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Lao Ckae�• If the lo�n�ecucad by thi�Security Itutrument is wbject to a law which sets mucimum Ic�► <br /> � .� chu�p.u�d thu law is M�Uy intetpreted co thu the intercu or ather Iwn chu�collected or to be colloctod in connection <br /> � with the lan exceod�l�o permitted limits,then:(a)�ny:uch lan char�e sfi�ll be roduood by the arnount nocetwy ta roduce <br /> ��. � ; tbe clwr�e to the permitted limit:u�d(b)any sum�drcady c�ilectod from Bormwer which euceeded pem�itted limits wlll G <br /> � '��^"�"`��' be reNnded to Bormw�sr.Lender may dao�c to make this rctl�nd by nducfn�the principal owed under the Note or by m�kin� <br /> ° ' � `� a diract pnyment tu Borruwcr.If a cefund reduces princlpal,the reduction will be trc�ted a+�p�rtial prc�Yment wtthaut _._ <br /> � . . ` �►Y p�9ment char�c under the Nac. <br /> � • 14. tVotkts. Any notice to 8orrower provided for in this 5ecurity Instrument shall be Qiven by dcliverin�it or — <br /> '•• by rtWlin�it by firu dass mdl unleu applk�ble law roquires use of anaher method. The notice alull be dfrected to the __ <br /> ` �x .. _.4 p��operty Addrcss a u►y other addras Borrower desi�tuue:by notice to Lender. Any notia to l.ender:twll be�iven by — <br /> ��"�" � fint class mall to Lender's address ewted herefn or ru►y otlxr�ddress Lender dcsignates by notice to Borrower. Any notice � <br /> `'� provided for in this Seciuiry In�tnunent:hal1 be deemed to have been�ivrn to Horrower or L.ender when�lven�providod i= ` <br /> �-.�_- y' ,"° ia this Mra�nPh. <br /> is. Covernin�I.�w;SeveraWlity. This Socurity inslNAxnt shtll be Qoverned by foderal Ipw at�d 1he lllw of the <br /> .�"� { jucisdiction in which the Property ic locatod.In the event that any provision or clause of thia Security Instrumsnt or the Note <br /> I �' conflicts with app1icAbie law.such cunflict shAll na affect other provisions of lhis Security Insuvment or the Note which <br /> �, .... .�. <br /> 1 csn be given effect without the conflictin�provisfon.To thi�end the provi�ions of this Securlty Inurument and the Note <br /> ; .,_ Hu�,; at+e dectared to be severable. `...` <br /> � • �- %� 16. Borrower•s Copy. Borcower stwll be given one conformed copy of the Ncxo and of this Socuriry Instrument. <br /> 17. Tr�nder of tbe Property w'A BenefkEai[nterai ia Borrower. If all ar any part of the Property or any �-�_ <br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial i�terest in Borcowor Is sold ar transfcrnd nr�d Borrowe�is not a natural __ <br /> • pe[con) wlthout I..ender's prior written consent, Lender m�y,at its optlon, require imrt�cdiate payment in full of all surtu -�• <br /> secured by this Security I�utrumet►t.However,this option shall not be exercisal by L.ender if exercise is prahibited by federy! �,_ <br /> • law ar of the date of thic Secudty Instn�ment. <br /> . [i Lender exercises this option,I.ender shall give Borrower notjce of acceleradon.The notioe slwll provide a period E, <br /> of not leu than 30 days from the date the notice is deltvered ar rrwiled within which Borcower must pay itll sums secured <br /> � by this Secudry Instcument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums pr�or to the expimt�on of this period,Lender may fnvoke _ <br /> a�y remediec permitted by thix Secudry Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. �_ <br /> 18. Borrower's Ri�t to Reinctate. lf Borrower nxcts certain conditions,Borrower shall have the right to have _ <br /> enforcement of this Securiry Instrument discontinued at any time pdor to the wrlier of: (a)S days (or such other per�od � <br /> as applicabie law rtwy specify for reinstatemenU befare sale of the Property purswint to any power of ssle contained in this _ <br /> � Sccuriiy Iuat�ur��ni;or tb)cntry af s judgsrnni tnfos�cfng ihls Se�erisy fnctrumen[.Those condiuons an:that Borrower. - <br /> (a)ptys Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if nc�accelerat�on had _ <br /> � accurred;(b)cures any def�ult of any cxher covenant�or agrcements;(c)pays all expenses irscurred in enforcing tliis Securiry ` <br /> , Instrument, including. but not limitcd to, reasonable attarneys' fees; and(d)u+kes such action as Lendcr may reasonably <br /> .1 require to assure th�t the lien of this Security Inst�ument, L.ender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay �s.` <br /> , � the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatertunt by Borrower.this Security In- _.