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<br /> ipplipbl�I�w rrwy spcKy fa reinstMnr�a�t)befav�le ol�he Arnpaty puiw�nt�o �r►y power of We conhLbd la thi�
<br /> �cutNy InMn�M;at @)aNrY af a�d�e�tt anfoocley this 3actuity Inurucnait. 1'iw�e ca�dltiont ua that Sonower: (�)
<br /> P�Ys Londiet dl swns which tl�en waiW be due unda thl� Securlty Inttruma�t �nd the Note u if no �oa�ienticm Mrd
<br /> oecurrod;(b)cw+a�ny defwi�of�ny aha wvenmu or a�emena;(c)p�ys all expmtee incucred in enfoncin�tbi�Security
<br /> In�ttumaK,iecludin�.but �wt limitcd w. rcason�ble auarney�'fea: �nd(d)nlcc�wch�ctlon a l.ender may roa�orubly
<br /> �equire W uwm th�t rhe lien oC thie Sacudty Imuument.L.axtietic d�hq in the Property and Bonower�i obli�tlot�to p�y the
<br /> ------- ------- wm� sxured by tht� Security insWment sh�U cont�nue unchar�ed. Upa►reinst�tema�t by Bomuwar. thi� Security
<br /> lnswment md ti�e oblijetion+xcured henby�11 ran�in fuUy e(fxtiva nc if no accelention hsd accurced. ltowevu.this
<br /> ri�ht W nlnctate�Fu�ll rat apply in the cue uf accetu�don under p�rx�r�ph 17.
<br /> 1!. SYe of Nafei C��d I.aw SHwiote 7'he Note or a p�rtial intaest in the Nate(to�ether w11h tt�ls Secudty
<br /> In�tlument)may be sold one or more dma without prior not�a to Borrower. A i+�le rray nsutt in a ch�n�e in�he entity
<br /> (Icnown s�the"Lo�n Savicer"3 th�t coUxts monthtY MYma►t�due under the Nae�nd thls Securlty Irutrunknt. Ther�alw
<br /> may be one or more clwi�es of the I.an Savker unrclated to t sale of the Nde. If there is R chanQe of the Loatt Setvicer,
<br /> Bomower will be�Iven writcen ndice of the chmge!n�ccor�duice with puagaph 14 Above�nd Applic�ble law. 'Ihe notice
<br /> will sute the name�nd nddress of the new Loan Servicer�nd the addre:s to which p�ymenb should be rtude. The notla wili
<br /> �Iw oonWn any ather infornution rcquited by applicable law.
<br /> 2p. Hwrdors Snbst�ace�, Borrower��Il not causc or pertnit the presence.uae.dispoeal,ator�ge,or releue of any
<br /> H�rdous Subctances on a in the Propecty. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyono else to do.anything Rffxting the
<br /> Property that it in vlalaion of any Environmenul Law. 7he preceding two sentenees shall not apply to the presence.use.or
<br /> otara�e on the Property of smail quantitics of Hazardous Sub�tances that are�enen�lly rcco�nized to be appropriau w nam�l
<br /> resident��l uses and to m�intawnc�of the Property.
<br /> Barower stiall promptly give Lender wrttten notice of any invesdgation.cltum,demand,lawsuit a al�r acdon by any
<br /> -� govemmental or regul�tory rgenc;y or privote party invaiving the I'rc�peny�nd any Haziu�dous Substanca or Envlronmental
<br /> = Law of which Borrower hrs actual �nowladge. If Borrower Icarns, or is notified by any govemmental or regu9otory
<br /> �;; authorlty,that any nemovul a other nmediation of eny Hazardous Substance affecdng the Property is nece�cary,Borrower
<br /> _ �hal!promptly txke all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Envlronmental Law.
<br /> �:��;� As used in this puagraph Z0,"Hazardous Substances"w�e those substynces defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> Envlronment�l Law and the following substa�nces: gasoline.kerosene,other flammable or toxlc petroleum pmduats,toxic
<br /> '' � pesticides end herUicides. volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or fortnaldehyde. and radiaactive materi�ls. As
<br /> used in this paragraph 20,"Environmentai Law"means federal laws and laws of the judsdiction where the Property is locaud
<br /> that nlate to health,safery a environmental protecrion.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. BoROwer and Lender furthcr covenant and agt+ee as follows:
<br /> = 21. Accekration;Remedka. Lender shall give nodce to Borrower nrior to ncceleration tdlowing Borrower•s
<br /> brench of any rnvenant or agreement in this Security Instrument(but not prior to acceleratbn under pAn�raph 17
<br /> '�•'��... •'.��,� unkss applicable law provides otherwLse). The notice shAll specity: (a)the default;(b)the AcNon required to cure the
<br /> #�' ' default;(c)a date,riot tesa than 3Q dpys from the date the notice is given to Borroweq by whic6 itnr drPi.:�it:iiust be
<br /> ' �''-. !�'` cured;and(d)that fAilure to eure the detAUlt on or before the date specifTied in the notice may result in accekrAtion of
<br /> :.,.. 'i� ..:`'����•" tF�e sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale ot the Property. The notice shall further intorm Borrower ot
<br /> ;%"„;°!;"xf���"�:�,w. the right to reinstAte After acceleratlon and the right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence ot a default or
<br /> "`"�t7;'� r' ^.��-Y� :, any other defense of Borrower to acceleration And sale. llf the default is not cured on or betore the date specified in
<br /> C�,..>.�;t�:<
<br /> _ `.;'�.'•`�',;,,�;.�., . _ the notice,I.ender at its optio�muy require immediate payment in full of alt sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> ••��� �'• •-•�•��.�•�' without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by �pplkable I�w
<br /> ' • �'.'"'" Lender shal! be entitled to c�llect ull expenses incurred in pursuin� the remedies provided in tNis paragraph 21.
<br /> . «�;• : �. . •. including�but not tirnited to,reasonabie attorneys'fees s�nd costs of title evidence.
<br /> ':w�x�s��;.•:. .,>•� If the power of�ule is invoked,'I�ustee shall cecord�notice of default in each county in which uny part of the
<br /> •••• • -- Property is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the munner prrscribed by applicable law to Borrow�er and to
<br /> ="�" "";�'',` � � � the other persons prescribed by Appiicable law. After the time reyuired by appticable luw,Trustee shoil give public
<br /> I�- ' notice of sale to the persons and in the muoncr prescribed by applicable law. 'I�ustee.without demand on Borruwer.
<br /> � shall sell the Property at public uuction to the hiRhext bidder at the time and place and under the terms designAted in
<br /> - -�� the notke of sale in one or more parcels and in uny orde�1Yustee determines. 7lrustee muy postpone s�le of all ur any
<br /> , � ` parcel of the Property by public announcement at the timr�nd pl�ce of�ny previuusly scheduled ss►le. Lender or its
<br /> • ,�� designee may purchuse the Property:►t uny wle.
<br /> - ' Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,7Yutitee+hall deliver to the purchaser 1Yustee's deed conveyinR the
<br /> ' ' Property. The recitals in the Trustee c deed shall be prima fucie e�•idenre of the truth of the statements made therein.
<br /> 'I�uatee shAll Apply the proceeds nf the sale in the followin�urder: (�)to all costs und expenses of exercising the puwer
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