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--�w i.: . . .-r..��.i:� <br />- ,• y' ��, � �� � ,� _ ' --_ .,rr�= <br /> � -. . _�� .._.._ _ ---- " _T..- '-_-_- <br /> ' - . �� ,�� - --� --- . <br /> __°_ �__ - :..� 4 ` <br /> i , TO(iETHBit WI'�'H dl the impmvemento n�w or benuAer erected on Ne Property�and�� � , �aod <br /> l4tw+p now or hmeaflsr a put af thc property. All ropl�aemenn �nd �Idition� �hall ala be oove�ed by tht� �eavity <br /> i�o�uument.All of tho forc�oln�Is roterr+od to in thir Socudty Inatrument�tlb"Propeny.» <br /> � �ORRaWBR COVSNANTS lh�t Borrowcr i�lawfully�el�ed of the a�ute herebY oonveyed and h�s the rlaht to�rant�nd <br /> � c�nnvay the Prqperty ud tIW tl�e Property ir une�xum6erad.except for encumbnuice�of reoord. Borrnwer wur�nts a�d wlll <br /> � defead�ener�lly the dtle to We Property��inu all clAima and demands,s��bjoct to pny encumbrances of roco�+d. <br /> THIS SHCURITY INSfRUMBWT cambine�uniform cavenontr for national w�o and non-unitorm a�vuwnt�wlth lirdted <br /> ' varlatio�by jurisdtction to conwiwte a uniform�curiry incirument wvering real property. <br /> —'�– – - - UNIFORM COV6NAN'PS.Bonowcr and i.�ndcr rnvenant and Agroo as follaws: <br /> i 1. Prymeat ot Prluclpd u�d Interati �Y� aad I.wte Cfwryes. Borrower shall pmmPUY PaY when dua the <br /> prfacipal of rnd interect on the debt evidem�ed by the Note and any prcpayment urd letc char�ea due under the Note. <br /> 2. F�oda far T�xes�nd lo�urnnce. Subject to applicable law or tu a w�itten waiver by Lendar, BomaWer chall p�y to <br /> La�der on thc day monthly payments ere due undcr the NWe,until the Note ia paid in full.n�um("Funds")far:(a)yearly uues <br /> and�s�erKments which may Attain prforfty over thia Secudty Insuument as A Nen on the Property;(b)yearly Icasehold paymcnt� <br /> - or ground cents on the Property,iP any;(c)yeul y Mawtd or property insurance premiums;(d)yeuly tlood inauran�x pnemiums. <br /> if any;(o)yeuly►nortgage insurAnce premiums. if any;and(�any sums payable by Borrowar to l.ender,in acoocdance with <br /> the proviaions of paragraph 8, in lieu of tha payment of mortgage insurqnce premiums.These items arc callod 'E.gcrow Items." <br /> Lender may,ut any time.colloct and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the muximum amount a lender for a foderally <br /> r�latal mortgage loan may roquire for Horrower's escrow eccount under the federel Real Esmte Senlement Proceduncs Act of <br /> 1974 as amcnded from time to timc, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 e1 seq. ("RESPA").unless another Iaw that epplies ta thc Funds <br /> .__ _____�. su� a lesser artwunt. If so, Lender may, at any time. rnllect a�l hold Funds in An amcwnt not to excee�the lesser amount. <br /> ___ Lendcr msiy estimate the amount of Funds due nn the basia of current dwa aM reananable estimates of expenditurcs of Itituro <br /> F?�crov�Items or atherwlse in acco�dw�ce with epplicable law. <br /> ---_ The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency. instrumentality, or entity <br /> _ �� � (including Lender.if Lender is such an inscitution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.L,ender shnll apply the Funds to pay the <br /> -- Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds.annually analyzing the eacrow account,or <br /> _�. – _ verifying the Escrow ltems,unless Lender puys Borrower interest on the F�nds and applicable law permits Lender to make such <br /> �–�' a�charge. Hawever. C.ender may rrquire Borrower to pay a one-lime cherge for an independent real estate tax reporting servicc <br /> �;n� useJ by Lender ln rnnnection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwi�se. Unless an agrcement is itwde or <br /> — applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. <br /> -- — Borrower and l.ender msiy agree in writing. however. that interest sh�ll be paid on the Funds. Lcndcr shall givc to Borrower, <br /> — _ without charge. an annual accaunting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Fuods And the purposc for which each <br /> �w:•�W�. ` debil to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secured by this Secu�ity lnstniment. <br /> �'��c'"""'•' ' If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by opplicable luw,l.ender shall account to Borrower <br /> y�,_�.