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.� T � yrr• . --- <br /> � '•_ <br /> � f '�1 .�'�"'s,1u,:�,- <br /> .�",�;.f '=� <br /> t •i+wr-.^;�_-;: <br /> _ L�.���..�: , • 9�_ 1�1 � <br /> 'lYX3S'fHBR WITH dl�he impoovana�u now or ha�fter crected on the prnpaty. �nd�ll Mremerw��PPu�teruaca.add <br /> fl:turet naw or IKrcaRer • p�rt of the property. All rcpi�nents rnd �dditlau dtdl �Iw be ooverod by thli Seauity <br /> leiwment.Ait of the foregoin�i�neferred w in thi�Security imtniment a�the"Prnperty • <br /> 80RRUW8R COVSNANTS ttuit Bc�muwer i�lawfldly ui�ed of thc a►nto hereby conveyod�nd tw�the d�ht to gru�t and <br /> oonvey the Property and ttu�t the Property is unerkwmberod. eacept for encumbruk�af rccoM. Horrower w�rruuc and will <br /> defa�d�tnerally the dde ro thc Propetiy y�airut all cldms and derrwndx.subject to uny encumbru�ces of rocord. <br /> THIS SEC:URITY INSTRUMENT combina uniform cavc�anu for rwiotul use and non•u�dfam wvaunts with limited <br /> _____. _______, vari�tbns by juricdiafun to oons�titute A unifartn secudty insttumer►t oovering tral propert,y. <br /> UNIFORM COVEIVANTS. Barrowcr�nd l.encler cavenant and a�ra as followi: <br /> _ 1. Paymeat ot P�inclpl aad Iata+dti p►'eWymeot �qd I.ate Cb�rQa. Borrowcr slwll promptly pay when due the <br /> principrl of xnd interest on the debt evidcnced by the Note a�d any prepryment and late ctwges due under thc Note. <br /> E. El�od�tor Taxee and Inweana.Subject to applicabie law or to a wdtten waiver by Lender, Borrower sludl pay to <br /> Lrnder on the day monthly payments aro due under the Notc,until the Note is pqid in full,A sum('Funcis")for.(a)yearly taaea <br /> a�d xsse�nents wbich rrwy atuin pdority ovcr this Securlty Instrument ac a licn on thc Property;(b)yearly leaschotd paymenw <br /> or ground rcnts on the Propeny.lf any;(c)yu►rly hazard or property insurance premiums:(d)yculy flood insurance prcmiums, <br /> if any;(e)yearly mongagc insurar�ce promiums, if�ny; and(�nny sums payable by Borrowcr to l.ender, in accordance with <br /> the pmvisions of parAgraph 8,in lieu of the paynxnt of martgage insurance premiums.These items ue callod'Escrow Items.' <br /> Lender m�y, at iu►y time,colixt and hold Funds in un wtaunt not to cxcodd the maximum amount a Icndcr for a federolly <br /> related mortgage loan may rnquirc for Borrowcr's escrow accuunt undcr the federul Itcal E.state Settlement Procodures Aci of <br /> 1974 ac ettxnded from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 er seq. ('RESPA").unless anather law that applies to the Funds <br /> -- - - --- sets a les.ur amount. If so. L.ender may. et any time, collect arxi hold Funds in �n Artxwnt not to excood the lacser amcwnt <br /> Lender may estimate the anwunt of Funds duc on thc basis of cucrent data and reawnablc estimates of cxpenditures of futurc <br /> Escrow Items or othenvise in accordance with applicuble law. <br /> — The Funds shall be held in un institution whose deposits are insured by u fodernl agency, instn►mentality, or entity <br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lendcr shall apply the Funds to pay ti�c <br /> Escrow Items. L.ender may nat cha�ge Borrower far holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzins the exrow account.or <br /> verifying thc Escrow Items. unlcss Lcnder pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lendcr to makc such <br /> a charge. However,I.ender mxy require Horrower to pay a one-time etwrge for an independent real estate tax reporting service <br /> used by Lender