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. .r..r?r.aMr�qy�.N.'�n. _ _ _' ____ _ _' _ ." __ ..,... . . <br /> � ,ri:.,.:�y�t1��M►�'� �:wa.��.rc.. .. <br /> � <br /> _ ' � "" `"."r�4�l.I:.�. . .?iCit!�i���, <br /> - � , " �ay,(�n� <br /> + ------ <br /> 94- io�45 <br /> , �'.,. . �.n, � Tn�lo�.nw n�k.aN,a.,nn.rMt a In1.,.K.�a�Ip�i n,d wm+MNS a.�r oanr a+.r0... <br /> �.Adr�lllorwl LMm�nd ProMOMon a 9�wAolrr a 8�a+�Mp• <br /> bM Mfd wpMr�oor�r�oMd b q�pMd b�nY�Mp�^��«��������ol tru�t Or malp�p�bMa�th�d�M tiNy Mr <br /> d�W�qMnt�nd proTply P�Y�nd dMalwrp�anY+�MI otlN►M�,olMnw a dwpM wl�loh�n�y NoP�MIs�t��Y a��«d�ot w�M a M�r�ry <br /> �t�uph�R a MIM b pNbr�n�n11 d iM oownr��d����In Ihk DMd W Tn�l.a in�nY P��� <br /> ' �olipn pr aopN�p w oonrnMio�d�NNoh n�MMY MMo���Y��NM�rMI fn tM Prop�tY.Niok�dlrp,but eot IImM�d to�Mnk�M domdn pooM�q�� <br /> o�prpo�Mp�NwoNMip�d�o�d�M.a if Tn�lor Nils b P�Y T���dNN�p�nKMy M�b�oom�����weA�iwn��nd tMc� <br /> •. ..:,�, �;�„ notlor b a dN�w+d upon TruMor�nd wNhoul�Y�p bu�t noi flmMid b,dMbun�nNrK aR nna�bM�tlocnrY'�1�.P�Y��P���aaM�M <br /> � �: woh eolbn�s M n�o�w�r 10 P«MOt��.and�nby u�Pon tM P�Y a mYc�np�k�.In th��wnt tlwt T�uMO►NwM 1�W a P��NNUnna a <br /> �..,~y... ,. W p��taxM�aYMtrtw�,�����or b nrk�M�Y p�b�Y��MMO P�IfMf hoidMS or bMMIk,MrfM.�MMN�i�ry�Y P�►��� — <br /> 1v''Y•'�:,Oe MxMiO�Mldmak�MroMP�Yr����dl�btlrMdbYB��►Pi�ua�KtOtMsP�npraphA.B�hWb�owrw�dtAtlorwl����T h�+omfM�dW � -_ <br /> , *�ti��,•.;;.a��' Ihi�OMd ol Tn�t.8ud1�mount�MI�N W PoY��+P��a kqn B�MciM!►lo TniMOr nqwMMp O�Y��a��• <br /> ;,^ . ,.,; <br /> . �r� �dI1b11fNflIMlt M IM 1M�P�l���OIDlNIM b tlIM d101AM�11�11Q WMIC�W1�tlM NOM tMIIM�p�yrtlMlt Of kMM�t!!M M1011 hb WO��Id b�oOfNfYII t� <br /> - iti..::.,r�.„ �a�',n;fr•, <br /> -- '. . vrhid��v�M wch amountt������rw PK�����PP��bM I�w.Nofl�inp oariNrnd In thb Paapraph A.6 -- <br /> _'";"�."'�.'�,:i:.�. �. NnMoUry b k�cur�nY�tPMw — <br /> ., ^ , .. <br /> �r„�..��-".::�_•.:_;�_,�•:�'.;: B.IT IS IAUTIJALLY AtiREEO THAT: c= <br /> ` .... L...c.�3..,:,' !.At�fpnn�nt a/AMUR QMIMkieY�II Miw tM rlpM�Po+����y�����of iM D��Y�����Y�and TruKar INr�by ab� <br /> , °..�l.t . � _';,._ a�a m•�y•na a.Mr a«��y�'�'�01������,,�101 ,.��y corwntt to tM Truttor's oolMCtion�nd nt�n- � <br /> �°'-�-• .�.,. . .o�wr.�a w�co�aMa�wr..wa»w.�n n�.,w.w..�a� - <br /> tton a such�w+u,M�w�and P►oRb as 11uY�ocrw�nd woo�rw PdYibNi a lonp�s Tnata�•not,.t wcn nme,in detu�lt wkh rnp�at to P�Y�a�Y+� _ <br /> � : +�..,.x�Aa� d�bndrna wcund h�rwY.a in th�P�^a°�����«�.UP�NY wah d�bwR.B�nNiciary maY u�ny tNrw.�id�in p�rron�by pN�t. � ..�,. <br /> .,.��.n.:.�.,`.�_.113 <br /> --- `� •. • or by w nc.+v.r to��br•oourt�wnhout wxhouc np�rd a a,.�tu�cr s�curilr ror u�.�nd�awnn.h�r�by Mo�na,(.)«nK <br /> :c.:� '.:��`�� upon�nd Wc�po��Mkx�ol tM Prop�rty+or anY Part 1tNr�o1.�nd In its own ruirtN stN for a alh�rwiM aolfrCt suoh nnb.f W�s�nd pr01f1��InCludinp GwN <br /> . •''.. pat dw�nd urp�id.