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<br /> UNIFORM CoVSNANTS. Horrower�nd Leodet coven�nt tnd�ree u fdinwr
<br /> .� . �-- -� 1. Payateat ot Priaclpal a�d Inte�+aR:!'nP�ynieot asd LNs C�wr�a. Bucrower�ii pcomptlY P�Y wheti due
<br /> th�principai of�nd incereu on the debt evideaced by�he Nae aM anY P*�Yment and lue chuQei due under the Note. �-
<br /> ~�•���¢ 2. Fuadr tor Tuca ard l�unu�o�. SubJoct to+ipp�icable law or w i wrfuea w�iver by Le�r.Borrower�Wt —
<br /> � .. pay to l.ender on the day moathlY PaYmentx+rt due w�der the Note.untll tlu Note i:paW in fUll.a wm(••Fanda")for:
<br /> t (a)Yeuiy taua u�d use�srt�eau which may aqatn prioriry over this Secudty Usurunkot�s a Ikn on the Propectv:ib)Y��Y � -
<br /> �' Iwehold payme�x�or�round rents on the Propecty. ii any:(c)Yady lusard or propecty inwc�ace premium�:(d)Y�Y
<br /> } ;ood i�unnce premiwns.if any:(e)Year1Y mo�t�a�e inwrance premiwns� !f wy:and(��nY�+P�Y+ble by Acxrower
<br /> ' � ��:�:. W I.eader�in accordmce with the provicior�s of piu�r�ph 8.ia lieu of the paymeat of mo�t�e I�wr�noe pnemiurtu.These
<br /> _._=� items are called"E�cmw Items."Lender may.u�ny Wne,coqect�ad hold Funds ia w amount not tooxoeed the maximum
<br /> -�:bt,j: ' amonnt a lender for a foderally related moct�c laan may roquin[or Horrower'i acrow account wder tltie federat Rea1 _�
<br /> _,-��`� , Ectate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as a�aeaded hom dme ro time. 12 U.S.C. f 2601 er srq. ("RESPA"). unku _ _
<br /> ,=;�� �° � u�other I�w that applies eo the Funds au a leuer amount. If w. Ixnder may.u any tlme, colbct u�d hold F�nds ia�n --
<br /> :+�.; . art�ount not to exoeed the lesser unount. Lender may esdrtwte the amount of Funds due an the basi�of cument data aod --
<br /> �• t�asowble estim�ta of expenditure:of t�turc F.scrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applkybk law. �
<br /> �'�� : The Fund::hall be held in an institution whwe depait�are imurod by a feder�l agwcy�i�ity.or endry
<br /> .. (incfudlnQ Lender.lf Lender is auch�n inatitution)or in�ny Fed�ra!Hane Lwn Bank. I�eader chdl apply the Futds to _
<br /> . pay the F�crow Ite�.Lender may na char�e Bamwer fa holdin�and�pplying the Fund���nnwlly u�lyzing the acrow _
<br /> �ccount�or vedfying the Fscrow Items.unkst I.ender paya Bormwet intereat on the Fwds and sppllcabie law permits L.et�der
<br /> � to make such a chuge. However,Lender may roquire Borrower to pay a oae•Wne chu�e for aa iadependent real esute
<br /> t nx reQorting servioe�uod by L�en�ier jn connealaa with this lan�unlecs sppl�cabie 4w pnvida othawise.Unkss�u s�roa�nt --
<br /> � Is msde or applicable law rcquircs inurest to be paid.Lender ahall not be required w pty Bomnwer aay interat or eatnings =__--
<br /> w►the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agra in wridng.however.ttwt inte[e�t�1w11 be poid on the Fwbs.Lender shall _
<br /> � give to Horrower,without charge.�n annual soco�n8 of the Funds,�howing crodits and debits to the FuMs and the parpae
<br /> . fot which each debit to the Fundc w�s msde.T6e Fnnds are pled�ed�addition�l cecwiry for�ll wms secured by this Security �:
<br /> Instrument. �"'
<br /> If the Fonds held by Lender exoeod the amouats pem�ttted to be hdd by applicabk 4w�l,ender st�ll�wu to Horrovver
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordance wlth the roquirements of applicable Iaw. if the�mount of the Fuads held by Lender at �
<br /> any Wne is not:uf�'icient to pay thr Escrow Items wl�en due.Leuder auy so aotify Borrower in writiag.uid.in such caee
<br /> Bocrower shall pry to L.ender the amount necessary to mike up the ckftciency. Horrower�hall make up the deficktwy in
<br /> no more than cwelve monthlY paYmenu.at L.ender's sale discretion. _;-
<br /> Upon payment in full of�ll sums secured by Wic secudty ln�trument,I.ender�halI promptiy reiund tx►BvcNwcr ---
<br /> any Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21.L.ender shall acqulre or sell the Property,L.ender.prior to theacquisitlon
<br /> or sale of the Property,shall apply�ny Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisidon or wle a4 a crodit against the zums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument. __
<br /> 3. Applicatbn ot Payraeats. Untess applicable IAw provides otherwlse,all payments reaivod by Leader under
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 sFwU be applied:first.to any prcpQyment charges due ur�der the Note;second,co wnountc WYab1e uade� ____
<br /> para�raph 2; third,to interest due; fourth,to principal due;and last,to �uty late cttarges due under the Note. �._
<br /> ' 4. Charges;Lkns. Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessments, charges.fines and impoeitions aaributable to the
<br /> Properry which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,and leaschold payments or Sround nnts,if any.Borrower
<br /> � shall pay thex obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not p�id in ttut mtnner,Borruwer siuill pay thc:n
<br /> ' � on time dircedy to the person awed payment.Borcower shall prompdy fumish to Lendcr�11 nvtices of amounts to be paid
<br /> ; �u�der tt►is paragraph.If Borrower rt�kes these paymenta dlrecdy�Borcower slwll PrornptlY fumist�w Lender reaipts evida�ctng ��.
