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<br /> �; :;�M„;��, A881�NMENT OF LEA8E8 AND RENTB
<br /> ' � ° P�bruarv 1� 94 ,
<br /> - % THIS A8SIONMENT,m�d�thls lst �y o}
<br /> '�. .. _ � by iRab�rt V. Stut�by� a► �inqi� P�rson
<br /> ,�,,,�.:..,..:.,,.�;.�.;. '' 1310 East 4th Grund IelanA, t�iF fie801 � -
<br /> , raidiny e�t or i�avinp an oHice at �
<br /> �
<br /> t Fir�ller 8ank,Nadonat Associatlon.Omaha,tVsbraNce luwinq
<br /> -` ° .",• .. (harefn calied"Asfipnor"),ro
<br /> _y,._ . ib princfpai otfice at Omaha,N�bnslca(hersin cailed"Assipns�"),
<br /> *��
<br /> -__� WITNE3SETH:
<br /> _9%-.
<br /> ,� FOR VALUE RECEIVED,Assipnor hereby grants,transfers and assigna to the Assipnee eit of the riyht,tfde and
<br /> �1��� interestotAssipnorinendtoanyandallleaseaandothertenancfesnoworhereaftermadeonorwithraspecttothareal�stats
<br /> `..�•, ' ,
<br /> ����� Hall Caunty� Nebraska and more peuNCUlarly de�cribK! �'�
<br /> in Schedule A hereof,which�eal eatateshall bd reter�edto hereinaReras"Premtaas",includinp,but not Iimitsd tothatc�rain
<br /> ` Lease or those ceAain Leases,with modificationa,if any described tn Schedule B hereof,covering the Promiess; with =_
<br /> (1)any and ail extenabns or renewale thereot,�2)eny and ali guarantees of the Leaee'a oblipations under eny�eof and -- ,
<br /> under any and all extensions or renewals of any thereof,and(3)all rents.issuea,profib,revenues,deposlts.eamest money K
<br /> pa ments,riphfs and beneflts n�w or hereafter arisinp from such lease and tenancfes or for the use and occupancy of the r
<br /> Y ��''�
<br /> � Premisea,and any and alt extensions and renewals thereof.Said leasea and tenancies or othAr use of the Premises topether ;,,,-
<br /> � with anY and aii quarantevs,modificatlans,extensions,and renewals thareoi shall be sometimes hereinafter reterred to asthe �.__.-
<br /> •,Lease'or"Leat�s": -
<br /> ONE: Payment and performance of each and every debt,UabUfty and obiigation ot everytype and description -- -
<br /> �. . which Assi�nor may now or anytime he�eafter owe to Assignee,including,but not Iimlted to,the indebfedness of Assipnor _
<br /> secured by that certafn mortflage o�deed of trust made by the Assognor to the Assignee dated 2'1' .19 9� � -"-
<br /> andrecordedortoberecordedaturp►lortui'ner�x:or�iln�ofth{sAsstc�nmont,o�nnyothermortga�eerdeedofhusthereafter � _
<br /> coverMg the whote or any part of the Premises,iW�ether such dnEii,tiebliity,a�abt3gatlan�aes axisis Qrla hereefter cr�t�d or �_
<br /> ' Ucurred and whether it is or may be director indirec�due or to become due,absoluteor cantfngent,primary or secandary, f�
<br /> � tiquideted or unliquidated, or joint, several, or Joint and several,al�such debts, Iiabilitiea and obit�atlona befnq herein _
<br /> coliecdvely reterred to sometimes as the"Oblipations"};and �►�=
<br /> ) I�;_.
<br /> TWO: Performance and discharge of each and every obligatlon, covenant end eqreement of Assi�nor ��T._
<br /> contairsed herein or in any such mortgage or deed of trust or any note or bond secured thereby,or fn any obtiyatfon or any
<br /> securinp dxument yiven fn connection wlth any of the Oblfqations secured hereby. _-
<br /> LEASE:
<br /> �.�-=
<br /> . z
<br /> 1. To taithtuily abide by,perfvrm and dfscharge each and every obiipation,covenant and agreement ot tho Leaae t
<br /> ' byLesso�tobepertormed,togivepromptnoticetotheAssigneeofanynoticeofdefaultonthepartofAsai�norwithrespectto 'p _
<br /> the Lease received irom Lessee orguarantor.together with an accurateand complete copy of any such notice;atthe sole cost :
<br /> and expense of Assignor,to enforce or secure the performance�f each and every oblipatfon, covenent,condition and w .:
<br /> • agreement of the Lease by the Lesseeto be peAormed;not to modNy or►n any way alterthe terms of the Lease;notto terminate �
<br /> the term of the Lease and not to accept a su�render ot the rents thereunder or to waive,excuse,condone or in eny manner
<br /> release or discharge the Lessee the�eunder from the obligations,covenants,conditions and agreements by the Lessee to be
<br /> � performed,including the obligation to pay the rentel called tor thereunder in the manner and at the place and time specifled
<br /> thereln,and Assignor does by these presents expressly release,relinquish and surrender unto the Assignee all Assipnot's
<br /> right,power and authority to modly or in any way alter the termsor provisions ofthe Lease,orto terminatetF�e term or acCept a
<br /> surrender thereof,and any attempt on the part of the Assignor to exercise any such right without the written authority and
<br /> consent of the Assiflnee thereto being first had and obtained shall constitute a Oefault ot the terms hereof,as deflned
<br /> hereinafter,entltiinfl the Assfpnee to declare all sums secured hereby immedlately due and payable.
<br /> . 2. At Assignor's sole cost and expense to appear in and detend any action or prxeedfng arising under,growirtg .
<br /> } out ot or in any manner connected with the Lease or the obiigations,duties or�iabitities of Lessor,Lessee or yuarantor
<br /> thereunder,and to pay ali costs and expenses of the Assignee,inctudiny attorney's fees in a reasonabie sum,in any such
<br /> ' action or proceedinp in which the Asstynee mey eppear.
<br /> � � 3. That should Assignor tail to make any payment or to do any act as herein provided,then the Assiqnee,but
<br /> � • without obiigation so to do and without notice to or demand on Assignor,and without releasing Assignor from any obligation
<br /> hereot,may make or do the same in such menner and to such extent as the Assignee may deem necessary to protect the
<br /> � security hereof,including specificaliy, without Ifmfting its general powers,the ripht to appear in and detend any action or
<br /> prxeedfny purponingtoaflectthesecurityhereotortherightsorpowersottheAssfy�ee.andalsotheriphtbutnotthedutyto
<br /> � periorm and diacharye each and �very obligetion, covenant and agreement ot Lessor in the Lease contained;and in
<br /> exercisinq any such powers to pay�ecessary costa and expenses,employ counsel and incur and pay reasonable attorney's
<br /> ,� fees.
<br /> . 4. To pay immediately upon demand a��sums expended by the Assignee under the authority hereof,together wfth
<br /> " interest thereon at the hiyhest rate set forth in any of the Oblipatfons secu�ed hereby,and the same shall be added to the
<br />- Ob1i�aHons and shall be secured hueby and by the aaid moR�aye or deed of trusL
<br /> ;'�':
<br /> ', 5. That Aasiynor witl not transier or convey to the Le�see the tee title to thedemised Premises,or any part thereof,
<br /> ,.,;. unless the Lessee aesumes in w�idnq and egrees to pay the debt secured hereby in accorciance with the terms,covenants and
<br /> condltlons of the aaid note or bond t�cured by said mortpape or deed of t�ust
<br /> •V �: �
<br /> ' • � � ,•
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