�nd�pply tM nrt»�Na oats uid�xp�nte�of op�►atio��nd oolNction.Inctudirp rwwrMbM altorn�ys tM�,upon anY�^d�bt�� L <br /> , �, • Ncur�d hK�b1l�and In wch ord�r a�8�11G�ry maY d�l�rmrrN�(bI PaAortn a�actt ot rop�lr a l��clbn ws m�y W n�o�rY a pep�r to cpNMw 1M <br /> valw of th�Prop�tY��e)iw�tM�or any Put th�rwf for weh nntat,t�m��nd upon wch aondNions�iq 1�0��!►d�W�a MrtMnW,or�ywt <br /> tFN temt�nd oondltbns of�xlttirg NasN.Unira TrwDOr md B�MciwY tMnof aprN afl�wiN��wrkkq.�^M aid P��� ��W tl�i��nount <br /> indrbt�dr��Ncund MrobY sh�li not�xt�nd or Pattans th�due dat�of th�ImtaMm�M WY�� Dr�� <br /> � • , of�ucfi k�nq.TM Mt�ln7�Po^+^d����0°o41h�PropKty�th�coll�ction of wcA nnt��uwn�nd prolib.�nd th��PPI�t{on th�nof M =__ <br /> ' afor�id��hW not w�fw a cun any d�huR a notto�af d�fwk h�nundK a invWd�te�ny�at doew Panwnt to sucl►notla.TniMOr ala swlpm to B�nMlci�y, <br /> as hxth�r Neurky tor tM P�form�^c�of tM oWlp�tiotM Ncund hK�b1l,all prp�k!w►+ts u�d�II moniM whkh maY haw W�t a m�Y Mnah�r b�d�po�N�d Y___ <br /> � with raid TniMa by�ny IN�N ol tM PropKly to Mcun tM P�Y��a NY rwN or d�rnp�,a w���tn.v«��a•�r a�o��n«�.or. _ <br /> ,t TruMo►�p►MS b tlWwr wdt nnt��utd d�P�����•�"�'y a w��+oao.a e.n.nciw�r�tKCiN W ih�tipMs 9rsnMd h�nfn�10�nY MrMmt <br /> oa,+vr+,�„a a«�..�.h.a w wn�w nq�...m w�.r�a p.r r•r,t a u,.e.rwnc�+ry wku n,nn.r na�o.. -- <br />,d.�+.�ron.u�aw a any v��+�n•P�•�+ri a w�.n in oond.nN+uw��►oc..ano..oy�+�►n a«nin«K do+�+w��u.►.cuo�►,a.�.w a <br /> soaw�aKa,ra.�aoona�nn.can,,a.�++�o••�w�+����"d and.�,.�a wb�e�•ryw�w.h.W.av�r�w+•�a.d.^Mo« <br /> _ __--- - as�d�^!��'-`1!'Ih.wm Ncund hY thit DMd of Trwt�with tM�zo�.It any.P�Id to Truita.if T�uKOr nc�iws�ny natla a oNN►Inlorm�tion rp�ndlnp Y <br /> weh�CIbM ot P►ocMdlnp��TtWtOt sh�N 9��y P►�P�w�IttMt���ti1flWNd t0 mak��r1y�+cort�rorni�Or MttIM�Nnt kl�caln�Otiorl with any woh aotlon - <br /> in md Drowcut�in It�own nanw�nY such�ctlon a P��� -_ <br /> pr prpcNdinp�. <br /> . 3.Fuhxr Adwr�.Upon rpwst of Tnulor.8«�MciarY�t Bmsflclary's option,Prlor to r�oor►wyana ot th�Prop�ty to T not�s N�ti� s�id not�a~ ` <br /> to Tru�ta.Such futun advanoe�,with Intar�t th�non,sh�ll W e�cund by thio Tnut D�ed vM�n wid�nc�d bY P��Y ^a �,.. <br /> s�cur�d h�nby;provid�d that�t no tirru�hali th�ucund princlp�l,futur�bvanc�s.not fncludlnp wms advanc�d to prabat tM acurUy,�xa�d Two Hw�dr�d = <br /> pKwnt(200q6)ot th�oripin�J princip�l�mounts Ncund h�nby. `�;._ <br /> '���Fxeturlw.TnuUs and BmeNclary.Imd�ech of them.ehdl be�ntitlad to�nlorw payrnK►t md p�rlwrtwna of anY Ind�budn�s a►�Mp�o�W m <br /> � s�cur�d h�nby�nd to�z�relu aIi ripht�and powers under this Dsed of Trust a under any oth�r apre�m�nt�x�cut�d in conn�ction h�nwith a any kw�now �.:� <br /> � . or hKNBK in toro�,notwithsquWlnp wm�or dl of th�such inctet�todnec�and obllyationa a�curod hereby m�y now or hKNlt�r W ah�rwlN�urb.wMth�r �-- <br /> ��" by mortp�p�.dssd of�l�e�Iisn.aalOnrtNnt or othKV+isa.NNtha th�acaptanc�of this DMd of Trwt nor fts snfa�nt whNMr bY oaut actton <br /> ,`� or punwnt la ths povwr of aN or otMr pow�rs h�rNn contained,ahdt praJud�s u In any msnner att�at Truste�'s a B�rwNiciuy't riqht to nailz�upon or �`.