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,��_ . . <br /> , � 9�4-� ipp�g� <br /> 'I�OBTNBR WiTH all the impmvcmnnn now or herafter erocted on the propeRy. wd dl eakmentr� ri�ht.�, <br /> �ppuetr.�i�i�oa►,rents.rnyahien.minernl.oil ond Qw N�hu�nd pnnfit�.wuer rfyht�wxi aock and dl fiswra now or heroaftar� <br /> ., put oP the property. All rcpl�cemeM� and additians�lu�ll da be a�ova�ed by this Socudty Inurunxnt. All of the fon�oir� i� <br /> rofemed ta(n thb Securiry Inawment os Ila"Pmpcnty." � <br /> BORROWER COVENANT3 Uwt Borrower i�Iwwfully rcisad of It�c cstatc hereby mnveycd wnd h�x the rlght to Qmnt w�d <br /> wnvey the Pro{xrty and thAt�he Property i�unerrcumberod,eaoept for encumbranccs of rocord. eomuwer wur�nu iud will . <br /> dcfend�cnesnlly tbs tide w thc Property a�ainst�II rleima and demanda,subject to�ny encumbrancee of reau+d. <br /> 1.Payment ot PrlryclpW,IatercW and I.ate C6�ry[e.Ban�nwer�Iwll pay when duo�he pdncipal of.�nd interort on.�ho <br /> debt evWencad by 1he Noto ond I�to ch�rya dua under the Nate. <br /> 2. Monthly Paymmts ot Twces, Insurnnce and 01ha' CIu�rRec. Bonower shull include in each monthly payment, <br /> together wlth the princlpal ond interest as set fohh in Ihe NcNe and any late chnrges,an installment of any(a)laxes and special <br /> assessmema levi�d or to be levied egafnct 1he Property. (b) le�eelwld paymentr or Qround t�enta on tho PropeAy. and (c) <br /> prcmiums ior incurAnce roquiad by para�rapl�4. <br /> Each monthly installment for items(a).Ib),end(c)sholl equal one-twel8h of the onnual rcasanably estimuted <br /> by an amount suf8clent to malntein an additionAl balence of not more�hen une-sixth oP the estimuted amountx.The <br /> full annual amount for each item shall be �ccu�nulated by Lerder within a per�od ending one month bePorc an item would <br /> become delinqucnt. Lender rhall hold tha arnount� uoltected in truat to pay itemc laf. (bf. +uid (c) bcione they b�xome <br /> dclinqucnt. <br /> If at any time the total af thc puyments held by L.ender for items (a), (b), nnJ (c). togeth�r with the future monthly <br /> paymenls for such item.�payable ta I.ender prior to the due dates of such items.exceeds by mare than one-sixth the estimaled <br /> amaunt af�ayments required to pay such items when due,and if payments an the Nwe ure current, then L.ender shall either <br /> retund the exces�over one-sixth oP the estimaued payments or credit the excess over one-six�h af the estirtwted payments to <br /> � subsequent payments by Barrower,at the option of Borrower. if the total of the payments mude by Bormwer Por item(a),(b), <br /> • or (c) is insuificient to pay the item when due. then Bormwer �h�ll pay to L.ender any emount ncxessa�y to make up the <br /> deficiency on nr bofore the date the item ba:amKS due. <br /> As ueui i�t ihie Se�.�urity Itit,tntmeni. "Sccrctary•' mcans ih¢Secretary of Ho�.sing asu!Urbsn ikveloptncnt or hls or her <br /> designee. !o any year in which the Lender must pay a morigage insurnnce premium ta the Secretary, each monthly payrn�nt <br /> shall also include eithar:(i)un ins�allment of thc annuul monguge insurance premium to be paid by l.ender to the Secretary, or <br /> (ii) a monthly charge insteud oT a mortguge insurance premium if this Security Inslrument ic held by the Secretary. Ench <br /> monthly inxtallment of the mortgage inwrutxe premium shnll t�e in un amount sufficient to uccumulute the full unnual monguge <br /> insurwnce premium with l.ender one month prior to thc dute the full unnual mortgugc inxurunce premium is due to the Secretary, <br /> or if this Security Instrument ia held by the Secretary. es�ch manthly churge shull be in un �unount equal to one-twelflh of <br /> one-half percent af the outstanding principul bulunce due on the Note. <br /> If B�irrower tenders�o Lender Ihe full puymem of ull xums secureJ by thiti Security instrument, Borrower's account shall <br /> be cralited with the balunce remaining for all installments far items (u). (b), unJ (r)und any mortguge insurrnce premium <br /> installment that Lender hos not bernmc obliguted to pay to the Secretary,and I.�:nJcr�hull promptly refund nny excess funds to <br /> Borrower. Immediutely prior to u fareclosure xale of ihe Property or i�s acquirition by l.ender, Bnrcower's accaunt shall be <br /> credited with any bulunce renmining for ull installments for items la),(b),und(c). <br /> 3.Appllcation ot Poyments.All pAyments under parugruph� 1 und 2 ahull be appli�!by Lender ac iollows: <br /> First, to Ihe mortguge insurunce premium tn be puid by L.emlcr to die S��crewry ur tu�he nx►nthly chargc by the Secreuiry <br /> instead of the monthly mortguge insuruncc pre�nium: <br /> uny toxes.special asxessmeMs,lcasehnld puyn�entti nr ground rcnts,and tire, tlood und rnher huzurd insuranco <br /> premiums,uc requircd: <br /> imerest due under�he Note; <br /> ['ourth,to amonizution of thc prinripal�.f�hc Nutc; <br /> late charges due under the Notc. <br /> ��RINEI vw�aot e <br /> •� . <br /> - r�. cp+f ^i.�n .,...r,..�--- •— . : .. - .�_�,,:•s�ay� �.•x <br /> _ dy ��^�_.p:�r � � , _ -� � u-. ,-��.,� �� � � y!!...., q�. -a <br /> �r��S{/M1�� F^T' � _.�' "L1Y J'` _ . �w�r�p'�V <br /> �� } '�'�" ¢,-� �•• ],d2..'S tbCAM.LH'^k�� N <br /> - jr .a. .- .. t..` ����.R±Y�is��r.r�34e'� �+�.a...i._••idLby��AL�4 4:� . <br /> _— --.,ft�:..�tX_:�i��:".r,u.S,�ssfF..S'� . . ...�4�d�l.tidd~ic�l_ _�_2it.��i�{�f���_i��.,.. .,. <br /> — _ � 'a � � � ' ar�.�r'�'L^'�u• .� y,:�{�Sd.t�.J7.".�ti�yr"�'s�e <br /> ''''`,t,� .�ar 1 '.,iJk�{ �y � <br /> - - ,��44'1r�'Y � r�1'�� .. Y Vl'�'Y� } . . N'�r�(,,w�'i•::.�Uy r i "'.�. .. . . _. <br /> :hi1] i.. t� ° -�- a � . 4��?� ow., •.. .. . <br /> -u �i�! 1 �. �.at-y.� :�i e.�-. � r n:i. i ' S %�� C * ��: . . . <br /> --- �- .r 1 zA �tllti '� � 4 1� - - <br /> . .-_ .c.l'}���y��-k .,u' �'-F +u�� �I I^ � .r�u�. ,Y.v:. . . <br /> � - M�-%ii fi s. <br /> . - - c=� - �s L. ° 24�..i�~�� „ 1��` -i��1.�-A'. '• -. <br /> --__._ . _'=_.___�r:c�_a,��,'�'���L;..��f:r.�f-. � �.:tro . . ^�� .� .� o � '-. . u 4 ' <br />