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.`��' � �.. _'- - <br /> - , � - <br /> � ....� �ti� ` � ----�:.:. <br /> �� ' --� - ._._�---T,- � _-_ _ <br /> -;a <br /> ---- _--- --,__.,.,.aliil <br /> lfot�lat�ortOto-'T�l O nd B�n�floiuy.ln 1M wMt my pollcy M►wnd�r Is not r�ar�d on o►brfor�flftNn(16)d+Y�PNo►to <br /> Its�xpintlon dat�,Tru�t»or B�n�fialary m�y proaun suoh In�u►�na�in�ocorduncw with tM provlNon�of P�npnph 7. <br /> Trustor sh�ll dNiwr to Mn�liclary th�oripin�t po11aIN of Inwr�no�and nn�wd� tMr�of or copt�of sach Do��a��� <br /> nn�wal�th�nof. FNlun to furniih�uoh Insw�no�by Trustor,or nn�w�l���nqutrod h�rwnd�►,sh� th�opllon of <br /> B�n�flol�ry,constitut��d�fu�lt.A!I un�arrNd pnm�um�an h�nby udpn�d to TrautN is addittonal aaurity.�nd�wt��nd <br /> conwy�nc�Ot�th�14opity by th�T�wtN�hall opK�t�to oonwy to th�purahasK tl►�T�usta'�Int�rat In and to NI polbl�s <br /> --�' ��' of Insur�na upon th�r Truot Prop�rty. °�• - <br /> 5.T�xN�nd A�sewMe►.Tru�tor�h��l pay�It tax���nd sp�clal��s�um�nts Iw��d or�tN�d�qa�nst,or du�upon,th� <br /> . ---��— Prop�Ry b�for�drlinqu�ncy�nd will�Ilw►to B�ttci�ry aopia of nalpts showinp paYm�nt of wah tax�s�nd sp�clal <br /> � asNSSm�nt�. <br /> b.AddNlon�l LNn�.Trwtor�h�il m�ke�II paym�nt�of int�r��t a�nd prinotp�l,and payrr�nt�of any otMr char�w,fNS,�nd <br /> �'�"'='�_"�' �xp�n�es contraat�d to b�paid to any�xt�tlnp Il�n hold�n or prlor b�n�tlol�ri��und�r aRy pHor ONd ot Trust,Mortq��or <br /> =��'�'"�£'`� oth�r a�cu�ity �prMm�nt, b�br�th�d�t�tl»y u�d�linqwnt and to p�y any oth�r al�tm whlah Jrop�rdWs tlM waurity <br /> -�,�-:,.;,�;..� �rant�d h�rs�n. <br /> --------- 7,proNclio�oi�ttolary's�cwlt�►.3hould Tru�tor t�fl to make any paym�nt,fail to do any aat�s h�reln provid�d or If <br /> .�,_.,�._�,�;����� any actlon ar procMdinp Is commenc�d whlah mats�ia�ly aifects 8eneflcl�ry's IM�rost in th�Property, Includinp, but not <br /> --°--•�-_�- Ilmitsd to,�min�nt domatn�Inwlvsncy,ana�o��m�nta or procMdi�qs invotvin�a bankrupt or d�ced�nt,then R�n�fioi�ry a <br /> ----��:��;�r� Trusta�,but wlthout obtl�dion to do eo,�nd without notla�to or d�mmd apon Trustor.�nd without n1�a�in0 Tru�tor t�om any <br /> - � -� olblpation h�reund�r,may mak�or do th�um�,and may psy,purahas�,cont�at or compromlas any�naumbranc�,ch�rp�or <br /> �,�•:'��' •! Iien,whlah In ths)udqm�nt of�Ith�r app�an to affrct s�ld Prop�rty;in ex�ral�ln9 any suoh�B�n�flciary or 7ruNN _ <br /> � " � `"�:�:`�'� m� Incur a Ilabilit and ex nd wh�tw�r amounts„Inaiudlnp d��bun�rtNnta of rason�bN attorney's fse�.which in tholr ab� --- <br /> , �.r,�4�:�:. ,..� � .. . Y Y P� <br /> •• �•,`t� :r wlute discrstton m�y b�n�s�ary.In th��vent that Tru�tor ehatt tall to p�oaun in�ur�nce,fall to p�Y t+��s!�un auoh <br /> �� � �:;;,,;: assasaments or fall to m�ke�ny paymente to sxisitnp or prlor I�en hoidera or twneflal�rlss,ths B�n�ficlary may P <br /> �� '.1�"�•� Insuance and m�ks such paymenta.All eume incurred orexpended by Bsneflclary or Trust�e in accordance w�th ths provl• <br /> aions of the Deed of Trust a►e aecured hersby and,without d�m�nd,ahali be imm�dlat�ly due and pay�bi�by Trustor and shail <br /> .;,,,;,,�,,..,.;_ .. ' be�r intere�t �t ths rate providsd for adv�nces under th� Lo�n Aflreement; providsd, howsv�r, that at the option of ths <br /> • �'�`� `�- '• ~ � � Bensficl�ry or Truste�,auah aums m�y b�addad to th�p�ihcipai batanoe of�ny Indsbtsdn�as secured h�r�by and sfudl b�at <br /> ^�r'.°•��-�•��, ?