,1�� � -,.- °. 'F'r.
<br /> - � -�-� •t V `-'.Y �--�
<br /> � . •,w,
<br /> :� I ♦..I ,a � . . _ _ . _. _ -baj•1, . .
<br /> _� � . .. _— — _ __ --_ _
<br /> _��....� �-� 94-1oosis
<br /> ' 17.Tra�rter ot tbe Propa�ty ar�Beneflctal Interat ia ilo�rower. If afi ur a�ry purt of thc Property ur�ny intcrcst in it
<br /> i`u�ld ar tr�nuferraf(ur if w bcnefid�l interest in Born►wcr is K►Id or tran+ferre�!wiul H��rrower ir.�xu a�wturyl per�m)wittwut
<br /> l.etxicr'r priur written c�NUent, 1.enJer nwy, at its uption. requirc imn�rclf�tc puymcnt in full ��f wll sumr �ocurai by this
<br /> • Sau�lty Inctrunxnt. Nuwever.thir nption Yiwli�wt be exerrire�by Lender ff exerci►c ia prahibit�xl by fcclerKl Irw�r af the d�tc
<br /> of thix Srcurity Inxtiument.
<br /> If Len�kr exerriser thiz upticm,l.cnder tihuU glvc&►rn►wer ruHirc of wcrcicr�tion.7'hc no�irc xhuU provide u perfud of not
<br /> le+�� ihxn 3U drya fmm ttu dutc thc iuHir� i►�Jcliveral��r nwiled within which Borrowcr mu�t pay ull wms ticcurccl by thic:
<br /> Sau�ity Inxtrumcnt.lf&►rrowcr fuils tn puy ih�,c�um.prior tu thc cxplrxdun of this�xrial, I.c►xfcr nwy invokc u�ry rcnxclieti
<br /> permittcd by thiw Srcurlty Itutnuuent withuut fu„hcr�wtice or Jenwixi on&�rrower.
<br /> �'°'— 18. Hurrower's Rlgbt to Rdnct�tr. if Ii�►rcowcr uuc�� ccrtutn randittims, &�rruwcr +hall huvc the right a� havc
<br /> =�_-------� �
<br /> --- enfi�rccmcm ��f this Sccarity Insuvnxnt diKUniinual �t uny ttnk prlur t�� thc carlier ot: (u)S dayx (ur such othcr periud u�
<br /> applicubic luw muy spccify for rcinstutenunt) Ixfiuc wle of thc Pri�peny pursuant t�i any Ex►wer uf sale cantui�xxl in this
<br /> — °' Sccurity Instrumcnt;or(b)entry of a judgment enfi►rcing thi�S�tiurity lntitrument.Th��x conditinns are that&irrowcr:(u)puys _��
<br /> -.. Lender ull sums which then wcwld be due under this S�curlty fast�ument un�i the Note as if no uccelerutinn hud cxcurr��l; (bi
<br /> - — cures nny default of uny ather coveuants or agreementti; (r> pays ull expenser incurred in enfi�rcing thir Scrurity Intitrume�t. �___
<br /> including, but nnt limited to, reasonable uuorncys' feeti;and td) tukes surh artion as L.e�tdcr may rcasonubly require to ussure
<br /> ----- that thc lien af this Securiry Instrument, Le�xler's rights in the Property and Borrower'x obligution to pay the sums tiecured t,y
<br /> ���� this Sccurity Instrument shull cantinuc unchungai. Upon �cinstutcmcnt by &�rrowcr, this Sccurity In+trumrnt and thc -
<br /> obligutions scxured hereby shull remnin fully effcctive ax if no accelerutian hud occunai. However, this rlght to reinstute shall
<br /> ;����� not apply in the case of acccicration undcr paragraph 17. __
<br />— -�.,,,,,,,,,r 19. Ssde of Note= Change ot Y.oan Sewicer. The Note or a partirl intcrest in the N�ite (toge[her with this Security
<br /> ;,,�• ,,,,.w;;—� InstrumcnU may bc sold onc or morc times without prior noticc to Bnrrowcr. A sulc may rc+ult in u changc in thc cntiry(known
<br /> � ��y%' a�the"[.oan Servicer")that collects monthly puyments due under the Nnte und this Security Instrument.Thcre also may be one
<br /> , �; � or more changes oP the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is u change af the I.oan Servicer,&irrower wifl be _
<br /> � .,..,,...:",i�:.�.. given written notice of the change in accordance with paragrAph 14 above und applicablc law. The notice will stute the name And �--
<br /> ������:y��� address of the new Loan Servicer and tha address to which payments should be muda The nrnire will alsa contuin uny other `_`Y
<br /> _}�;. �i���::' information re uired b a licable luw. "--�
<br /> crn.,
<br /> ��..ti:`.�:t'��.: . s. 9 Y PP
<br /> f:•�••'rK;:�.a•>,�x�x•„. 20. Hazardous Substanees. Borrower sh:tll not cuuse or permit the presence, use, dis�xisul, storuge, or releuse of any —�
<br /> "•`• `� ' Hu•ra►rdous Substunces on or in the Pro rt BaROwcr shall not da, nor �Ilow an anc clsc ta do, anythin affectin thc �•'?�
<br /> . 'rr�,, :•.�, .:•r...'., P� Y• Y F R
<br /> ;:.,�►?,t�',,,,,;,�•.���.,,` Property that is in violatian ofany F.nvironmental !_.aw. Tlle preceding two,entences shuU not uppiy tn the presence, usc. or "'
<br /> _ storage on thc Property of smull quantitics of Hazardous Substuncex that are gencrully recognizcd to be appropriute ti�normal �•�
<br /> ..:.,�::�'• ���:;: , :,�..
