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�.:�� _ <br /> �� w,, t , - ' •''���;-�:� <br /> . •,d* ,a � ,%�u_s ,.. <br /> �. <br /> ..� _..._ _....,....,:,a�,� <br /> _ _ g4- soosso <br /> IMu P�op�rty Is w t�k�n w d�nu�p�d.L�nct+r�haii h�w d�optlon,fn Ib�oi��nd ab�otuM disatNlon,b�pph►all wah Proa�d�. <br /> a1Mr d�duotlnp tt��om all oosts�nd�xp�nNa Incurnd by it in conn�atlon with woh ProcNd�,upon any Mb�blodnMS Mound <br /> Mnby lind In wch oreMr u L�nd�r may dNKmin�,a to apply�II suCh Proca�d�,�ibr iuCh d� th�rNtot�tlon ol th� <br /> -- P►op�ty upon wch condltlon�as L�nd�r m�y d�twmin�.My appllwiti�on of ProcMds b ind�bMdn��hail not�xMn�!vr poNpaN <br /> :•�� th�dw dab of�nY WYm�nb und�►th�Not��or our�any d�ult th�nund�r or hu�undK.My unappil�d fundt�hall b�pdd b <br /> trwlor. <br /> -r � 8. M�bnMna�br L�nd�t.Upon th�ocaurr�nc�ol an Ev�rtt ot DNsuftharwnd�r,ex If�ny tot Is takm a Npel procNdinp <br /> I t obl tlo�b do <br /> n dlscretion but w lhou __ <br /> commw�cod whlch matarl�tly attscta Lender's intereat In thn Property.Lender mey In ib ow �W <br /> w,�nd without notic�to or d�m�nd upon Tru�tor and without�e��sinp Tru�tor Irom any obll�adon,do any aat which Truttor hw <br /> ��; ayrNd but(�tt�to do�nd may�Iw do any oth�r aat It dMm�n�c�sury to prot�ct th�t�curlty h�rsof.Tru�tor�hall,imm�dlRtNy <br /> - ��._��Y4�j, upon d�mand th�retor by L�nd�r,pay to L�nd�r all coib and�xp�ns�a Inaurnd and sum��xp�nd�d by L�nd�r In conn�ctbn wfth <br /> ---- - -- th��x�rcfa�by Lmd�r ot th�torpoina rlyhu,top�th�r with Int�nst th�rwn at ths dNault rat�provid�d In the Nat�,whloh shaN b� <br /> A,�,;,�:�.e" add�d to th� Ind�bt�dn�u pcurW honby. l.�nd�r�ha0 not inaur any Ilablilty becauN of anythiny it may do or omit to do <br /> -s:.�°;.;,.�: ``"�':�:t MnundK. <br /> ,�="::"�� 4`•�' � 9. Naaardoua�lat«1aM.TruaWr�hall k�sp the Property in compll�nc�w{th all appllcabls taw�,ordin�nca and rpuiatlons <br /> "''"����� rNatinp to Indu�triat hypiens or environm�ntel protacUon(collsotivsiy reterrsd W h�rein as"Environm�nt�i Laws'q.Tru�tor sh�li <br /> ��� ke� ths Pr <br /> � p opeAy tr�s irom N�subttances dsemed to be hazudous or toxic under any�nvl�onmenai Laws(colleadv�ly nbracJ to <br /> �:�:r.i' huein a�"Hazardoue Mat�risis'�.Trustor hvreby warrants and repreaenb to Lender that triers ere no Hlwrdous Mat�ria��on or <br /> —r'�ti�;.x:�r.�:� �� ' und�r ths Propsrty.Tru�tor hereby ayrsei to indsmniy and hoid harmku Lsnd�r,Itt directon,otticor�,empioyesa and apenU,and <br /> °��:�-�,;�,:� '� �'���L any succetan to Lender's interei�trom and apalnat any and ail ciaim�,damayes,loa�es and IIeN�itis��ritinp in conn�cGon with <br /> _.,,r.•,::, <br /> • th�pre�encs, u�e,di�poaai or tran�port oi any Hezardoua Materla�s on,under,from or about the Properry. THE FOREQOINO <br /> �..''•,..,'•� ''��';• WARRANTIE3 AND REPRE3�NTATIONS,AND TRU3TOR'S OBU(iAT10NS PURSUANT TO THE FOREi301N01NDEMNITY,SH/111. <br /> . . '.'�'•':� SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS QEED OF TRU3T. <br /> r. „ 10. A y P Pe►h.P --- <br /> »iprwn�nt M R�nb.Truetor hsreb asslpns to Lender the rentf,l�aues end rollts of the Pro ravidsd that Trustor <br /> �• ; , shdl,undl th�occurrence ot en Event of Deiau�t har�under,have the rlpht to col�oct and retain suah rents,iasuea and profits as they <br /> , become due and payable.Upan the ocaurrence ot an Event of Detautt,Lender may,elthor in penon or by�yent,with or without <br /> '� brinpinp eny actlon or prxeeding,or by a recelver appointed by a court and without repard to the adequacy of Its aecurity enter ___. <br /> � . upon and take po�aatsion of the Property,or eny part thereot,ln its own name or in the name o}the Truateo,and do any acb which tt <br /> deama nacetsery or desireb�e to presoroe the value,marketabitity or rentabiilty of the Properry,or any pan thereof or intenst thereln, _ <br /> ��., . . , , , .