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---rr • - <br /> _ �� � . �,�.i�::,.....,. � „ . . - <br /> �` • ,�.. _ . .w <br /> • '�..' . _ - --- - --- <br /> � �� <br /> =-------� <br /> 1. P�yment of Principal,lnterest and I..ate Ch�tge. Borrowcr rhull p•ry whcrT4�7/'AI!pllRcf�M,�iY�nter�ct on, <br /> the deb!evldenced by 1he I�otc and l�te charges duc undcs the Natc. <br /> 2. Monthly p�ymenb c►f'll�xes.lnwmncc�nd Other ChnrRts. Harrawcr shuli includc in euch monthly paymcnt, <br /> __---- -- togethcr wjth the principal end intcrext uc sct fortq in the Nate und uny lute churgcs,un instulhnent of any (u)iaxev and <br /> _,.�,y special wssexxxmcnts fevicd or to be lcvied against the Pinperty,(b)lew�elwld p•rymentx or ground rcntr�on thc Property,and <br /> _ (c)prcmiums for insurunce rcyuic+cd by Purugraph 4. <br /> �ach monthly in.telbncnt for itcm. (ul. (b)unci(c) shull cyual one•twclfth of the unnuul umounts, as rcasonabiy <br /> —=—�'�'—�'!+��-:� estimated by Lender, plus � nnrount ,uffiricnt tu mainluin :u� udditianul balance of not marc than one-stxth of the <br /> �— -- ° - <br /> ------- --- esdmatod unxwnts. The fu}I unnual :uttcwnt for eueh item zhall l�e uccumuluted by Lender within o periai ending one <br /> - ---..��;;.� month befarc�n itcm wauld t+ccome dclinyucns. Lender shall hold thc amounts cnllcct�d in trust to pay item�(a).(b)and <br /> v�.�p�g?��_� (c)beforc they became dclinquent. <br /> _____,;�;y !f at any time the talsl of thc paymenaa held by Lender For item�(A), (b)und {c)�together with the future monthly <br /> ��� payments far such items payable to Lender prior to the due dutes of such items, exceeds by mom thun one-sixth the <br /> —= <br />