in connection with this loan. unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless xn agreement is made or <br /> applicable law requires intcrest to be paid,I.ender shall not be requirod to pay Borrowcr any interest ar camings on the Funds. <br /> __ _-- - _-_ Bnrmwer and l.cnder tnuy stgrec in writing,however,that interest shall be paid on thc Funds. Lcnder shall givc to Borrower, <br /> wit4►M�t�harge, en anmu�l acrnunting of the Funds. showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purposc for which each <br /> - -- _'�•� debit to the Funds was nwde.The Funds am plvdged as sidditionul security for atl sums secured by this Security Instrument. <br /> -"�.__'==o�1}4S7 <br /> �_"'�' � If the Funds held by Le��der exceed the amounts permitted to hc held by applic•rble law.Lender shall account to Borrower <br /> '�`"''�'a��.`�'j for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicablr law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any <br /> i+�, ..i�r. '.. <br /> �S'�''�,�;.��: time is not sufficient to pay the Eccrow Items�vhen due, L.end�r may so natify &�rrower in writing,nnd,in such cace Borcower <br /> ��y�y;:�,.,';�' shali pay to I.ender the arnount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more ttwn <br /> .`�.`.-'"'°;r • . twelve monthly payments,at I.ender's s�lc discretion. <br /> �M�^^�°"'-�''"°r"'- U n ment in full of all tiums secured b thiti Sccurit [mtrument. L.cndcr shall rom tl� refund to Borrower an <br /> n,. P� PaY Y Y P P 3 Y <br /> �,.�;;`.i;;f'��'' Funds held by I.ender. If,under paragraph 21.Lender shall•rcyuirc or�ell the Prnpeny, Lender,prior to the acquixition or sale <br /> ����'•''•'�'� � of the Pro rt shap a 1 an Fundti held b L.erxicr at thc timc��f Lc ui,ition or wle Us u credit A umst thc�ums secured b <br /> i. r-... .,,...,•�,r. P� Y• ' PP Y Y Y 9 R � Y <br /> '"� ' this Sccurity Instrunxnt. _. <br /> �" ' '': <br /> „� ,;,:�: 3.Applicatlon of Payments.Unicss applirablc law pruvidcs�itherwi�c,ull paymcnt,mceived by Lcnder undcr paragraphs <br /> ��• �►�,'y I and 2 shall be upplied:first,to any prepayment charFeti due under the Note; xcur�d, to umountti payable under paragraph 2; <br /> :��+�=r-"' :, interest duc:fourth,to p�incipal duc:and I•rxt,to•rny 1•rtc churgc.Juc unJrr thc Notc. <br /> �`�>`�".;` �.. 4.Charg�; I.iens.Borrowcr,halt pay all taxc,, a.rc��ment.,chargc., tinc.and impnitionn attributable to the Property <br /> '"`'"'� which ma attuin riorit nvcr thi.Sccurit In.trumcnt, and Ic:i�chold r mrnt� ur rounci rcn[., if an B�xmwcr shnll a <br /> �� ; -�'•.� Y P Y Y P'Y F Y• P Y <br /> �'�•�'%;- � these obligations in the nwnner provid�Yi in parugr•rph 2,or iC nc�t p•rid in that mannrr. B��rr��wrr,hull pay thcrn on time directly <br /> �.. ., .. .. . <br /> -� -',L�'.-.�'., . to the person oweci payment. &urower shaU promptly furnitih to Lctxler ull notirc�rt amounh tu tx paid undcr this parugraph. <br /> �z--• <br /> ._;:... . . <br /> — If Bormwcr makc�thctic paymcnt�dircrdy.Bc�rrowcr�hall pr�miptly f'urnish to I.cndrr rccciptti reidenring thc paynKnts. <br /> ";�,_�'. . Borrowcr shol!pmmptly diKhurgc uny licn whi.h ha.priority uvcr thi,S��urity Intitrunknt unlc�+Burr�iwcr:(a>agrecti in _ <br /> _�-���__=.+�: writing to the payment of the oMliFation krurcd by the lien in a mannrr ucceptahlc to Lcnder:th)rantcst�in gc►od faith thc licn <br /> ��°�^—'��_��_� by, or defends againtit enforcement of thr lien in, Iegal pr�x�tiding�. which in the Ixndrr'� upinion operate to prcvent the - <br /> �,:•�� --- <br /> _ <br />