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�7 �w�l'ri:.iF�r.sos _ . • _ <br /> � �a • •'_'_. . _ _ <br /> �� �. ! �.i.'..� .•���"e�.....�.. .. �-__ _ <br /> ' <br /> "_. .....�.�.rYa 4 /� �-___,__ _....-_ <br /> --as�ri��i=tKeE4�:� ,I�� 100�/�I <br /> TcX3Lr1'H�it W17'��dl the improvements naw or hereattor orxtod an the property,and all e�enmcntx, cl�htA, <br /> appurtens�,ronte,royaltiae,minoral,oil and�� rfahte md protlta, waur ri�hta and stock md�II tixtureR nuw or _ <br /> � heraftcr a p�rt ot the property,All tepl�eemente and additione shall alao be covered by this Sxutity Inatrument.All af - <br /> " the toroeoin�ie rciened to in thi�Security Inatrumont aa the"Arop�ny." <br /> "��"•"�`�� �iORltOW�It rUV�NAN1'S thst Borrower is Iswlully seised of the eatate herCby ronvey�xl and h�s the ri�ht tu - — <br /> ;�• � �rmt�nd convey the Nruperty�nd thst the Pmperty ia unencumbered, eYCept tor en�umbnncaa c�t rr.�:��rd. 1�rmwer -� <br /> ; � ;....:�F� w�rnnta and will defend�enenlly tho title to the Praperty a�inst all claims and dnmsnds,aubj�:t tu�ny cn.umbrance.s T - L� <br /> � �''�y'�! n - oi record. -- <br /> x 3� <br /> ��"— ,•- . '�`� "�''�;'� 1,Payment ot Principal,lntere�t aad La4a Ch�r=e.}3orrower shall pay when due tha principal of,and interrst ��z `'"����� <br /> t°T• � -�.�— <br /> .��-x...:.-r�',`�'� on,the debtevide�cal by the Note and Iate char�es due under the Note. ��-�___ <br /> ---� �;.�..._....... .:-.:�: �;,. <br /> , !.•. '.',.. .� . .:,:. �?; ^x�;'";��=_. <br /> _�� ` � 2. Monthly Aaymeats af TaYe�, Insur�tnce and Other Char�es. $c�rrower ehsll include ia each monthly --- <br />