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.,� ' , � -- � `�"A:_.. � ' ..��': <br /> � �� �'/d' � T�• _ _ - - - - . ....----r,_�..{.�.__ . <br /> °�-.. . _�_,.�.....u..� , - - --- - <br /> 9�� �os�z�r <br /> candenu��tiun nr other twkinQ aF�ny put of the Pnope� for canvey+�nco in lieu of condemn�don,are herebY�siQned+u�d <br /> ahsll be p�id to Lendcr. <br /> _.��.� In the evetrt of a total t�king of the R'opecty. the procads shall be upplled to the�ums securcd by thix Secudty <br /> Instiument, whether or not then due, with Kny exce�s paid w Borrower. In the event of n p�+rtial taking of the f'rc�perty in <br /> '-.,, whfch the fidr murkct value of the Pmpcny imm�;diately hcfa�e the tWlcing is eyual ta ar greuter than the amount of thc tiums <br /> securcd by this Security lnstrument i�nmedi�tcly bcfarc the taking,unless Barrower and Lxnder atherwlsc agrcc in writing. <br /> � ttx sumx x.-cuned by this Secu�iry Instrument shull tx rcd►+ctd by the amount of the praceedss muhiplied by the following <br /> Y; fraction: (o)the totul amount of the�un►s�urctil iumkdiutely lx:tii►v�tu:t:�king,divicicd by(by the fair m.�rket value of the � <br /> •r Property immediat�:ly beforc the tnking. Any b�l;u�ce shall bc paid ta Borrowcr. In che cvent of a partial t�{cing of the <br /> ;� Propeny in which the fuir ma[ket vulue of thc Property immediutely before the taking Ix less than the wnount of thc sumz <br /> —=:=�.:•:��. secured imrnediutcly beforc the taking, unlcsx Bormwer and Lender otherwiye agrcc in writing or unless app11cabtc luw <br /> ��g8:�=.'�.� athcrwise pmvides,the proceeds shail bc applied ro the sums secuoed by this Security lnsuument whethcr or not the sums arc <br /> ------"�_� tlxn duc. <br /> W��i.���,�.,,�� It thc Property is abandoned by Born�wcr.or if,ufter noticc by Lender ta Borcower that the condemnor affert to makc <br /> -_ -- an award ur setQe a clnim for damuges,Borrawer fnils to rcspond to Lcnder within 30 days after thc date the notice i+siven, <br /> —"'��"'� Lender is uuthorized ta callect and upply the pmceedx,at its option.either ro testoration or e+epair of the Property or to the <br /> 4�. �'����+FS•�" <br /> _ � sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> .., ,,.�.N.�r Unlesti Lender und Boaower othecwiye ugrce in writing,any application of proceeds to principal shaU nut cxtend or _ <br /> '��,�%.� postpone thc due date of the monthly payments refcrred to in par�graphs 1 and 2 or chnnge the amount af such paymentt. <br /> ; li, ffwrower Not Releasedi Focbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the timc for p•ryment or <br /> r ;� -r�±�'� , modification of sunortixation of the sum+secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successar in intercst _ <br /> � �'y�''�1'-�- � of Bormwer shnli not operatc to relcase thc liubility of thc o�iginal Borrower or Borrower's succestion in intcrcst.L,endcr � <br /> �''�;`��� � •�''��' �hall not be reyutred to commence procecdinss uguinst uny +uccessor in interext or ret'use to cxtend timc fur payn�ent or _ <br /> , . ;'F_:,,;;:;�, otherwise modify amonizution of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reacon of any demand made by the originul � <br /> '• � Borrower or Borrawer�successon in interest. Any forbeurance by Lender in exercising nny right or remedy sh�tll not 6e u <br /> " waiver of or prcclude the exercise of any right or rcmedy. <br /> 4••• � . . 12. Successors and Assigns Bound:Joint and Severpl Liability;Casigners. 'fhr covenants and agmements of this __ <br /> '' � Security lnstrument shull bind und benefit the successon and sissigm of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisiom of _ <br /> � . �:�• �••�-� '��� '� paragraph 17. Barrower's covcnanGti und •rgrecments shall be joint and several. Any Barrowcr who co-signs this Security _ <br /> Instrument but does not execute the NMe: (a)is co-signing this Security instrument onty to mortgage,grant and convey th•rt <br /> �. � � Borrower'.l• intcrcst in the Propeny under the tcrms of ihis Security in�trument (b)is nut personally obligated to pay thc sums <br /> , . secured