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ti � �__ .. <br /> +s _ <br /> i. , � ,. i�.: ,_ <br /> � ' _ <br /> --'- . r.- �„Yr�. <br /> TDQSTHEIt WI'1'H dl the impn,venwMi�ww or lwwAer ete�;ted on the prc�peny,rr�d�l��t��N�.�nd <br /> . tixtura naw or henrher N �ui at Ihe IHa�rtY. All ropl�oenwntr rrd wWitkxw rtiall �Iw b� wvwrd by thlw Sxudty <br /> ' Irruuman.All of tha faro�oin�i�roferrod p�fn�hl�Seru�ty Inrtrumont a�tho'PropsrtY.' <br /> � DORROWBJt CUVBNANTS th�t Borrawer is I�wfblly Mi�ed of iho aWe hereby uonveyed aixt har the ri�ht to�r�nt�nd <br /> ; oanvey the Property�nd th�t dK: Propeny Ir uner�cumberod,exaq for encumbr�uxe�af rcu�rd, gurruwer warnuu�and will <br /> � defend�ener�lly the dde Iu the Praperty�dnrt dl clafrra wd denuu�da.subJect to rny a�xumbranrc►oP roc�rd. <br /> � TH(S 5ECURITY tNSTItUMENT a�mbiner unifarm caveruuus for rwtion�l u�e anct non-unifornt covetunts wlth limited <br /> � variuiont by Ju�isdicKion ro conctitute a uniform recurity instniment coverin�reai property. <br /> � IJNIPQRM C.OVF.NANTS. Bormwer end/ender rnvenant and agra�followw: __ <br /> j 1. P�ymeat o�Priactpd and Intenyti Prep�yment �ad I.�te Char�w. Burrower shYtl promptly pay when due the <br /> ipr�ncipal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under thc Note. <br /> , 2. F'und�for Tazea and Inwr�noe. Subj�xt to applicablc law or to a written waiver by Lendcr, Borrowcr shull pAy to <br /> � Lcnder on the day manthly payments are due under tha Kote.until the Note is puid in full.a sum("Punds")for:(a)yearly tues <br /> � and essessments which ma�attain priodty over this Socurity Inswment as a licn on the Property:(b)yeurly Ica.cchold payments <br /> , or grc►und rents on the Property,if uny;(c)yearly hazacd or property insurance premiums:(d)yearly flood insurance prcmiwns. <br /> if any;(e)yearly mongage insurance premiums.if any;und(� any sums payable by &►rrower to I.ender, in accordance with <br /> •— • the provfsionc of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These items are called"Exrow Items." <br /> Lender may. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an emount not to exceed the muximum amount a Iender for u federally <br /> rclated mortgage loan may requfre for Borrower's cscrow account under the federal Rcal Estate Settlement Procedures Act of <br /> 1974 as stmcnded frqm tircK to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that applies to the Funds <br /> - . aets a lesser amount. If so, Lender may, at any time. callect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount. <br /> — - I.e��der may estimate the amount of Funds duc on thc basis of currcnt duta and reasonable estjmutes of expenditures af future <br /> �; Escrow Items or othcrwisc in accordance with applicablc law. <br /> � The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by o foderal agency, instrumentality, or cntit,y <br /> (incladinb I.ender,if I,ender is such an lnstitution)or in any Federal Hotne Loan Bank. Lendcr shall apply the Funds to pay the <br /> -'e:' Escrow Itenis. Lender may not charge Barrawer for holding and applying the Funds,annually unalyzing the e�crow account,or <br /> _ verifying the Escrow Items,unless L.cnder pays Borrower tnterest on the Funds and Applicable law permits I.cnder to make such <br />��� A charge. Howcver, I.ender may require Borcower co pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate tax rc�rting service <br />- ?' ; usod by L.ender in connection with this loan. u�less applicable law provides atherwise. Unless en agreement is made or <br /> ;� ';�`:;;,%:; applicable law requires interest to be paid, I.cndcr shall not t>e required to pay 13orrower any interest or eamings on the Funds. <br /> � ,,R;;; � $orrower and l.ender may agree in writtng,however, that intcrest shall be paid nn thc Funds. l.ender shall give to Borrower, <br /> '�� � +� '� i without charge, an unnuul accounting of the Funds, showing credits unci debits to thc Funds and the purpose for whieh each <br /> '�� _- - Lf� __ �yiz ta ihe Fund�uas rieade. The�unQs arr led ed ns addi4'sons!sccarit for a!!sums securac!4� this SPcarit [nstru�nt. <br /> -� :,�: y...:._�,�s���d,;. � S Y Y Y <br /> ••:��>;.".r�t.;�.