��� ths sAms Interest ae such Indebtednees and ahatl b� payabls ratabiy ovsr ths romalninp term thsreof. <br /> . • � $.Msl9nm�nt of R�nt�.Benef Iciary�hali havs the riqht.power and authority durinp!hs continu�ncs of thie Deed ot Trust to — <br /> • �;:.:- coll�ot the t�nts, Isauea and profits ot th� Propsrty and of any personal property looated thsrson with or without t�kinp <br /> �,. '"` puo:ayatan ot t�V^�M'IV��Y��+�2�d haM�y,a^d Tr!s•^�hw..r,y�h.n�utaty�nd unconditionaliv assigna aIi wah nnts,is�ws _ <br /> --�-�"��=�--_:������;.`-� �d �te!!!e to�nefl�?I+�►y esnsilofary, howwsr,hereby consmta to th�Trustor's coll�ation and ntentlon of sueh �ents, <br /> I : • �"� issue�and protits ae they acorus�nd�ecoms pay�ble ao Ionp as Trustor la not,�t euch time,in d�fault with r�epsat fo pxy <br /> i � msnt of any indebtedneas �saured hereby or In the perform�nce of any aflreement hereundsr. Upon any auah dstault, <br /> � , '.. Bsnsfici�ry may at any tlme,either In peraon,by apent or by�receiver to be appolnted by a couR,without notice and without <br /> �.''� r�pard to the adequaoy of any aecurity for the Indebtsdneaa hereby secured:(a)enter upon and take poeseaslon of the P�oper• <br /> J ty or any port thereof and In Ita own neme sue tor or otherwiae coltect such renta,leauea and profits,inc�udinp thoss past due _ <br /> , and unpaid,and apply the aame,leae conta and expenaes of operatlon and cotlectlon, inc�uding reasonable attorney feea, <br /> • upon any indebtedneas aecured hereby and In auch order as Beneficisry may determine;(b)pe►totm euch�cta ot repalr or pra <br /> ' '` tectlon ae may be necessary or proper to conaenre the value ot the Property;(c)lease the eame or any pa�t hereof tor suoh ren• W <br /> r, . � tal term and upon such conditlone ae Its Judflment may dlotate.Unleas Trustor and Beneiiclary a�ree otherwiee fn writinp,any Fti_ <br /> -. �� � �' AppUoatlon of rente,laauea or protits to any indebtedneas secured hereby shail not extend cr poetpone the due date of tht in- __ <br /> t statlment payments aa provided In the Loan A9raement,and the application thereof aa aforesafd ahoil not waive or cure any �:: <br /> ` � defauit or notice of defauit horeunder or invaiidate any act done pursuent to such notfce.Trustor also asaipns to Baneflciary, ��--` <br /> • �s further eecurlty for the periormance of the oblt�attona secured hereby,atl prepald renta and ali monies which may have =-- <br /> r r - • been or may hereaRer be deposlted with eald Trustor by any leasee of the Property,to secure the payment of any rent,and �_-. <br /> ' upon default In the perforamnce of ony of the provisions hereof,Trustor agrees to de�iver such rents and depoaits to the � _ <br /> . Benefiolary. ne�ivery ot written notice ot Beneific�ry's exercise of the ri�hts qranted heretn to a�y tenant occupyinq sald �,._ <br /> premtees ahail be aufficlent to requlre said tenant to pay aeid rent to the Beneficlary until further notice. �::� . <br /> 9.Cond�mmtton.If title to any pert of the Propefty shall be taken tn condemnatlon praceedinqs,by riyht of eminent domain p;`.:' <br />` or eimllar action,or shali be sold under threat ot condemnation,a��awards,damapes and proceeds are hereby aesigned and ' <br /> , ehali be p�ld to Beneficiary who shali apply suah award,damapes and proceeds to the eums aecured by the Deed ot Trust, <br /> �_, - <br /> }_^,A� � with the ozcesa,If any,paid ta the Trustor. � <br /> ;, •• .,r 