�Aa�th�>;. ; <br /> }.,:as"`,�yti. ; for the excess Funds in accordance wlth�he requirements of applicable law. If the amaunt of the Funds held by L.ender at any <br /> ' ''�`�`;�'�� tlme is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,L.ender may so notify&irrawer in writing,and,in such case 1BoROwer <br /> r �`�� � shall pay to Lender the wnount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrawer shall make up the deticiency in no more tha�t <br /> -. t;;' ,•:•�..�.� <br /> ;��'�s"� �'" twelve monthly l.ender's sole discretion. <br /> :� , �:.•e..�: ; <br /> � � '''''a�� '�?` � ' ' Upon payment in full of all sums securecl by this Security Instrument, I.ender shall promptly refund to BoROwer uny <br /> �, ...� : � l <br /> � .; Funds held by Lender. If.under parugreph 21,l.ender shall ucquire or sell the Pmperty. Lender,prior to the acquisi�lon or sale <br /> of�he.Praperty.ahall apply any Funds held by Lender et the time of acquisi�ion or aule as A credit ageinst the sums secuad by <br /> � - thf�Secutity Instrument. <br /> � !'�'t ''^..'a" 3.Applleatton oP Payments. Unless upplicnble luw provides otherwise,all payments received by l.ender under parngraphs <br /> =`���`'�"f ! and 2 shull be a lied: tirst, �o an re u ment chnr e�due under the Note; second,to amaunts a able under h 2; <br /> ,..,�,:;,�. PP Y p p Y � • P Y P��P <br /> ;�,y. 'y� interest due;fourth,ro principal due;wid lust,to any Intc charges cluc under the Note. <br /> h-�.;•�r�, �: 4.Chwrges=Liens. Borrower shall pay ull taxes, assessments, charges, Fines aad impoci�ions auribulable to the Propeny <br /> —' '�y which may anain priority over thih Secu�ity Instrument, and leusehold payments nr gmund rents, if any. Borrower shnll pay <br /> —° � .��:�.j.�,;��� " thesc obligations in the manner proviJcd in purogr�ph 2,or if nat paid in that menner, Borrower shull pay them on time dinecHy <br /> �'; - ,��'�y,,;;,�„y to the pen;on owed payment. Hornawer shall prompUy Purnish to L.ender all notices of umaunts to be pnid under this paregraph. <br /> -��,�..,`}�r,.� lPBorrower makes these paymenis direcdy, Barmwer shnll promptly furnish to l.i:ndcr rercipts evidencing the puyments. <br /> �a''•-�"�"" Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien whirh has priority over this Securiry Instrument unless Bomower. ln)agrees in <br /> - 1 <br /> ?��'��. wdting to the payment of the obligution securcd by thc Ilcn in A munncr ucccptablc to L.cndcr;(b)contests in good fnith the lien <br /> "°'�7�'� by, or defeids ugainst enforcemem of the lien in, legul praceedings which in the Lender's opinion opemte to prevent the <br /> �����.r�a�.K i: <br /> �ii'1�:�i.i!A.•• <br /> :�.,+�. 7,��, enforcement of the lien;or(c)securcs from the holder of�he lien un agreement w�isfac�nry t�i l.cnder subnrdinating the lien to <br /> � •���5� thia Secu�ity Instrument. if Lender determines thut uny purt of the Property ix subjcrt to a licn which may attuin pdority over <br /> t:;�,,,..; t6ie Security Instrument, l,ender ms►y give Bnrmwer A noticc idcmifying thc licn. &urowrr+hall u►tisfy thc licn or tuke one or <br /> "�°��'��"• more of the actions set fnrth above within I O days of the giving ot'naice. <br /> Fam 302Y �IiO <br /> Pp�4o16 <br /> _��� � <br /> � t <br /> ____._ _��1S1.i`�� ���'X'��r�� mV. __ �o-o�.���.-. <br /> _ =—=-xrr:.___�__--__-_ ���.a..�:�;� �`...- —r—=�.;r�-a�L•��:�� <br /> -- ""�l3i't LL:'_ - __ - --- - , - r- - M� -- I �^'�F;�-:'-= Tj�;��,'�r�R-b-.. <br /> 1.., •4_y� t <br /> _ .�.,,y,k . .. „.. _ MAX#ffj/riRl sw��NS '- .: _`�tt . t�e� i. <br /> :t_'...� . . ., .- . � -�. 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