=� <br /> �nfac��ny othK ssctuity now ot h�n�ftsr held by TruatM or Bansflciery. it b�inp apr«d th�t TrustN and 8�n�ficlpry,u�d wch of th�m�shaii b��ntitl�d �ii�_-= <br /> to�nfora this DMd ot Trust�nd ony otMr wcurity now or hereatler h�W by Bsnsflcl�ry or 7rustee in auch ord�r and mann�r u tMy ar Mth�r ot tMm may <br /> in th�ir absolut�discratlon detYtmine.No remedy hereln contsrred upon or rsiervsd to Truet�e or BeneNclary ts intsnd�d to b��xclwlw of�ny ath�r nm�dY ��'=. <br /> tNraln or by Iaw provid�d or pormitted,but each ahall be cumuiative and shati be in addition to every other remsdy ylvon h�r�undsr or now or h�rNtt�r�xi�tinp �=- <br /> at I�w or In�qully or by et�tut�.Ewry powar or remedy provided hersund�r thia Daed of Trutt to Trustee or Bene(iclary or to whbh�ItMr o}tMm may b�oth�rwlrs <br /> ' �ntitNd,may b��x�rclt�d,concurrently or ind�p�ndentiy,irom tlme to tlme u�d as oken aa may be deemod exp�diant by Ttuqw or B�nNiciuY and NtMr <br /> of 1Mm may pursu�inconsistent remedNs.Nolhlnp h�rNn tha11 ba con�trwd aa prohlbiNnp 8wwf�lary from�wklnp a d�flci�noy Judpm�nt apaiMt th�Trwta <br /> to th��zt�nt such action Is permittad by Iaw. <br /> 6.Tmnafir of tM Aopnry;Aaaumptlon.If aIi or any part of the prop�rty or interest thereln is soW,traneferrod or othervriet convay�d by Trutta without <br /> Bensticlary's prlor written conee^��axcludtng(a)the cnatlon ot a Ikn or encumbrance subordinate to thls D�ed of Tru�t,(b)th�crNtlon ot t purchliq mon�y <br /> s�cuHry intsrMt for houwhold appliancs�.(c)a tranahr by deviso,descent or by operatbn of I�w upon the dnth of�Joint t�nant or(d)th�qnnt of�ny NwtwW <br /> inbr�st of thrM yan a I�ss not contalninp an option to purchere, euch actbn la a braach of thle apraanwnt,end B�naficiary may,at Bsruikl�ry's aption, <br /> d�clan ali ttw sums wcured by lhis O�d of Truat to be Immedletely dua and payable,a ceuee the trustee to file a�wtice ot detault.B�n�f�iary shail haw <br /> wpv�d wcry optlon to accalente if,prfor to the sale,transier ot conveyance.8m�ficlary and the person to whom ths propsrtyr Is to b�sold w tnnd�rc�d reach <br /> . apr�nt In wrltinp th�t the cndit of such person is satisfactory to Ben�flciary and that the Intereat pnyabt�on the�ums acund by thit W�d of Tru�t thau <br /> ' , b�at tuch wU as B�rnfkiary shall tequwt. <br /> 8.Avc�Mrallo►►upon DNauk:Remedles:Sak•Ths fallure by the Truetor to make any payment or to perform any of the tsrms and condltbns of th�Not�, <br /> or�ny nn�w�is,moditic�tlone a�Membns thereof,or the payment of