by this Security Instrument::+nd(c)agrees thut Lender und:u�y other Borrower may agme to extend,modify,forbear <br /> , , " , or malce any accommadutions with rcgurd to the term.r• of thix Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower+ <br /> . consent. <br /> - - =��'���`---"°�=—�--- i3. Loan L:h�r��. If ttse loftn 4rcured by thi. CPCUrity Ins�rument is subjcct to a luw which ticts maximum lo;ui <br /> � _ charges,and that law is finally intcrpnted su thut the intemst or other loun rhurges collected or to be coUected in connection <br /> with the losu�exceed the pemiitted lirnitti,then: (a)any tiuch lo•rn charge xhall be reduced by the�mount necessary to reduce <br /> the charge to the permitted limil;And Ib)any tium.ulmudy collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be <br /> � �efunded to Borrower. Lender m;►y nc�xi�e to muke thiti m�und by reducing the principul owed under the Note or by making u _�T, <br /> direct pay�nent to BoROwer. If a rcfund rcduces principal,the reduction will lx treated As a partiul prcpayment without any <br /> prepuyment charge under the Notc. <br /> 14. Notices. Any noticc ro Borrowcr provided for in thi. Securiry [mtrument shall tic given by dclivering it or by __ <br /> muiling it by�nt cluss mail untr,ti applicablc law reyuireti use of unother mcthnd.The notice shall be directed to the Property �__ <br /> Address or any othcr uddn:ss Bortowcr designatrx by noticc to Lcnder. Any notic:c to Lcnder xhali be given by ftrst clasti �:;.,- <br /> mail to Lender's addnss,tatcd hrrein n�uny othcr aJdntiti LenJer ninice to Borrower. Any nuticc provided far <br /> � in this Scrurity Instrument ,hull hr dcrmed to huvc Ixen givcn to Borrower or Lendcr when given u� provided in this __ <br /> 'r paragraph. <br /> �` 15. (:overninR Luw: tieverability. This S�curity Imtrument +hull lxx govemeJ by fedcral law anJ thc luw� of thc '" <br /> jurisdiction in which thc Pro�xrty i� locatcd. In thc rvrnt that any provisiun ur clau+c of thi.Sccurity Imtrumcnt or thc Notc °"_, <br /> contlicts with appliruhlc law..unc�cmtlirt shall not at�fert othrr pruvi.ion+ot'[hi.Sc�urity I��titrum�nt cir thc Nutc whi�h ran ��' <br /> tx:Fivcn cffect without thc conflictin�:provi�ion. Ti�this cnd chr provision+of this Sccurity In.nvmrnt and thc Notc arr <br /> decltucd to 6�:scvcr•rhlc. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Burrowcr.hull tk givrn unr runti�mud ropy of thc Nutr and of thiti Scrurity In�trwnrnt. �.� <br /> l7, 'IYansfer of the Prnperty ur a Beneficiul lnterest in Borrower. [f all or any pan��f thr Pm{xrty ur any intrrc�t in <br /> it is .old or trantifcrr�d(ur if a Ixn�liciai intrrc,t in l3arcowrr i��old cir tr:►n,tcrcrd and Born,wcr iti not a natural�xr,unl f'. <br /> withuut Lcnder±priur writtcn ronsent.I.�nder itti uptiun.r�yuire immediate payment in full uf ull .um��ccurrJ by � <br /> ° , , i this Security Instrument. Howcver, thi�ciptinn tihull nut tx rxerciud by Lendcr if rxrrciu is prohibited by federul luw u+of �, <br /> � thc datc of this Scruricy Instrumem, <br /> , If Lender excrcise:thix uptiun, Lendcr.hall give Burruwcr nutire of acrrlrrati�m. Thr noticr.hall pruvide u�ricxl�if <br />� not Icxs than 3U duyx fmm thc Jatc thc noticc is drlivcrcd ur mailyd w•ithin which[3urroa•rr mu+t pay all,um+kcurcd hy thiti <br /> Security lnstrumrnt. If Borrowrr t:iilx te� p:ry thr�c �um+ priur to thr cxpiratian uf thi�{kri�xi. Lender muy inv�ike uny <br /> ; rcmedic�permittrd by tl�i,Security In+t�ument withuut 1'urthrr noticr or etrmand�m 13urr��acr. <br /> � t8. Borroa•er's Ri�ht to Reinstate. If Borra��rr mect� crrtain r�mditiun�. Burr��wcr�hall h:rvr thr right tu havr <br /> �• � cnforcement of this Serurity In�trument dixuntinurd at um-timr prior tu thr rarlier o(: �a) 5 d:�y�lor wch uthcr�xri�xi a� <br /> tiw�IrF,un�I� h'annle�lar'Frcddle�l:�rl'\Ift)N\11Vti'1'RI�IF.\"I' 1 ndannl'�,�• VNNI qpier�u/I��w+Cru <br /> � ' <br /> � a . • . <br /> � ' • ....'. . <br /> .. �—_'__"_ <br /> � "_ T_'_ '__' '—"' . . . <br /> � <br /> � \t <br /> 4 <br /> �; <br /> { <br /> � � . <br /> } <br />— 1 . <br /> { <br /> � ' <br />