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���� '__ ��._�'\�� ., �•� //5 . . _'-•,. <br /> .� 1 � . _ ... . - - . _ . . <br /> =_______�.::.,.�� 94- - - - ----- <br /> raaeTHeR wrrH al�We+roproyaoaNa noW a I�e�afl��a on the propaty,�na d����•,•na <br /> flxtutas naw ar � r p�tt of Iho propaty. All tapl�anentt and additiona�rlWl d�o be wverod by 1hb SoeuriRy <br /> —' laatument.All uf�ha fon�oin�i�rofetred to fn thi�Secu�ity In�trumont u��he"Property" <br /> ; BORROWBR COVENANTS th�M Borrower is I�►wfully�ef�ed of Ihe e�to hercby convcyod and Iwv tho ri�ht to araat and <br /> I aonvey the Property outd tlWt thc Prc�edy is unencumbcrod, for et�cumbnu�of rcrnrd. Homawer wart�nts and will <br /> � defend QenerAlly thc tide to�he PropertY+�oinst all clwimr and dcmamis.,wnjK�ro.�y�,��,�cea ar rcrn�a. <br /> THIS 14ECURII'Y iNSTRUM@NT combine�unifmm caven�nt�ior nwiozul use and nan-unifam oovenantr wi�h limited <br /> - �---- ----� variaiicwu by Ju�i�diaion w ooiutlwtc o unifortn socudty inurumcnt uovcring rcal propeny. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANT3.Borrower and Lcndcr wven�nt wid a�roe ar fallow�: <br /> 1. Pnypxat of Priocip�l aad lata+ests Prel�Ymaa� �ad l.�te Chu�w. Bomower xlwll prumP��Y P�Y when due tha <br /> � principal of and imerat on�he debl cvidenood by the Note sud�ny prcpayment wri I�te rhar�es duc un�lcr the Ndc. <br /> � 2. Fund��or Taxea wd lavnna.Subjert In applicablc iaw or to a wrinen waiver by Lender, Bormwer aludl pay to <br /> Lender on the�y manthly payments arc duo under thc Note,uMil�he NWe ia pnid in full,u sum("Funda")far: (A)yearly t�tes <br /> —��_ _ �nd acr.�.�ssmet►ts which may attain priodty over this Sav�ity Instrument as a lien on the Property;lb)yearly lez�sehold payment� <br /> — c- or�round renGC on the Pr+nperty.if nny:lc)Yaarly har�ud ar propehy insu�x�e pr+emium.c;(dl yearly fload insurance prcmiums. <br /> if siny: (N yearly marlgage insurance premium�. if any:and(�ony sunuti payable by Barrower to L.ender. in acco�nce wlth <br /> the proviaiaw af parng�ph 8. in lieu of the payment of mortguge insurance premiums.These item9 a�e called"Esemw Items." <br />__ l.ender any tim�.mllect�nd hold Fund� in an Anxwnt na to excead ihe maximum amaunt a lender for �foderally <br /> � rclatod mongage loao muy requirc far Borrawer's esrrow s�mwnl urder the federal Real Eswte Setqem:nt Procedurcs Act af <br /> � 1974�wnetwfad f�am time to time. 12 U.S.C. 5eclinn 2601 e�seq. ("RESPA"1.unless wxHhcr luw Ihat npplies to the Funds <br /> -- - - sets a lesser amount. Ii so, Lenicr may.ut any limc. collect and hold Funds in an am�wnt not to ezoeud �hc lesser amount. <br /> Lender rtwy estimate the wnaint of Funda duc on the twsis of cument d�w and�usonable estimates of expenditurcs of future <br /> Escmw Itans or atherwise in r�ccotdance wi�h applicable Ittw. <br /> The Funds shall be held in an institulion whose depocits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, o� eMity <br /> (including I.ender,if Lender is such an inslitution)or in any Fodcral Home I.oan Bank. I.ender shall a�ppiy the Funds w pay�he - <br /> Escrow Items. Lende�may not charge BoROwer for holding and applying the Funds,annually anal}rzing the escrow�.rnunt,ar <br /> verifying the Escmw Items,unles.c l.ender pays Borrowe�•interest an the Funds and applicable IAw permits l.ender to make�uch <br /> �charg�. However, Lcnde�may requirc Borrower to{wy a ane-time rha�e for sm independem real estate Iuu reporting service <br /> used by I.ender in conneclion wlth this loan, unless applicable luw provides wherwise. Unless an agreem�nt is made or <br /> ''' �. �+►, applicable law roquires interest to be paid,l.endcr shull not be required to pay Borrawer any interest or camings on the Funds. <br /> Borrower urd Lender may agrce in writing, however.that imercst shall be pnid an Ihe Funds. l.ender shall givc to Borrower, <br /> - __ - witM�ut charge, an annual accountina of the Funds. showin� credits und de6its to the Funds and the Qurpose for which es+ch <br /> . � `�3 _-4�.�—. <br />