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<br /> �js. i �� ; ��� , �_ ''_ _
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<br /> TOOLdTH�iR W1TN dl the impmvemenu rww ar heroJter orectdd on the property, �nd dl e+aemente,
<br /> �ppurtatiatwa�,snd(ixtura now o�heraftor�p�K ot the ptoperty.All roplar.ements�nd add ti ivna�hall also be oowrod
<br /> by ehis Secw�ity Insttument.All at the toro�oit�i�roterrod to in thi�Securlty Itutrumont�s the'Propony."
<br /> HO�tROWER COVIINANTS that Hnrrower i�I�wtully sei�ed ot the oeute heroby�nveyed�nd ha�the�i�ht w
<br /> - �rant md convey the Property�nd tl►�t the Property i�unencumbered�ezcept for oncumbranoa�ot rocord. Horrower
<br /> t
<br /> warranta and�ill detend�enenlly the title to the Propecty a�ait►�t dl alaims and demand�,�ubja:t to�ny encumbr�nao�
<br /> - ot ncord.
<br /> THiS SECUIt1TY INSTRUM}3NT combinee unitorm covaut�te for nat�oiu►1 uee and non-uniiotm covenanu with _
<br /> � _ . limited variatione by�!uciadivtio�►tu wnstitutea unifurm sezuctty Instrumertt caverint ral prr►(Ktty. F- .-_,.� -
<br /> _ F,. UNIPORM COVF.NANTS.Borrower and I.endec covon�nt and a�oe�s follows;
<br /> _ ,, ,�; ,r , _ 1.Payment ot Principal and lnterest;Pcep�ymaat snd I.�te Char�e�.Horrower shill promptly p�y when duo
<br /> '--;°'-•-���L" the principd oi and Interest on the debt avidenced by the Nou�nd�ny prcpryment�nd I�te ch�r�as due�u►der the Noue.
<br /> ---"1+�'.'_ 2.Funds for TaYes and Insuance. Suhject to�pplicable law ar to a wRtten v►�iver by I.ender, Horrower ehall
<br /> �R":',i.__.crng'::.v`f'.', .
<br /> r. y to Lender on the dsy monthly paymenta�re due under the Nou,until the Note is�id in tutl,a aum('�'unds")for. _
<br /> _'�'��`"'..`'-?'�._.�.� �)yarly tazes�nd�aeesements wh{ch may�ttain priority over this Securtty lnntrument as a lien on the Property;(b) �
<br /> "'GZ`'�`�'='"�" early lessehold ments or und rents on the Pro cty.if�ny;(c)yarly haz�rd ar propeny insunme p�emiums;
<br /> �;;�� :.-�.°.�:,..,;�� Y P=Y � �
<br /> (d)yearly tlood insur�nce premiume,if any;(e)ya�ly mort��e insurance promiums.if any;and(f)any sums p�y�b[o
<br /> �ia�.::.• ����.u.� by Botrower to I..ender�in�ccordance with the provisions of piraQraph 8,in lieu of the pay ment o!moM�a�e insunnce
<br /> _�,�,���j��„ premiuma.Thaae iums are called"Eecrow Itema"L.ender may.at any time.mUect and hold I�unda in an imount n�nt
<br /> - � - � - - . to excaed the maximum �mount a lender for a fedenlly tel�ted mortga�� Iwn may require tor �3orn�wer's escrow
<br /> ���� � �' account under the federal Ral FBtate Settlement Procedurcs Act of 1974 as tmended from time to time, 12 U.S.('.
<br />' L � '�''��•���"'��' Section 2601 et seq.("RESPA'),unlass another law thst applies to the Funds�eta�lesser amount.lt so, l.ender may,
<br /> ,��` J , � � at any time,collect md hold Punds in an amount not to exceed thc lesser omount.Lender may estimate the smount ot G4�wi,�s�+v
<br /> .. Funds due on the btsis of cutrettt dtu and reasonable eatimaua oi expenditutes of futuro Escr4w Items or otherwise in
<br /> accordtnce with epplicable law.
