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<br /> tfw P�op�rty t�a W�n a d�m�p�d,L.�nd�r�h�tl h�w th�opaon,In la wt��nd�MoluM dl�cr+tlon,b�pplY�II 1�uah ProaMd�� _�--
<br /> a���pq�p q��nlrom�11 cab�nd�xpM�Incurnd by It In conn�otlon wlth wah ProcMds.upon�ny Ind�bbdn�N°und _
<br /> h�r�by�nd In wah ord�r 1��I.�nd�r maY�min�,or to appiy�tl such ProcMds,�ft�r wah d�duatlom,!o th�nstoratlon af th�
<br /> ------- Prop�rty upon wich aondiG�m n L�nde m�y dWrmin�.Any appllcaUon ot Proc�ed�to Ind�bt�dnKS W»I�^°��xMnd°r P��P°M
<br /> — th�dw d�M of any paymmq und�r th�Not�,or our�any dNault th�nund�r or h�e�und�r.Any un�ppll�d fundi shali b�patd to
<br /> Trwtor.
<br /> g, p�fOrm�e�by L�nd�►,Upon th�occurnnc�ot an Ev�nt of Dshult h�nund�r,or 11 eny�at I�tak�n or I�pal Proc rW
<br /> comm�nc�d which maWrlNly�Hrcb L�nd�r's inursst in tht ProEwrty,Lendor may In Its own dieareHOn,but without ob�i�atbn to do � _ _
<br /> do any aat which T�wtor ha�
<br /> .�_______ so,and witl�out nodcs to w d�mand upon Trus�or and wlteh•o��ue^:8�� to prot�ct th�Ncwlryth�reof.Trustor thpl�,imm�dfaUiy
<br /> m othor ect ft d �Y
<br /> spr�sd but hli�to do md m�y+��a do y
<br /> � upon d�mand thsrNor by L�nd�r,pay to L�nder all co�tt and expenaea incurred and sum�exp�nd�d by L�nd�r In conn�cdon wl -
<br /> � the sxercip by Lsnder of ths tonpolny rlphU,topsther with int�rest therson at ths d��nuit rab providod tn th�Nots,which�hall b�
<br /> ��� -��_� �dd�d to th�ind�bt�dn�as ucund hsroby. Lendsr thail not Inour any IIabU(ly b�cawe of anythina it may do or omlt to do __
<br /> �ar.��i.,.y,.Eaj�s,� Mnund�r. �--
<br /> �_ "�E }k��i�;.'.';;,,�� 9. Hasardous MaM�1aH.Trustor shali keep the Property in compilance wfth all eppllcebie laws,ordin�ncea and repul�tions __
<br /> relatinp to Industriai hypisns or enviranmantet proteatlon(cotleatively reterred to hsrefn as"Environmental laws"!•Trustor shail
<br /> ke�p the Prop�rty frse trom al�substances deemed to be hezardous or toxic under any Environmentel l.awa(collectively reler�ed to
<br /> ��,_ hws'�as"Huardous Materials°).Troetor heraby warrants and representa to Lender that thero are no Hezardous Materl�ls on or �x
<br /> , r-��. . . underthe Property.Tru�tor hereby apreoe to indemnity and hotd harmlesa Lender,Ita directors,oiflcera,employees and apents,and _
<br /> , - '� any aucceuon to Lender's intere�t,irom and aQainst any and ail clalms,damape�,tossea and Itebititiea arisinfl TH�FOREt301 O
<br /> � n:. the prerence,use,di�posal or tranaport ot any Hazerdous Materiais on,under,irom or about the Property.
<br /> �'' �.��.::.:,.::.......
