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.� _ .,�m+�� r�_"_ ~Mf . .� .--.- .- _ " <br /> �� �`�'-+ �'.t-. � , -�° ��.-. -. <br /> � - � --_� 94;i0i�04 <br /> at the optian o[l.endsr, it mort�s�e tnunna cownte (in the�mount �nd foc the poriod tlut l.ender requira) <br /> providd by�n inwror�ppcoved bY l�a�apin beo�ma�vailtbte and i�abuined.Borrower stull p�y tluo promiume <br /> requirod to m�intain mortp�s insuru�oe in�fteat.oc to provide i lws re�erve. until the requiroment tar mort��u <br /> iNUnnoe a�d�in�aoot�dance Mith aRy writte�y�roement bet�een Borrower�nd I.ender or�ppllcable IaN. <br /> 9.IOfp001�0t1.l.ender or it���ent rnsY mske ra�oable enuia upon and tnrpectioru ot the Property.I.ender�lull <br /> -_ �ive Bonowee native at the tintio of ar prior to�n iruMection specifyinR ra�omble cau�e tor the inepection. <br /> 10. Condemation,The proceed�of any�w�rd or ct�im for d�m�Qas,diract Ar conaequentid,in connecttnn Mith <br /> � �ny oondem�ution ar other t�lcinQ oi my pct ot the Property.or tor ccmveyance in lieu of condomn�tlon.aro heroby <br /> = arJ�ned and ihall be pid to I.ender. - - <br /> - In the event ot a toul tikin�at the Property� the prooe«fe��� bc�P�Ited to d►e sume eecurod by thfs Security <br /> lnatrumont,whether or not then due,wfth any eYCaee p�id to AorroNer.In the Cvent ot a p�rtitl taktn�ot the Property in <br /> which the fair m�rket value ot the Proparty immediately betore the takin�is oqual to or�reater than the amount ot the <br /> - - — aums eecured by thls Secucity Inatrumont immediauly bePoro the takin�,unleee Borro�er and Lender otherwise��roe <br /> -�"- in Mritin�.the euma securod by thts Security Instrument ehall be reduoed by the amount ot the proceeds multiplied by <br /> - "—__--=� the folloNin¢traction:(s) the tc�ul amount ot the eumg eecured immediately be[oro the uki��,divided by (b)the tair <br /> ���, - - �° markot value of the I'roperty immediately beforo ttw takin�. My b�lance shall bo pid w Borcower.In the event of a <br /> '"`�"'�'`'"�"�" partial ukinQ ot the Property in�hich the tait msrket valuo oi the Property immali�tely beforo the takine is less than <br /> � ,� the amount ot the sums exuced immediately beforo the takin�,unless Horrower and Lender otherwise a�ree in writing <br /> or unleae appliabie l�w otherMlse provides, the proceeds eiull be applied to the suma securcd by this Socurity <br /> �=�--�?"�'� Instrumet►t whether or not tfie sums un then due. <br /> k--•- - lt the Property is ab�ndoned by Botrower.or if,atur notix by Lender to Bocrower that the condemnor offers to <br /> . '"''�.'"• �= make an award or aettle�cl�im for d�m��, Bormwer fsils to ttispond to Lender within 30 days after the date the <br /> ... ; . . ,; .. , �-.. <br /> `�•,., .; •. ,. ',�, notice is�iven,Lrnder is authorized to collect and apply tha its option,either to reAtorrtion or repair of the _ <br /> r- �.. _ Propecty oc to the sums sxured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> Unl�ss Lender and Borrowet otherwise a�roe in writing,any application of procads to princip�l shall not extend or - <br /> . postpcme the due dau oi the monthly payments nierred to in p�ra�rapha 1 and 2 or chan�e the amount of such <br /> - . p�yments. _ <br /> 11. Hocrower Not Released; Forbeannce By Lender Not a Waiver.Eztension of the time for p�yment or = <br /> " moditication o[amortization of the sums axuted by this Security Instrument granted by I.ender to any succcssor in � <br /> • incerest ot Bocrower sh�ll not opente to rclease the lisbility oi the ori�inal Bonower or Borrower's succes�rs in _ <br /> . inunst.l.ender shill not be required to commence ptocoedinPs a�ainst any successor in interest or refuse to extend � <br /> � time for pyment or otherwiae modify amortization of the sums axured by this S�curity Instrument by r�ason ot any �_ <br /> demand made by the ariYinal Bon-ower or Borrower's succes�ors in intRt�est.Any forbearance by I.ender in e�ercisine <br /> _ ,•���_. ..__._,_..— any ri�t��remedy ahall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise o!any ri�ht or rcmedy. �`: <br /> ' 12.Successors�and Assi=ns Bound;Joint and Several Liabiltty;Co-si�nets.'1'he covenanu and agreem�nts � <br /> of this Security lnstrument shall bind and benefit the successors and essigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the <br /> provisions ot paragraph 17.Borrower's covrnints and agrcements shal l be joint md several.Any Borrower who co-signs � <br /> this Socurity Instrumcnt but d«s not exxute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, _ <br /> grant and convey that Borrower's inucest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is not <br /> ` personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrume�t;and (c)agrces that l.ender and any other _ <br /> Bnrrower may agrec to extend,modity.torbear or make any accommadstions with regard to the terms ot this Securit}• <br /> Instrument or th�Note without that Borrower's consent. - <br /> �- l3. Lwn Char�as. If the loun secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan <br /> '� charges, and that law is finally interpretc�i so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in <br /> �F connection with the loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shaU be reduced by the amount t <br /> � .{ ., necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Borcower which <br /> � oxceaded permitted limits xill be retunded to Borrower. Lender may choosr to make this retund by reducing the <br /> � , principal owed undcr the Note or by making a direct payment to Bormwer.If a rrfund reduces principal,the reduction <br /> � will be treated as s partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the I�ote, <br /> • 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Sccurit�Instrument shall be gi�•en b�•deli��ering it or by� <br /> mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.7'he notice shail be directed to the <br /> Property Address or any other address Borrower designatrs by notice to I.ender. �ny notire to[.ender shall be gi�•en by � <br /> ' first class mail to l.ender's address stated herein or an��othr.r address l.enJrr�irsignates by notice to Horrower.Any <br /> ' . notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall he deemed to have been�i�•rn to Borrower or Ixnder when given . <br /> ss pro�•idcd in this paragraph. <br /> 15. Gocernin�L�w;Severabitity.This Security Instrument shall be go��erned by federal law and thr law• of the <br /> . jurisdiction in which the Property is located.In the e�•ent that an�•provision or clause of this Sc�:urit�•Instrument or the <br /> . ' � Note conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not affee:tother pro�•isions of this Se�:urity�Inscn�ment or the�iotc <br /> - � whieh can be git'en effect without thr conflieting pm�•ision. 1'o this end the pro�•isions of this Security Instrument and <br /> ° � the Note are declated to be severable. <br /> � • � � <br /> _ J Fw� aozs ei�o <br /> . ����IOtOSl01 Oq�4 e�6 Illltl�lt: <br /> . . � , . <br /> � * , � '. " <br /> �---_'—.. . . <br /> e_-._• �..--- - <br /> a <br /> . � <br /> ' . � <br />_ . 1 <br /> _ �_ <br />