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� __ __�. . t .-r�� <br /> `..� '.r: , � .. ., . ' • .... .- . --��.-__ . <br /> ' _ �tj-:_-r <br /> 4f1 <br />�— � �J1 .._. _ �.. �. <br /> — �_ _.___..�::�.,� 94- soo�s <br /> 17.1tander utlhe Property or a Beadlelal In�t In Horrowcr.If all or any��a�t of thc Propo�ty or airy intsrat in it <br /> l�roid or traacfert+od(or ii a bencflcial intercst in Bomowa�IQ cold or transfercod and Born►wer ia not q natural person)without <br /> Lender'n pddr writtcn rnnsent, l.ender mey, at i� option, roq uiro immedi�te payment in tLll of�II cumc �ecured by this <br /> Securiry Incttuinent.However,lhie option�I nat bo axerci�ed by i,mder if exerci�e ia prohibitod by foden�l Iwv�t of 1he due <br /> of thia Ba-uriry Inwrumcnt. <br /> If Lerdcr exerci�es this optian,Lender shaii�ive Ban+nwer notice of occeleration.'1'he notice shall pmvlde a periad ot not <br /> �eas then 30 days from the dpte tha notfce is delivcred ar mailed within which Horrower must pay all sums sesured by this <br /> Seeu�ity instrument.IP Borrower fail�ta pay thczo cums pdor to the expiretion oP this perlod.Lender mRy invoke any remediee <br /> pertnitted by this Sccud Instrument without further nc�tice or demand on Aorrower. <br /> �`�"��`��---T�' 18. Bornuwer's �ht to Rein�te. If Borrower mectx �;crtain conditions, Borrower shall huve the right to hnve <br /> enfonxment of this Secudty inctrwneru discontinutld at any dme prlor to the earlier of: (a)S days(or such other perfad as <br /> applicable law mey spocif� ior reinstatement) 6efore sale af the Properry purxuant to any power c►f r�alc containod in this <br /> Security U�stntment;or(b)entry af a judgment eniar¢ing this Security Instrument. Those conditions are thut Borrower:(a)pays <br /> Lender all suma which then would be due undcr this Security Instcument and the Natc as if no acceleration S�ad oocurred: (b) <br /> cu� any defauit of any other covenanis or agreements: (c) pays all expenses incurrcd in enforcing this Secu�ity In:ttument. <br /> inciuding.but not limited to.ft8StlllAlflB 8tt0171C�y8� fees: and (d)�akes such acdon as Lender may reasonably requlre to assure <br />-�` th�t the licn of thie Secudty Jnstrument,Lender s rlghts in thc Propeny und Borrawer's obiigution to pay the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument shall cantinue unchanged. Upon rcinstatement by Borrower. this Secu�ity Ustn�ment end the <br /> obligatiana secured hereby shall remnin fully effective as if no acceleratjon had occurred. However.this right to reinstate ehall <br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under paragrnph 17. <br /> 19. Sale oi Note; ChanQe ot Lam Servker. The Note ar a pariial inlerest in the Note (togetiwr wilh this Security <br /> lnstrumenq mey be�ald one or more timec without priar notice lo BoROwer. A sal�may result in a chunge in the entity(known <br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that callects monthly paymente due under the Note und thia Secu�iry Instrument. There also may be one <br /> -- - — -- -�� <br /> or mare changes of the Laan Servicer unrelated ta a Rule oi the Nae.[f there is e chan�e of'the Loan Servicer. Borrower will be <br /> — given written notice of the chango in accordance with paragraph 14 alwve r��J applicable luw.l7�e�wtice w 11 atate the name <br /> address af Ihe new Laan Sorvicer and ihe to which payments�hould be m�de.The notice wlll also contafn any other <br /> infarn�ation rcquired by applicable law. <br /> �`�:�.n�o 20. Hazardous Subst�nces. Rorrower shall not cause or perniit the presence, use. disposal, st�rage, or releuse of any <br /> Hazar�doua Substances on or in the P�operty. Borrower shall not da, nor allaw anyone else ta do. unything affecting the <br /> Propeny that is in violation of any Environmental Luw. The preceding two xentences shull not apply to the presence.use, or <br /> --����°"° — storage on the Propeny of smull yuentities of Haxardous Substances that are generally recognized to be apprapriate to nornial <br /> =�"-�-°= <br />