<br /> �+�:���'� '� 3URVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF TWIS DE�D OF TRUST. rovided 1hetTructor ___
<br /> '� �'' � 10. Asti�nnunt ol R�nts.Trustor hereby assi{�ns to Lender the rents,lasuea a�d profita ot the Property;p =_ _
<br /> ' ��"�`��'1- ' ` shall,untll ths occu►r�nce of an Event of Default hereunder,havo the right to col Iect and retain such rents,issues and proflts as they Y_
<br /> .�'`' • .' .�`� ` -
<br /> }. become due and payable.Upon t he occurrenc e o f a n E v e n t o f D e f a u i t,Lender ma y,elther in peraon or by apent,with or without
<br /> � � � �"�ri• brin�in�any acUon or proceedinp,or by a receiver appointed by a court and withaut repard to the adequacy of Its secud t y,en ter Y_`_
<br /> , �'.`' upon and take po�eesalon ot the F'ro e or an art ihsreot,in Its own name or In the name of the 7rustee,end do any aate which it �
<br /> �".;.,tr.,..< p rtY, Y P
<br /> �`.� .' deems neceasary or destrabie to preserve the value,marketabiliry or rentebllity of the Prope►ty,or any part thereof or intereat thereln, .
<br /> " ' " Incresae the Income therefrom or proteat the eecurity horeof and,with or wlthout takino poasession of the Property,aue for or ���� •.
<br /> •����.'` "� .� otherwiee co�lect the rents,laduea and protlb thereof,includinp thoae paet due and unpafd,and app�y�e�me.less co�ts and ��__
<br /> . ��� t:l.�.r:.ftf. .
<br /> ' expenees ot op�ratlon and colleation includinp attorneys'tees,upo�any indebtednesa�ecured hereby,all in such order as Lender �--
<br />- , �•''����', '�'•5 may determine.The enterl�p upon and takinp possesalon of the Property,the collectlon of auch rents,issues and proflta a�d the �`t.=-
<br /> , '+iL��,,,..,•�,�:�,;,:',��,'•.. , appiication thereot a�aforosald,ahail not aure or walve any delauit or noNce ot default hereu�de�or invalidate any act done in -
<br /> ��:�a
<br /> ,us�wn;,c to sttch dotault or^��•+��pnt to Ru�h notice ot deisutt�nd,notwithatending the continuance in posseasion of the Prop�mr or ��;_—_
<br /> _�:�_-._��-:,� :��-_ ���ppgRQon,receipt end appilcation of rsnts,lasuee or proilta,and Truetee and lendar �iial: �o��Gt�e�ta cxerctae eve, •'o►+f `, _v
<br /> _ _ ,..,:-.__ �• ;-�
<br /> provided tor In any of the Loan Instrumenta or by Iaw upon occurrence oi nr�y Eveni ot Dot�u!!,includ�n�wlthout Ilmitatlon the rlpht
<br /> ' to exercise tha power ot sale.Purther,Lender's rights and remedies under thla parapraph shell be cumuiative wiih,and in no way a
<br /> Ilmitation on,Lender'a rlyhta and remedlea under any assiflnment of teasea and rents racorded ayalnst the Property Lendor,Trustee ��A.,
<br /> md tha receive�ehall be Iiable to eccount on�y tor those rents actualiy recetved. _
<br /> 11. Ev�nb ol DNault.The followinp shell constitute an Event of Oefautt under this Deed of Trust �'N==
<br /> (a) Fatlure to pay any instel�ment of principal or Intereat of any other sum secured hereby when due: `_;___
<br /> (b� A broYCh oi or dafeult under any provision contafned In the Noto,this Deed of Tru�t,any of the Loan Instrument�,or�ny
<br /> ottwr Ii�n or encumbrance upon the Property:
<br /> (c) A wrlt oi ezacutlon or attachmant or any eimilar process shalt be entorad apeinst Tru�tor whlch shall bacomo�lien on �.
<br /> �' ths Property or any portlon thereot or fnterest therein; �
<br /> �� (d) Thare shelt be 111ed by or aflalnst Truator or Borrow9r an ection under any pre�ent or luture federe�,state or other +
<br /> ;� statute,Iaw or repuletion retatln�to bankruptcy,inaolvency or other reiief for debtors;or there ahall be appolnted eny t�uatee, ,
<br /> � " racefver or Ilquidator ot Trustor or Borrower or ot ali or any part o(the Property.or the rents,istues or profit�thoreof,or Tru�tor i
<br /> or Borrower ehali make any yenoral assiflnment for the benettt of credltors; �
<br /> (e) The�ale,transtsr,teaae,assfynment,conveyance or turther encumbranco of all or any pari ot or any fnter�at fn the
<br /> Property,either volunterliy or Involunteriiy, wlthout the expresa written consent of Lender; provided that Trustor shall be
<br /> permitted to�xecute a lease of the Properly that d�es not contain an option to purchase and the term of which does�ot excwd �
<br /> i ont year,
<br /> (� Abandonment ot the Property:or ,
<br /> (y) If 7rustor Is not an indivfduai.the tsauance.sale,trensfer,ass�ynment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a totel
<br /> � p� percent of(it a corporation)its fssued and outstandfng stock or(if a partnership)a totat of percent�f ,
<br /> partnerehfp interests during the perlod this Deed of Trust remafns a Ifen on the Properly.