-�:_ <br /> � sttument and the obligations securcd hereby shell remain fully effective as if no acceleration hs�d occurrad. However.this !���� <br /> . � dght to reinstate shall not apply in the case of aceeleration under paragraph 17. �r*�. <br /> � . i 19. Sttle of Note;Ctwnge of I.oan Servicer. The Ncxe or a partisl interext in the Note(together with this Securtty �;:_ <br /> Instrument) uwy (x�uW one or morc times �+�ithout prlor notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change In the entiry l�-_ <br /> � ' ' (known as the "I.oan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument. There t <br /> • . also may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated [o a sate of the Note. If there is a change of the L.oan <br /> � rrower will be �iven written notice of the change m accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. �..'� <br /> Serviccr,Bo b � <br /> . The notice will state thc name and address of the new l,oan Servicer and the address to which payments should bo made. � _ <br /> The notice will also contain any other information required by applicablc law. <br /> 20. Haurdous Substances. �rrower shall not cause or permit the pre.sencc,use,disposal,srorage,or release � <br /> of any Hazardous Substances on or in the Pruperty. Borrower shall nut do, nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecting <br /> the Property that is in violation of any Enviranmental law. Thc precedins two sentences shall not apply to thc presence, <br /> use,or storage on the Property c�f small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generalty recognizeci to be appropriate <br /> to normal residential uses and t��maintrnance of thc Property. <br /> Horrower shalt promp�ly give Lender wrinen notice of any investigation,efaim,demand,lawsuit or other action by <br /> any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Pruperty and any Hsuardous Substance or ' <br /> Environmcntal Law of which Bnrrowcr has actual knowlcdge. If Borrower Iearns,or is notified by any govemmental or <br /> regulatory authority,that any rcma�•al or other remediation of any Ha�ardous Substance uffecting the Property is necessary, a <br /> . Bonower shall promptly take all ncce.ti:�ry remediul actions in accordance with �nvironmental Lxw. <br /> � As used in this parugraph 20."H:txardous 3ub�tances"are those wbtitancex defined as toxic or hazardous substances , <br /> '. by Environmental Law and the f��lfow•ing�ub�t:�nce�:gas��line,kero�ene,other flamm•rble or toxic petroleum products,toxic � <br /> pesticides and herhicide�, volatile +oh�entti, matcrials containing a�be�toc �ir farmaldehyde, and radioactive materials. As <br /> ' used in this paragraph 20."Environmcntal law"mcan�federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Propeny is located <br /> that�elate to health, wfety or cm•ironmental protcc[ion. <br /> NON-UNIFOR:►t COVF:NAN fti Bor�uu•cr and I.ender further ruvenant and agrec as follows: <br /> 21. Acceleration:Remedieti.I.ender sh�U Rive notice to Borrow�er prlor to acceleration foilowing Borrower's <br /> breach of any co�•enant or��reement in thi�tieruritv Instrument(but not prior to acceleratfon under pprsigraph 17 <br /> unless applicable law•providec othrrwise).The notke shoU specify: l�1 the defaulh,(b)the�ction required to cure the <br /> detault;(c)A ds�te, not less than 30 dy�•ti from the date the notice is�iven to Borrower. by whkh the detault must <br /> be cured;and(d)that failure to cure the de[�ult on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceletatbn <br /> of the sumx secured by this Securitc Instrument �tnd wie of tne e�roperty. I tle notice s�aii iuriner inivrm nurrv::ci <br /> of the right to reiastAte uRer�ccelerr�tion and the riRht to brinR a court action to usseK thr non-existence of x default <br /> or any other defense of&�rrower to�cceleration ynd�le. IY t6e default is not cured on or before the date specifie�i <br /> . in the ratke,(.ender at iLc nptfon my� reyuire immediate pwyment in full oi all sums`ecured b}�this Security Instrument <br /> , ' without further dems�nd ynd may imoke the M�Ner�►f wle and am•other cemedies permitted by applicable l�w.Lcnder <br /> � slwU be entitled to colirct s�ll expen+e+incurred in pursuin�t6e remedies pro�•idre!In thi�par�raph 21. includityj. <br /> but not limited to, reYSOnAble+�u��rneys' feeti and cost+uf titte r�idence. <br /> . Fon�702t t/10 lpage t uJ 3 pag�sl <br /> � <br /> # , <br />