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�� . ��Y. , '' -` :� <br /> ,_,� ' . `r:_�:;,�.�. <br /> ,_� .�,w�.� __ .- � e�j�>is,. <br /> �:i�� � e• .__ ___. <br /> -.' �_—� ..t� • � <br /> � :94- soosx.i <br /> Kpplic�bk IAw mxy spoclfy fur rcins�wtamcnU bc:furc cule of thc Propeny punuAnt to any powcr af xalc containcd in this <br /> Socurity Inswmcnt;cx(b)cntry��f�jud�ment enforcin�this 5erudty Inxuument. 'I7►osc conditjons arc th�t Borrower. (a) <br /> p�y� I..cnder�II yuma which then wautd bc due undcr this Security Insuument and thc Note Ar 1f no accelc�adon h�d <br /> ixcumed;(b)curcc uny dcfauit of'uny athc�eovenunte or a�rcemcnts;(c)p�ye all expcnses incurrcd in enfurcing¢his Security <br /> Instcument, including,but not limitai tn,rwsonable wttomeyc'fa�: wxf (d) takes such octiun as l.ender may rou�nably <br /> rcquirc to�xruro t}wt the lirn of this Security Instrument.I.ender b dght�in thc Praperty und Bomuwer's abligat3un to pay thc <br /> :uma securcd by thi: Security In�uwnent shall cantinue unchanQod. Upan rcinctatement by Boirower. thic Secudty <br /> _-� _ _� Insuument and the oblfgutions socurcd htrcby xhull remain Pully effective as if no�cceleratlnn had occurrod. However,�his � <br /> — ri�ht ta roinxtatc shall nM apply in t&ca+e of ucccicration undcr paragruph 17. <br /> _ — 19, 3�1e ot Note;Chan�e ot I..o�n Servlcer. 'fhe Notc or e purtiul intcrc�t in thc Notc(togethc�wllh this Secudty <br />- •• Instrument) may be sald one or morc times withaut pdor notice to Borrower. A salc may result in a chau�gc i�the endly <br /> - --_ (known as the"L.oan Servicer")that collects monthly puymenta due ander the Note and this Security Instrument. There ulw <br /> _-- --�� may be one or more ch�nges of the Loan Servicer unmlated to a sule of thc Note. If thcre is a change of the Loan Secvicer. <br /> Borcower will be given written nattco of the change in accordnnce with paragraph 14 above und upplicuble law. The nolice <br /> -- will stute thc namc und uddress of thc new Loun Scrvicer and thc address to which puyments shoutd bc mudc. The notice will <br /> � -� alsa contnin any other infarmAtion required by upplicable Iaw. <br /> --- - 20. H�rdons�Subetances. Barrower shall nat cause or permit the presence, use,di�pasal,staage,or release of any <br /> �„_„� Hazardous Substances an or in the Praperty. Harrower shuU not do,nor allow unyone else to do, anything affecting the <br /> Property that is in vialatton of any Envir4nmentul Luw. The preceding two sentences shall not upply ta the pre.cence,use,or <br /> ---- �— <br />