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•n� ,�'1..,; . . ,• 'r"".... <br /> -'ai� - _--- <br /> .,�� � � - ------- ----- - _ <br /> - -� ..---— �(� <br /> 84- � <br /> l. P� eMUt at Prieclpwt,Gtttrwt lu�d 4Mt CMarp�. Burrawir otull pay wha�Jua Ih��xinc�af.�q a�. <br /> tir d�bt ev�by tlKS Note�nd I�te clwr�e�dae w�dK the Ndo. <br /> 2. MoHbly W7pe�b d'ILzM,l�wrs�ct�nd tkMtr��. Bortower badl inctude in exfi manthlY P�Y��, <br /> ta�qi�er with the principd�nd inteoeu N Kt fo�th in the Nae�nd�ny tu�a cfiu�es.�n lnsallment of any(a)uxa�nd <br /> rpeci�l��ewn�ent�kvled or to be levkd��xi�ut th�Propo�ty.(b)ieiuehold p�ymena or�rau�d ronu oe�Pr+c�erty,�nd <br /> (c)pt+amiunu for inuuru�ce rdquirod by P�r�y{nph 4. <br /> _ F.�ch moRlhiy in�Wlment tor items (�). (b) �nd(c) �hdl oqual one•twelAh af the�nnwd unounta.� naacxubly <br /> _ eulm�ted by Lender, p!w rn unount �u�cient w mainu�tn �n �ctditional balu�ce of not more thm one-:ixth of the <br /> - �-'-- ------ � eulmated amounl�. Thc futl annua! �urwunt for each item shall be accumulatad by Lender within �periad endin onc <br /> month bef�t�e�n item would bccome delinquent. lander s�h�ll hold the unaints collected in uust to py Itans(a).(b��nd <br /> (c)befae th�y betome dclinquent. <br /> If�t any tfine the toW of Ihe payments held by Lender Car iums(t).(b)u�d(c). together with the futun monthly <br /> payments for such items puyable to Lender prior to the due d�tus of such items, exceeds by more than one•siath the <br /> esdmatod amount of psyments requirod topay such items when due,tmd if p�yments on the Note ue cument.tha� Lendcr <br /> sh�ll either refund the exass ovcr one-sixth of the estimated paymen[s or cred�t ihe oxces�over onc-sixth of d�e est�nutod <br /> - v—----° i payments to subrequcnt paymcnts by Bomower,ut the option of Borruwer. If the total of the paymenu madc by Bomower <br /> � for Item(a),(b).or(c)is insu�cient to pay the Item when due,then 9orrower s1Wl pay to Lender any onount naessuy to <br /> m�lce up the deficiency on ar befora the date the item be.�omes duc. <br /> ! As uced In this Security Instntment,"Secretary"means the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development or 1►is or her <br /> ' designa. In any year in whfch the Lender must pay a mortgage insuranoe prcmium to the Se�retsry.each monthfy payment <br /> shaU also include cither. (i)An installment of the annual moctgage insurancc premtum to be paId by Lender w the <br /> Secretary. or(li)a manthly chuge instead of a mortgage insurence premium if this Security Instrument is held by the <br /> Secrctazy. Each monthly installment of the mortgage Insurance premium shall be in an amount sufficient to accumulate the <br /> fuU annual mortgage i�surance premium with l.ender one month prior tu the date ihe fud annual mortgagc insutancc <br /> premium is due to the Secretary;or if thi�Security Insuument is held b�y the Secrctary,each monthly charge ehall bti in an <br /> = amount equal ta one-twelfth of ona-half percent of the outstending principal bwlance due on the Note. <br /> If Borrower tenders to Lender the full payment of ull sums secured by this Security Insttument.Borrowerk acconnt <br /> shall be credited with the balance remaining for all installments for items(a),(b)and (c) nnd any mortgage insurance <br /> ° ;_,,. ,:;,.!;,.. premlum installment that Lendcr has not become obligated to pay to the Secretary,and Lender shaU promptly rcfund an�r <br /> � :- w' "`� ' ezcess funds to Borrower. Immediately prior to a forcclosure sale of the Property or fts acquisition by Lender, Borrower