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__ . ... ��� -� �Yrt- . :�� . <br /> _'.�� ... � .�. . .�.���s <br /> _"� •� ��. _ . _. __,�} — '�^•JL'<. <br /> ���_ .._____._.�_...:.,� _ . ,, ��-�cnses . <br /> 11.A�MIM Y�6d�dt1�iwl�M. Upon d�failt by Tro:tor in tM pqrm�M of a pKfarn�ona of th�t�x atd andMbns of <br /> tI»Not�,or ony��wols,modificatia►s x�xt�nsions thrnof,a tir payn»nt of a►y otMr fnd�bt�t aca�d I��a in tM�pKiornr�nc� <br /> of any of th�conwnoMs ar apr�n�rKs twr«irdK.�fklory mof►dalor�oll sums saund Iw�b�r buMdbt�ly:iw nnd poYobM and ti»� <br /> – � �II th�wpon b�Can�du�and poyobN wlthout pns�nhnmt,d�mar�d,p►ot�st a notka of m�k(nd.lh�raofbr, Mmticlory moy ddlvK fo <br /> • TrustN o w►itt�n d�ctaratlon of defoult ond d�+nard for salr.Trust�e sholl hov�tM pow�r ot sal�af tM Prop�rt�ad I(MrNfkiary daidn th� <br /> prop�►ty is to b�sold it shal!d�wsit with Trust�this DNd of Trust and tht Not�or rat�s and any otMr documints�vidmcinp�xpMdltuns <br /> s�cund lwnby,ond shall dalivK to TrustN a w�itt.n notk•of d�faulr ond•Ncrion ro caus�th.P�ap.M�ro b�so1d,ad TnKiN,In turn,shoU <br /> �� pr�pan o similar notk�in tM fam requirad by low whkh shall b�duty filad for racord by Trust�e. �--- <br /> (a)Aft�r tta laps�of such tim�os may b�rpuir�d by law followirp the nco►dotion of Notk�oE D�foult,ond Notk�of D�foult ond Notk�ot <br /> _ 5a{�hovinp bNn qiwn as rpuind by law,Trustee,without d�mand on Trusta,slall s�{I tFw P►op�rty in on�a mon pau�s and In wch ad�r <br /> __ -- as Trustor may dttKmin�on th�datf and ut tM time ond plau d�siynot�d i�sald Notk�of Sol�,ot publ'K auction to tM hipFwst bidiMr,th�pur- <br /> ��;;.������o�a,� chas�ptic�payoble in cush in lawful money af the Unit�d Stat�s at th�tin�of sal�.The p�rson conductinp tFw sak moy,for ony cous�h�or sh� <br /> — __.�_-- dNms txp�dimt,postpone tht sak from time to time until it sholl be compl�t�d ad,in wary such cas�,notk�ot postponNn�nt shall b�piwn <br /> --- — =-==--' by pubtic deciaration th�raof by such person ut the time ond placQ last oppoint�d fo�tFw sat�j provided,ff tM sale is postpon�d for lonp�r than __ <br /> –r—�— one(1)doy beyond th�doy d�siprated in tha Notice of Sole,notice ther�of shali b�qiwn in th�wrtw rnann�r os th�aiqlnol Notk�of Sal�. <br /> � -• � � Trustee shall extcute and d�livK to th�pwchaser its Deed conwyinp the Proporty so sold,but without any conwnont or worronty,�xpnss,or <br /> �,� }y3. !t��:,��+�t implied.The�ecituls in tlw Dead of any matters or facts shall 6e conclusive proof of tht t�uthfulrwss th�no f. My p�rsoe, int l u d i n p wi t h o u t <br /> '—'-=.�.,��� r:r,s• ..��i'�;, limitution Trostee,may pu�chase at the sale. <br /> �'�`' '�� � (b).When Trustae sells pursuant to the pov�rs herQin,TrusteQ shall apply the praNds of tha wte to poym�nt of tM costs ond�xp�ns�s of <br /> ,.. ,_ .�:�rz:.a <br /> -- ��� � ���1•»' �xtrcisinp the power of sale and of the sd�,includinp,wlthout limitatlon,the payment of T�ust�!'s F�es incurrod,which TrustN's F�s shall not <br /> in the appregate excoed the following amounts bosed upon the amount secured twreby ond r�mainirp unpaid: S p�runtum on thit bolona -- <br /> -,�+�:+�4^.�.<:'a' �.;-' th�reofi and then to tlw items set forth in subparapraph(c)hereof in ttw order therein stoted. "' <br /> � �� � (c1 After paying the items spacified in subparapraph(b),if the sale is by Truste�,or the proper tourt and oth�r costs of fonclosur�ond solt � <br /> if th�cate is pursuant to judiciat foreclosure,the procQeds of salo shall be applied in thQ ord�r stot�d below to tlu poyrrNnt of� <br /> e <br /> . (1) Cost of any evidonca of titl�praured in connection with suth wIQ and of any revenue required to be paidi <br /> (2) Attorrwys fees: <br /> (3) All sums then secured hereby: <br /> (4) Junior trust de�ds,mortyapes,or other lienholders:and <br /> (5) The remainder,if any,to the person or perso�s Iepolly entitled thereto. <br /> --- --- , (d) tf the Benaticiary of this i)aed of Trust is a bonk as deiined by Neixosko iaw,any�Patenieiii i.onioirwd'+n uny othet sCCiion Of lhis dred <br /> notwithstanding,the Beneficiary shall not be entitted to receive or take and debtor shall not be obliyated to pay or qive:any conf�ssion of judg- <br /> mmt,power of uttorney to confess judgment,power of attorney to appeur for o borrower in a judiciul proceedinfl or ayreemmt to pey the costs <br /> of collection of the attorneys'fees,unless such acts of collection would not otherwise be prohibited by Nebrasko Inw.Provided,however,that <br /> thls sution does not opply to the Trustee fee referred to in parayraph 6(b).Provided further,thot this para9ruph shall not apply to this Oaed of �`' <br /> Trust,if the Beneficiory is not a bank. <br /> �� 12. Additbnal S�w�r lnstn�nts.Trustor,at its expense,wil�ezecute and deliver to the Beneficiary,promptly upon demand,such securi- <br /> + ' ty