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..� .�...� ,...k'� � . y • ---_: <br /> _ +�� �..� ,, . <br /> „� •.Ji/n� ' , �•�.� <br /> . .�� ` � .�i ' _ . . . _. . .._ - .. . <br /> _-� 1 � . ' _—�.---_—_ .--._ —...._—"_ . <br /> ��_�___ _._?.�'� � . <br /> • 94' i�e9z <br /> •p�orfoda th�t L,ender roqui�cs. 7t�e i�wurance carrlcr provldln�the inrurwico shall be chasen by Borrower eubjoct w Lenderl� <br /> Rppmva!which dull not be unroawowbly withheld. If Borrowcr faile to mtintein coveraQe de:cdbed�bove.l.e�r may,�1 <br /> l�a�derk aption,obloin cover�ge to protcct Lendor'�d�hw in�he y in accordmce with paa�t+iph 7. <br /> All ineurwice palicicw and renawalr ohall be acceptablo to Le cr and sh�ll include a elandond mortgAgc clause. Lender <br /> �h�ll lurve�he ri�ht to hold thc policler and rcnewnla. If l.ender rcquircs.Bormwcr ehall pmmptlY pivo to Lendcr all neceiptr <br /> -._ — of paid prcmiumt and renewAl natices. In the event of loss,Bwrower ehall�ive prompt notice w the insurance cwtler and <br /> Lender. L,ender mpy malca pruof of locs if not mada promptly by Borrower. <br /> �� Unless Lender and Borrowcr ahenvise agra in writing,insurance proceeda shall be wppiled to rcstorattan or repair of <br /> �. <br /> ;H� ` ��- - `-- the y damaged. if thc restoration or repair Ia economicully fcasible and l.enderk sccurity is not lessene . 1 � e <br /> rect�or repAir is not economically feasible or I.enders secu�ity would bo lessened.�he insurancc proceeds ahall he <br />-= applied to the sums secured by �his Security lnst�ument.whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If <br /> '� Borrower abandons the Property,�r does not answer within 30 days a notice from L.ender thet the insum�ce carrier has <br /> -. �.5„��'������ offered to settle a claim,�hen Lender may colkct thc insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds ta nepair or rcstore <br /> ---�_-.,...,;_�� the Property or to pay sums sxured by this Secu�ity Insmunent.whe�her or not then due. The 30�dAy perMd will bcgin when <br /> --- -�--,.-r•�;�,::� ' the notice is given. <br /> _ - - <br />