<br /> the paYments. ��'_-
<br /> , Bonower shall promptly discharge any lien which ha�s priority over this Security Instcument unless Borrower. (a) �-_
<br /> agrees in writing to the payment of the obligr�tion secured by the lien in a manner accepwble to Lender,(b)contests in good �';,
<br /> faith the lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal praceedings which in the Lender's opinion operau to ;��
<br /> prevent the enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agrament sat�cfoctory to Lender subor- � ,".`
<br /> dinating the lien to this Security Instrument. If I.ender determines that any part of the Property is subject to�►lien which � �
<br /> I may attain priority over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall j '
<br /> sausfy the lien or take one or morc of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. �
<br /> S. Haz�rd or Property Insucance. Bnrcower shall keep the improvementa now existing or heroafter erocted on �-
<br /> � the Property insured against loss by fire,hazards iocluded within the term "extended coverAge" and u►y aher harards, �
<br /> � including floads or floading, for which Lender requires insurance.This insur�nce sh�ll be maintained in the amounts and t
<br /> I far the perinds that Lender requires.The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to
<br /> L.ender's approval which shall not bc unreasonably withheld.If Bonower fails to maintain co��erage described above,Lender l
<br /> may,�t I.ender's option, obtain coverage to protect I.ender's rights in the Property in accordance with paragreph 7•
<br /> � I All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and sh�ll include a stundard mortgage clause.Lender :
<br /> � shall havc the right to hold the pnlicics arid renewals.If Lendcr requires,Bonower xhall promptly give to Lender all receipts
<br /> �, of paid premiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt naice to the insurance carrier and .
<br /> ' ' l.ender. L.ender may make pra�f uf Ic�s�if not made prompdy by Bo�rower.
<br /> • Unless Lcndcr and Borrowcr utherwi�e•rgree in writing, insurunce pr�xccd�shall be applied to resroration or repair � .
<br /> of the Property damaged, if thr restoration ur repair is economically feasible and l.ender's security is na lessened.If the
<br /> restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender'.tiecuriry would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be
<br /> applied to the sums secumd by th►s Secunty Instrument,whether or na then due,w�ch any excess ptid to Borrower.If Borrower
<br /> abandons the Property,or does not an�wer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offerod to
<br /> � settle a claim,then Lender may rollec�the in.urance proceeds.l.ender m+y use the praceeds to repair or restore the Property
<br /> or to pay sums secured by this Seeurity (nstrument, whether or not then due.The 30�y period will begin when the notice
<br /> - is gtven.
<br /> Unles�Lendcr and Borrowcr otherw�sr :�grec in writing, any application of procced�tu prinripzl ah+ll not extend
<br /> , � or postpone the due date of thc monthly p;+yments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the unount uf the payments.
<br /> , � [f under paragraph 2I the Propecty is aryuimd b�•l.ender.Burruwe�'s right to any insur•rnce policies•rnd pnxeeds resulting
<br /> � from dam:�ge to the Property priur tu thr acyui�ition tih�ll pa��tu I.enJer tu the rxtem ot'the aums�ctured by thi�Security
<br /> Inswment immediately prior tu the acyui�itiun.
<br /> ! fon��02t fr10 I�+R�•:��)s�aRe.rl
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