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.:r'iySni:+�t��.,S`�f,s w. ,-�•-- �. .. . <br /> _� ' . '��vG1�,�.« . <br /> S . t..�+ .�„���••,; <br /> _� r. . .» . •" . <br /> T <br /> %' ' "!1':.:s:l'.,�:f�C`►�dGJrV^'•;°• ' - - <br /> ' , •i� . - - •- <br /> -- <br /> . ._,..,._ - ... - - - - <br /> � - <br /> � --- _____."y+wY1� — <br /> ---- _..�,,..�.�..�_ 94' 10iO4S <br /> TOCiEI'ft�R W1TH ell thc improvement+now cx hereuftcr emcteJ ai thc pruprny,und oll cyscmenib,uppurununccs, <br /> and fixtures naw or hercuftcr a put of the property. All rcplucemcnts und udditions�h�ll ulso b�covcred by this Sewrhy <br /> — Insuument. All of the forcgoing is oefemed to in this Sccurity insuumcnt w thc"Property" <br /> - ^?�� BORRQW�It CUVENANTS thut Sorrowcr ix luwfully sciscd oP thc e�tatc herrby convcycd und hu.thc �ight to gr�nt <br /> _°�1�`� end convcy thc Praperty and that thc Pn>perty i�unencumbcrecl,cxcept for encumbrnnces of rccord. Burrowcr wurrunta und <br /> � will defend Qcnerally the titic to the Prapcny ag�inst a11 rluimf und dcmunds,subJcct to any encumbrunces of record. <br /> -��..�.���;,=:�—— <br /> —'�..:,��;:r:�:,.� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMFNT combines unifortn covcnantx fiir nutional u�c und non-unifarm covenAnts with <br /> ,�' �: limited variadons by Judsdiction to constitute a unifomi security in.uunkiu ruvu-ing rcul pruperty. � <br /> ���rv UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Botrowcr und t,endcr covenant und agrec ac fiillowti: <br /> ��� �''"" ��'�"° 1. Pnyment ot Princtpd wnd Interesh Prepxyment and I.ate Clwrges. Borrowcr shail promptly pay whcn due thc <br /> 1 �r�`%'"��,`+� pdncip�1 of and intercst on the debt evidenced by thc Note and uny prepnyment and latc churgex duc undcr the Notc. <br /> �*��`�r�`�;� 2. Funds for'Ihxes and Insuranca Subjca:t to upplicable luw ar to u written waiver by Lender,Borrower shall pay to - <br /> .��awr.ta;.o+, , •i: <br /> fi � . . Lender on the day monthly payments ure duc under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,u sum("Funds") for.(a) yeor y <br /> �``'�' - taxcs and assessments which may uttuin priority over this Securiry Instrument us A lic�on the Property;(b)ycarly leasehold �. <br /> �,V":"..'. . : .•., p Y Er P� Y Y Y Y P M� Y P Y <br /> — ,. .. . ��. a mencs ur ound rents on the Pro tt , if an ; (c) e:ul hcuurd or r n insuau�ce remiums; (d) ycurl <br /> w- insuraoce premiums, if any; (e)yeurly mortgage insurance premiumz, if any: and (� uny sums payuble by Barower to <br /> � � Lender,in uccordance wlth thc provisions of parugraph R,in lieu of thc p:tyment of mortgagc insurnncc prcmiums. Thetie <br /> �,, �� ,��.::,��:`:...:-.` :c <br /> ���?•�•••� �' items are called"F.scrow Items' Lender muy,at any time,callect and hold Funds in an umount not to exceed the muximum <br /> ,r•l+u._.'+i�f� <br /> :..�.. . <br /> - - ',�:.M:�. �_.,..,.,.. . emount a lender for a federally related mortgage loan may require for Borrower'.s escrow account under the federal Reu <br /> '` Bstate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as nmended from time to time, 12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless:awther <br /> .� �`�':''�`' '-'`�� law that applies to the Funds seGt a lesser amount. !f so.Lender muy,at any time,coAect and hold Funds in an amount not to — <br /> . _ • . ' • eRCeed die lesser umount. Lender may esdmatc thc amaunt of Funds due on the basis of current data and muconable __.- <br /> � _ . " estiqiates of expenditures of future Escrow items or otherwice in accordance with applicuble law. <br /> The Funds shall be held in an tnstitution whose deposits nrc tnsured by a federal agency, instrumentality,ar entity � <br /> �°� '`, , (including I.ender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shull upply the Fund.r• to pay __- <br /> � �; ' ;' the Escrow Items. Len��r muy not charge Borrower for holding and upplying the Funds. annually analyzing the escrow _. <br /> � , ucc�unt,or verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borcower interest on the Funds nnd npplicabfe law permits <br /> Lender to make r,uch A churge. However, Lendcr may rcquire Banowcr ta pay a onc-time chargc for un independent real �_-_ <br /> estute tax reportins service used by l.ender in connecdon with this loan,unlesti applicable luw provjdes otherwise. Unlexs an �,, <br /> agrcement is made or upplicablc law requires intcrest to bc paid,Lender shall not bc required to pay BoROwer any intercst or <br /> ewn3ngs on the Funds. Borrowcr and Lendcr may agree in writing,however,that intcrest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender _� <br /> shall give to Borrower,without charge,un annual accounting of the Funds,showing credits und debits to the Funds and the <br /> �,::.