<br /> The Funds sh�ll be held in sn institution whose deposits are insurod by a[ceder�l a�ency,instrumentality.or entity T-
<br /> , � ••�.- •� (including Lender�it Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home I.wn Bank.Lender shall apply thc Funds to � � ' _
<br /> pay the F.scrow Items. Lender may not ch�rge Bonower for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzin�the Q:��_
<br /> escrow account,or verifying the Escrow Items.unless Lender pays Borrow�r interest on the Funds and app lica b le law � �:
<br /> �����
<br /> • petmits I.ender to make such a charge. However, I.endcr may require Borrower to pny a one-time char�e tor an � �,,,;,,F�
<br /> independent real estate tax reporting service used by I.ender in connection with this loan,unless applicable l�w provides
<br /> otheraise.Unless an agreement is made or ipplicable law requires interest to be piid,I.endec shall not bo required to "��••�'�-
<br /> pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds.Borrower and Lender rnay agrce in writing,howe�•er,thst interest =�— ��•°`
<br /> shall be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give to Borrower,without charge,an annusl accounting of the Funds,shoaing � �`;- .
<br /> � ; ''------ - credits and debits to ihe Funds and ii�a�,ui�t�r which cach 3cbii to the Fund:r.�ss made.The Funds��ri�xi�«i as �...'''"4
<br /> � additional security tor a11 sums secured by this Security lnstrument. ��'���� �� ,-.i .
<br /> � It the Funds held by I.ender exceed the amounu permittod to be held by applicable law, l.ender sb911 acrount to � :�
<br /> Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law.If the amount oi the Funds hrld �••� :• �.• �
<br /> by I.ender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Fscrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Aorco�er in writing, 1=
<br /> and,in such case Borrowar shall pay to Lxnder the amount necessary to make up the deficiency.Aorro�ver shall make _
<br /> up thedeticiency in no more than taelve monthly paymen�s,at Lender s sole discretion. �' •-''�` ' •
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security lnstrument,L.ender shall promptlp refund to HorroN er ,_
<br /> � any Funds held by I.ender. If, under paragraph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell the Property, Lender, prior to the
<br /> - e�quisition or sale of the Property,shall apply any Funds held b� I.endec at the time of acquisition or sele as s credit y�,
<br /> ,: against the sums secured by this Security Instrument. �
<br /> � 3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable IaW pro��ides ocherW ise,aU payments received by I.ender under
<br /> ' ` paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied: first,to any prepayment charges due under the ?�ote;second,to amounts paSable
<br /> � under paragraph 2;third,to inter�vt due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due under thr\otr.
<br /> , 4. Char�es; Liens. Borrower shall pap a11 taxes, assrssments, charges,fines and impositions attributable to the
<br /> Property which may attain prioritp o�•er this Security Instrument,and leasehold pay�menu or ground rrnts, it an}•.
<br /> Borrower ehall'pay these obligations in the manner pro�•ided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that mannrr, I30TfONCf
<br /> � shall pay them on time direetly to the person oweci payment.Horrow•er shall promptl�•furnish to Ixnder ali notices of .
<br /> � amounts to be paid under this psragcaph. If f3orro�ver mak�these pay�ments dire�:tl�•, Horro��et sha11 promptl��furnish � ;
<br /> � to L.ender receip�S evidencing the payments. �
<br /> Iiorrower shall promptl�discharge an�•lien which has priorit��o�•er thisSecurit��Instrument unless 13orroN•er. (a}
<br /> ' � agrees in nriting to thc payment of the obligntion secured by the lien in a manner ac�eptable to I.ender; (b1 cont�s�s in '�'
<br /> � good faith the lien by, or defends against enforcement of thr lien in, legal pra:erdings ahich in thr I.ender's opinion
<br /> operate to prevent the enforcement of thr lien;or (r)secures from thr holder of thr]ien an agrerment satisfactory to
<br /> ; l.ender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument.If l.ender drtrrmines that an�•pan of the PropertS• is subject •
<br /> � to a lien Nhich ma��attain priority o�•er this Securit�• Instrumrnt,l.endrr ma�• gi�•e I3��rrourr a notirr identifying thr
<br /> • lien. BorroK•er shall satisf�the lien or take one or more of the actions srt forth abo�•e within 10 days of the gi�•ing ot
<br /> i notice.
<br /> i
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