecry.if ury: (c) Yearly hAZ�rd or propecty inwr�rice premiums:(d) Yearly flood <br /> inwr�nce premiums, if any: (e) yeuty mortQage tnsurance premiums,if any: md (�a�y awns p�yabk by Borrower to <br /> L.euder,in acco�e with the provisions of par��raph Ileu of the payment of mortgnQe insurance p�emiums. These <br /> items ue c�iled"Escrow Items' Lender may,at any time.collect and hold Amds in wn amount not to excad the m�cimum <br /> --m en�ount a lender far a federally rel�ted rtw�tg�tge loan may nquire fa BarowerY escrow account under the federal Real <br /> - Estate Settlement Procedurcs Act of 1974 as amended from dme to time,l2 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless another <br /> law thu npplies to thc FundY sets u lesser A►nounG If so,Lendcr may,at any dcn�,wllect and hold f�nds in an amount aot to <br /> excced thc tcsscr amount. L,ender msy�sdmate the amotuU of Wnds due on the besis of cument du� and r�e+saubk <br /> estima�ces of expenditures of fututie Escrow Itetns or otherwise in accordance wlth applicable law. <br /> The Ii�nds shall be t�eld in an Inst�tution whose deposits arc ins�red by a fedecal Age�cy, insqumentallry.or eatity <br /> (including Lender,if l.ender is such an lnstitudon)or in any Federal Homo Loan Bank. I.ender shall apply the FLnds to pay <br /> the Escrow Items. L.ender may �at charge Borrower for holding and applyins the Fbnds,annually analyzing the escrow <br /> • ,, account, or vedfytng the Escrow items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the FLnds and applicable law permits <br /> ` Lender to meke such a chorge. However. Lender may require Boaower to pay a one•time charge for an independent r�eal <br /> estate tax nporting service used by Lender in connecdon with this loan,unless applicable law provIdes othenvise. Unless a�� <br /> , agraement is made or applicubic law requires inurcst to be paid,Lender shaU noY be requircd to pay Borrower any intecest or <br /> eamings on the Punds. Bocmwer and L.ender may agree in writ�ng,howcver,that interest shall be paid on the Fbnds. Lender <br /> .�; sBall give ro Socrower,without charge,an annual account�ng of the FY�nds,showing credits and debits to the PUnds and d�e <br /> `�"�� •� pucpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. Thc Funds are pledged as uldit�onal secudty for all sums securcd by <br /> ..;.. .". <br /> thls Security Insttument. <br /> ��r;�r„���„�,�:. ` !f the �unds heid by i..ender exceed the atnoun4s pem»ited iu be ixid by n}i�tli�able law, Lender shalt accauni io <br /> ���.,� „c�_.�•.:�.:�'.. Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance with the requinments of applicuble law. If the amount of ihe Funds held by <br /> 'N'��" "• �' '' Lender at an time is not sufficient to u the Escrow Items when due,Lendor ma so not�f Bonower in writin and,in <br /> ..�:�r.�A:o.r_...,,.,.., .. y P Y Y Y �� <br /> '' ����.�: such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall malce up the <br /> ..;,:...:• <br />. . deficiency in no more than twelve monthly paymenGS,at l.ender's sole discredon. <br /> ' � '� �'""' Upon payment in full of all sums securcd by this Secuqry Insirument,Lender shall prompdy refund to Batrower any <br /> Fl�nds held by Lender. If,under parasraph 21,l.endcr shall ucquirc or sell the Property, Lender,prior to the xquisltion or <br /> `�":". ' ' : . sale of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lender ut the tirne of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums <br /> • secured by this Security Insuvment, <br /> ` 3. Applicatlon ot P�yments. Unless applicablc luw provides othcrwisc,all puyments received by Lender under _ <br /> 's=• :,�. . . ;.,.,}��,• . paragr�phs i and 2 chal!be appiied:�rst,to any prcpaymcnt chargcs due under the Note;second,tn mm�imts payable under <br /> �::� � paragraph 2;third,to intcrest due; principal due:and last,to any late chsuges due under the Note. <br /> 4. ChArges; I.1ens. Borrower shall pay all taxcs, a+sessments, chnrges,�nes and impositions attributablc to the <br /> '• � Property which may attain priority over this Securiry Inswment.and Icasehuld payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower - <br /> , �•_ shall pay these oblisations in the manner provided in puragraph 2,or if not puid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on - <br /> " � time direcdy to thc person owed paymcnt. Borrower shull prampily fumish to Lender ull noticcs of amounts to be paid under <br /> . this paragmph. if Borrower mukes these paycnents directly,Borrower shail promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing <br /> the payments. <br /> Borrower shap prompdy diseBarge any lien which hati priority over this Securiry In.ttument unless Bocrower:(a)agrees = <br /> - � in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in u manner acceptable to Lender,(b)rontesta in good faith the <br /> '. ' lien by,or defends against enforcement ot the licn in,legal pnxcedin�s w•hich in th�Lcnder:opinion operate to prevcnt the <br /> • enforcement of ihe lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the licn an agn:ement satitifactory to Lender.uhordinating the lien - <br /> '^ � � to this Security lnstn�ment. If 1.ender detertnines th•rt any part of the Pruperty i+subject to u lien which may attsdn priority - <br /> • �r , � ovcr this Securiry inswment.Lender may givc Borrowcr a noticc identifying thc licn. Barrowcr shull satisfy the licn or takc <br /> ' ' one or more of the uctions set forth atwve within 10 dayti of the giving of ncitice. <br /> ! 5. Hazard or Property In+urance. Bonower tihull kecp the improvement� now exi,ting or henafter crccted on the <br /> Property insured against los�by firc,hazards included w•ithin thr tcrm"rxtcndcd covcrugr"and any othcr h;lianl�,in¢luding <br /> ,� � f ' I floods or flooding, for which Lender mquires insurance. Thix in�urancc chall hr m•rintained in the umounts and for the <br /> i Form Jo28 9N0 r/x�Re 2�jn paR�s� _ <br /> _` _. <br /> 1 <br /> ' . . ...s.+:.... .,.�..... <br /> - . �----- <br /> -- ��---._. .- - -- - <br /> t <br /> i <br />' �• <br /> t <br /> # . <br /> _ j - ' .� ..- . <br /> s <br /> ' <br /> � <br />