�, , increa�e the income theretrom or protect the aeourity horeof and,with or without takinp poaseas�on ot ths Property,sue for or <br /> �� � otherwlss col�ect the renta,iasuee and proBts thereof,fncludinp thoae past due and unpaid,and apply the�ams,Iss�co�ts�nd <br /> � �xpensea of op�ration and coliectfon�nciudinp attorneys'fees,upon any indebtedneas socured horeby,�II in such order a�Lender <br /> • may determtne.The enterinp upon end teklnp pos�esalon of the Property,the coilectlon of auch rents,Issues and profita aad the <br /> � apptication thereot as atoreaafd,shaii not cure or walve any dofautt or notice ot default here�nder or invalldat�any act done in - <br /> � response to such deiault or pursuant to auch notice of defau�t and,notwiths4andinp the conGnuance In poueulon of the Prop�rty or _ <br /> the collection,recelpt and application of ranU,isaues or profits,and Trustee and Lender shall be entltled to exerciee evsry►lpht <br /> --__ -_ _ _— �rovlded torin any of tha taan tnsirumants or by!aw upon occurrertce ot eny Eysntot Qateuit,in�l��d�ng wtthout Iimltatlon tha ripht <br /> to exerclsa the power of seie.Further,Lender'a rfphts end remedies under thit parapraph aheit be cumulative with,and In no way a <br /> ; limitetlon on,Lender's righta and remedlea under any assignment of Ieases and rente recorded aqainst the Property.4ender,Trustee <br /> and!he recelver sheli be Ilabte to account on�y for those renta actually recelved. _-- <br /> � � 11. Ev�nt�of ONauit.The foliowing shali constitute an Event of Defauit under thts Oeed ot Truat -_ <br /> (a� Fallure to pay any instailment ot principal or Intereat ot any other aum secured hereby when due; <br /> . ' (b) A breach of or defuu�t under any provisfon conuelned in the Note,thi�Oeed of T�ust,any o!the Loan Instrumenb,or any <br /> �' othsr Ilen or encumbrance upon the Properly; <br /> - (c) A writ of executlon or attachment or any simltar procaas shall be entered ayainst Trustor which ohall becoms a Iion on <br /> L, thQ PropeAy or any partlon thereof or Interest therein; <br /> _�; (d) There shail be tfled by or apainst Trustor or 8orrower an action under any present or future federal,atate or other ___ <br /> ,� 'y , atatute,law or repuiatlon relatlnq to bankruptcy,insotvency or other reltef for debtors;or there shali be appofnted any trusiee, � <br /> � , receiver or Iiquidator ot Truator or Barrower or of all or any part of the PropeRy,ot the rents,isaues or proftts thereof,or Truator <br /> or 8orrower shall make any yeneral assignment for the beneflt of creditors; _ <br /> (e) The sale,tranater,lease,asslynment,conveyance or turther encumbrance oi ali or any part ot or any intereat In the _ <br /> � Property, either volunterliy or involuntarlly, without the express written conaent of Lender;provlded that Truator ahail be � <br /> permitted to execute a leace of the Property that does not contafn an option to purchase and the term ot which doea not exCeed <br /> one year, � <br /> (n Abandonment of the Property;or <br /> (y) If Trustor ic not an individual,the Isauance,seie,transfer,assipnment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a totai <br /> , � <br /> • . of_ percent of(if e corporatfon)its lesued and outstanding stock or(If a partnership)a total of percent oi <br /> partnership interests during the period this Deed of Trust remains a Ifen on the Property. <br /> �� ' 12. R�m�dNs;AeaNKaWn Upon D�tauit.In thR event of any Event of Default Lender may,without n�tice except as required by , <br /> , law,deciare al�indebtednesa