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.�. . <br /> � `.... . .. .� •���:a,;: <br /> ,;.> ;. �:. <br /> '�;"".,�;'�'.`�"_'�"�`�,,,`°�_, <br /> ,:,}_____,_. �_�• �� <br /> , _:f _ _ � — <br /> - --- -_�.� <br /> -—__-__��-= 94' io0s49 <br /> - ttw�Prop�rty b w hic�n or darr�Q�d,L�nd�r�hall h�w th�optlon,In Ib wb�nd RMolut�dl�cntion,b apply�II wct�ProoMds. <br /> — --- afNr d�duntlnp tlwrNrom ai�cc�ab�nd�xpen�inaurnd by It in connvodon with wah Proc�,upon any ind�bl�dn�t Natusd <br /> ---- hw�by snd In suah ad�r w�L�ndK may d�t�rmin�,or to�ppiy ail auch ProcNd�,ah�r such d�ducGon�,to th�rMtor�tlon oi th� <br /> Prap�Ay upon such condltion�u L�nd�r may drt�►min�.Any�ppl{catlon of ProcMd�to Ind�bt�dn��II not ucand or pa�on� <br /> tM dw dat�of any paym�nb und�r th�Not�,or aun any dNault th�nund�r or h�nund�r.Any unapp�Nd fund��hall b�p�id to <br /> ` Tn�. <br /> �''� e. p�lotManc�by I.�nd�►•Upon th�xaur��nc�of�n Ev�nt of ON�uit h�r�und�r,or It�ny�at i�qk�n or Ip�l procNdln� <br /> tar_._�_,: •e:_..,a,, <br /> �-•� commenc�d whioh matwloily afieats I.ondar's Intoreat In tho Property,Lender mgy in Ita own dlacredon,but without obllpsHon to�!o . <br /> � so,and without nodcs to or d�mand upon Truitor�nd without nlNtinp Tru�tor irum any oblipatlon,do�ny act which Tru�tor hat <br /> ��rad but fali�to do�nd m�y a�w do any oth�r act it de�ms n�c�ss�ry to proteat th�sscurity hwsot.Tru�tor thall,Imm�di�t�ty <br /> L-�--- upon d�mand th�refor by Londer,pay to Lend�r ali costs and expen�es incurred�nd�um�expend�d by Lw�d�r in conn�adon with <br /> "-�'s�'''�"� the�x�rcl�by L�ndsr of th�fonpoinp riyhts,topsthsr with inbre�t th�r�on at ths d�(ault rate provld�d in ths Note,whtch shall be <br /> '�•ti���Y x�•. . add�d to th�IndWbdn�ss waund haraby. und�r shall �ot Inaur�ny Ilabillty b�caust of anythlnp It may do or omit to do <br /> :;':'•::;`�s�'�•° t1K�under. —. <br /> _ a— ' -��t'Y�'�� 9. Mua►dqu�11Ad�M.Tru�tor shail keep the Prop�rty in compilancs w(th atl�pplic�bi�Iaws,ordinanca and rputallons � <br /> --�—"-`� �=---'°�"�'s� .-..- rel�Unq to industriat hyplene or envlrpnmentsl proUctfon(coilectively rofsrred to horein a�"Envlronmsntai L�ws'�.T�u�tar�hail <br /> -�.•�.. . . .. <br />-�� ,- ��:w;�f:�w, k�ep the Prope►ty ires irom all sub�tanoea deemed to be hazardou�or toxia under a�y Envlronmental Laws(coll�ativeiy r�isrrsd to <br /> —' � �.•'-"� • '; hsreln ae"Hezardous M�terlela").Truator hereby werrants and repre�ents to l.ender thet there are no Huardous M�tsriats on or <br /> �=�'� und�r ths Properly.Trusto�hereby aprees to indemnify�nd hotd harmless Lender,its directors,otlicen,emptoy�es and aysnta,and <br /> -- _ ;;:�..�� any�ucc�swrs to Lender's interest,from and apaimt any and ail claim�,dams�es,lo�aea and Iiabllities�rlatny in connecdon with <br /> ' ����- -� �•••':��'i� th�pro�sncs,uss,disposat or transport ot eny Hazerdous MateriAls on, under,irom or about the Properry.THE FOREOOINO <br /> �`ti� ��� " "� WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTA710NS,AND TRUSTOR'3 OBLICiATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FORE(301N(3 INDEMNITY.SHALL <br /> j. . - '.', t;, SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE QF THIS DEED OF TRUST. _ <br /> 10. Assipnm�nt of N�nb.Yruator hereby assigns to Lander the ronte,isauea and profits of the Propetty;provlded thet Truetor <br /> ,�•�'"`�"' � � � sh�lt,unUl th�ocourrena ot an Event ot Defnuit heraunder,have the rfpht to colloct and retain such rents,lssuos�nd proiit�es they <br /> �•'• bscome due and payable.Upon tha ocourrence of an Event of Defeuit,Lender may,Qither in person or by apent,with or without ___ <br /> brinpinp any action or procsedtng,or by a reaelver