�: ,::, purpnse for which euch debit ta the Funds was mode. The Funds are plcdged as ndditional security for ull sums secured by �-� <br /> __ �_____.^__ � this Securlry lnswment. - <br /> If the Funde held by Lender exceed the umaunts permined [o ixe hcid by uppiicai�ic: luw, Lendcr shal! account ia <br /> • Borrower for the exces�Funds in uccordance with the requirements of applicuhle luw. If the•rmount of the Funds held by <br /> Lender at any timc i�not sufficicm ta pay thc Escrow Items when duc,I.ender m�y so notify Borrower in writin$, and, in -r <br /> SUCIi CASC Borrower shall pay to Lender the umount ncceswry to muke up the deficiency. Borrower shull muke up the L- <br /> ' deficiency in no morc thun twelve monthly payments,ut I.cndcr+sole dixcretion. - <br /> Upon puyment in full of all sums ticcumd by this Sccurity In,irument,Lender tihull promptly rcfund to Buaower uny -�- <br /> - Funds hcld by Lcndcr. if,under puragruph 21,Lendcr shall acyuirc or scll thc Propeny.Lcndcr,prior to the acquisition or -` <br /> ° salc of the Pmpeny, shuQ upply uny Funds held by Lendcr ut thc timc of arquisition or sale us a credit against the sums '��` <br /> �i. ' secured by this Security instruuunt. . <br /> �' � ., 3. App{ication or Paymenis. Unletis upplicublc luw providrti othcrwise, aU payments i�creived by Lendcr under <br /> ;-r ! paragraphs I and 2 shall bc upplicd:first,tu any prep�ymcnt churgc+duc undcr the Notr;sccond,to amount� payablc undcr � <br /> � + paragraph 2;third,to interest duc:fourth,to principal due;und last,to uny lutc churges duc undcr thc Notc. � <br /> 4. Char�es; Liens. Borr�wer tihail puy all tuxec, u�+c+xnunts, charges, tines und impc»itions anributable to the <br /> f'roperty�vhich muy attain prioriry ovcr this Sccurity(nstrumcnt,anJ Icatichold p•rymcnt,c�r ground rentti, if any. Borrowcr � <br /> sbuU pay thesc ohligationx in thc�u:►nner provided in par•rbraph 2,or if n��t paid in thut manncr,Borrower shall pay them on <br /> t timc dircctly to the perxun owed paym�nt. Borcow�r tihull prompdy turni.h to Lender all notices of amounts w be paid undcr r <br /> . this par,�gruph. If eorrowcr makcs these puyment�direcily.Bonower shall prumpUy fumi.h to LenJer rccciptx ev�dencing ! <br /> ' thc payments. <br /> Borrc,wcr�hull promptly ditichargc:my licn whirh has priority o��rr thi�Scruriry Imtru�ncnt unlr�s� ` <br /> in writing to thr paymcnt aT thr uhligution srcured by thc licn in:�tnannrr accrptahle ti�LrnJcr:tb)runtcsts in g«xl faith the <br /> ' licn by,or defrnJx ugainst enforccmcnt of'thc licn in,Ic�al pnxcedingti whirh in thr Lcndcr:upiniun uperatc to prcvent thc � <br /> enfi�rcement of'the lien;or(r)tiecures frum thc hulJcr of 1hc lien an sigreenunt,utisfartury tu LenJcr suburdinating the lien � <br /> � to this Security Inxtrument. If Lcnder dctenninrti that any pan of the Pm�xrty i,suhjrct to a lien which may nttuin prioriry , <br /> � � ovcr this Sccurity Instrumcnt.Lendcr muy�:ivr IiuRUwcr a n��tirr iJcntifying the licn. H��rro�vcr+hal!sati,t'y thc licn or takc <br /> one or morc of thc actions xct forth ahcrvc within I(l duys ot'thc giving ut'nuticc. <br /> i. S. Hazard or�'roperty Insurancc. Borcuwcr�hall kcrp th�impru�•c►nent�nua•rri�ting un c�rcuft�r rrcrtcd on the <br /> I'ro{xrty inwrcd ugainst ln.ti by firr.haiard.inrludcJ wiih in thr tcrm"rxtcndcd r��veragc"and any uthcr har.ard�.inrluding <br /> ��. , i •. tliwcis or tlooding. tiir whirh Lrndcr requirc, in.uruncc Thi. iti,ur,uirc �hall hc maiutaincd in thr antuunt, and for thc <br /> ,p,., Fi�rm 3112!{ 9/40 (�krAr 1 ry np�r,�rx� <br /> . � <br /> i . <br /> � I ' <br /> F <br /> �---- <br />__ - � ¢ _ ... <br /> � � <br /> 'l <br /> i <br /> , � <br /> �.1 <br />