• If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts perniitteJ ta be held by upplicable law.Lender shull account to Borrower <br /> �`:'`:;�`� ;''fs`` for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. if the amoum of the Fundr held by I.ender at any <br /> . 4r1�.. <br /> • '��`+��,���a" time is not sufGcient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lcnder muy so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such cuse Borrower <br /> ��^��'•� ��'�` shall pay to I.cndcr the umount necessury to malcc up the deficicncy. &�rrower rhull n�ake up thc deficiency in no mor� than <br /> - .�xr�,�'.�'�.• .;; twelvc monthly payments,at L.endcr'�u►Ic discrcti�n. <br /> :�;,,'`'�-�`` ';��`'�" Upon payment in full of all .um, ucured by thts Security Inurument, l.cndcr shall promptly refund to &irrower uny <br /> ,: " �` "".� Funds held by Le�xier.If,undcr p•rr•rgr•rph 21, I.cndcr xhull aryuirc or KII thc Pr�iExrty, lAnder,prl�ir t�i thc acyui�ition or wle <br /> ., "'�r•r,•..�;.,.�-i . <br /> of thc Pmperty,shall apply any Fu�xln c�ld by LcnJer ut thc timc uT nryuitiition�ir wlc as a crcdit ugeimt thc�umx xccur�by <br /> N�.,,r:•� -�,•,�'';= thi�Security Inxtrur�xnt. <br /> _,...__,.�__,. <br /> -•..ti�;� 3.AppUcatlon af Rtyments.Unlctiti applir•rble luw pr��vides othcrwi.c,ull paymrnts receivcd by I.enJer under paragraphy <br /> �' ���r l and 2 shall bc u licd: first,to un r� r nu;nt chur��.duc urxlcr thc N��tc; +crund, tu anwunts a ablc wxicr uru�r.� h 2; <br /> �t�^•� �:� PP Y p 'P'Y b'� p'Y p b'p <br /> •'"`''"" '"' third,to intemst duc:fiwrth, tu principal duc:uruf la.t,to uny latc ch•rrgc�duc unJcr thc Natc. <br /> '"�'"`"' 4.Ciwrges; I.icac. Borrower tihrll pay ull taxes, as.rcr�ments, rhargc., finc�uixl im{x»itiims uttributabic to thc Propeny <br /> which muy uttain priority over this Sccurity Intitrument, und Ica+ehuld paynxnts or gr�wnd rents, if any. Bcirrower shall pay <br /> •=_��^ these obligations in the nwnner pr��vidal i�i purugraph 2,or if not paiJ in th:�t manner, &�rrowcr shall pay them an timc directly <br /> ,t;...,.. <br /> � °'�`'':""''�:'''' to the penon owcd paymcnt. Borrower xhatl prompdy furnish to L,endrr all ni�tires�if amuunt+t��tx paid under this parugrnph. - <br /> . �%�'±��•^'°-�'-- If Borrower makes the.tie a n�ents direrd Borrower shull rom tl furai�h to IAnder recei t��videncin�the ment�. <br /> - -....,�... P'Y Y• P P Y P b F�Y <br /> Borrower shall prompdy dixharge uny licn whirh has priority uvcr thi,Sccurity In.trunxnt unlc,i Borrower: (a)•rgrecs in <br /> ��i'�. writing to the payment of the obtigation securcxi by thr lien in�mumur acreptrblc tu lander;(h)contests ir�gcxxi taith the lien <br /> _____ by. or dcicnds agAinst enforcement of thc lien in, leg•rl pmrrrdings whirh in thc l.endcr'. upinion �,perate to prevent the <br /> �'�";���`•�"'� enforcement af the lien;or(r)sexures from thc holder of the licn un agrecnunt wti�l'actury t�� Lendcr wbordinating the lien to <br /> ��. ��� this Security Instrument. If I.ender dctcrmines that any part of the Prupcny is tiubjcct to a licn which may :�ttain priority over <br /> � ''` ` this Securit Instrament, Lender ma ive &irrower a nnticc idcntif tn�thc licn. &�rrowcr�huli xatixf thc lien or take onc or <br /> -����� r y s r' � Y <br /> more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of nuticc. <br /> � Form 3028 91�0 <br />...•f - Pp�4 016 <br /> ,�:� ' <br /> -:� <br /> _-� <br /> _ .._. _ ------��_'�'-_..�. . - — :� .�.-�.------�- <br /> __- � '� ` �yl: y��vl�."" <br /> - - �- - , . . _ .. ��..;...x y...�+..., _. _. . <br /> — - -�z.c�_' � ��•—:r_�aai_°?i�i�'�C'�s�:..z-. � . : . . <br /> -_�+�.tt.»�L4a`.�.x.�..r, -'L— �.�r'i.i'+:A�!�,.�_w�+we��-°- <br /> .__ . -- - -�--- -------- ---- ------,... . . - -_- -- <br /> .y��„ -„�- . _ . � . �:..°»:•:Lf::�f�'`:'�. ::S..n. �.ir:";' . - • . <br /> -- -- •��,!{w'Y'1''�' t• :Y� . � - ' . . �>�v�.. � li t.a':;'a, , . , . <br /> `�'�'•.:�� ..rI�L�Nw w. . � . . , . ..{:i_LI�^� ri7�31 a`:A.'��:!- . <br /> ; '�.. . � • .� � I ��8L�1&�•'=w ..,�y _ <br /> ' �:t�',,tRs�'�t�.h.. . . , ._�r c : . <br /> --.._.-`��3�v:�'�' �t77'""_-"'?'"..=r��notu:a�... .:. �' :.ToM.:: .. ,. . - . <br /> ' �=�1.^�'�1T�{�i���.°�•��:Li'w� 'Iqi.'',_f.,._...� _.�i.�.. . .."'�t�,,. , � . r. -��_. <br />