appolnted by a court and without reyard to the adequacy of ita security,enter <br /> ° ' upon and take pouession of the Property,or any part thereof,in its own name or fn the name of the TruateQ,and do any acta whlah it ���` <br /> • r � deems nece�aary or deslrable to prese►ve the value,marketabl�ity or r�ntablilty of the PropeAy,or any part thereof or intereat therein, <br /> � increase the lncome therefrom or protsct the securlty horeot and,wlth or without takiny poaseaaion o(the Property,�ue for or <br /> � atherwiae colleat the rents,lesues and proflts theroof,including those pest due and unpefd,and appiy the same,Ie�s costa and <br /> exponaee of op�ration and collection includinp attorneys'fee�,upon any indebtedneas secured hereby,all in such order as Lendsr <br /> �, may determtne.Tha enteriop upon and teklnq poa�ession of the Propenyr,the coliectlon oi euch rent�,i�aues and proflts and the - <br /> applioatlon thereot aa afonaeid,ehali not cure or waive any defauit or notice of defauit hereunder or tnvalidete any act done in <br /> reaponse to a�ch de(ault or purauent to such notice o(default and,notwithstandinp the contlnuance tn possesaion ot the Property or <br /> the coliention,receipt and application of rente,leaues or protits,and Trustee end Lender ahnll be entitled to exerctee every ripht __; <br /> - --- -- provicied for in any oi tiia Loen inatrumunt»�ir by taw upan occurrenca of any Evoni af Datauil,!ncludlnp:�ilQout Ilmltet4on the rl�h! <br /> to exerclse tha power o}aale.Further,Lender's rights and remedtes under thit peraqreph shall be cumu�ative wlth,end in no way a �'' <br /> timltation on,Lender's rlphts and remediea under any asatpnment of leases and rents recorded ayalnst the Property.Lender,Truetee � <br /> and the recelver shall be Habla to account only tor those renta actualiy recelved. <br /> 17.Ev�nts of Mhuit.The tollowinp aheil constitute an Event of Detault under thls Deed of TruaC <br /> (a) Faliure to pay any instellment ot prfncipal or interest of any other sum secured hereby when due; ---- <br /> (b) A breach ot o�default under any provislon conteined in the Note,thlt Deed of Trust,any of the Loan In4trument�,or eny ___ <br /> � othar lien or encumb�ance upon the Property; --__ <br /> (c) A writ of executlon or attachment or any simllar procesa shall be entered ayainst Truator which shail become a Ifon on �" <br /> �� <br /> the Property or any poRlon thereof or Interest therein; � <br /> (d) There shall be fl�ed by or apainst Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or tuture tederal,state or other � .: <br /> 't stetute,taw or regulation relating to bankruptcy,insoivency or other reifef for debtors;or there shail be appofnted any trustee, , <br /> reCelver or Uquidator ot Truator or Borrower or ot ail or any part of the Property,or the rent6,issues or profit�thereof,or Ttuetor <br /> or Borrower shail meke any generai assipnment tor the benefit ot credHOra; � <br /> (e) The aele,transter,I�ase,assiqnment,conveya�ce or further encumbrance of a�t ur any parl of or any Intereat in the <br /> Property,eithar voluntartly or Involuntarily, without the express written consent of Lender;provided that Truator sheil be � <br /> • permitted to oxecut�a lease of the Property that does not conteln an optton to purchase and the term of which does not exceed <br /> ono year, <br /> (� Abandonment of the Property;or <br /> (q) If Trustor fs not en indivldual,the issuance,sale,transfer,assfynment,conveysnce or encumbranceof more than a total <br /> , oi percent ot(if a corporation)its isaued and outstanding stock or(it a partnarship)a totel of percent o} <br /> . - pertnershlp fntereata during the period this Deed