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<br /> � ,�...
<br /> _— �� •,' f ..W.Y�wi�IW+W1W.w�� _ . _"_.�.`._.
<br /> ' .�e.c� i_.
<br /> -- g��i��.a,�
<br /> 1. P� ment of Pr(ncipal�Interst wnd Lnte t'Iwrge. H��rrowcr zhuli puy wtun duc tlx principul af,un intc�cst on,
<br /> the debt av�denccd by thc NcNe und It►te churgc.duc under thc Nu�c.
<br /> 2. Monthly p�ymenU ut 7Lxex,lnaurance pnd�lther('har eK. Burn�wcr.hall includc in cuch m�mthly puymcnt,
<br /> _ --._,_�,��� tugcthcr with Ihc prlrK:ip�l�nd interest�►x.ct foah in thc Notc un�uny lutc churgc+, un in�tailmcnt of uny(u)tuxcv and
<br /> --__�-��;=w�;�-- . xpocial assetismcnt�levied cx tu be levicd,�gain.i�he F'r��xrty.Ibllrurrhuld paymcnt�or graund mnis on tt�f'mperty.und _
<br /> --���."`__L_`�`�N� (c)prcmiums fi�r inwruncc rcquired by F�aragruph 4.
<br /> �LL.LL � Fa�ch mantbly instaltmcnt far ttcm� lu). lM) anil lc) �huU cyuul oix-twetf�h of thc unnual umount..u.,rcusonahly
<br /> �;-��-T°'."".."._ .���� extimatcd by l.cn�r, plus un amount �uffirirnt to maintuin un uJditi�+nul hulancc ��f n��t murc than �mc-�ixth af thc
<br /> �"�M��'!�;� exlim�tcd amaunty. 'Ihc full annuul umount ti�r c�ch itcm �hull ik uccumulutcd by L�ndcr within a periaci cnding onr � _ .
<br /> �""�'"t,�f�r�,''•�"�'",� month befure wn item would became delinyuent. Lendrr rhull hold the amuun�s collcrted in truxt m puy�tems 1+�). Ib)ws1
<br /> ���_.�:-z° (c)before ihey becume delinyuent.
<br /> ��_�.:..�]�;:� If at any time the tnrrl nf the puyment+hcld by Lcndcr fnr item,1u1,tb)und lcl,tage�hrr with thc future monthly
<br /> �,.�,r,._
<br /> 9 �,r,,�,T• puyments for such items payuble tu Lender prior to the duc drtcr of+uch items, excecds by marc thun one•tiixth t e
<br /> i�.°��. �s',_�,� esttmated unount of paymentx reyuircd w pay�uch items wixn due,and if puyment+��n the Note um cunent,ihen Lender __
<br /> �„r,�,,,,.;;_,; shail either refund the e+cce��over one•xixth of'the etitimutcd paymcnt.or crcdit the rxcctis ovcr one-,ixth of che cztimatcd
<br /> - ,�;, ,, payments to subxqucnt puyment,by Rorrowcr,nt thc option of Burcuwer. If thr total of the p�ymems made by BuROwer __
<br /> '��'`�'�'r#'�_�:� '` for item(u),(b),or(c)ix msufficient to pay the item when due,then 8orrawer shall puy to Lender uny amount necessary to
<br /> � +�'•y*. make up the deficiency�n or before the dute the item bccomes due.
<br /> ` �:•.• .•+�- - As used in this SecuritX I�i+trument,"Secretary"mean�the Serrotury of Houtiing and Urban Qevelopment or his or her _
<br /> ' �.�.a�^���-r b designee. in any year in wh�ch the Lender must p•ry a mnnguge inzuranee premium to the Secretary.ench mon[hly payment
<br /> -� •?��s;��°�A; shall also include either: (i 1 un imtullment of the annuul mongagc in�ur:uue premium to bc paid by Lender ta the
<br /> - •,"a'F:e.^�.:..
<br /> ;i.,�,,, ,�',�'s'' Secretary,or(ii)a monthly chcuge insteud of a mortgage imurance pmmium if this Security Instn�ment �ti held by t e
<br /> . Secretary. Each monthly instullment of the mortgnge i�surnnce premium shall be in an amaunt sufficient to accumulate the
<br /> '� � " full annual mongage in.urw►ce pren�lum with Lcndcr anc momh priar a� th� date th� fuU am��ul mortgu��insurance �_
<br /> •- ,r� ..� premium is due to the Secretary:or if this Securiry Instniment iti held b�the Secret:uy,each monthiy c��.►rge sli•�� be in Lr►
<br /> . ��' � , ' amount equal to one-twelfth of one-half perccnt af thc autstunding princ►pal balancc duc on thc Notc.
<br /> . If Borrower tenders to Lender the full payment of all sums Kcured by thir•Security Instrument.Bonower: acrount
<br /> � ` . shull be credited with the balance remaintng for nll installments for items tu), tb> und (c)und any mortgage insur:mce �R�-
<br /> , , premium instullment that Lender hati not become obligated to pay to the Secrctary.and Lender shall promptly mfund an� F,�`,
<br /> excess funds to Borrower. Immedintely prior to a fureclo,ure sale of the ProJx:rty or►tx acyuitiition by Lender,Borrowers
<br /> account shnll bc crcditcd with any balunce rcmaining for�U instaUments for items(u),(b)and(c).
<br /> � , ._� 3. Applicatinn of Paymen45. All puyments under Par•rgraphs 1 anJ 2,hull hc applicd by Lendcr us follc�wy: =
<br /> . � fi1RST,to the martguge insurance prcm�um to be paid by Lender to thc Secrctary ar to thc monthly charge by the
<br /> ' , � Secre tnsteud of the monthly mortguge insun+nce prem�um; '�
<br /> ' ��,to uny truces,speciat Astietismcntx.leaseholJ paymemti or ground rents,und tire.flood unJ other haiurd � ��
<br /> insurance prcmiums,ay rcyu�md;
<br /> - --- _ -_
<br />