any other Ind�btednesa securW hersby or in the parform�nct of�ny ot tM cownanb <br /> u prMm�nts h�nunG�r sh�il W a bre�ch ot thia aproem�nt and the Bsneticl�ry may deeiare n defauit and mey declarQ ali sums a�eured h�reby Imm�dlat�ty <br /> dw�n0 p�,yabN�nd ti»sa,,n��hNl thareupon become due and payable wlthout pn�sntment,damand,protest o►notic�of any kind.Th�rNft�r.B�rnilcf�ry <br /> m�y dNlwr to TruMM a wrifbn declar�tlon of datault�nd demand tor aNe.Truator aprees end hereby qnnts that ihe TruK«shdl h�va the pow�r of sat� <br /> of the Prop�rty�nd if B�rNffcirry decid�s ths Propercy ie to be wid It shall depwit wlth Truatoe thls Dead of Trust and th�Nots or not�s�nd�ny oth�r dxum�ntt <br /> �nelnp�up�ndMurN Mcund Mnby,and shali ddlver to Trustee a writtan nollca of detault and sNCtion to cauw th�Praperty to b��old,�nd TrudM.In <br /> tum,�II prp�n�timl�ar nol�e In tha lorm nqulrod by iaw,which shail lw duiy(iiod for rocad by Truot�. <br /> p)ARK iM��of such tlm�as may bv r�qulrW by law fdlowiny the reeordatlon of Notice of D�tauft,and Notke of D�hult and Natic�of Sal�havinp <br /> : I bMn ylwn u nqulnd by law.Trustee,wlthout d�mand on Trustor,shali sell th�Property In ona or more ptrcelt and In tuch ord�r af Trusta may <br /> �,�....•�a.��.,.a�ti.��mw•nd ntac�dnlanatM in Nld NotiCS of 3ale,et publlC auCtlon to ths htqM�t bldd�r,th�purChate prlC�pRyabN <br />° � ::......���............_.__.._...-- • - <br /> In caN In I�w1uI mon�y of the UNtod St�tes at the Hmv ot w�a.The pKSOn conductlny tha�atle may,for any cautt M or sn�dMms sxpedi�ni.Pci.iµ�� <br /> tM wIs lrom tfms to tlme unt1l tt ehall bo completsd and,fn awry auch caw,�otico ot postponsm�nt shs1l W ylv�n by publ�dscteratlon th�rwf by <br /> � ! such pNOOn at ths Um�and plece latt+ppolnted for the wle;provldW.If ths sale is postponed tor bnqsr th�n ons(t)day b�yond ttw day d��lpnat�d <br /> In th�Not�s of SaN,notice tlwreof�hall be ylven In the wme mtnner as the orl9lnal Notico of Sele.Truste��hall ex�cut�and dellv�r to tM purche�r <br /> ' Itt ONd convaylnp tha Proparty so so�d,but wlthout any convanant a warranty,ezpress.or ImpIIKI.Th�racltal�In tM ONd ot�ny malbn w faeu <br /> ' � sh�p b�eonClu�lvo proof of tlw truthtuln�u thanof.Any ponon,lncludlnp wlthout Ilmltatlon B�netklary w Tru�taa,may purchw at ths sW. <br /> (b)WMn Trustao eellt pursuant to the powero hereln,Trustee ahell appiy the praeede of the�a�e to payment of the cons and expen�e�ot exorclslny <br /> !he pow�r of ttlt erW of the sde,Includtnp,wlthout Ilmlt�tion,tho payrr�nt of Truetee's Fees Incurred,whlch Trunes'a Fess shsll not 1n the aQpropat� <br /> � �xcNd ths tdtowlny amounb ba�d upon the amount eecured horeby and remalntng unpald:5 parcantum on the Wlance thareof:and th�n to th� <br /> It�m�In subpu��r�ph(c)tn th�ord�r thare atated. <br /> i <br /> , � � <br /> . i <br /> � • � _ . - — — - . .-- .—. . <br />