o}Trust remains a lien on the Property. <br /> - 12.RNn�diM;Acc�l�ntton Upon Dd�ult.In the event of any Event of Default Lender may,without notice except as required by <br /> � , Isw,deciare ali indebtedneas secured hereby to be due and payable and the same ahali thereupon become due and payable <br /> •- i ,,..:;;, without any presentment, demand,protest or notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender may: <br /> M� (A) Demand that Trustee exerclee the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and Trustee shall thereafter cause Trustor's <br /> � Intereat In the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be distributed,ail In the manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Oaed� <br /> ' e ACX <br />:_ � (b) Exercise any and ali rlyhts provlded for in eny oi the Loan Instruments or by taw upon occurrence ot any Event of <br /> � . Oefault;and <br /> (c) Commence an actfon to torecloce thto Oeed ot 7rust ea a mortpape,eppoint a receiver,or�pecitically eniorco eny of tha <br />, ,p� covenants hereoi. <br /> r No remedy herein contor�ed upan or reserved to Truatee or Lender is tntended to be exclusive ot any other ramsdy herein,In the <br />•• �. . Loan Inatruments or by law provided or permltted,but each sha11 be cumulatfve,sheil be in additlon to every other remedy qiven <br /> � hereunder,in ihe Loan Instruments or now or hereafter axiatinp at law or in equfry or by statute,end may be exercised concurrenUy, <br /> ` ind�pendently or euccesstvely. <br /> . 13.TnutN.The 7rustee may resl�n at any time wlthout cause,and Lender may at any time and without cauae appolnt a <br /> succeuor or�ubstitute Trust¢e.Trustee shall not be Ilable to any party,fncluding without Ilmitetfon Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any <br /> _;p' „�r _,,.;,,, purchater ot the Property.tor any�osa or damape unless due to►eckless or wl�liul misconduct,and shall not be required to take any <br /> - action In connectlon wlth the enforcement ot thls Oeed ot Truet unleaa indemnifled,In writing,for ali coate,compenaatfon or <br /> �xo�na�s which mav b�auxiated therewith.�n addition,Trustae maY become a purchaeer at any sale of thb Property Qudicla�or � <br /> ��� � under tha power of ial�flrented herefn);poatpone the sale ot all ar any ponlon of tha Property,ea provided by Iew;or se11 th� <br /> --.� • r'...� Propsrry as a whole,or 1�Nparat�parcas or Iota at Truatee's diacreUon. <br /> `' 14.FNS and Exp�nsN.In the event Trustee aells the Property by exercise of power of sate,Truatee sholi be entltlsd to apply <br /> -- any sak procNds fint to payment oi ali coste and expenaes ot exerclaing power oi eale,inciudinp al�Trustee'a fees,and Lender's <br /> - and Tru�tet'a attorney'�feN,actualiy incurrod to extent parmitted by appticeble law.In the event Borrower or Tru�tar axerctsea any <br /> 0E �- . ripht provid�d by Iaw to cun an Ewnt of Dotautt,Lender�hall be entitled to recov�r from Trustor a!�co�ts�nd sxpenaos�ctually <br /> - �'-�'� Mcurnd aa a r�sult of TrwtoPs d�tauiR IneludMq without Ilmitetion aIi Tro�t�'s and attom�y's 1�,to th�uct�nt psrmitbd by <br /> _----_ =="_°=� appt�abl�law. <br /> - --� 15.Fulun Advaee�s.Upon roqwst ot Borrowor,Londor may,at Its optlan, make additionat and futun adwnca and n- <br /> adw�cM to Borrow�r.Such advanees and r�advanc�i,with intenst th�rwn,sh�ll be secured by thls DMd of Trust At no Um�shalt <br /> - thr prinCfpN amount oHh�Ind�bbdn�ss s�cured by Mf�Oesd ot Trutt,not includin sum�advanced to probct th�Ncurlty of thls <br /> = ONd d Trwt,�xewd th�orlpiml p►InalpRl�mount statsd heroin,or S 65.000.80 whiehevK i��red�r. , -. <br /> � , • <br /> --_— <br /> .� - -- - --- ----- <br />