<br /> 12. R�m�dNs;AccN�ntbn Upon Ddault.In thv event of any Event of Detau�t lender may,without notice except as required by
<br /> ' law,declare ail Indebtednesa secured hereby to be due and payable and tho same ahall thereupon become due and payable
<br /> s without any presentment,demand,protest or notice of any klnd.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> (a) Demend that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein, and Trustee shati thereafter cause Truator's
<br /> interest fn the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be distributed,all in the manner provlded fn the Nebraska Trust Deeds
<br /> ! Ack
<br /> • t, (b) Exercfae any and all riflhts provided for fn any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of
<br /> t Default;and
<br /> ,� (c) Commence an actfon to toreciose this Deed of Trust as a mortyepe.appolnt a receiver,or specifically entorce any of the
<br /> ' covenants hereof.
<br /> No remedy hereln confarred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exciuslve ot any other remedy hereln,In t e
<br /> . , he eunder,n the Loan I struments or noweorlheeeafter ex sdng at law or n equlty or by atatute,anid may be exe clsed con c r ently.
<br /> .
<br /> . � Independentty or successively.
<br /> 13. TrustN.The Trustea may resiyn at any time wfthout cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause appoint a
<br /> succeasor or substitute Trustee.Truatee shalt not be Ilabie to any party,including without 1 imitatton Lender.Borrower,Trustor or any
<br /> ':� ' purchaser ot the Property,for any loss or damege unless due to reckless or wf Ilfut mfsconduct,and shali not be required to take any
<br /> �- �_ actfon in connection wfth the enfo�cemen�of�^h�s�Deed r.��teetmav become a purchaser at+any sale loi the Property Uudlcfei or
<br /> _ _. . T.------
<br /> ,..
<br /> �.....
<br /> � expensea wnicn muy vo oo.�..�a.o�.,.�.�..........---- - . .
<br /> under the power ot tale qrantod herein);postpone the sate of ail or any port�on ot the Property,eS ptOV�cied'oy uiw,ar ee��.��o
<br /> P�operty as a whole,or in separate parcels or Iots at Trustee's dlscretion.
<br /> 14. FMS�nd Exp�nsN.In the event Trustee selis the Property by exercise ot power ot sale,Trustee ahali be entitled to apply
<br /> _. any sate proceeds tfrst to peyment ot aIi costs and expenses of exerc►sfng power ot sale,Including all 7ruatee s fees,and Lender's
<br /> � and Truatee's attorney's teea,actuafty Incurred to extent permitted by appticebie law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exercisea eny
<br /> � i � riyht provided by law to cure an Event of Detauit,Lender ahaii be entitled to recover irom Trustor all costs and expenaes actually
<br /> incurred as a reault ot Trwtor's detault,includiny without Ilmltatlon all Trustee's and attorney's fees,to the extent permitted by
<br /> � applicebte�aw.
<br /> � ' tb. Futur�Adwnc��.Upon request ot Borrower,Lender mey,at tts optlon,make additfonal and tuture advancea an re-
<br /> � advancea to Bor�ower.Such advances and readvances,with fnterest thereon,Bheli be aecured by thla Oeed of Trust.At no time shell
<br /> the principal amount ot the Indebtedness secured by thla Deed ot Trust,not includfnp sums edvanced to protect the security ot thts
<br /> ' ' Deed ot Trus�exceed the orlylnai prfncipat amount atated herefn,or S whichever is yreater.
<br /> � > .
<br /> ' � �
<br />