<br /> . ;�:i<<�;�:h�•:..�';:.;,i.?:; residential uses and to maintenance of the Praperty.
<br /> `����' ° � ' ' Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigution, claim, dcmand, luwsuit or other uction by any
<br /> .:.:;_.��:,�:. :.
<br /> '���;'�'�''��:�' ��°..; �� �!� �avemmental or resulutory agency ar privAte party involving the Property und uny H:uurdous Substuncc or Envir�mmcntul Law
<br /> :� �!'�•r"�• '���';_. of which Borrowcr has actuni knc�wlcdgc. if Borrowcr Icurns,ar is nodGcd by uny govrrnmenwl or rrgulatory uutlu�rity, thut —
<br /> ,�'��, " � an removal or other remediatian of•rn H:u.urdouti Subst•rnce uffectin�the Pro n i�neccrsu &xrowcr tihull rum U twke �'•`
<br /> ,r.f�;:s:.,;..�r: :�.:�.. Y Y b P� Y • rY� n P Y
<br /> all nece.sary remedial actionti in accnrJan�e with Envirunn�enrrl Law. ----
<br /> oii�i�1o'�scu��„_ As uscd in this paregraph 20, "H;uurdous Substunccs" urc thosc�ub+trnces dctined ati toxir nr hu�arduu� substunrc� bv
<br /> . �^�ar r n Environmcntul I.aw und thc t<�Ilowing �ub��uncc�: guwlinc, krru:cnr, othcr tla�nmuhlc ur tuxir �xtrulcum pnxfurt., tuxir
<br /> � 1�� �' ' �x:sticiJc�und hcrbiciJcs, vulatilc s�ilventti. matcriul.rantuining utilxstu�ur firrnwldchydr.anJ raJi��artivc mutcrial,.A�u�r� in -
<br /> ' . thi+ purugruph 20. "Envirnnnnnwl law" mcam fcdcrul laws und �uw.of thc juriuliction whcrc thc 1'�rqxrly i� I�xutcd thut e':'�
<br /> . rclute to heulth,wfcry ur enviromnentai prutectiun.
<br /> � '• . ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANT3. R�irrowcr un�l I.cndcr furthcr covcnant und ug�.c u�ti►Iluw+:
<br /> h 21.Accr,lerAtian;Remedies. IAndcr shail uive nodce to BorroK•er prior ta�ccderutinn fi�Uow•in}�13orroKCr's bnuch �-=
<br /> � . at any rnven�nt or agreement in thix kruritv Intitrument (but nut priur to vcccteration undcr pxr�Kr�ph t7 unleti.r• E`��
<br /> , ��Y• -• • . Appltcable Iww provid� otherwise). The notice xhull sperify: (�)the defeult; (b) the action reyuired to cure the def�ult:
<br /> ;J•�•;,,,; � ..,. , (c)st date� not I�s th�n 30 duys from the dnte the nutice is�;iven to 13orrower,by which the defuult must t�r cured:und �'-=-�'
<br /> _ �,�4,,�r�..�.;,���,� (d) ttutt fwilure to cure the def�ult on or before tiu dutr specifled in the notice muy result in accrleration of the sums �-�=
<br /> ��� •:.�• • secured by thts Security Instrument and sWle of the I'roperty. The notice shuU further infircm Iiorrawer nf thc ri�ht to �
<br /> �"` � .°�••'. . ' rcinstate after acceleration and the right to brin�u court uctinn to as�ert the non-existence of a default or uny othcr -''
<br /> � ' ' . , defen.se of Borrnwer to acecleration and sale. If the default is not cur��d on or hefi�re the dute specified in the notice, �'"
<br /> . � •'�M��° Lender. at its optton, mu�� requirc immediate payment in full of ull sums s�rur��d Hy this Security Inctrument without ---
<br /> --� • �, further demand and may invokr the power of sale and any othcr remedics permitted bv appU��ablc law. I.endcr shall bc ""
<br /> . � ���;±••�� , entiNed to collect all expensc�s incurrcNl in purtiuin�thc remedies pmvidrd in this paru};ruph 21.includin�.but not limited _
<br /> I`= to,reasonable attorneys•fees and costs of tiUc evidence. �Y-
<br /> ��"`• ' lt thc powcr of salc is invokccl, Trustcc shull rccord u nnticc of default in cuch count3� in a�hich any part of the ���
<br /> �'.`f,: ' Prnperty is Icxated and shall mail copi��of such notice in the munner prexcrlbed by uppllcuNle laµ•to Borrnw•er Hnd to "•--
<br /> �..��' . the other persons prescribed by applicuble Is�w.After the time reyuired by appliruble luw•,Tru+t�r shall�Ive public nutice F�'`�-
<br /> ' � �' � �,�,• of�le to the persons and in the manmr pr�wcritxd bv applicublc Is�e•. 7'rustce. without demund on B��rrowcr,tihull scll ---
<br /> .: �� ;..r•,..f.,..� a�� :.
<br /> -'��� * :,;,;..,.•._::.. the Property at public aucHon to the highest bidder ut the dme�►nd pluce and under the termti d��ignuted in the natice of
<br /> •. ,;��;1; •�., sale in onc or more p�rccls and in any nrdcr Trustec detcrn�inez. Trustcr may postpnne sule nf ull nr unr• purrcl of the =-
<br />- ' _ --�°°_•-• Property by public announcement at thc time and plucc oP uny previoutilv uheduled tialc. lAndcr or its d�wi�;nce may �.a:_
<br /> _.-;i'� _: purchase the Property at ony salc. ---
<br />�:r.:-�7�R�� ��:��;x _=
<br /> ���;,.fn"" _
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