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-5- <br /> � •,�\ , • ;' .. � _ . �r_. <br /> �. - _ _ " _. . i`�... ._ <br />. __— , ; '__ _— _ . _ _. T <br /> .�_.�' ___ �.`�daY� ' .. <br /> &84-100869 <br /> condemn�tion or alher Wcfn�of rny pnt oi the for cortvey�nca In liau condenuutlon,ue h�nby�uf�ned+u�d <br /> �u be a L,ender. <br /> In �ho evem of a tat�l uikin8 of the Property, lheproceala ehall bc app�ied to tho cums �ccuRd by this Sxudty <br /> LwWmrnt,whether or not the�due,wilh�ny excees pdd to 8orrower. ln the event of a pwAi�l lakin�ot the Ky in <br /> th <br /> which thc fair marlcet valuo of the Property immodiately boforc the teking is equal to or greater then�he Amount of sum� <br /> �oc�ed by thia Sec�uqry Inspyment irnnxdietely befae the takinQ.unksa Bomnwer and I.ender olherwioc,��rce in w�iting. <br /> tl►e aumr aoeured by thia Security Insdument eh�ll be r�educed by tho uiwunt of the procada multipifed by the following <br /> � '- ` ' fractfon: (a)�he tcKel amount of thc eums cecured immedintcly befoa thc tukittg.dtvlded by(b)the fair maricet value�f the <br /> � P�npccty immedistely before Ihe takln�. My bwlence shall 6e paid to Bom►wer. In the event of a partf�l taking of Iho <br /> Pir+npeRy in which the fair market value of the PropeRy immediately beforc the taking is icss�hwi Ihe amount af thc sums <br /> secured immediately before the taking,unleus Borrower end Lender othenvisc �grce in wddng or unlesa applicable luw <br /> otherwiso provides,the procoods�Iwll 6e�pplied to iFie cuma serured by this Security lnsl�ument wbether or not the cwns are <br /> then due. <br /> If the Property ia nbandoned by Bomower.or if,after twtice by L.ender to Borrower thnt the candemnor offera to muke <br /> ° � an award or settic a claim for damaees.Borrawer fails to respond to Lender wlthin 30 days afler the date the notice is given, <br /> Lender is authorized to calloct and apply the i►a optian,either to�storation or rcpair of the Pmperty or to�he <br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not�hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise ag�es in wridng,uny opplicadon of praceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> poatpone 1he due date of the monthly payments referr�to In parngrnphs 1 and 2 or change 1hc amount of such paymanis. <br /> I1. Borrnwer Not Iteleased; Forbearenoc By l.ender Not a Waiver. Eztension of the time far payment or <br /> modification of amortizution of the sums secw+ed by thia Secudty Inspument granted by Lender ta uny successor in mterest <br /> ._.�_� __ ___ _, of Barrower shall not operate to rekase the liability of ihc original Borrower or Burrower�euccessots in interest.Lender <br /> n�� shall not be required to commence praceedingx against any surcessor in interest ar refuse tu extenJ time for puyment or - <br />'-��.4F-�I <br /> otherwlac modify amortization of thc sums secured by this Security lastrument by reason of any demand made by the originul <br /> - Borrower or Bomnwer'c suecessors in intenest. Any forbeara►ce by Lender in exercising any rfght or rcmedy ahall nat be u <br /> '__;�!n�� waiver of or pt+eclude�he eaercise of uny right or remedy. <br />-����._._._-_ <br />