a <br /> sccount shall be credited with any balence remaining for all Installments for items(a),(b)and(c). <br /> '";�:= '+' � " 3. Application of Poymenta All payments under Pnragrnphs 1 and 2 shall be applicd by Lender as follows: <br /> �'�%� '� °�`N� FIRST,to the mortgage insurance premtum to be pa�d by Lender to d�e SecretAry or to the monthly charge by th� <br /> Secretary instead o�'the monthly mortgage insurance prcmium: <br /> SECOND,to any taxes.special asseasments,leasehold payments or ground rents,and fire,flood and other hazard <br /> -__ Insurance premiums,as r�{uired; <br /> ''��i�,r— ,3,�„ i4!!!Is'!'GSS dUG tlR4Lf i3lt ML+tt; <br /> �� :;�;,;. .,,�;�-:•y:.�,•.r,.�: FOURTH,to amortizntion of the principrl of the Notc; <br /> � W,,,„. ., ;..-:. �•. •:<: �,to late charges due under the Note. <br /> ',l "� 4. Fire.Flood And Other Hazs►rd Insurance. Borrowcr xhall intiure all improvements on the Property,whether now <br /> f in existence or subsequently erected,against any hazurds,casualties, ar.d contingencies, including firc,for which Lender <br />-z � reyuires insurance. This insuronce shall be maintuined in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requircs. Borrower <br /> i shall also insure all improvements on the Property,whethcr now in existencc or subsequently erected,against loss by floods <br /> ' � to the extent tequircd by the Secretury. AU insurunce xhuU be carried with compmieti approved by Lender. The insurance <br /> • -��"` ' policies and any renewals shall be held by Lender and shnll include loss puyable cl�uses in favor of. and in a form <br /> , .. , <br /> : ucceptuble to.Lender. <br /> . , In the event of loss,Borrower shall givc Lender immediate notice by mail. Lender may make pmof of loss If not <br /> %.a. • , made promptly by Borrower. Euch inxur:;nce company concemed is hereby authorized und directed to make payment for <br /> � � � such loss directly to Lendcr,instead of to Borrowcr und to Lender jointly. All or any part of the insurance proceeds may be <br /> applicd by Lender,at its option,either(a>to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Secunry Instrument. <br />" .'�`` � " " first to any delinyuent amounts applied in the order in Parugraph 3. and thcn to pmpuyment of principal,or(b) to the <br /> � mstoration or repnir of the dumugrd propeny. Any upplicution of'the proceedx to the principal shall not extend or postpone <br /> • � -- �5• ' the duc d•rte of the monthly p•rymcntti which:u�c rcfeRed to in Pnragraph 2,ur change the amount of such payments. Any <br /> excess insur:uue proceeds over an amount reyuimd ta pay all outstnndin� indeMedness under the Nate and this Security <br /> " .. • ' Instrument shall be pnid to thc entity Irgully cntiticd thcrcto. <br /> • In the event of foreclosum of this Security Inxtrument or other transfer of titlr to the Praperty thut extinguishes the <br /> indebtednesti,nll right,tiNe and interest of Borrower in and to imurance policie,ir furcc shull pass to the purchaser. <br />� ��;; , S. Qccupancy, Preservution, Maintenunce und Protection of the Pruperty; Borruwrr•s I.oan Applieatfon; <br /> - • � Leaseholds. Borrower tihaU cxcupy,extublish, und u.c thc Pro}xny a, Borcower's pnncipal residence within sixty days <br /> �;;,,�, after the execution of thi.Securiry Instrument and shull con[inuc to occupy ihr ProExny as Bormwer'x principal residence <br /> r;� for at' nst one year ufter the date uf occ�tpancy,untr.s the Serretary deterniine�thix reyu�rement will cause undue hardship <br /> T•- w'�,�"y;,=� for Borrower, or unless extenuating