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.� .C��+�T^Jat�.-..�. <br /> +�� • . .. <br /> . �� 94- io0�92 <br /> / applicable I�w nu�y�pecify fcr rdawtcmeat)befora ude of'the Propaty purwrat w wny powec of cale coatained in�di� <br /> Security Inqiun�entt ar(b)en�of�jud�nt enf'a+ciaQ thi�Securicy liuwmcnt. 71�ose condiUons aro th�t Borrowr.r: (A) <br /> p�y� l�ender ali �ums which then would bo due unda t�i�5ecurity insdument �nd tho Note u ii no �ccelmadon had <br /> occurred:(b)cuna wy dsfault of�ny oN�a covenant�a��cemen�:(c)paYs�II expen�es inc�rted in enfoncina Wt�5acu�ity <br /> ln�uwneat.iacludina. byt not limfoed to,rc,asonabk �Ior��ey�'fees:and(d)takes auch �cQon or Lcadcr mny reaco�wb�Y <br /> require w asaw�c thet the lien of�ht�Securi[y In4trw�xnt,l.eader'�riQhts in the Property and Bomowcr�obli�adon w p�y ehe <br /> wms securod by this Security In:truma►t sh�ll con�nue unchm�ed. Upon rcinw�tcmrnt by Harmwer. �hi� Socurity <br /> IasKUn�ent and the oMigalloes e�cu►ed hereby shall rcm�in fully effxtive as if no acceletAtion had occwnd. However.thi� � <br /> ri�ht to Maatate rh�ll not�pply in the case of acoekradon under pua�aph 17. <br /> �q, g�te at NMe$(,'h�o�e ot►.o�a Ssnloer. The Nac or ap�al intercst in thc Noto(togelher wfth thia Saudty <br /> lnanument)may be wld one or more times without prior nwice to$orrower. A satc rtwy resWt in a chunge in�hc enti�y <br /> (luwwn as 1he"[.oan Servfccr")lhat copceis monthly pvymentx due under thc Note wid this Socurity Inswmonl. There�Isu <br /> may be one or mone changes of the I.oan Servicer un�eluted w a sale of the Nota If thene is u change of the Loan Servicxt <br /> Bortower wiQ be given writtea notico of the changc in eccortlance wi�h peregraph 14 above and applicable law. The notia <br /> will stato the name and addness of the new LoAn Servicer and the addrcsc to which paymentc chould be made. 'tha notleo wjll <br /> �Iso conlain any other info�mallon�oquited by applicable law. <br /> Zp, Haswcdow Sqb�tonee�. Borrower siwll nd cause or permit the,or relaase of�ny <br /> Nezardous Subatances on ar in tho Propeccy. Bomawer shall not do.nor allow anyone dse to do.anylhing affecting ihe <br /> properiy tlwt is io violadon of eny Envlronmental Law. 7'he precading two sentences shali not apply to the pmsence.use.or <br /> storage on the Propecty of smaU quantides of Hazandous Substances dwt ore�ene►ally recognized to be appropdate to normsd <br /> recideatial uses wtd to maintcnance of the Property. <br /> Bomower ehall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigat�on,claim.demand.lewsuit or other acNon by any <br /> goveramentel or regulatory agencY ur privale part�+ involving the Property and any Hazrmdaus Substance or Bnvimnmentnl _. <br /> of whtch Botrower has actue! knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any go��emmental or regulatory <br /> authodty.that any amoval or other remediation of any Ha7ardous Substance afi'ecting the Property is neces.9ary,Bortower <br /> ehall prompUy take all necessary remediel actions in acwrdance with Environmental Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph 20."Hazar�doua Subatances"arc those substances deGned as roxic or hazardous substances by <br /> Environmental Law and the fbllowing substances: gasoline,kerosene.other tlammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic <br /> pesticides and herbicides. volatjle solvente. matedals conteining asbestos ar formaldehyde, nnd rudioactive matedals.