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- � _ � r,-. i. <br /> � . . .�•...'-, te, � _'_ -_. <br /> � ' '^ ,' - ... _ .. . .. - --' --- <br /> �� .r. - — ---- <br /> .�_s-:._�,�,..t - "� <br /> 94- 10�.1fi3 <br /> condemrwtion or aher takiny of wny pwt of the Property,or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation,ere hercby assiQned and <br /> �hatl be psid to Lcnder. <br /> In the event of a rotal trlcing of the Propeny, the proceedx shall he applied ta thc sums se:cured by this Secwity <br /> lestrument, whcther ar not then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. In the evcnt of c►partial tuking of the Prapeny in <br />__. -- which the fafr mrrkat v�lue of the Propeny immediateiy beforc Ihe ta{cing is oquut ta ar greatcr than the umount of the sums <br /> ';���� secured by this�ocurity Instrument immediatcly bctocti the taking,unless Honrwcr r+nd l.end�r otherwisc agrcc in writing, <br /> the sum:�ecurcd by this Security Insuument s6a11 be rcduced by the umcwnt of the praceeds multiplied by the following <br /> frACtion: (u)the tots�l amount uf the sums securcd immediutely befare the t:iking,divicled by(►►)the fair murket vulue of the <br /> '+�.� Propctty immediacely befot+c the taking. Any balunce shaU bc paid to 8urruwnr. I��ihe event uf u paniul taking uf ttx: _ <br /> � Prc�perty in which ihe fair market valuc of the Property immediutely before the tuking is le+s than the umaunt of thc sums <br /> "�� �;��:�� secured immcdiately before the tal;ing, unless Borrower and Lendcr aherwisr: agree in wrlting or unlc,s applicublc law —.- <br /> otherwisc provides,the pracecds schall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums are <br /> ���r'�,,,�*� then duc. — <br /> —^°^�:zr�,� If the Propedy ix abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower thuc the condcmnor offcr,to make _ <br /> _ _ _ -- _:_.�.,:� on award or settle u claim for damages.Borrowcr fuils to respond to Lender within:;0 days aftcr the dntc thc notice it given. _ <br /> � "=-=�_—�-�°.' Lender is authoriud to caUect and apply the proceeds,ut its optian,either to restoration or repair of thc Propeny ur to the <br /> —�.=s=�:�:�,�:,,.� -- <br /> — ;. �e. sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> Unless Lender ond BoROwer otherwise agree in writing,any upplication of proceeds[o principal shull not extend or <br /> '�`'�•�^r'�� ��•r.�� posiponc the due dote of the monthly paymentx mferrcd to in parugr•rphs I und 2 or chnnge the amuum of such paymcnts. --_- <br /> ';��,�„�'-''���� 11. Borrower Not Released; Furbes�rAnce By Lender Not A Waivcr. Excension of the time for payment or �" <br /> f�;'` `� •+'•�,-' modification of amortization of the sums secured by thix Security Intitrument granted by Lender to any successor in intercrt _— <br /> -t..'•s ,.:, • :..._�,. - . <br /> . -,..,, of Borrower shall not operate to rcleace the liats,lity of the original Borrowcr or BoROwer�succecsors in intcrest. Lcnder _ _ <br /> .. :� .:�'�`".`'� � ' �. shall not be required to commence praceedings agninst any succetisor in interest or refuse ta extend time for puyment or i <br /> � otherwise modify amonizution of the sums tiecured by this Security Instrument by rcuson of any demand made by the original <br /> , '"'"`• „' ��.� Borrower or Boirower's,uccessors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising:u�y n�ht or remedy tihull not be u �. <br /> waiver of or prcclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> � 12. Successors A�d Assigns Bound;Joint and Several I.iability;Co�signers. Thc covenants and agrrements of this F � <br /> Security Insuument shall bind and t�ene�t the succexsor.;:uid ussigns of Lender und Borrower, subject to ihr pr�visianti of _ <br /> puragraph 17. Borrower's covenants und ugreements shatl he joint and several. Any Borrower who cu-signti thiti Security --°-- <br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-xigning chis Security Instrumen[only to mortguge,grunt and runvey thut __ <br /> � Borrower's intcrcst in the R•operty under the terms of this Seruriry Instrument; (b)is not penonally ohligated to pay the sums <br /> ,.;,. secured by thix Security Intitrument:and(c)agreeti that Lender und any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forbear �"'� <br /> � � or make any uccommodations with re�urd to the terms of this Sccurity Inzt►ument or the Notc without thut Borrowcr's __ <br /> • . conu:nt. <br /> �r" <br /> 13. Loan Charges. If the loan xecured by this Security [ntitrument is tiubjcrt to a law which sets muximum loan Fr_.• <br /> __-- <br />