instruments as may be required by Beneficiory, in form and substonce satisfactory to Beneficiary, coverinq any of the Property conveyed by <br /> r• this D�ad of Trust,which security instruments shall be additionnl security for Trustor's faithful performance of all of the terms,covenants and <br /> �.. I tonditions of this Deed of Trust,the promissory notes secured hereby,and any other security instruments executed in connettion with this tran• � <br /> �' 1 sattion.Such instruments shall be recorded or filed at Trustor's expense. <br /> � • � 13. AppotntM�nt of Suece:sor T�usta. Beneficiary may, from time to time, by a written instrument executed and acknowledged by ,- <br /> Boneficiory,mailed to Trustor and recorded in the county or counties in which the Property is located und by otherwise complying with the provi- �- <br /> • i sions of the applicoble laws of tha State of Nebraska,substitute a successor or successors to the Trustee named herein or acting hereunder. ` <br /> i 14. In�putions.Beneficiary,or its agents,representotives or workmen,are authorized ro enter at nny reusonoble time upon or in any part <br /> I of thQ Property far the purpose of inspecting the same and for the purpose of�eCforming��r.�f��jy,q�ti�t,tc authroized to perform under the . <br /> t�rms of the Deed of Trust. , '''".�,� ;, ..Y i� <br /> I 5. Optioe to Foncb��.Upon the occurrence of any default hereunder, Benefi�idry shall,bavstl�e�opiion to foreclose this Deed of Trust in <br /> th�nwnntr provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgages on real property. <br /> 16. hr��u►r Ne�lieiary Not a Watv�r.Any fore6eorance by Beneficiary in exercising ony right or remedy hereunder,or otherwise <br /> a�fnrded by applitable(aw,sholl not be a waiver of or preclude the exeicise of any such right or remedy.likewise,the waiver by Beneficiury of <br /> � ony d�fault of Trustor under this Deed of Trust shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other or similar detaulis subsequently occurring. <br /> 17. Trotta Not R�Nas�d.Extension of the time for payment or modification or omortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust <br /> . � nranted by Beneficiary to any successor in interest of Trustor shall not operate to release, in ony manner,the liability of the originol Trustor and <br /> � lrusta's successor in interesf.Beneficiary shall not be required to commence proceedings agoinst such successor or refuse to extend time for <br /> � paymont or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reoson of any demond made by the original Trustor and <br /> Trusta's successor in interest. <br /> * 18. NMfkl�ry'��ow�rt.Without affecting the Iiability of the Trustor or any other person lioble for the payment of any obligotion herem <br /> j m�nlionad.and without affecting the lien or ct�arge of this Oeed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then oi theretofore released as <br /> s�turify(or the full amount of all unpaid obligations.Beneficiary may,from time to time nnd without notice, li)�elease any persan so liable, (ii 1 <br /> • �rt�nd the maturity or alter any of the terms of any such obligotions, (iii)grant other indulgences, liv)release or reconvey, or cause to he <br /> . , �ol�s�d w rQCOnveyed at any time ot Beneficiary's options any parcel,portion or ull of the Property, (v)take or release any other or additionul <br /> � • s�turity tor nny obliqntion herein mentioned,or(vi)make compositions or other arrangements with debtors in relation thereto. <br /> � 19 Wtw�A�vMa�.Upon request of Trustor, Trustee at Trustee's option,prior to reconveyance of the Property to Trustor. mny mokP <br /> ' - . . . ' . -' ---" ._ �_.._.__ e...i.t.....�.,..a......�... ...:N,:..�......� �{........., .6..I1 6e ���..nA I�u f6ie Trucf nnnd m6nn nvidanrad hv nrmm�ecorv <br /> .. . '�' . . �urtx�uurun«a �v u�a�v�. m��.o.o�o w...�....:�. ....�............ . . � <br /> not�s stotinq thpt said notes are secured hereby;provided thot ot no time shall the secured principal,future advances, not including sums od• <br /> � vprxad to prot�ct th�securify,exceed an uggregate principal omount of S • <br /> . j <br /> ;i ?U. ��tMV��Ma��Truttw.Upon written request of P.eneficiary stating that all sums secured hereby have been paid.ond upon surrender <br /> � I uf tlnti l}e�d �f Tru+t oi�d the Note to Trustee for cancellation and retention and upon poyment by Trustor of Trustee's fees, Trustee shnll <br /> � r� r�tunv�y to Truttor ur ihe person or persons legally entitled thereto,without warronty,any portion of the Property then held hereundPr 11ir <br /> ' � r��tuls m��xh rr�uuveyiince of ony matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof.The grantee m any reconveyaue mny <br /> bt d�scribYd us� thu p�rson or persons legolly e��titled thereto". <br /> . . <br /> , <br /> � <br /> t I <br />