�tA�s <br /> used in�his paragraph 20,"Environmen�al Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicdon whe�the Property <br /> that re�ate to health,safety or environmental pratection. <br /> NON-UNIFQRM COVENANTS. Sorrower and l.ender futther covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 21. Acakradon;Remedka Leuder slwll 8�ve nodce to Borrower prior to acaler�tlon following Horrower's <br /> 6rprcd ot wny coveaaot or agreement in Wls Secu�ity Iastrument(but aot prtor w aoceleradon under pAragraph 17 <br /> unle�applknble I�w provldes Mherwise). The notloe slu�ll apod(y: (n)t6e detwulli lb)�e actioa requtred to cure t6e <br /> det�Wt;(c)a less tiian 30 days trom the date the nodco is given to 8or� wLic6 the detault�us!bt <br /> cured;iud(d)Wat taUure W cure the defoult oa or before the d�te specifkd in the nodce mAy rrsult in accel�rwdon ot <br /> tbe sumv secured by tMis Securlty Insttvment wnd eale ot the Property. The noUce shnll iWrther infurm Borrower ot <br /> tde Nght to relnslate wner acceleraUon ond the right to bring o court action to wsse�t the non-exiQteace ot A defoult or <br /> any other detense ot Borrower to occelerAtbn and sale. If the detault is not cured on or befor�tbe date apecifled In <br /> tQe notice,l.ender wt ifs optbn may requlce Immedlote payment In iull ot nll sums secured bY tbts SecuNtY Iastruu�eat _ <br /> � � without thrfl�er demand smd may iovoke the power of eAle and any other remedies permitted by ppplkabk law <br /> Lender sbwll be endtled to coUect nll expenses incnrred In pursuing We remedtes provided in ihl� pora�raph 21. <br /> indudlog�bat not Ilmited to.reasonable nttorneys'fees and costs oi Utle evidence. <br /> U tbe power oi sale is Invoked,7lrustee s6a11 record A nodcc ot default in each county in which ony part ot the <br /> property Is loc�►ted and shall mpll rnpieg of suc6 notke io the mpnner prescrlbed by Applicable IAw to Borrnwer and to <br /> the Wher pe�sons pt�escrlbed by opplicable Iww. Mer the dme required by opplicable Ipw,lYustee shpll give publtc <br /> aotke ot sWe to We pe�sons and in the maaner prescribed by applicable law 7lrastee�without demond on Borrower, <br /> sdall aell the Property ot pubUc nuction to the highest Mdder at the dme wnd place Aad under the terms designated in <br />— tbe notice ot u�le in one or more parcels and In nny order 7Yustee determines. 1Yustee mpy postpone sale ot aU or aay <br /> parcsl ot the Property by public announcement s�t the dme and ploce of any previou�ly schedukd sWe. I.eader or its <br /> d�awy purchase the Property pt�ny sale. <br /> Upon reeeipt ot pAyment ot the price bid, 7hustee shell deliver to the purchaser 7lrustee's dced conveyio�thc <br /> pnuperty. The recitals in the 7rustee's deed shall be primn iacie evidence ot the truth ot the stntementa mnde therein. <br /> 7►mtee�bs�ll Apply We procecds oi'the s�le in the foUowin�order: lA)to all cosle oad expen�es ot exercisin�the power <br /> .� <br /> -T_�.."tT'" v __:...•.. li�:. :.. .'.". _.'`'__ _._ _ ._.._ _' __ _ _ . ._ —__ <br /> � -� S 7�y\� _� � �����:���r�...�.�. <br /> -- �T•,ras�tJ"�.� �� a'.•C��.r 4:.cti �.. _ <br /> —_ =•A lttliri -. ��S�w�._ <br /> .. �� N �nlrL i� LSiJ9 . ::�c.:_,�. ._ <br /> - �,,,� 9 _ .. " ..' ' �. .. <br /> -_—`� ,rx,,�:'{.'?�°��'^��?' . ',�.�....',��' . Y.•.�cwtr�►wr�s c 1 ^ , ,�.•:'.. <br /> , <br /> ..:�.�� •z�4-�-•+��4 �.r = <br />