circur►i,wncrti rxi�t which xrr �:yund [iorrower; control. Borrower shall notify <br /> t,. . Lenders of any extenuating circumxtrnccs. Borrowcr shall not commit wa+ie ur dextroy,dumugc or substantiully change <br /> ' %}="" ' the Property or allow thc Propeny to deteriorute,reusonahle wcar and tcar exccptcd. Lendcr muy mspcct the Property if the <br /> � ' Propeny iti vacnnt or abanJoned or thc loan is in d�fuult. Lrndcr may take masonable uction to protect;snd prexrve such <br /> �- ` vacant or abandon�d Property. Borrowrr�hull al���h. in default if Borrower,Juring the loan upplicution prcxess,gave <br /> ;;. � matcrially falsc or inuccuratc infomiation or �tatcmcntti to Lendcr (or faited to prc�vidc l.cndcr with nny matcrial <br /> � inforniution}in connection with thc loan cvidenced by thr No[c,including,but not limued tu,repnrcsentations conceming <br /> . .. Borcower's occupancy of the Property a�a principal rctiidence. tf thi�Srcuriiy Immiment is cm a Ieaxehold.Borrower shall <br /> = comply with the the Ieutie. If'Bomiwrr acyuire.fec tidc to thc 1'nqxrty,the Ieusehold and fee tiNe shall not <br /> , .• be merged unlcs�Lender aFc+ce�to thr mrrgcr in writing. <br /> 6. Charg�s to Borrower und Prutectinn oi'I.ender'S Ri�hts in the Pcoperty. Burruwer shall pay ull govemmental <br /> - ' =.t• �•. • or municipal chargex,fines and impoxition�thut arc nnt incluJed in Parugruph 2. Burrower sh•rll pay thesc oUligations un <br /> - time directly to thc entiry whirh ix owed thc pxyment. If failurc to pay wou1J advcrxcly affcct Lendcr's intcrest in thc <br /> _ ' ' _��;T:. Ropeny.upon Lender�myuest Borrower+hall pmmpdy fumi�h to Lender recripts rvidencing these payments. <br /> �� " � ''�"' If Borrower f:iils to muke thesc �► ments ur the .► mcnts re uind b Para rr h 2, ur fails to rform an other <br /> -���g`-:: • R'Y P'Y 4 Y R'P P� Y <br /> �`='- covenants and agrcements contained in this Security lnstrument,or then ic a Icgal prcxecding thut mu���g��r�:�e�y�rre<< <br /> � 1�nr�r¢rio6fc in tiv�Pnur+dv(u�rh ac u nrrr��rdinu in 6anlrn�ntrv. fnr rniul�•mwtinn nr to enforce llWR OI'f�QU�:tlI011ti�. <br /> _ '' e•"'"'�" '"r"'� •__"' __ _r'_"'_"'�,-.. <br /> - .�';!���Y, � thcn I.ender may do and pay whs�tcvcr is necc+.ary to pmtect the va�uc of the Ruprn and Lenderti rights in the 1'roperty. <br /> �.`'v,�� ��;n�°•f��► including payment of t�uccs,h;uard insurancc and othcr ucm.mentioned in Paragraph'� <br /> �� Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Prr��;r�ph shull bccomc an aJditional dcbt of Borrowcr smd be�xurcd <br /> by this Security Inswment. 7'hese umounts�hull bcur�nten:st fmm the dute of di.bursement,ut the Notr rute.and at the <br /> option of Lender,shall be immediatcly due and payublc. <br /> 7. Condemnation. The proceeds�f uny nward or r.laim for dumuses,direct or conxeyuential,in connection with uny <br /> condemnation or other tsiking of uny part of the Propeny.or for conveyance in plarc of condrmnution,;u�e hereby assigned ' <br /> and shall be pa(d to Lendcr to thc extcnt of the full umount of the indebtedness thut remains unpaid undcr the IVote and this <br /> Securiry Instruroent. Lender shall apply such pmceeds to the rcduction of the indebtedness under the Note und this Security <br /> Inswment, first to xny delinquent wnounts applicd in the order provided in P.►rugraph 3, und thcn to prepayment of <br /> principal. My applicauon of the proceeds to the principal shall not �xtend or postpone the due date of thc monthly <br /> =----:.�.s�arstay <br /> fpu�e 2��I pages) <br /> -�:��.s''�I€��.�4'?�H,. <br /> _�,s�r- <br />