secured hereby to be due and payable and the seme shall thereupon become due and payable � <br /> � � wlthout any presentment,demand,protest or notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender may: �� <br /> - (a) De�nand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE yranted herein, and Trustee shall thereafter cause Truator's <br /> - . Interest tn the Property to be sold end the proceeds to be dlatributed,all in the manner provfded in the Nebraska Trust Deeds ' <br /> Acx �''• <br /> ; t (b) Exercise eny and ali nqhts provided for in any of the Loan Inatruments or by iaw upon occurrence of any Event of �.i_;. <br /> •�• � Uetault;and ' <br /> ,, (c) Comrnence an actlon to forecloae this Oeed of Trust as a mortyape,appoint a recetver,or speclffca�iy enforce any of the ' '` <br /> y � covenents hereoi. �`� <br /> ,- � No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be excivaive of any other remedy herefn,in the : •. <br /> ; Loen�nstruments or by law provided or permftted,but each shatl be cumulative,shalt be in additlon to every other remedy piven <br /> _ ; i hereunder,ln the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter extstlnp at law or in equity or by statute,and may be exorcised concurrently, <br /> independently or successively, <br /> � , �. . 13. TrustN.The 7ruetee may resipn at any time wfthout cause,and Lender may at any tlme and without cauae appoint a , <br /> �*.. euccessor or aubatitute Trustee.Truatee aheli not be Nabie to any party.Including without IlmNetion Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any � <br /> _ ;}`;, • purchaser of the Property,for any losa or damepe unleas due to recktess or wilttui misconduct,and shali not be requfred to take eny , <br /> .�:..a=4-. actlon tn connectfon with the entorcement of thla Deed ot Truat unless tndemnified,In writinp,tor all coats,compenaatfon or , <br /> �"° expemes which may be assoclated therewith.In addltlon,Trustee may become a purchesor at eny sate of the Property�udicfal or t•;- <br /> _ .1.;,.-"-"� under tho power of�alo pranted heretn):postpone the sale of aIi or any portion ot the Propeny,as provided'oy iaw;or wii i��.r F ' <br /> � l I Pro as a whoie,or in ae arate parcels or Iota at Trustee's dlscretlon. � <br /> �terM,a:,.r� .�a.. � PonY p <br /> •:;_�;1i��rt 14. F��nd Ezp�n�.In the event Truatee aeite the Property by exercise of power ot sale,7rustee aheli be entitled to appiy <br /> -.�..� ;u , ,,,,���µ: pny sale proceeds first to payment of ail coats and expenses of exercislnfl power of sete,Inc�udinp ait Trustee's teea,and 4.ender'a <br /> :•• a .ss,�'- and Trustee's ettorney's taei,actually fncurred to Qxtent permitted by appifceb�e the event 8orrower or Trustor exsrclaes any <br /> ,,.:�=�•< r .•.. ripht provid�d by law to cure an Event ot O�tau�t,Lender shall be entftled to recover trom Tru�tor all co�b and�xpenNS actuaily <br /> p � • ' ' incurred at a rault o}Trustor's dol�ut�inciudinp without Ilmttation all Trustot's and attornsy'a te�s,to th��xbnt permittsd by , <br /> `•.`���'�,�.., �ppliC�bl�law. <br /> � ,�'�Y'�:•j: ib. Fufun AdvanaN.Upon reqw�t of 8orrower, �.ender may,at tts option,mako addltlonal and tutur�Advanc�s�nd r�- <br /> �dvances to Borrower.Such ad��anc�s and rpdvanco�,with fnterast thereon,shai�be tecured by thi�Deod of Trust.At no tlm�sh�li <br /> th�prinaipat amount of th�indsbt�dn�u s�curod by thts Doed of Trust,nQ n 1t� In ums advanced to protect tho�curlty of this <br /> - ONd ot Tnut,�xcMd M�oripin�l prinalpal�mount sUited hereln,or S b�•�u�•�� whiRhevtr Is prpt�r. <br /> - ,u ,� t _ <br /> _.._ �._°�e'� <br />—_ —_- - .._.._�..a;�i:2...c��YY� ' � <br /> . <. <br /> .u `�Gttii�:rc.'��.i -- . . _ _ ...._ . <br />