10.Futun Advana�s.The Loan A9reement provides for advances from tlme to time to Trus�tor by Beneficlary as provided R_,. <br /> �� � ��` thereln.In additlon,upon request of Trusto�,Beneticiary,at Beneficiary's optlo�,prior to teconveyance of tfie Property to the t <br /> �. Truetor,may make additlonai future advances to the Trustor.Such future advances,with interest thereon,shall be seaured by <br /> � ° thte Deed of Trust when evidenced by promiesory notea statinq that sald notes are secured hereby;provlded that at no time �:. <br /> � ehali the seaured princfpal and tutu�e advancea,not includlna sume advanced to proteot the security,exceed one hundred per- <br /> � cent(100%)of the oriqinai princtpat amounts secured hereby. �� <br /> , 11.R�m�dt��Cumutdiv�.Atl remedlea provfded i�this Deed of Yrust are dlatlnct and cumulattve to any other ri�ht or �'�� <br /> ,: remedy under this Deed of Trust or affo�ded by law or equity,and may be exerciaed concurrentiy,Independentiy or succeasive� �• <br /> _ '�� • . �y `' . <br /> � � •t` �� � ' 12.AacN�ration;R�m�dla;Sd�.A detauit sha�l exlat In the event ot: t <br />�- � .� ;._ �.�. (A) Any iraud or misreprasentation by the Trustor In connectlon with the line o}credit which this Deed of Trust socures; <br /> �'��-"��°�'�':; (B) Any f�tlure on the part of tho Troator to meet the repayment terma fn reepect to the loan Ayreement and any other ad• t_ <br /> y,'y; y:��;�,..:�,�,,..4. .:. �. .° <br /> _o r...��..,, �: , wnoee under this Deed of Trust hereby eeeured; pnd, � ' <br /> —-- x.,,,,.�,.�..��4_ <br /> -'�� (C) Any act�on by the Truator prohiblted by the terms of the Loan Ayreement ot thla Deed of Trust or any fallure of t e rus or <br /> �6�� <br />,s r.aulrad bv ths Loan Aareement or thia Oeed of Trust,e�ch of which Trustor hereby aprees have an adverse ef• �.. <br /> ,� , �,jp�,�,;, t�ot on th�Bsn�ficl�ry's security for th�Ifne of oredit estAbtiaNad and the riphts oi the Benetici�ry In sucn aeaunir, tr. <br /> ,_:� .YS�:..A!^A'�..�+. _ <br /> and upon ths h�pp�ninp of any auah event ot default. Beneticiary may declare a►t aums secured hereby Immedtateiy due and <br /> payabt�by delivery to Truatae of written dect�ratlon of defauit.The Truatee ohall have the power of aeie of the Property,and if <br /> Bensflciary deairea the Propsrty to be aold,It shall depoait wlth Trustee thta Deed of truet and all promi�sory notea and �� <br /> doeumonte svioencinq expenditurea seaured hereby and shall deliver to Trustee a wrttten notice of detauit and eiectlon to ' <br /> caus�ths Pr�perty to be�old,and th�TrustN In tum shall pnpere�notice In the form requfred by taw,whiah ahall bo duiy fii• �i <br /> �d for record by Trustw. `�_ <br /> R= <br /> (I�) Aft�r the lapae ot auch tim��s m�y b�rsqulred by law foi�owinp the recordatlon of eald notice of dehutt,and notice ot ,�,�,_ <br /> d�fault�nd notics of sN�havinp bNn p�von as nqul►ed by Iaw,Trustee,without dsm�nd on Trustor,thail sslt the Proper• �_ <br /> - ty on ths d�te�nd at th�tim�and ptac�d�sipn�tod 1�eald notics of sal�,at pubtic auction to th�hipha�t b�dder,ths pur• ;,;' <br /> chas�pric�p�yabte In lawful mon�y of th�Unit�d Stat�s at ths tim�of qle.The p�rson conductinq th�sNe may,for any �. <br /> �� caup h�dWms�xpedient.poatpon�ths e�l�irom tlms to time until It ahall b�compt�t�d and.ln�v�ry euah c�ae,�otice <br /> �--'�':� IIFqt�(IAq �. <br /> -.-�...�;:�:r.uusiui_� <br /> 1.� , ,,_ <br /> -_c..w .. . . . __ - <br />